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🧵 /BJJ/ - BJJ General

Anonymous No. 171007

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
"1924 armlocks" edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: Do you have a "weak spot" you tap early to? What made it weak?

Anonymous No. 171013

>Do you have a "weak spot" you tap early to?
>What made it weak?
Don't wanna be soft crippled.

I've seen retards giving people life long injuries so they could win a tin medal in an amateur tournament they paid to attend. No, thanks.

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Anonymous No. 171016

>move is named after a guy
>go on youtube to look at move
>no footage of the guy using the move
>dozens of tutorials from randoms about how to do the move
why are BJJfags like this?

Anonymous No. 171017

I was reading a an interview with a old school bjj instructor. He was talking about throwing knees to the head to stop a take down in matches and not even having weights to lift. The not having weights shocked me as he had an intimating frame. I am currently very broke the only reason I am still going to classes is the big discount if you pay for multiple years at once.

So is there a good body weight training guide aimed at bjj athletes?
>t. Skinny fat blue belt working nights in a warehouse and online college.

Anonymous No. 171018

You're gonna need Pride events if you want to see that Aoki lock.

Anonymous No. 171021

Theres a lot of great bodyweight exercises you can do. Pullups, pushups, planks, dips, squats, hipthrusts, and dont forget to work your neck too

Anonymous No. 171024

Do mean just doing 5x5 for all does basic movements?

Is this what you mean for neck training? I didn't think I could train my neck without weight.

Anonymous No. 171028

Depends on how good a workout you want. you can set your own numbers and increase the nunber as you get in better shape
And yes those are the neck workouts i was talking about. They are incredibly effective and were probably my least favorite part of my workout lol

Anonymous No. 171029

Nothing off the shelf, but you should look into advanced calisthenics programmes, working towards one arm push ups, pistol squats, dragon flags, etc. Do you have access to bars to train your back? Many parks have them. If not your back will probably end up underdeveloped.

Anonymous No. 171030

I'm not trying to dissuade you from doing it, but understand that in some places steroids are cheaper and easier to get ahold of than formed iron for weight training. You can certainly get plenty strong and induce hypertrophy without weights, but be mindful that the person talking may not have been entirely without assistance.

Anonymous No. 171031

If by old school bjj dude he means a vale tudo era brazilian they were all roided to the gills back then.

>t. the owner of my previous gym organized vale tudo matches in the 80s.

Anonymous No. 171033

Great thanks I will give them a try once I clock out of work.
Thanks for those movements it good to have goals to training for.
I think there one in a park somewhere nearby. If not I could just get a cheap door way bar.
That is good to knew but I probably won't start. It would make sense for some selling there physique to use drugs to improve it. I am not making any money from how I look.

Anonymous No. 171037

Drugs are for pros or for people with cash to spare. If you just do something for general health and fun they're not worth it. For you to get good results, don't fuck up your body too much and have a nice way to get off them eventually you need quality stuff and close medical assistance, both of which are quite expensive even for people that aren't struggling.

With you luck though, anon. When it gets rough it's good to remember that even though your situation isn't ideal it's still much better than not doing anything.

Anonymous No. 171040

Thanks anon, I will keep that in mind when I train.

Anonymous No. 171042

why do newfags keep making threads when the old one is still on page 3
this board is deader than fucking dead you could let the other thread be past bump limit for another six months before making a new fucking thread

Anonymous No. 171043

google "progressive overload" or go to /fit/
basically add volume or add resistance (weight, such as rocks in a backpack)
5 reps is way too low for any of those movements with just bw, planks are shit

don't do steroids, sarms are not safer than steroids, don't use peptides
those are for people who already have training, sleep and diet down to a T and have been at it for years

Anonymous No. 171047


Anonymous No. 171057

>this board is deader than fucking dead
don't summon a retard to make /xs/ fast by saying shit like this.

you make new threads at bump limit if you care about making sure your thread wouldn't be pruned by the existence of such a retard, you'd only need one.

Anonymous No. 171063

I remember the downfall of /asp/

Anonymous No. 171069

I happen to be one of the /asp/ characters, I've just gone low key since the boards changed

I miss that board though, still hurts

Anonymous No. 171073

yeah that was a fun board til it got taken over by the pro wrestling fags

Anonymous No. 171087

Okay so if I increase the reps by one push-up per day. By the time I reach by 5x30 I reset back to 5x5 with weight and repeat. Is that what you mean?

I am struggling with 5x5 currently.

Anonymous No. 171089

Just google some online calisthenic program dude

Anonymous No. 171090

See this >>171029
> nothing off the shelf
But yeah thanks for all the help I think I have an idea of what to do now.

Anonymous No. 171109

Sandbag and Bulgarian bag. Easy and cheap to make, plenty effective.

Anonymous No. 171128

More or less but you don’t need to hit 30 reps of pullups to add weight. It depends on the difficulty of the exercise. You can also change leverage or increase ROM instead of adding weight to make it more difficult. Do 10 pullups past chin? Start touching your clavicles, or add weight, or keep adding volume. Do 20 pushups? Time yourself and do them faster.
Calisthenics is a bit different from lifting but if you have wypipo IQ you can figure out ways to create variation in your routine and get stronger.

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Kushti wrestler.jpg

Anonymous No. 171167

>So is there a good body weight training guide aimed at bjj athletes?

Free squats for legs and cardio. Start off with 100 and adjust your rythm based on your cardio. Work your way up to being able to do 500 and do them regularly.

Pull up bar is one of THE best training aids in the world. Palms towards you works your biceps, away works your lats, doing them behind the neck like a military press will work your traps. Start with 6 chin-ups, pull-ups, militarys and work your way up.

Push ups develop upper body strength and endurance. Wide arms for lats, closer for triceps and chest. Start with sets of 25 wide, narrow, and shoulder width. Work your way up.

For abs do sit ups, standing waist bends, and side to side bends.

For neck lay on your bed with head hanging over the side and move it back and forth from side to side for reps, than lay on your stomach and do them from front to back. Be careful with your neck. A lot of athletes screw theirs up by doing bridges.

Between those exercises and regularly rolling, you'll be extremely fit with needing anything other than a chin up bar.

pic related: Those Indian wrestlers stick with mostly body weight training, and are vegetarian. The exercises work.

Anonymous No. 171168

Imagined if they trained as hard as they did with actual weights lmao. How much stronger they would be.

It works because they worked hard not because its efficient. Skinnyfat fag has a job. He should just go lift weights like a normal person instead of wasting time

Or just buy a barbell, some plates, a pullup bar and random accesoried pieces

>mostly body weight training

Anonymous No. 171171

Weights don't give you the endurance the way body weight exercises do, and are far more likely to cause injury. I rolled with a lot of guys that weight trained, and while stronger than I was, they gassed out way faster making their extra strength useless.

Do what you think is best, regardless.

Anonymous No. 171172

Grappling seems more satisfying than striking, even with accurate one hit kos

Anonymous No. 171173

Because that's not what they were training for. Weights are flat-out better than bodyweight for almost every single movement, even of you're going for.high rep ranges in both. They allow you more control over specific load and enable simpler movements to develop certain muscles.

Try working your shoulders without weights. You can do it, but it's a pain in the ass.

Anonymous No. 171174

Different games for different people. I do both and even though I overall have a bit more success with grappling I think striking is more fun. Way harder to train, but more fun still.

Anonymous No. 171175

Imagine hitting lower body without weights
They gas out better either they dont do enough jiujitsu and have no cardio for it, use their energy wrong, are better and are older than you, or less conditioned then you. Its not the weights that's at fault, anon

Anonymous No. 171176


Jesus christ

Anonymous No. 171177

>Imagine hitting lower body without weights
Yeah, the build up is horrible. You Cana be /fit/ enough to do 50 bodyweight squats but struggle to pull off a single pistol squat. And then there's all the mobility constraints that come with bodyweight. Bodyweight is only good for back training, and even then only up to a point, after that you'll need weights too.

Anonymous No. 171180

>They gas out because....

They go to the gym and lift weights and think nothing about their cardio. Meanwhile, the body weight training I do creates strength, endurance, and trains cardio by keeping my heart rate up.

>50 bodyweight squats

Do 500 and get back to me. I bet you couldn't do them in under 45 minutes, if at all.

Anonymous No. 171191

You seem insecure, anon.

Anonymous No. 171192

You sound like a bitch.

Anonymous No. 171198

Its pretty clear weightlifting is straight up better but its just a hobby for all of us so not much of a big deal desu. If it fits your lifestyle better then cool

Anonymous No. 171229

Opinions on non-black belts promoting
Yes or no, if yes what's the limit

Not all clubs have a black belt
Should that just be a club where people get together for fun or can the HNIC give ranks

I have an opinion about this

Anonymous No. 171230

ive seen some people say its acceptable to promote 1 belt below you if youre an instructor

Anonymous No. 171232

Here is something stupid though, ibjjf says you need to be a 2nd degree black to promote to black
Seems like a completely arbitrary line to draw since degrees aren't even merit based
I could even understand 1st degree so you can say you are a few years in, but 2nd is needlessly gate keeping

Also it's this dumb thing where Brazilians I guess don't understand how to count so they start you at 0 then first degree is your first stripe unlike every other martial art that uses a belt system

Anonymous No. 171233

Allof that only matters if you care about what the ibjjf thinks. A lot of people dont

Anonymous No. 171235

I also don't care because I acknowledge it for what it is, a complete scam. It's a private company masquerading as a regulatory body

Anonymous No. 171269

IBJJF sucks ass they are just monkeys trying to bring humans down to their level with retarded favelado supa de macaco cultist garbage

Anonymous No. 171272

Dont piss people off or hes gonna twist your ear shapeless next roll

Anonymous No. 171273

it's spelled sopa, with an "o".

Anonymous No. 171281

Why do some people quip with eachother when rolling, so fucking cringe

Anonymous No. 171282

They're freindly and trying to have fun.

Anonymous No. 171286

I'm talking shit, making you second guess your decisions, keeping you distracted
if you don't like it then shut me up :^)

Anonymous No. 171291

so basically a guy makes a post and comes with receipts proving a user lied about their rank, and everyone turns against him going "he's a legend bro, it doesn't matter"

Anonymous No. 171298

>Remco Pardoel
Havnt heard that name in forever. He competed in the early UFCs. He was a Judo blackbelt and competiter when he fought in the UFC and from there decided to train BJJ after losing to Royce. So its not super weird that he might get promoted fairly quickly. But yeah that whole situation seems to be messy

Anonymous No. 171302

I have no opinion on this literal who you're talking about (lmao who gives a shit about belts), bitbis that site worth anything? I'm searching for a bunch of dudes I know for a fact are registered black belts and there's not much coming up. Where do they source their database from?

Anonymous No. 171305

you need to sign up for it yourself if you want to appear on it
the idea here is the IBJJF is a private for profit company that runs tournaments but pretends it's a regulatory body and the arbiter of if ranks are legitimate or not
and they do this by strong arming people into paying annual dues and registration fees to stay in good standing and have their rank verified

this site here is saying how about they can go eat shit, you rank is your rank and you don't need to pay some asshats to validate you. So for this you post your rank, post proof, community members verify it and now you're in a database without needing to pay fees to the brazilian mafia

Anonymous No. 171306

and just one more thing to add, the IBJJF was so butthurt that someone else decided to make a competing registry for free that they banned the site owners affiliation from all IBJJF tournaments

🗑️ Anonymous No. 171320

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 171333

Because it's fun and half of fighting is mental - if you aren't taunting them and goading them along, you're both missing out on some of the best and most satisfying banter you'll ever get to exchange, AND you're leaving a lot of combat wins on the table because tilt can and will win you matches

Anonymous No. 171334

I'm probably the odd one out, but whenever I'm fighting I'll just zone out entirely and I might as well be in a complete white space with just me and my opponent. No environment, no outsiders, no noise, nothing at all.

