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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 170593

>Be me, Bam Margera, legendary skater and prankster extraordinaire.
>Decide to take things to the next level, unleash ultimate chaos.
>Jess, my loyal brother, unsuspecting of my dark intentions.
>Plan a blood ritual, summoning dark forces for ultimate power.
>Jess, clueless fool, falls right into my trap.
>As the moon shines, I strike, ending his life in a twisted sacrifice.
>Blood spills, power surges through my veins, I am unstoppable.
>But wait, what's this? Avengers assemble!
>Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Thor, they confront me.
>With their combined might, they challenge my newfound power.
>Will I prevail or crumble under their heroic onslaught?
>Only time will tell in this epic battle of good versus evil.

Anonymous No. 170617

why are zoomers so awful at using greentext

Sage No. 170629

Hey anon I get that youre autistic and you don’t understand humor but this isn’t funny at all and you’re a massive faggot.

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Anonymous No. 172744

This was fucking hilarious