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Anonymous No. 170397

Best places to get mma torrents, specifically bjj instructionals?

Anonymous No. 170641

Knaben database rules. Otherwise search for '(name of instructional/instructor) + rutracker'

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Anonymous No. 170651

>Oh, I see you’re pirating my book anon. Are you enjoying it? I hope you are. Now I’m sure you won’t mind if I just slip your arm between my legs and pull a little omoplata, would you? No, I’m not going to stop; in order to fully grasp the technique it’s essential that you learn it from start to finish.

Anonymous No. 170652

Everything js on point but the most obvious thing you got wrong in that it's not a book. I don't get how that's possible

Anonymous No. 172473

>197 dollars
Lol nope.
Glad I pirated that shite long time ago.
>Best places to get mma torrents, specifically bjj instructionals?
Unironically 4chan. I downloaded several materials off a thread listing MMA videos and books, it was a long time ago so idk if it's still available though.