Anonymous No. 171345

I think one of the more cringy things is music playing during class, especially when it's boon tunes as I like to call them

Anonymous No. 171347

why is it that canadians are considered "polite" when every time I've encountered one at home and abroad they're the absolute worst people? you can tell they're canadian by the attitude alone

I suspect it's because they're annoyed nobody cares about them

Anonymous No. 171351

>if you aren't taunting them and goading them along,
Low IQ nigger-tier take. You should respect your opponent, because without a good opponent, you can't reach your best potential.

"People" like you should die in a fire.

Anonymous No. 171354

>>You should respect your opponent
>Banter is """disrespect"""
Nope, this is the low-IQ take. We spar with our bodies, and we can spar with our words too. It's not my fault if you get filtered by a little in-round prodding, you should have more control over yourself than that :^)

Anonymous No. 171358

jiujitsu only works because people are agreeing to do it. If someone decides they're just going to buck the tradition and refuse to accept bottom positions and just stand up it turns into wrestling
that's the only way you're going to reach your full potential, if all your partners refuse to do jiujitsu and make their one and only priority getting on top of you and holding you down

Anonymous No. 171362

Ok get this, what happens if you go on top from bottom and take them down, land in half guard, get chest to chest, pass the half guard and get into mount multiple times mentally break your guy, choke him out or armbar him or rear triangle or backtake him

Oh yeah, totally not jiujitsu and not the best way to sweep some guy

Also we all knoewyou're a larper because anyone that's done jiujitsu has put on a gi and you can't just run away from the gi

Anonymous No. 171366

If you are using a guard of any kind there is nothing stopping you from simply standing up
You don't need to sweep, he isn't pinning you or holding you there
You're choosing to lay on the ground

Use regular guard as an example
By what mechanism is the person in the guard using to keep you on your back?
There isn't one. So why aren't you standing up?

Anonymous No. 171370

Just did my first BJJ session tonight. Had a good time. As a trial member I won the rolls I had. I feel very sore right now though

How the hell do you guys do this 4x a week?

Also, my thumbs ache right now from the gi grips I was doing. That was unexpected.

I'm pretty sure I fell under the category of white belt/new guy over exerting themselves, although I did make efforts to tone it down and I didn't try to lock in any of my submissions with 100% power. Felt like I had no choice but to use power though because opponents would just grab the gi to prevent my maneuvers.

Anyways, most important lesson I learned to tonight is to simply avoid the 235+ juggernauts. These guys have poor balance, and it totally makes sense to me why I've read so many threads about, 'huge fat guy landed weirdly on my knee, and now I havnt been able to train for 6 months.' Going forward, I'm going to avoid the juggernauts.

Anonymous No. 171372

I literally gave you an example of how to gp from being in guard to sweeping a guy from wrestleups and going on top.
Danaher guys calls it the two stage sweep where you use jiujitsu sweeps from guard to breake posture, wrestleup with advantageous position, like taking a single leg

That is obvious better than both starting neutral. You start with an advantage

Anonymous No. 171374

Training partners
You're not supposed to be trying to win, don't even think of them as another person. They're a piece of training equipment to see how well your moves are working.

Anonymous No. 171376

I'm saying the bottom guard player is doing something fake
The top guy in guard is the one that's being held in place, his whole goal in life is to posture and get out of guard
But nothing he is doing is keeping the bottom guard player down

So just stand up. It's completely stupid to try and fight from down there

Anonymous No. 171388

A lot of the time it's nervous energy from people who aren't nearly as comfortable as they're pretending to be, because they're not nearly as good as they're pretending to be. See: The exchange above this reply.

Anonymous No. 171402

>Just did my first BJJ session tonight. Had a good time.
Good to hear

>As a trial member I won the rolls I had.
As a triaal member they're letting you do your thing so you get a good taste of what BJJ is like.

>How the hell do you guys do this 4x a week?
Like everything else, you get used to it eventually and then you won't even feel it. Unless you already train some kind of grappling you're not really going to have the muscles for it, even if you lift weights and whatnot. The muscles used are very specific.

>Felt like I had no choice but to use power though because opponents would just grab the gi to prevent my maneuvers.
There are counters to this that will make brute strength less and less necessary. You'll get the hang of it eventually if you keep up. You should still seek strength and hypertrophy, though, it helps with movement and injury prevention.

>Going forward, I'm going to avoid the juggernauts.
Anyone that big has an even greater responsibility with their training partness to look after their well-being. If the big guys there don't have that extra care it's better to avoid them.

Anonymous No. 171426

You have an issue with me spitting facts bro?

Anonymous No. 171429

>>How the hell do you guys do this 4x a week?
You do 2x a week for a few months and eventually go
>the trainings are fun, but I should probably start going to the open mats to practice free rolling
So now you're going 3x then decide after a few months of that
>I kinda want to be able to compete someday, what's going on in the competitive positionals class or the nogi tuesday class?
Then you realize you're going 4x a week and now you're one of us one of us gooble gobble gooble gobble

Anonymous No. 171430

Are flying knee slices based or cringe? They seem to work like a charm for me against people holding supine guard and specially butt scoopers. I've tried this in multiple gyms and they seem to work well against most guys, even when I don't establish any grips and just lead with my knees. I haven't run into any reliable counter to it (assuming the other guy is being too passive), but is that something you anons can deal with well? I like passing guard the best in BJJ and want to refine that part of my game as much as possible.

Anonymous No. 171431

based in competition, cringe in the gym unless you've talked with your partners about it and they've agreed that they're on the table. Flying submissions, particularly ones targeting the knee, are one of the highest risk avoidable severe injury moves you can do to someone in BJJ, vid related

Anonymous No. 171432

Abon, I'm talking about passing guard with a knee slice like you'd do from half guard, but while standing up.
Vid related, but without even establishing grips beforehand most of the time, I just get my hand where they need to be while I'm in the air.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 171433

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to deat

Witch damninion dit org !!

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to death
Animals are mutilated tortured raped caged and poisoned.!

Witch damninion dit orgg:!!!

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to death
Animals are mutilated tortured raped caged and poisoned.!

Witch damninion dit org v!!!

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to death
Animals are mutilated tortured raped caged and poisoned.!

Witch damninion dit org !!

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to death
Animals are mutilated tortured raped caged and poisoned.!

Witch damninion dit orgg:!!!

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to death
Animals are mutilated tortured raped caged and poisoned.!

Witch damninion dit org n,!!

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to death
Animals are mutilated tortured raped caged and poisoned.!

Witch damninion dit org !!

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to death
Animals are mutilated tortured raped caged and poisoned.!

Witch damninion dit orgg:!!!

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to death
Animals are mutilated tortured raped caged and poisoned.!

Witch damninion dit org v!!!

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to death
Animals are mutilated tortured raped caged and poisoned.!

Witch damninion dit org !!

Go vegan.
Please watch this free documentary online
STOP paying for animals to be tortured to death
Animals are mutilated tortured raped caged and poispig

Anonymous No. 171434

Wouldn't really change my answer. Implicit to the move seems like the likelihood
>yeah, if I land with bodyweight wrong, you're not ready, or you don't allow it, nonzero chance I'm basically gonna reap your knee
Whereas doing it without flying reduces that likelihood by reducing the speed of motion.

Going fast like a sweaty tryhard and winning is based in competition where everyone agrees injuries are on the table, but in the training room, seems like a lot of injury risk for not much educational benefit over just doing it statically

Anonymous No. 171435

Never had any problems with injury over the 5ish years I've done that. My knee just creates a "V" shape that pushes everything to the sides before the other guy can even get his hooks in most of the time.

Closest I've ever come to injuring someone is when one guy I had never done my move one freaked out and curled up so my knee flew a few inches off his face, but even then he was fine. Otherwise it's only been my own knees that have gotten a bit hurt from impacting the mats every week. I now train using those volleyball knee pads under the gi pants, I'm still young but can already feel that shit would take a toll later if I'm not careful.

Anonymous No. 171437

Here, I found something similar to what I like doing.

Anonymous No. 171438

you walk a fine line. I've been hit by a spazzy knee cut before and it's no fun. It's fine, if opportunistic. Just don't be doing the same shit over and over lol you're hindering your learning. Not saying you can't specialize in it of course.

knee cutting people at the highest level isnt easy and there are higher pecentage ways to pass instead of repeatedly knee cut. In no gi especially the explosive knee cut leaves too much space for the good guy to reguard. I don't do much gi but I do know its stronger in the gi

good counter vs knee cut is rdlr for example

Anonymous No. 171439

>good counter vs knee cut is rdlr for example
That's why I like initiating it outside of a proper guard range or by moving laterally back and forth to throw the other guys off balance before I even do anything

Anonymous No. 171445

There's not much else to say then desu. If they care they would take learning to counter your move on their own. If not just spam it or try to pass differently so you can get better at that. What you can also do is give them advice on how to counter your move and force you to go deeper technically to make it still work or move on

Anonymous No. 171446

>The top guy in guard is the one that's being held in place, his whole goal in life is to posture and get out of guard
>But nothing he is doing is keeping the bottom guard player down
A good top player will make it hard to get up. In competition settings, when points are involved, being able to get up could determine who wins the match. Keeping people down is a very practiced skillset, especially in no-gi.
>So just stand up. It's completely stupid to try and fight from down there
How is it stupid to try and get submissions/sweeps?... That's kind of the whole point anon.
"Just stand up" is valid and everyone should implement the necessary skills, but it's not always the best tactical choice in BJJ (MMA is different)

Anonymous No. 171448

Extremely based, but you'll need to really dial it in to hit it on people with good guard retention. Watch this, and go get the Daisy Fresh Knee Slice instructional (it's free):

Anonymous No. 171452

>How is it stupid to try and get submissions/sweeps?
To deal with the second one first
Sweeps, exactly. The only way to score points from guard is to sweep
To put it another way the only way to score points from guard is to stop being in guard
It's such a bad place to be that you're rewarded for making the other person have to do it
All points come from top position, nothing good can happen to you from down there

Second, submissions. Failed submission attempts from guard result in your guard getting passed
Failed submissions from the top give up nothing, you just end up back where you were before the attack

Your one and only goal when in guard is to stop being there. So just stop being there

Anonymous No. 171453

Thanks, I'll check it out

Anonymous No. 171454

Knee slice is based
Wiltse Bros are based
Daisy Fresh is based
10/10 would recommend

Anonymous No. 171455

>Wiltse Bros are based
Well, except for when that one goes off his meds. He did a whole youtube instructional video series with his girlfriend in bdsm rope, which pissed me off because I was drug into his kink unknowingly.

Anonymous No. 171456

Sweeps put you on top

Standing up puts you in neutral, which isnt easy to do in bjj when the guy gives you no space. You sweep to stand up because it lands you in a better position (like taking a locked grip on a leg). It's also more energy efficient way vs trying to wrestle some guy, which is not always a good idea if he's bigger, better than you stand up wrestling. There are no hard and fast rules of course, you can stand up too. Submission grappling guys use both

I know for a fact you don't train and just watch a bunch of online videos because you think for some reason you cant be punished by the bottom guy for doing a sloppy submission on top

Anonymous No. 171457

He's not top tier but really good. Maybe his instructional is good. But there is something weird going on with the amoun of shilling he gets. I have my suspicions it's not totally "organic"

Anonymous No. 171458

>To put it another way the only way to score points from guard is to stop being in guard
You can't win every wrestling exchange, sometimes you will have to play guard
>Failed submission attempts from guard result in your guard getting passed
>Failed submissions from the top give up nothing
You don't train and have no idea what you're talking about. Might be worth signing up for some BJJ classes and maybe a few English classes while you're at it.
>Well, except for when that one goes off his meds.
Yeah that was kind of sad. He seems like such a nice dude, it was a bummer to see that whole psychotic break play out. Glad to see that he's back on the mats. Peak Wiltse could probably make it to ADCC

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Anonymous No. 171460

Really sick of blue belts telling me I don't train

New rule for these threads, Anytime you accuse someone of not training you need to post a picture of your own belt with a time stamp or STFU

Anonymous No. 171463

>le boomer redditor meme
I don't care if you post a fucking coral belt, you sound like a total retard

Anonymous No. 171464

I've been doing this fucking sport for 3 hours and I suck ASS.

