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🧵 Western boxing is an internal kung fu style

Anonymous No. 170484

You will hate this but it's true. Especially pugilism and early modern boxing until the 1950s or so.

>Weightlifting is frowned upon, instead you need to develop a special kind of explosive force with obscure exercises
>Emphasis on attacking the internal organs instead of breaking bones
>Development of full body power
>Claims that the practice is very healthy but will ruin your health if you overdo it or train wrong
>Secret knowledge passed down among teachers
>A boxer should be able to beat up much bigger, stronger men
>Concept of using skeletal structure instead of athletic muscular force (power line a la Dempsey or Monstery)
>Emphasis on relaxation instead of tension
>Yielding is called rolling with the punches
>Emphasis on solo work for gaining correct techniqe (Shadow boxing)
>Mostly about Dim Mak (Hitting vital points like jaw, temple, solar plexus, liver, heart...)

Anonymous No. 170488


Anonymous No. 170507

>Western boxing is an internal kung fu style
Today, "kung fu" implies an Asian "martial art" that exists despite not actually live sparring to verify the effectiveness of technique. Western boxing is the exact opposite.

TLDR: Kung Fu is Chinese garbage and inferior to western boxing, Muay Thai, and even kick boxing.

Anonymous No. 170512

shhh don't let the people know that everything is real

Anonymous No. 170515

>Draw your power from the earth, and turn your body into a whip
Good stance, snap punches. Translations are often ass, on several points. Once you understand how many pre communism chinks liked to say very literal things in very overly prosey ways, you'll get a real appreciation for just how badly they fucked themselves in the long run. It's like an entire literary school was based around the Jap beat poet impromtu haiku shit.

Anonymous No. 170532

Kung Fu does not imply Martial Art or Asian origin, its a term in Chinese meaning Great Skill. "In its original meaning, kung fu can refer to any discipline or skill achieved through hard work and practice, not necessarily martial arts" Straight from Wikpedia.

Gong Fu is what Kung Fu is called in Chinese, what you might mean is Kenpo (拳法 Fist-Law) or Karate (Empty Hand 空手) ultimately from the same origin of Chinese Hand/Karate: 唐手 (Tang dynasty hand) (Chinese Boxing basically.)

The reason was to hide the techniques from outsiders most likely, they were closed schools that practiced in secret or during night time so nobody else could learn their art. This happened to a Taichiquan school one time and the result? Yang style Taichi was formed after he demonstrated the applications well enough after being caught spying on their lessons.

Anonymous No. 170540

Go back to >>>reddit if you're just going to be a faggot troll cunt.

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Anonymous No. 170552

>it's yet another tcm copium thread

Anonymous No. 170656

I bet it was the cultural revolution, but indirectly. The usual narrative is that the CCP singled out martial artists specifically, but there is little evidence for this. Especially because Mao actually liked kung fu. What the CCP did do is pulverize the traditional Chinese institutions that placed supreme importance on familiarity with classical Chinese. Writing everything in an extremely flowery and poetic fashion was the sign of a scholar. Conversely, post-revolution it was the sign of a reactionary. Literacy changed to the straight to the point Marxist style and the resulting interpretations of martial arts manuals were overly literal and stupid. Kung fu was probably impractical in many ways, but with some decent fundamentals. Now it's impractical in every way with bad fundamentals. And we have simplified characters to blame.

Anonymous No. 170696

>Will ruin your health if you overdo or train wrong
That's literally any form of physical exercise or technique ever
Fuck, not even physical
That one guy in the Manhattan project who did supercritical experiments and fried his testicles for instance

🗑️ Anonymous No. 170701

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294
Lunar Rabbit Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 170702

Cheesy pugilism movies when?

Anonymous No. 171712

>"kung fu" implies an Asian "martial art" that exists despite not actually live sparring to verify the effectiveness of technique
There's a small Wing Chun school in the building I work at and those guys go to town on each other (no homo) for like 30 minutes 3 times a week.

Carlos No. 172100

I guess he became'an (man hating) guy

Anonymous No. 172105

you dont train

Anonymous No. 172133

None of this is exclusive to kung fu or boxing. These are basic body mechanics

Anonymous No. 172173

This is a bait thread, but I will say that boxing has a fair degree of garbage training and superstition. Kung fu is garbage but people who think boxing or western martial arts in general are 100% scientific are kidding themselves.

Anonymous No. 172208

You suck

Anonymous No. 172294

They suck and you suck

Anonymous No. 172296

>boxing has a fair degree of garbage training and superstition
Such as?

Anonymous No. 172320

>They suck
God I hope so, the girls there are qt af, thinking of joining just for she/them.

Anonymous No. 172321

wing chun is fine nigga

Anonymous No. 172333

>he actually believes this

Anonymous No. 172341

it is fine nigga

Anonymous No. 172356


Anonymous No. 172438

>Cus D'Amato was a firm believer in astrology and thought fighters from certain signs had more potential
>Jack Dempsey used to brine his face since he thought it made it tougher and more resistant to cuts.
>Dempsey also chewed pine tar gum to make his jaw stronger
>Muhammad Ali and Manny Pacquiao both abstained from having sex with their wives in the leadup to a fight due to the common boxing superstition that sex before a fight would weaken you
>Tyson Fury jacked off 7 times a day before his rematch with Deontay Wilder to boost his testosterone

Anonymous No. 172466

>Cus D'Amato was a firm believer in astrology and thought fighters from certain signs had more potential
>what is relative age effect
Remember, the frogs were gay from the start.

Anonymous No. 172523

>Muhammad Ali and Manny Pacquiao both abstained from having sex with their wives in the leadup to a fight due to the common boxing superstition that sex before a fight would weaken you
Anon that’s the truth though. You have to withhold and cultivate your chi.

Anonymous No. 172563


Anonymous No. 172578

Lol. Lmao

Anonymous No. 172579

Actually useful for timing training

Anonymous No. 172580

Nah, it's mindless
You go by rhythm and sound

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Anonymous No. 172620

>bro it’s not training your timing your just using rhythm

Anonymous No. 172622

double end bag is much better option in a full sized gym for sure.

Anonymous No. 172671

Timing, in a fighting context, isn't rhythm. Rhythm is bad if anything, that's called being predictable. Timing is actually capitalizing on your opponent's predictability and hitting them in brief, vulnerable moments. A speedbag won't help you with that skill.

Best use-case I've seen argued is that it helps strengthen the muscles used to keep your hands up. The first thing to prune from training though if you have to. They are fun to get good at too. That's something.

Anonymous No. 173876

Yup this it helps you roll your fists longer/train your shoulders to not tire out and faster jabs, double end/Reflex bag is better for the type of training you are looking for.

Anonymous No. 174332

this can be applied to most forms of striking