What can I do this week-end to get 1 year of experience?
I don't want to lose

Anonymous No. 171466

You're better off listening to me than a coral belt
Coral belts stopped improving their abilities in the 90s, I'm actually up to date on the current methods and philosophies

Take a look at the recent quintet, you can see a clear divide in the ability of 2004 era shitters and modern athletes

Anonymous No. 171467

Go to every single class, always think about jiujitsu, pirate instructionals/watch videos and study them autistically for hours everyday, workout, eat right, sleep right, take 350-500mg test

Anonymous No. 171468

Any solution for this week-end?
Also I'm not going to take any PEDs or whatever.
What instructionals?

Anonymous No. 171472

I made a Bulgaria bag
Wow thanks kinda wish I saw this earlier

Anonymous No. 171473

Accept you're gonna suck and rwthink the life choices that led you there. Until then sleep well, stretch out in the morning and before bed, go for a run 2 or 3 times and try to get a full body massage on the day of your match. That way you'll be a tiny bit more used to the cardio aspect and will be more loose so it'll be harder to get injured.

But seriously anon, do you honestly think there's anything you can do to.match months or even years of experience and constant practice in just a few days? Do you have any idea how insulting that is?

Anonymous No. 171474

I genuinely didn't think I'd suck this hard at BJJ. It looked easy and now I'm getting humiliated in every session both cardio wise and technique.
I believe that there might be a way to improve over the week-end by changing my mindset and maybe by actually learning the basics. I feel like everybody else knows what to do but I don't.
Idk how to explain it but a piece of the puzzle is missing and that's why I'm getting raped or I'm simply not made for this

Anonymous No. 171478

just do this
bjj doesn't work if you just do this

Anonymous No. 171486

You literally just started, why would you know anything or be good without any experience?
Just watch some relevant youtube videos and ask questions. Have fun, you will basically be a toddler for the first 6 months (at least). Most people have a hard time at the beginning

Anonymous No. 171488

Speaking just for myself, I shill for him just because he's a friend of a friend of a friend and I stumbled upon his yt channel. He's dropped by our gym a couple times.

I'm new to the game so I don't know any details about the whole mental health thing, except that it happened, but I'm pulling for him. Hope he finds peace.

Anyway that's my "full disclosure" statement.

Anonymous No. 171490

>feel like everybody else knows what to do but I don't.
>Idk how to explain it but a piece of the puzzle is missing and that's why I'm getting raped or I'm simply not made for this
They do have something you don't. Experience. Honestly, get off your high horse and accept you just don't know something yet and can learn and get better at it.

Anonymous No. 171492

How do you journal for bjj improvement? I have been told it helps.

Anonymous No. 171493

No different than any other kind. It's not for everyone. I wouldn't whip out a phone or notebook in the middle of class, but immediately before and after is one approach. Writing out goals for the day, then how you met them or failed. Impressions you had on the session unrelated. Injury tracking. Week review. Month review. Year review. Whatever conditioning/training/tape review you do outside of class, and written about the same.

Anonymous No. 171498

I haven't journal before so I was kind at a loss on what to do. Anyways thanks for the advice anon.

Anonymous No. 171501

There's a twink at my gym and he only wears spats with no shorts on over them
That should be illegal!

Anonymous No. 171502

Yeah, I do that too. Not a twink, though. You should try it, it's quite comfortable.

Anonymous No. 171505

Nobody wants to get distracted by your feminine ass and then look upwards and realize it's one of the guys!

Anonymous No. 171509

If you're ot using every single advantage you can, are you really fighting?

Anonymous No. 171514

And you’re just as retarded for refusing to tap because you wanted to win a tin medal in an ameteur tournament you paid to attend. What a world we live in.

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Anonymous No. 171519

Cringe and retard pilled

Anonymous No. 171525

>As a triaal member they're letting you do your thing so you get a good taste of what BJJ is like.
I don't think so. It was funny that there were a group of guys lining up to train with me because I had the janky trial outfit on. And I subbed them all. The looks on their faces afterwards was hilarious. It was like they were broken deep in their souls.

>If the big guys there don't have that extra care it's better to avoid them.
This 'juggernaut' in particular was 18 - 22. Very nice guy, one of those large goofy but friendly types. He lacked balance and agility however. Certainly the type to flop over on someone's need and cause significant damage.

>You do 2x a week for a few months and eventually go
Does a class 'look down' on someone for not showing everyday? I'm still trying to learn the vibe of the BJJ community. For instance, I don't like training with GIs: does it typically upset bjj GI practitioners for bringing this up in casual conversation?

>do you honestly think there's anything you can do to match months or even years of experience and constant practice? Do you have any idea how insulting that is?
That's what I did as a trial. Previous wrestling experience combined with reading BJJ books and watching YT videos before I went in for the trial brought forth results. If there was a means of quantifying a BJJ practitioners skillset and knowledge I should probably be at least a blue belt already. Mind you, I have never done BJJ with a GI before either, so even with the weird GI grips I still managed to win. I'm alot more effective in no gi.

>I've seen retards giving people life long injuries so they could win a tin medal in an amateur tourny

In training, if someone is refusing to tap, but you have absolute control over them, and you're withholding power because you don't want to crush them. What is the move? Should you apply increasing pressure until they risk getting hurt or just let them up?

Anonymous No. 171526

>I should probably be at least a blue belt already
Said everybody that has ever wrestled a little but it's never true
But that bar seems to get lower and lower every year anyway
A blue belt used to mean something, now it's a participation reward for paying your dues on time for a year

Anonymous No. 171530

>And I subbed them all.
Unless there's a massive disparity in size and strength between you and your training partners or you have former wrestling or grappling experience, it's overwhelmingly likely they were "letting you work", AKA throwing for educational value / content. When training with newbies, it's considered polite to typically roll at about 20% and see what they catch while you practice the form on your technique

Vid and timestamp related is a great example - Lex Fridman has something like a decade of BJJ experience and when training with 1 year of experience Mark Zuckerburg, although Zuck might be sweating bullets out there and feel he's facing ample levels of challenge, Lex is moving as slow as possible and putting up as little resistance as possible, because Mark wouldn't learn much if everything he tried would get stuffed immediately. Rather than put up fierce resistance, he openly lets Zuck go for chokes and back takes, because he wants to give Zuck a chance to practice submissions.

If you want a reality check, go to the next open mat and tell your opponents
>I think your gym's full of bitches because I was getting subs on my very first day.
> I want you to go 100%, don't hold back - are you gonna show me what you've got?
If you still are getting wins against non-newbies there, then yeah, bail, but more likely outcome, you'll come home with half your limbs tweaked and your neck and trachea the wrong color.

Anonymous No. 171533

actually got a boner rolling with a white belt chick that’s been flirting with me so I just let go of the back and went into turtle until it subsided
pretty sure she noticed but didn’t mention it

Anonymous No. 171537

I train hard in the evening classes and I found out the hard way that I can not sleep, at all. I've never heard of 'BJJ insomnia" - if you have had it, or can explain it, im all ears

Anonymous No. 171538

Having trained under several contemporaries of Remco for over a decade, I've heard a good few stories from back then, and am familiar with all the people mentioned as my teachers were training under all the same people. Things were certainly a bit messy at the time, so the promotional timetable is definitely off. That said, there's no disputing the black belt itself.

Anonymous No. 171549

>What is the move? Should you apply increasing pressure until they risk getting hurt or just let them up?
Let it go and move to another submission or position. Rolling isn't a fight, you're not there to win. It's something you do to tey out new things and get used to doing them under stress. If you were boxing would you aim to end every sparring session with a KO?

Anonymous No. 171550

>A blue belt used to mean something, now it's a participation reward for paying your dues on time for a year
Are you serious or just exaggerating? I showed up religiously, put in a lot of effort and had good success as a white, and even then stayed one for about 3 years.

This was in Brazil, though.

Anonymous No. 171569

>Unless there's a massive disparity in size and strength between you and your training partners or you have former wrestling or grappling experience, it's overwhelmingly likely they were "letting you work",
One of the guys I subbed was actually bigger than me (weighed more/taller), although I had greater muscle mass.

Honestly, I don't think BJJ is that complicated to where it should take years to master. If a bjj practitioner is able to learn information and retain it at a higher rate than most, and they devote time to studying bjj knowledge (as I did), it makes sense they are going to win. Assuming this process requires a predetermined amount of 'time' is the wrong way to approach this. I can name most of the subs and positions aside from the obscure ones that are rarely used or even necessary. I have a strong working knowledge of bjj, just never trained it in a gym before.

>If you want a reality check, go to the next open mat and tell your opponents
>I think your gym's full of bitches because I was getting subs on my very first day.
I don't have to tell them that because they already seen what I could do. I don't believe I'm an elite BJJ practitioner capable of winning tournaments against professional athletes. It's just irritating when I would read bjj threads like this one, and the general vibe is, 'OH, you're going to get crushed the first time you go in to train. It's going to be 6 months of torture. You need years of work, devotion, and knowledge before you are worthy of even being a blue belt.'

lol, get out of here with that shit.

BJJ is a sport. If you're upper-tier athlete, you're going to plow through all majority of bjj practitioners regardless of their 'belt' until you're against the other 'real' athletes. Yes, knowing 6 submissions well, with former wrestling experience, is enough to climb to the top if you have raw athleticism. Out here in NYC that was just made clear.

Anonymous No. 171571

>Lex Fridman has something like a decade of BJJ experience and when training with 1 year of experience Mark Zuckerburg, although Zuck might be sweating bullets out there and feel he's facing ample levels of challenge,
I get it. You don't know me. I'm just an anon. I'm not a pussy tech billionaire. Nobody was just laying there letting me win. You obviously never wrestled.

Anonymous No. 171572

Is this bait? I'm not a dick and neither are the people at my gym, if we tell a new guy "don't worry, you might feel like you suck but just keep training" we say that to encourage them to gut it out and persist. The condescending shit you're describing doesn't survive in a good team.

Anonymous No. 171573

>devote time to studying bjj knowledge (as I did)
>I can name most of the subs and positions aside from the obscure ones
Autistic white belt lmao when you stop rolling with fellow newbies, you are going to have your ego squashed and then come up with an excuse to not train. I've met like 20 people exactly like you and none of them lasted long. What was stopping you from just training when you were watching youtube videos and reading pointless shit before taking your trial class?
Athleticism definitely is a factor but I think you're overestimating it

Anonymous No. 171574

>anon is rolling with white belt chick
>anon is taking the back
>white belt chick is desperately fending off the second hook
>anon abruptly stops trying to put the second hook in, lets go of his grips and bails
>white belt chick looks around confused
>"where'd my rolling partner go?"
>looks behind her
>anon is face down hunched up in turtle, avoiding eye contact

Maybe not as slick as you thought, chief.

Anonymous No. 171576

>BJJ insomnia
This is just a normal consequence of exercising at night, the increase in body temperature, circulation, cortisol and what not

Anonymous No. 171579

It could double as an apology.

Seriously though, never understood how you could get a boner from rolling. Maybe I've just never rolled with a hot enough girl, but even when rolling with girls I find attractive I just get too absorbed into the match and what I'm doing.

Anonymous No. 171581

Fuggin lol, God bless the Japanese.

And yeah, I've rolled with some objectively very attractive girls, but I'm way too focused on the roll to worry about muh dick.

Anonymous No. 171595

Someone who comes in with a wrestling background is essentially a blue belt who doesn't know subs, and while having a background watching youtube will help, it won't help enough to change the above.

You'll beat the white belts soundly because you'll have an absolutely overwhelming pressure and top game, both of which they're not used to, but blues are going to typically outmaneuver you on the ground because if a blue belt can get you into their game, a skill they're typically quite good at, they're gonna out-Jiu Jitsu you and put you in positions where the wrestling pressure game isn't actually particularly helpful. Skip to flighting

Pretty much this, just skip to fighting blue belts if the white belts are pushovers, belts give you a quick visual indicator for
>likelihood this person can push my shit in
and if white isn't doing it (or if you try it and blue isn't either), pick harder targets.

Anonymous No. 171597

ok well how do you counter it ? i'll literally stay away all night long. xanex, sleeping pills, nothing works

Anonymous No. 171607

>Autistic white belt lmao when you stop rolling with fellow newbies,
The salt mines are flowing today

>What was stopping you from just training when you were watching youtube videos and reading pointless shit before taking your trial class?

>Athleticism definitely is a factor but I think you're overestimating it

It's the opposite. Strength and size matter much more in BJJ than the mainstream narratives would have you think. Nick Rodriguez is a solid example of this.

>Autistic white belt lmao when you stop rolling with fellow newbies, you are going to have your ego squashed and then come up with an excuse to not train.
You're projecting your own limitations onto others. Jealousy is embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 171609

No caffeine after 6:30 PM, Cool your house down keep it dark, have you blue light filters

I'm on a timer, lights out at 11:15
I fall asleep around 2 which is fine because I start work at 11:30 so I can sleep until 10

Anonymous No. 171610

For me no caffeine after 2pm lol. 6:30 is really late.

I stretch before bedtime and generally avoid things that would amp me up like social media and entertainment

I also think there novelty plays tl it. We all know of some overenthusiastic white belts that either burn themselves out and quit early or eventually mellow out. Before that though their over enthusiasm stays into the night ans that makes it harder to sleep

Anonymous No. 171611

>I train hard in the evening classes and I found out the hard way that I can not sleep, at all. I've never heard of 'BJJ insomnia" - if you have had it, or can explain it, im all ears
Interesting. I slept like a baby. When I laid down in bed, my eyes felt heavy and I out cold minutes later.

Anonymous No. 171614

I blame most of it on friction but she’s also so passive and light in rolling that I have to go super easy on her to not hurt her, so I don’t feel any stress while rolling with her at all and my mind wandered, plus she’s very flirty
I’m also young and don’t masturbate + take zinc so I get random erections throughout the day like a teenager

Anonymous No. 171617

>I’m also young and don’t masturbate + take zinc
Did you really fall for the semen retention meme? Some of my best PRs came after busting a fat one. Being stronger, more assertive and masculine are a lot more about mindset than some number on your hormonal exam.

Anonymous No. 171618

Depends what kind of stretching you do, when I stretch my heart rate climbs I get a sweat lose my breath because it's very intense positions to improve flexibility

Side tangent I wish there was an alternative to yoga classes that took a scientific approach to improving strength and mobility without all the low key satan worship

Anonymous No. 171619

It makes a difference
There's a difference between men that hunt their own meat vs buy it
There's a difference between men that bust nuts in girls vs in a kleenex

When you choose to only satiate your appetites through the hard path you cultivate that psychological edge
You're after
Buying food and jerking off makes you docile. If your needs are met why try?

Anonymous No. 171620

Oh please, I busted in more chicks than you ever will, and I probably busted in more tissues too. Stop torturing yourself.

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bjj karma self he....webm

Anonymous No. 171621

Anonymous No. 171623

I'm a sexpat, I've rawdogged every manner of chink, gook, jap, and seamonkey alike
I've left HPV and bastard happas from one corner of the orient to the other, so don't get uppity with me bucko

Anonymous No. 171625

No one in mainstream BJJ would argue about strength/size, there's a reason everyone is on steroids. I thought you knew everything?
>Nick Rodriguez is a solid example of this
Nicky Rod is an athletic freak, but also wrestled and trained with arguably the most technical team on the planet.

Hilarious that you're even on this thread after only a TRIAL CLASS lol

Anonymous No. 171669

>Hilarious that you're even on this thread after only a TRIAL CLASS lol
No. What's hilarious is it triggers you so bad that not everyone is as shit as you.

Anonymous No. 171683

do any of you hold back when you roll depending on who you roll with?

For me, I let women 'work' and I like to play catch and release with white belts and some blue belts. but i'll even hold back on various submissions because I feel like it could injure someone if it's done too quickly in the heat of the roll.
Does anyone else

Anonymous No. 171689

Yeah, you're supposed to.
>do full force lock joints for years
It's the as a boxer doing hard sparring every session and then complaining about getting CTE without even fighting. Rolling is for getting technique down, period. You're not there to win. If you got someone in a position to do a lock or choke unless you're not confident in your ability to finish a match with it you shouldn't even be trying to crank it until someone taps, just move on to another finish or position. That practice in linking stubs and positions together will be far more valuable on the long run than fully locking in a kimura that might hurt your training partners.

Anonymous No. 171693

Lmao you are retarded. Good people typically play slower and sloppier against newbies because it lets them get practice in certain positions and feel like they are making progress whilst also allowing the better player to potentially escape from really disadvantageous positions if they even feel like escaping. I've let people get subs before and pass guard plenty of times. It's gym etiquette generally to not blast your lesser experienced gym partners and to let them work

Anonymous No. 171702

My opinion is fuck belts

Anonymous No. 171723

Meh, who cares about belts. You either know stuff and can fight well, or you don't. Tie the gi with a piece of rope for all I care.

Anonymous No. 171724

The belts are just a visual representation of a hierarchy that would exist either way
Wrestling has a ranking hierarchy all the same

Oh you wrestled? Jv or varsity? College? D1? All American? Olympics?
People think belts are gate keeping but they're a more inclusive way of doing it, you're rewarded over time just by continuing to stay involved
The only way to not climb the ladder is to be a quitter

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Anonymous No. 171727

>there are niggas with blue and purple belts in this thread who have never competed or won a tournament
>there are white belt hobbyists who only do real rolling twice a month talking about technique in this thread

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the jiujitsu way.png

Anonymous No. 171729

a competition is exactly the same as a hard roll in a gym, the only difference is you got tricked into wasting your entire afternoon and paying someone $100 for the opportunity to do it on worse mats than what you're using every day

how about this, save yourself the effort, pick the guys you want to "compete" against and say "hey I'll give you $25 to come after me with everything you have for the next 5 minutes"
it's the same thing

Anonymous No. 171731

>muh belt
You can either do someth or you can't, it doesn't matter what color your belt is

Anonymous No. 171732

You forgot
>there are people who don't train talking about technique in this thread

Anonymous No. 171737

The cope is great. Imagine thinking anyone is 'taking it easy' against a wrestler. I'm powerful and had already slammed a few people in there before we even started rolling. They all knew I wasn't fucking around.

>bu bu buu they weren't trying, they LET you win

haha yall are faggots. All this salt is delicious

Anonymous No. 171738

Find a different gym. If they suck so much they couldn't even tap a beginner you have no business wasting your time there.

Anonymous No. 171739

>I'm powerful and had already slammed a few people in there before we even started rolling.
Anon, you're not helping your case here.

Anonymous No. 171740

>Find a different gym.

I don't consider myself a beginner because I have years of wrestling experience, and as I mentioned repeatedly, I do know submissions, positions, and BJJ theory.

Just makes me think the majority of anons in here are painfully mediocre that they cope so hard when I tell my story.

I want to know YOUR stories: How long did you get destroyed in BJJ before you became comfortable and started winning consistently?

Anonymous No. 171743

>BJJ theory
>before you became comfortable and started winning consistently?
It's all relative- winning consistently against who? Blue belts? Purple? Brown? Wrestlers?
If you're at a good gym, there should be dozens of people that can beat the shit out of you. Even pros at high level gyms have guys that give them a very hard time
>t. I train at a very popular and high level no-gi gym

Anonymous No. 171745

Why do people here care so much about "winning in training"? This is am awful mentality to have.

Soft rolling without caring about results is much better than going like you were competing at the World's.

Anonymous No. 171749

The problem with soft rolling is it quickly devolves into non-technical rolling where people are just accepting positions and giving their partners face positive results where techniques that shouldn't work are getting results since their partner isn't defending appropriately.
People will always choose a lazy option, instead of resisting a sweep they'll just fall to their back for example

The 4 rules are
1 Get on top
2 when on top stay on top
3 when in guard he SHALL NOT PASS
4 don't let the fact that rule 3 is so much fun make you forget about rule 1

Anonymous No. 171750

No? You fall to a throw or sweep if it was weell executed, you give a position if it would've gotten through, you allow a sub if there was no reasonable way to defend from it.

Anonymous No. 171751

Make this observation the next time you're in class long as your bottom leg is free there is no sweep and you can stand up
Observe how often now people are allowing themselves to be swept without their bottom leg being controlled, and how often they are sitting in bottom positions without having a bottom leg being pinned

And do that mental check for yourself as well because I know you are doing it too because everybody does it when they aren't thinking about it
People fall into this habit of "playing" jiujitsu
Because "you gotta flow bro, it's like water maaan"
Except no it isn't, jiujitsu isn't a flow at all in fact it's comoletely ridged when done right. The entire principle is constructing frames and breaking frames, putting hard wedges into place to block movement. Jiujitsu done correctly is a mountain not a river.
It got perverted by all the pot smokers that got into it once it became popular in california

Anonymous No. 171753

competitive mindset is the only mindset that matters. If you aren't doing this with the intention to compete, then you are a bigger loser than anyone else there.

Anonymous No. 171754

Soft training and competitive mindset aren't mutually exclusive, anon. Some of the best players I've trained with liked to take it easy in practice.

Anonymous No. 171755

>because I know you are doing it too because everybody does it when they aren't thinking about it
You're giving yourself far too much credit.

Anonymous No. 171756

That's already been deboonked since bjj competitions are a complete joke and nobody cares about them
Name all of the recent ibjjf black belt winners this past year without looking it up

But having a competitive mindset is how you improve

Anonymous No. 171757

>californians ruin thing
as per

Anonymous No. 171760

Having a competitive mindset is pointless and actually hurts you in the long run. The best mindset is where neither belts nor winning matter, instead the only thing that matters is being able to perform certain moves when desired and there are no holes in your game. If you are too competitive you will neglect studying certain """""bad""""" positions in favour of meta play like leglocks and wrestling. This is fine for a while, but you will kneecap yourself in the long run by not developing a well rounded and deep game with multiple possible attacks from any position. You will become extremely predictable and thus open to counters and defenses by strong opponents.

Anonymous No. 171762

>Name all of the recent ibjjf black belt winners this past year without looking it up
I got most of them lol

No one cares about them is kinda accurate. More involved hobbyists especially gi guys care.its still very prestigious though for the sport despite the social media giants of jiujitsu twlling you otherwise. Only winning adcc is harder

Regardless it's kinda sad how this place is just talking about random non trivial shit that only larpers, trial class guys, and non practioners care about. I was hoping there is more of that autism channeled into being productive and discussing the jiujitsu pro scene, deep diving into techniques and such

Anonymous No. 171765

I try to deep dive into techniques by challenging the overcomplicated solutionism bjj is riddled with and then white belts tell me I don't train. So now I'll just talk shit and if jiujitsu it dies it dies.
They can continue trouble shooting their reverse del a riva inversion kiss of the dragon elevator crab ride, and I'll just be over here doing an ankle pick and minding my business. Let it be like karate for all I care.

The important thing is reproducibility. Knowing a lot of things might be a novelty but the real impressive stuff is having one thing you're great at, your partner knows its coming and you do it anyway.

Anonymous No. 171767

>The not having weights shocked me as he had an intimating frame.
It's interesting how common this is with old school jiu-jitsu/judo. I have some books from the late-1800s to early-1900s written by japanese instructors, and they all try to dissuade you from lifting weights as part of your training. Instead they claim that simply doing jiu-jitsu is enough to get the strength you need.

Anonymous No. 171774

I have been told old school bjj is a different sport from the modern version. Is there a way to get closer to the old school version? Is it just being rougher with chocks and subs? Or do you add in some light striking as well, like knees to the head?
At that point is it just bare knuckle mma?

Anonymous No. 171777

Kimura lifted. Donn Draegar introduced strength training to the Japanese judo team in the 60s and they've been lifting ever since. If you can possibly find the time/energy, lifting is well worth it, IMHO. Both for improving your martial arts and for life in general.

Having said that, grappling makes people strong. If you don't have weights, but you do have training partners, you can get monstrously strong just from moving your own body and moving your partner's body. No squat rack? Have your bro sit on your shoulders and bang out a dozen squats, you'll feel it.

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Anonymous No. 171781

normally what is meant by "old school" is dubious techniques that work against completely untrained idiots. Remember the gracies made their living on beating up random people that never grappled a day in their lives, they would reliably lose challenge matches against wrestling and judo practitioners
modern is stuff that works against trained fighters and the "old school" being better is just a cope used by people trying to stay relevant based on their name instead of on the content they teach

lets put it another way, is there anyone that doesn't think gordon, craig, nicky rod, keenan, lachlan etc would completely humiliate prime rickson? or any other family member for that matter
there's a reason rener doesn't compete despite still being in his 30s

Anonymous No. 171783

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure this is Gracie cope. The Gracies claim that "their" jiujitsu is a complete martial art strictly for self defense, not a silly sport with restrictive rules. Funny how they had no problem with tournament competition back when they were winning consistently.

If you want to cover your bases for self defense, drop in on a boxing/Muay Thai class once or twice a week. Have your bro put on some gloves and practice bottom escapes, sweeps, takedowns, etc while he hits you. If you carry a gun, go watch some Craig Douglas videos.

Anonymous No. 171789

the advice I always give is if you want to have some fun rolling around, getting some exercise, maybe learn a few moves like the guys you see on tv then bjj is for you

if you want to fight and be one of those guys you see on tv learn to wrestle

Anonymous No. 171790

I meant more vale tudo old school not gracie unwashed advanced tactics but fair

Anonymous No. 171792

>vale tudo old school
You're basically describing grappling for MMA. Any decent blue belt with mediocre wrestling can adapt to this "old school" style, it's just that BJJ rulesets don't always incentivize it.

Anonymous No. 171793

No, but I’m Christian (not American) and a lot of my spiritual life is about appreciating the senses for what they were made for and not overindulge. Ejaculation is for reproduction, food is for sustenance etc.
I don’t think abstaining from masturbation does much on a hormonal level. Porn will ruin your brain though.

Anonymous No. 171794

This is some other anon btw

Anonymous No. 171795

The hook for BJJ has always been if you train this you can beat a bigger untrained opponent

Well yeah...that's any martial art, even really shit ones like shotokan can meet that standard. It such a low bar to set

And then it's like "a bjj blue belt can consistently beat someone their size in a street fight"
Seriously a blue belt? You're saying nearly 2 years of consistent practice to do that?
And you're using that as a selling point?
Heck, 12 weeks of kickboxing will get you there bro

🗑️ AA2 faggot 4chan mod lol No. 171798

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:
Why banes so slow? Not sorry at all for distracting your posting time on the actual thread, nigger faggot! Lmfao

Anonymous No. 171799

Bjj is genuinely unique in that you can use it to shut down your opponents athleticism. Wrestling you're always fighting athleticism to athleticism until you're on the ground on top

striking arts going hand to hand with the bigger guy is risky

Bjj is the best at control leading submission. Takedowns are rewarded for outcome unlike judo where its rewarded for amplititude regardless of outcome. For example you can throw a guy and the ref steps to protect you in regardless of the fact that he may not be maimed and your back is now open and he could jump on it inserting two hook

Bjj isnt invicible for it, and you're better off being bigger, stronger, more athletic of course. Strikes changes the dynamics a lot too in a mma/street fight

Anonymous No. 171805

>Wrestling you're always fighting athleticism to athleticism until you're on the ground on top
That's the case in wrestler vs wrestlers, wrestlers vs randos athleticism isn't a factor, bjj needs wrestling to take the fight down so for that initial phase its exactly the same
And in the case of bjj vs bjj if you're the same level then your athleticism is the x factor, that's why everybody is on the sauce.

And really when it comes to submissions there is a very narrow circumstance where it would ever be appropriate, If it's you're drunk Uncle acting up at Thanksgiving then all you need to be doing is pin him down because you don't want anyone to really get hurt, and if it's someone really attacking you then your best course of action is always going to be to drop elbows until he stops moving.
Submissions exist in this weird middle ground where it probably isn't the best idea in any circumstance.

And for your own sake I think that's true because from the hundreds of streetfight videos I've watched people seemed to be fine with watching their friend get ground n pounded and will just pull you off him when hes out, but the moment you put a sub on they jump in and stomp you like you did some dishonorable bitch move

Anonymous No. 171808

>I want to know YOUR stories: How long did you get destroyed in BJJ before you became comfortable and started winning consistently?
I started BJJ when I had been doing Judo for a year and a half, so I got submissions from day one as I outclassed the other beginners. During my first class I managed to pin someone on the back of speed and explosivity, and later learned he was a decent blue belt. I had tapped several black belts in several clubs before I got my blue belt. To be fair, this was before leg locks were cool and I had a straight ankle locks that broke a few metatarsals in competition, but this wouldn't work now, well over a decade later.

That said, I still get roflstomped by several of the high level guys in the gym on a pretty regular basis.

Anonymous No. 171811

I think it's a pretty typical experience of getting "humbled" only when someone has never played sports before
Forget about martial arts or anything, if you are an athlete and still in shape bjj isn't humbling at all
You go "yup that's what I expected, I need to learn some moves but I can do this"

Anonymous No. 171814

You only feel this way because you havent been humbled by someone your size that's actually good and trying

Anonymous No. 171817

Nta but yeah after blue belt your only really improving to fight other bjj guys

Anonymous No. 171818

There is no one my size
I'm 5'8" heavyweight brown belt
You know Orlando Sanchez? It's like that

Anonymous No. 171819

I'm talking about a fit, untrained person. Of course they would get smashed by some genuinely good guy

Person good at game vs person new to at game of course person good at game wins the game

Anonymous No. 171827

Roger Gracie is the BJJ GOAT.


Anonymous No. 171832

>It's all relative- winning consistently against who? Blue belts? Purple? Brown? Wrestlers?
Good question.

For the higher belts in here, at what point did you consistently start winning against each belt class.


What belt were you when you started having a positive win rate against blue belts, purple belts, brown belts, black belts? What ideas did you have in your brain that just 'clicked' and put it all together for you, allowing you to excel.

Anonymous No. 171833

Having one thing you are great at only works to a certain level and then you will realise that diminishing returns has put you far behind in other areas of your game. If you specialise in heel hooks or ankle locks and your opponent is good at defending them then you are kind of fucked because your main weapon is something your opponent is extremely prepared to defend. There are very few moves that are irresistible in a practical sense in Jiu jitsu. Even people like gordon ryan can get toppled off of mount, so putting all your eggs in one basket is a classic newbie thing that leads to a skill ceiling later on. Super competitive wrestlers are often a victim of this as they see success early on with wrestle Jitsu type shit and so just stick with it even though it leads to weaknesses in your game.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 171844

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
TRL Edition

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Previous Thread:

🗑️ Anonymous No. 171846

>Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1294b
haha what is this the 3rd time this has happened?

Anonymous No. 171857

Its not really "winning" its more like how much effort do you need to put into it
My dick doesn't even get hard for anything under a brown belt
A purple belt or below if I try they're doing good if they last 2 minutes

Also in my opinion there isn't much difference between a brown and black
It's up in the air which one is which, they generally feel the same
A large population of brown belts are people that have been brown belts for 5 plus years then the only reason they don't have a black belt is nobody ever gave it to them
I know a guy that was a brown belt the day I started, he got his 4th stripe the day I got my 1st ( 2nd and 3rd at the same time) on my blue
That was in 2017, he's still a 4 stripe brown

Anonymous No. 171896

was going light with a little motherfucking 100lb kid and he tried heelhooking me

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always give it yo....jpg

Anonymous No. 171897

>was going light
rookie mistake

Anonymous No. 171900

This goes with the false positive we've been discussing here
Going with a kid or woman means you reduce your power but not your technique
Even with 0% power the wedges and frames should be in place so a heel hook is impossible

Going with weaklings is how you determine how good your technique actually is

Anonymous No. 171958

>The problem with soft rolling is it quickly devolves into non-technical rolling where people are just accepting positions
The solution is having open mats and a comp-class. Open mats are for traditional soft rolls, and the comp-class is for people who EXCLUSIVELY want sweaty no-holds-barred competition rolls

Anonymous No. 171969

damn I gotta switch to a gracie academy...

yeah I was just giving up positions the way I do with women and kids, not really paying attention to the roll and letting him work
the kid's a fresh white belt so I didn't expect him to even know what a heel hook is but I guess he watches UFC or some shit

Anonymous No. 171978

But with bjj in particular for whatever reason soft = abandoning fundamentals.
Like if you were going light in boxing you don't suddenly start crossing your feet and dropping your hands with your chin up, you just don't put horse power into your movements. What you get is way less successful attacks and way more successful defense actually because nobody's really trying to get the other person, a few boops get through here and there

It's exactly the opposite case in bjj, light rolls allow retarded Instagram meme attacks to work because defensive fundamentals go out the window
People just stop trying to control inside position and let their arms drift away.
It's like why even bother doing it if you're not going to do it right? If disciplined jiujitsu isn't fun to you then you don't think jiujitsu is fun. But go do something like aikido where your partner is fully compliant instead of trying to change this into that

Anonymous No. 171984

What a tryhard, lol
BJJ is a sport. If you are not a professional, it doesn't matter if you are the best in the world or not.
Just focus in improving yourself, rather than in being the "training lion who wins against everyone in training".

Anonymous No. 171989

>that thumbnail

Like that nigga is going to scare people with his soft ass sweaty frog face. God I hate American roidmonkeys

Anonymous No. 171991

Yeah, you've never competed

Anonymous No. 172002

Best plays to get instructional torrents?

Anonymous No. 172005

During the roll, the way you get around this can tell your partner
>I'm at around a 50% right now, you cool with going to 70%?
People will naturally scale up their level of fight to match yours, if you tell them you want to go harder, they'll go harder too, and if they're gonna object, they'll do so verbally.

Anonymous No. 172010

Why do it if you're going to do it wrong?

Anonymous No. 172011

Give it a few years, your body will let you know why.

I'm 36, fit, have been combining Judo and BJJ for well over a decade, but as much as I enjoy a tough roll, I'll make sure to get in enough easier rounds because I can feel too many hard rounds will eventually force me to give up grappling before I would want to. I'm hoping to do this well into my sixties and even seventies if possible, and I've seen too many a former competition fighter retire prematurely because of both wrecked bodies and mental fatigue.

Anonymous No. 172012

this sport fucks up your body like nothing else, people don't want chronic injuries that put them out of the sport for good or even fuck their life up to the point of committing suicide
there's a reason pros don't roll hard every fucking round while white belt teenagers do
you can and should absolutely roll hard but not exclusively

Anonymous No. 172066

When does bjj stop leaving me with an overwhelming sense of discouragement after rolling?

Anonymous No. 172068

once you start having some success in your goals
How long have you been training?

Anonymous No. 172070

But my friends you see that's why you must be disciplined and don't let light effort become lazy or else someone will take advantage and harm you

Every major injury I've had came from taking it easy and the other guy being reckless with my body. And I wasn't fully engaged and protected so it's my fault.
It's the ones you don't anticipate that get you

Anonymous No. 172076

>But with bjj in particular for whatever reason soft = abandoning fundamentals.
Going soft in BJJ is a waste of time. Most of the shit you learn is useless when someone is exerting 100% effort. Ultimately it comes down to what your goals are. If you just enjoy chilling, hanging out, and rolling, then I understand the desire to roll at low power and twisting your body like a pretzel. If you want to learn useful techniques that could help you out in MMA/street fight. Throw 90% of the bjj bs out the window. It's just a waste.

Anonymous No. 172085

Well, I think keeping yourself safe is a pretty basic tenet that shouldn't be forgotten at any point. I'm not advocating being lazy, but doesn't preclude rolling safely.

Again not advocating laziness, but I'd go as far as to argue that, if you know your basics well, it's easy enough to be lazy yet effective. In fact, I often find myself landing far more submissions when I'm feeling lazy because I will just go straight for any submission I see rather than trying to work a certain skill.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 172090

If you are not a MMA or BJJ pro or maybe a Judo pro working on newaza, BJJ is just a sport.
"For da streetz" is a terrible mentality to have. If you are getting involved as an adult in street fights you should be asking yourself what you are doing wrong with your life rather than training martial arts.

You should go study how to be a better person rather than how to be a better fighter.

Anonymous No. 172091

If you are not a MMA or BJJ pro or maybe a Judo pro working on newaza, BJJ is just a sport.
"For da streetz" is a terrible mentality to have. If you are getting involved as an adult in street fights you should be asking yourself what you are doing wrong with your life rather than training martial arts. In this case, you should go study how to be a better person rather than how to be a better fighter.

Anonymous No. 172095

Dont go for the headlock if you spar with bulgarians, they just use the space to reach for your back and take an arm triangle from behind.
Basically my strategy was bad and then I ended up doing it again, not understanding that he always has time to move out of the way by the time i go for choke.
The toeholds or standing up arent the problem, its how do I stop a black belt from taking my back immediatly.

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Anonymous No. 172106

I can tell you don't live near minorities because they will just attack you completely unprovoked

Anonymous No. 172107

eh sometimes the fight finds you. Ive been in one fight in my adult life and my grappling experience is what saved me. Didnt really think id be getting into a fight either

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Anonymous No. 172148

If you want to get truly good at BJJ, you need to start lifting weights and stop masturbating. Married men or men with long-term girlfriends have given up on being truly great too. They’re not hungry to compete, they know their meat is waiting for them at home. Single, fit men who do not masturbate fight with determination and a desire to make others submit instead of being submissive. It’s all about mindset, and a fat man who masturbates or has a mate to bust in has already lost the game. Men do all things out of a desire to reproduce, which includes fighting.

Anonymous No. 172150

Have you ever seen jocko roll? He sucks
He stomps around like a gorilla, no technique at all. Any success he has he owes to TRT though I'm not sure if you can find any footage of him actually winning a match

Anonymous No. 172199

you think those guys don’t fuck?

Anonymous No. 172206

>t. A fucking nobody, not even a has-been but a never-was

Anonymous No. 172210

Who's a never was? I make 6 figures as an IT subcontractor. 100% work from home, I can do as much jiujitsu as I want.
Take a look at the "competitors" living on mats in the locker room, dealing with injuries and skin infections, surviving off the good faith of people around them because they don't earn money.
By the time they're 30 they can't compete anymore and will have no education or skills to have a real career, that's if the injuries don't keep them off the mat forever.

I'm not a never was, they're "never will be" they never will be functional independant adults. Mooch losers forever.

Anonymous No. 172211

>I make 6 figures as an IT subcontractor
No one asked. You reek of insecurity.

Anonymous No. 172220

What is there to be insecure about? I have millions of dollars in assets between my house my company and all my investments, and I get to do jiujitsu every day sometimes twice a day
Competing and especially chasing medals is for literal retards. Especially when you consider the majority of them don't even have Healthcare because they don't have jobs.

I'll still be rolling when I'm 90, Gordon is already wearing diapers and if his heart doesn't give out by the time he's 50 from all the juice and chronic illness it'll be a miracle
Lmfao and that guys life is the best possible case scenario, it's only worse for everybody else

Stop competing, get an education, get a job. Nobody is impresses by your tin medal
Not only do people not care but in the normiesphere a bjj world champion Is equivalent to their twelve-year-old niece winning a blue ribbon at her local taekwondo kata competition. It's a childish novelty at best. Only a fool chases glory where there is none to be had.

Anonymous No. 172245

There's a big gradient between
>I'm trying to win worlds as a black belt and plan to be on podium at ADCC
>I will never compete at all
in which most serious BJJ players will get some good training, will learn way-more-than-enough useful streetfight tech to outfight the average unarmed drunken retard who wants to try something, will win a few medals, and won't waste their life as a burn-out or injure themselves all that badly.

The absolute extremes are obviously pretty crazy, but you're not gonna find a serious sport where they're sane, absolute specialization always produces weirdos.

Anonymous No. 172251

I'm not the guy you're replying to and I have a similar settis to you except I work in govt. rather than IT, but your shit is tl;Dr cope bullshit of an old man trying to get young people to be mediocre and bitter insecure autists like you
you sound fucking sad man
let young guys be consumed by their passion for the sport and if they end up regretting it that's part of life, don't shoot down their dreams fucking geezer
I fucking hate codemonkeys, always autistic misanthropes lol

Anonymous No. 172252

also my advice for the people targeted by the angry codemonkey:
don't let your self-worth be defined by the values held by another person or by social groups you don't belong to, define your self-worth by how much you live up to your own values, and don't let yourself be confined by what someone else wants for you, they probably just want to pull you down to their level because miserable losers love company

Anonymous No. 172256

>bullshit of an old man trying to get young people to be mediocre
Young men need guidance, I want them to he successful in their lives not broke and broken
Let's say you win that meaningless ibjjf wold championship (350 every year across all divisons)
Now you've destroyed your body and wasted your best years chasing something that will never give a return for what you put in to get it
You're approaching 30, no education, no family, no money. And here you'll be staring at that medal on your wall pathetically clinging to it like guys that peaked in high-school on their varsity sports did
Remembering "hey, I was great once" while you wallow in despair because you have nothing.
Kids today start training at 4 years old, if you're not already a winning athlete on the black belt circuit by the time you're 19 you need to stop, it's not happening for you.

It's not compassionate to tell people to follow pipe dreams

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Anonymous No. 172369

Reminder, you're stupid if you commit your life to competitions

Anonymous No. 172371

When did you realize that belts don't mean shit and isn't equivalent of someone's skill at all?
>tfw blue belt at my club trying to explain a technique I already know and he's explaining it totally wrong

Anonymous No. 172373

am I getting this right in that you're a white belt and the blue belt was explaining things wrongly?
because blue belts are considered beginners too, they're 5th stripe whites. it's hardly a good metric.

there are few people at advanced belts that are fools when it comes to the mat. Usually what you'll find at higher belts is boomers that aren't wrong but they are outdated so they might as well be wrong. Such as using hooks for back control, stepping off for head and arms, dropping into spiderweb from S-mount, and opening to half butterfly before an arm drag
these were standard practices when jiujitsu was still brazilian, now that it belongs to the anglosphere it has been improved

Anonymous No. 172378

>In training, if someone is refusing to tap, but you have absolute control over them, and you're withholding power because you don't want to crush them. What is the move? Should you apply increasing pressure until they risk getting hurt or just let them up?
I slowly apply more pressure and if I feel like I'm actually gonna hurt the guy I ask him if he is okay. Many times you believe you have a better sub than what you actually have.

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bjj side kick to ....webm

Anonymous No. 172425

Anonymous No. 172435

how can anybody watch this and think it's cool
what a joke of a sport

Anonymous No. 172439

I know right? That's why Sambo, Kudo and others in the jacket wrestling genre are more fun to watch and are actually valuable as far as skill sets go. BJJ was basically boosted through false advertisement from the get go with UFC 1 being rigged sports event for Gracies to show off their fighting against low-skill fighters willing to compete that they hand picked to lose against Gracie BJJ.

Anonymous No. 172442

when ranking combat sports by how embarrassing they are to do, I would rank BJJ around the same level as TKD. Both have some stuff in there that could be useful but done in a way that's really silly and dumb
that places it below karate for level of embarrassment you should feel, but well above something like scottish backhold

Anonymous No. 172459

Not just talking about boomers, just a lot of blue/purple belts who fucking suck at sparring.
I guess it's common for clubs to award people for technical shit but I could win vs most higher belts at my gym.
Blows my mind that you can be shit at the real part of BJJ, never compete and go twice a week, and be awarded at the same pace as someone who trains 6 times a week.

I'm really just mad because I got a stripe last week at the same time as this other guy at my gym got it, making us even in rank. Although for the past 6 months I've been training 20 times more than him and could beat him sparring both thanks to my superior athleticism and technique.

Anonymous No. 172460

athleticism is part of the requirements for competition and self-defense but not jiu-jitsu itself, that’s why some ancient mummy looking macaco is a black belt sixth degree and you’re not, even though you could easily kill him. The technical aspects make up jiu-jitsu but to apply them well you ought to be athletic and intelligent, just memorizing technique makes you equivalent to a chinaman while relying on physical attributes to compensate for technical lacking makes you a coon. Anyway you already know this and I’m preaching to the choir. Maybe consider that your coach hands out stripes merely as the dopamine fix they’re intended to serve as and not as an actual measure of skill? Or maybe the coach hands out based on how long you’ve been paying the monthly fee. Does the coach even pay attention to you or roll with you?

Anonymous No. 172462

>I'm really just mad because I got a stripe last week at the same time as this other guy at my gym got it, making us even in rank. Although for the past 6 months I've been training 20 times more than him and could beat him sparring both thanks to my superior athleticism and technique.
I would suggest to stop caring that much. Belts themselves are already no more than a vague measurement of skill and time spent on the maps if one compares the different skill levels within belts, making stripes hardly more than a decorative element.

I've seen and rolled with way too many white belts with a solid wrestling/Judo/MMA background that rip through blue and purple belts to consider belts a definitive indication of skill.

Anonymous No. 172484

TKD at least has you have fun doing it and you know you mainly do it for fun of it rather than le serious epic martial arts of self defense combat ninjas, although you can more proficiently larp as one after a bit of TKD spin jump kick tomfoolery for a few years, good for movies and action scenes if you are to ever consider stunt career or acting now that you think about it, more based imo than BJJ.

Anonymous No. 172491

You guys should just try a class. I'm baffled by the retards on here that try to dismantle BJJ by exclusively bringing up gi stuff and fights from 20-30 years ago.
Even in striking or MMA gyms you don't hear this ridiculous opinion.
Does this come from a place of conspiracy theories or something? I genuinely don't understand how anyone who has grappled can essentially call BJJ fake or useless.

Anonymous No. 172492

never said fake or useless, it just lacks the foundation that makes it useful in generic classes available, you have to go to this or that, I would rather just do Sports Sambo more universal grappling.

Anonymous No. 172493

This is like shitting on a boxing thread because they lack takedowns. You're a fucking moron.

Anonymous No. 172495

you are crying in defense of an art that claims to be an all rounder, nah bro, rather learn basics from sports sambo, they know their shit.

Anonymous No. 172500

>using hooks for back control
Can you elaborate on why it's wrong?

Anonymous No. 172503

Who has ever said BJJ is an all rounder?
Also, why would anything need to be an all rounder when you can train more than one thing?

Anonymous No. 172504

There is nothing as uniquely stupid as BJJ claiming to be a ground fighting art that lacks any consistent mechanism to put the fight on the ground

The more high level jujitsu gets the more just turns into wrestling

Anonymous No. 172506

I think it's good ol' 4chan reactionary contrarianism against anything popular. Nevermind that even today, the highwater mark of BJJ popularity, it's still a tiny weird niche hobby.

But yeah, the great lengths people will go to to avoid training amaze me. "Hurr durr, sambo is technically cooler than BJJ, but I don't live in Russia so there is no sambo in my city, therefore I'm not going to train in anything". Brilliant.

Anonymous No. 172507

Not that anon, but I think they're just alluding to the preference for body triangles or feet on the top hip. Hooks are not necessarily wrong, and are often necessary for control from the position
BJJ alone lacks takedowns, yes. Anyone who disagrees is wrong. But that does not invalidate submission/control systems or escapes on the ground.
Luckily, we don't have to train pure BJJ anymore. It's not the 90s. Wrestling is great and it's a good thing that it's getting more incorporated into BJJ training.
Only on this autistic board do I see people obsess over extremely pure versions of martial arts, or try to have them "battle" in weird hypothetical rulesets.

Anonymous No. 172508

Efficiency to effort + time spent ratio basically is the reason.

Anonymous No. 172513

BJJ does have takedowns but doesn't really utilize or teach them in a potentially useful manner which is annoying af.

Anonymous No. 172524

Of course. I'd like to break this explanation into a few pieces

Hooks are appropriate when someone is flattened out belly down, in fact they are very powerful in that position because the floor is wedged against the front of the hips and this blocks their main mechanism of escape.
The flaw with hooks from other positions is when for example you are on your side or backpack with the person on top of you, The floor not being there means the hips have a big gap that the person is now free to try and step through, and we all know the escap there, it's the simple shoulders to the mat clear the bottom hook scoot your butt over and you're out.
And so this will work against someone that doesn't know jiujitsu, it's true you have to learn how to escape this position but anybody with a few stripes on their white belt can probably escape this position pretty easily.

So we need to operate under the doctrine that the right move at the wrong time is the wrong move.
Superior back controls would include body triangle, post back mount, reverse top lock, bottom leg twister hook, even a back side lockdown if you have the legs for it.
What all of these back controls have in common is you are using your leg in effect as a lap bar across the hip in the same way the floor is used from a belly down hook's position.

So why do the hooks persist?
This is unfortunately a case of the sport leading the practice in a negative way, the hooks score points but what you see is an athlete will get the hooks and as soon as they are awarded their points they will change their leg configuration to a stronger position. In essence the sport rewards for using the weakest control.


Anonymous No. 172525

But it goes further than this, it's negative influence runs even deeper. Conventional wisdom would have you say when you are in seat belt position you fall to the choke side instead of the undertook side.
This is because there is nothing stopping the spiral at the hip line so you need to have your choke arm do double duty as both an attacking and controlling arm.
The terms "strong side" and "weak side" are used. But this is only when hooks are being used, when one of those other leg Configurations is used the underhook side is the stronger side. Now your choking hand is free to operate as a choking hand because the control is being handled by your underhook and leg configuration.

So in summary When we use hooks we are actually weakening our overall ability to attack from the back for the sake of keeping the hooks involved
We are doing submissions to serve the position, which is backwards.
We reverse engineer our back attacks around the poor hook position instead of Starting at the end; the submission, and determining what leg entanglement is best to serve this goal.
Choosing hooks and falling to the choke side is equivalent to taking the stairs when there's an escalator right next to it. You can do it, both will eventually get you to the next floor, but you're making your life more difficult for no reason

Thank you for coming to my back control seminar.

Anonymous No. 172531

All of these discussions about BJJ bad/good would cease if armchair generals stopped posting and only people who actually train martial arts were allowed to post on this board.

Anonymous No. 172537

When you've never done it you say it doesn't work
Then you try it and lose so it does work
But then you get good at it and realize wait actually this is kind of stupid and overcomplicated

Anonymous No. 172538

I don't know why it has to be so shitty. Worse than /r/bjj, somehow
Well said. But I do think the complicated stuff can be fun, especially if you're rolling with people that aren't as good as you.

Anonymous No. 172541

There was zero discussion about trials over the weekend. No one here trains seriously.

Anonymous No. 172548

Or if black belts didn't show aikido tier shit like this

Anonymous No. 172550

If you once start training martial arts and quit you never stopped you just took a detour.

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Anonymous No. 172551

I've starting boxing (never did martial arts before except HEMA but I feel that doesn't really count) and one month in I kinda accept the fact that I'm a manlet with a skinny body and I'll never be able to be an effective striker in a fight.

I'll do the whole year of boxing cause I enjoy it and it's good knowledge but my question is : having accepted my weak manlet nature, should I just start learning BJJ, as it's probably the only MA that will allow me to be effective even against larger opponents?

I'm 26/1m77(5'10)/66kgs(145pounds)and can hardly put on weight due to poor appetite + no money

Anonymous No. 172554

>I kinda accept the fact that I'm a manlet with a skinny body and I'll never be able to be an effective striker in a fight.
>having accepted my weak manlet nature
What you need to do is to stop being a bitch.

Helio Gracie didn't invent leverage. Leverage exists in boxing. Leverage exists in every martial art. Training and skill lets you apply the leverage effectively regardless of your body. You should still do BJJ though because it's fun.

>I'm 26/1m77(5'10)/66kgs(145pounds)
Kid Yamamoto was 5'4" (1.63 m) and 135lbs (61 kg). He competed 2 weight classes up because lighter weight classes literally didn't exist in MMA at the time and he STILL was knocking guys out. Stop being a bitch.

Anonymous No. 172629

New to bjj, keep getting tapped by dudes in top position simply pressing their forearm against my neck and leaning on it with their body weight
How do I defend from that? Even in guard I can barely manage because my head is effectively pinned to the ground, in any other position it really feels like there is literally nothing I can do

Anonymous No. 172632

>BJJ alone lacks takedowns, yes

This is untrue, they have more takedown options than any other sport, it is just that almost no one trains that way since it is going to end up on the ground anyway; people want to get good at the part that will help them the most in their sport. You can train almost any takedown you want except kani basami.

Anonymous No. 172636

>asking your pottery teacher to teach you welding
Perhaps you should consider why you're trying to learn wrestling at a BJJ school, seems conceptually flawed from the get-go

Anonymous No. 172640

The flaw in this reasoning is treating bjj like a sport and then beyond that assuming a specific set of rules associated with it

The percent of people that care about competitions is small, the amount of those people that care about ibjjf rules is even smaller
That's why I don't respect when people try to enforce those silly rules on the mat
Oh no! You're grabbing inside my pants! That's illegal!
Didn't realize we're in an ibjjf competition right now chief
Or reaping the leg. Ah help! You're not allowed to put your leg across my thigh when I'm wearing a jacket!!!
If you don't like it then do something about it

And this is why I will stand up and avoid any buttscooters completely
I'll literally moon walk and do cart wheels around with complete disrespect
You want me in your guard then force me into it, no referee here to assist you

Anonymous No. 172644

You mean like in closed guard? Extend your hips/legs away to relieve the pressure a bit, and push their arm across your body, exposing their back. Might take a bit of timing but this should work against anyone near your size.
>You want me in your guard then force me into it
I kind of agreed with you until this. You're not even going to try to pass? What if they wrestled you and lost, would you just stand back up? If you're not trying to submit, get off the fucking mats. You could say the same thing about boxing, and just run around the ring like a faggot, claiming it's a flaw of boxing

Anonymous No. 172647

Laying on your back with your belly up in the air is the universal sign of submission in the animal Kingdom, It's exactly what your dog does when you yell at him for digging up your zucchini patch.
If a dog or a cat or bear or anything else wants to fight another of its kind it will stand up tall and fight them, And when it loses it will lay down and show it's belly.

So to me a person that would sit down on the floor and show their belly has tapped out, they have submitted.

But aside from all that, I am happy to grapple you but why am I obligated to do it on your terms and get down into the position that you want me?
I want you to stand up and grapple with me how about you concede to me?
I want you up, you want me down, so you should get up and put me there because by any metric the guy standing is winning and the guy on his back is losing

Anonymous No. 172652

This actually works though

Anonymous No. 172653

Uh oh we got a badass over here. What are you even saying, that you just go to practice, never compete and brag about it? Why would you bother going to bjj if you aren't there to work on your submissions and control?

Anonymous No. 172655

>You mean like in closed guard?
As I said,
>Even in guard I can barely manage because my head is effectively pinned to the ground, in any other position it really feels like there is literally nothing I can do
This feels the case even with guys more or less my size, but there is a limited selection of 150lb manlets in my gym, so I have to roll with bigger guys more often than not, and the move feels downright crushing

Anonymous No. 172659

Why don’t you autists just agree on whatever ruleset you want with your training partners and not care what other people do

Anonymous No. 172661

if he stands up you stand up, this is a basic principle even in jiujitsu
sitting on the floor is conceding a position and we don't concede positions we win them

the question is why are you even bothering to go when you're going to ignore an entire phase of the fight.
Chris paines put it well, going to guard is like walking into a james bond movie 2 minutes after it started. You missed the entire first part of the fight

Anonymous No. 172665

>brings up pulling guard out of nowhere
>brings up Chris Paines
Faggot. Even if you earn top position via takedown, you still have to know how to pass, pin, and submit (aka BJJ). If all you care about is exchanging takedowns, do something else. I don't understand why this specific thread always attracts the most insufferable aspies
This is what I was talking about

This should work on pretty much anyone that is not a gigantic monster. You might be able to switch to butterfly hooks and get off your back, depending on flexibility and position.
I highly recommend absolutely spamming your coach with questions like this, you will get good quickly. Google is good too but sometimes it's hard to get the nomenclature right

Anonymous No. 172666

Would this work in a half-guard or a mount?

Anonymous No. 172668

>you still have to know how to pass, pin, and submit
But I do know how to do all those things, you are the one that doesn't know how to do those things
You lack the pinning and take down ability to keep someone on their back. If you don't know how to do takedowns you don't know how to pin because these are the same skill at different ranges. People think I'm trolling when I say I'm a bottom side control player, and they go you mean bottom half guard? And I say no, bottom side control
Because I can stand up at will with impunity anytime I want to, and that's how I bait you suckers into wrestling me
I start to stand then whoops suddenly you're trying to wrassle me back down and immediately beat you on that every time. You just activated my trap card
"What the heck!? But how am I the one getting mat returned now!??"
The but scooter fears the duck under

It's actually pretty funny once someone rolls with me a few times how gunshy they become to where they're in a traditionally "good" position but afraid to do anything because they know it's going to get turned around on them.

It's like when sakuraba used to turn his back towards his opponents and eventually they stopped trying to take it because he was able to set comoro traps from there. It's like stepping into a mouse trap

Anonymous No. 172669

Half guard should be a bit easier because you can move your hips off to the side and use your top leg as a butterfly hook or knee shield.
Mount can be tough, attempt a trap and roll escape or even a bridge towards the arm they are using to apply pressure. They will need to post or get rolled. Again, try asking your coach or higher belts so you can drill it and see it IRL.
>If you don't know how to do takedowns you don't know how to pin because these are the same skill at different ranges

Anonymous No. 172674

I'm tired of getting constant rugburn on my feet. Anyone here have experience with rashguard socks of any kind?

Anonymous No. 172678

I wear a wide so that probably has something to do with it, but the 4 i tried when dealing with a gash from work were all either too loose or too tight.

Anonymous No. 172691

You have consistently claimed that you are immune to side control, but you have never even attempted to describe your method of escaping side control. I believe you're naught but a troll.

Anonymous No. 172694

I stopped getting mat burn on my feet after a while, or at least it hasn't happened to me in a while. The skin on your feet will get tougher, and/or you will get smarter about how to use your feet and quit dragging them across the mat. All that to say, I'm skeptical that rashguard socks are a good idea.

Anonymous No. 172699

Certainly I will explain, I even explained it to people in person and will then proceed to do it to them.
That is the test of a technique to describe in detail exactly what you are doing and then do it anyway.

I have 2 primary methods for standing up, The basic single leg wrestle up
Or the less common turn away and build the house
I achieve this with an elbow frame either to the armpit or the neck depending on their orientation.
The crux of the technique is denying access to the far side hip. People in BJ have this false idea that back control is some kind of foregone conclusion just because you've turned your back to somebody, and it isn't, back control requires control of the far side hip so as long as you are disciplined with your T. Rex arms and hand fighting your back will never be taken.

I don't have any secret special technique, it's just good wrestling fundamentals proving that jujitsu doesn't work

Anonymous No. 172714

I'm not sure I'm visualizing what you're describing. Can you post a video?

Anonymous No. 172715

I'm frustrated with myself. I've been practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu for approximately six months, but I don't seem to be advancing. I consistently find myself in a disadvantaged position, with my opponents maintaining control. Even those who have recently joined the sport seem to outperform me. My inability to improve in this way really annoys me.

Anonymous No. 172716

i had the same issue. Start thinking in concepts as opposed to techniques. Like instead of using specific guard passing techniques just think of it as getting passed their legs. Thinking like that improved my game massively as stupid as it may sound

Anonymous No. 172717


Try it, you'll like it
A gi occasionally complicates it a bit but nogi it just breaks jiujitsu

Anonymous No. 172729

>In a boxing fight, why should I be required to box if I want to wrestle? I'm bringing the fight to you, aren't I? How about you throw some punches and stop me if you don't like it!
Same NGMI mindset.

If you wanna fight MMA, just do that instead, jiu jitsu is essentially all about that floor shit and generally expects you to at least try to engage with it, even if fights includes an opening standing scuffle.

Anonymous No. 172733

Well the greatest boxer of all time made his career out of not boxing as much as possible
Anti-boxing if you will

Anonymous No. 172776

>i had the same issue. Start thinking in concepts as opposed to techniques.
Morons in this thread mocked when I used the term 'BJJ theory'.

>Like instead of using specific guard passing techniques just think of it as getting passed their legs. Thinking like that improved my game massively as stupid as it may sound
In short, don't use BJJ, just pass the guard by any means lol...Yes anon, you're correct, this 'technique' is quite effective. Seems some of you are being paralyzed by not knowing which bjj techniques to employ, when the best move all along was just scrambling.

Anonymous No. 172792

Spun out of a knee bar but it felt like my kneecap stayed behind. Top of my kneecap feels slightly sore but not quite painful. How fucked am I?
I'm pretty experienced with leglocks and my training partner wasn't apply much pressure, just felt really strange.

Anonymous No. 172795

Don't mess with knee caps, they can fix ligaments pretty well but once a patella goes there's no saving it
Heal that shit

Anonymous No. 172796

If it's not swelling, doesn't actually hurt, and isn't obviously weak in some new way/direction, you're probably fine. I wouldn't go working it like it's perfect for awhile, but "real" knee problems usually involve screaming.

Anonymous No. 172799

yup, people get stuck trying to make a technique work not realizing that you need to chain them together and sometimes add a little athletisism to the mix

Anonymous No. 172802

No, we mock you because you're a delusional narcissist who thinks he's hacked the matrix.
>durr bjj sucks wrestling good
>concepts, theory
>duh just pass his legs
None of this is new or interesting. Every coach I've worked with has said some variation of "it's not about moves it's about movement" or "think about what you're really trying to accomplish, don't just go A, B, C".

Anonymous No. 172806

Agreed. Someone could watch a bunch of BJJ Globetrotter videos and understand concepts/theory without ever stepping on the mats. Doesn't mean shit

Anonymous No. 172809

There is a vast gulf between understanding a concept in the intellectual, abstract sense, and having the first hand experience of applying that concept against resistance through live training.
You're now going to claim that you stepped on the mat with no prior experience and beat everyone your first day.

Anonymous No. 172810

Little do you know you're replying to a different person than the one you think you are

Anonymous No. 172811

Eh, I think I've noticed a pattern. Maybe there's more than one of em.

Anonymous No. 172847

For the next thread let's talk about that guy

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BJJ ogoshi guard ....webm

Anonymous No. 172856

Anonymous No. 172872

Nice, but wouldn't that get you dq'd under that gay "no slamming" rule?

Anonymous No. 172876

That's not a slam, that's a takedown, I think. Not sure exactly what distinguishes a slam from a takedown.

Anonymous No. 172880

>Not sure exactly what distinguishes a slam from a takedown.
Whether you speak Portuguese or not

Anonymous No. 172881

Based and accurate.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 172892

Lol, wtf is this thread with some guy pretending to be some badass warrior that goes to gyms and beat everyone without training?

Anonymous No. 172956

not a slam because she really send herself flying out there kek.

Anonymous No. 172964

What are the best instructionals for a beginner?
I struggle to defend my back and retain open guard

Anonymous No. 172980

The best instructional is to keep showing up. Now with that tired cliche out of the way, check out Jon Thomas BJJ for guard stuff. I attended a seminar he did on collar-sleeve guard early on in my training and it's still the foundation of my open guard game. Short version, get grips before you play guard, and get your feet on your opponent.

Back defense, I don't have any specific vids to recommend, but generally just hide your back, or if the guy is already back there, close up your elbow-knee space to deny the hooks, get your hips/shoulders to the mat and turn into him.

Anonymous No. 172999

I don't like that guy, he does gi memes
The sport karate of bjj

Anonymous No. 173004

Lachlan Giles has a subscription site, submeta. I think it’s a good option for a white belt because you can cover a lot of different stuff easily without getting bogged down in a complicated instructional.
If you don’t want to spend money, youtube has a lot of good stuff (or you could always find torrents or Chinese streaming sites). John Danaher is probably my favorite but some people hate his stuff. Guard retention is really important and definitely worth spending time on

Anonymous No. 173012

Lads, lifting is a massive tedious ballache. I only do 2 sessions a week and I feel like it’s cutting into my recovery for BJJ. Is there anything I can do to make sure my 32 year old body doesn’t snap, something that doesn’t involve the whole rigmarole of spending hours of my week driving to the gym lifting weights, showering, etc. Idgaf about being swole any more, I’m bored of this shit and want more hours on the mats

Anonymous No. 173013

You should try asking strangers for permission to do what you've already decided you're gonna do.

Anonymous No. 173014

I know this girl, she’s called Laura something and trains at Mata Leao in Bradford UK. She’s brilliant but an egregiously big sandbagger. She was competing for at least a year as a white belt despite having a judo BB

Anonymous No. 173036

explicitly against the rules
there's sandbagging and then there's cheating, that's cheating

Anonymous No. 173050

You just need max 2 sets per exercise, stop lifting like a body builder for volume
For strength it's 40 minutes in and out
4 exercises, 1 warm up set, 1 set to failure Bing bang boom you're done

Anonymous No. 173075

>No, we mock you because you're a delusional narcissist who thinks he's hacked the matrix.
I don't take the mocking seriously. It's pure jealousy.

>None of this is new or interesting.
lol sure

>You're now going to claim that you stepped on the mat with no prior experience and beat everyone your first day.
According to you morons none of my experience or knowledge mattered, but this is exactly what I did nonetheless.

Anonymous No. 173077

>explicitly against the rules
>there's sandbagging and then there's cheating, that's cheating
Ironic how on one hand, in the bjj community sandbagging is frowned upon; yet when I described my skillset I was immediately attacked by salty faggots who are envious because it took them 6 months to win their first roll, and I swept the floor on my trial night.

A few weeks ago I mentioned I should probably be a blue belt already, but after additional training I'm going to change that statement. In truth, I should actually be a purple belt.

I've found that lite-rolling is also a waste of time. Instead drill your submissions until your muscle memory is developed, then roll at 100%. This is the way for rapid progress. Immediately discard all the 'technical bs' that works in lite-rolls but is nearly impossible to lock in against a skilled opponent at 100% power and speed.

Anonymous No. 173086

>Instead drill your submissions until your muscle memory is developed, then roll at 100%.
Write that down with a timestamp and look at it again in a decade. Rolling 100% all the time will destroy you.

Anonymous No. 173095

>I should actually be a purple belt
Great. Enter an advanced division at a tournament, or challenge blue/purple belts and record the rolls for us. I'm sure there is a lot we can learn from a new white belt

Anonymous No. 173098

How'd you do at East Coast trials?
Maybe you really are the next Gordon or Mikey, but you absolutely need to put up or shut up at this point. Post medals with timestamp, post rolling footage, post something. Give evidence or be dismissed as a lazy troll.

By the way no jiujitsu guy worth his salt would disparage or dismiss a wrestler's skill or experience. I love wrestlers, we've got several at my gym. They are good guys, great training partners and damn good grapplers.

Anonymous No. 173101

easy enough to find out

Anonymous No. 173106

>Great. Enter an advanced division at a tournament
I'm looking into this.
>How'd you do at East Coast trials?
What organizations should I look into for no gi? Are the weight classes the same as ADCC? Will I be able to find, just a purple belt division? Or will I have to settle for a blue, purple, brown belt division?

Trying to find a solid source of information for these types of questions but the information is scattered.

Anonymous No. 173111

>Are the weight classes the same as ADCC
Motherfucker, East Coast trials ARE ADCC:

I don't know where you're located or what your travel budget is, but there's another trials in the UK in November:

I'm sure you're far too good for NAGA, grappling games, or AGF, but you could easily get into a bracket at any one of those tournaments, if you deign to.

Anonymous No. 173112

Whoops my bad, the Wales tournament is not a trial/qualifier for the world's championship, it's an open. Still your best chance to compete under ADCC rules.

Anonymous No. 173117

>Motherfucker, East Coast trials ARE ADCC:
With 6 months of intensive training I'll consider an ADCC trial if one is near me. I'll have to wait until next year.

>NAGA, grappling games, or AGF
These look fun. Exactly what I was looking for.

Image not available


BJJ bottom body t....webm

Anonymous No. 173246

Anonymous No. 173247

Yikes, I don't think I've ever seen that injury before.
Btw, can someone make a new thread? Maybe this time the autists wont ruin it (unlikely)

Anonymous No. 173252

New phobia unlocked

Anonymous No. 173253

New to the sport, been at it for a month give or take
I know progression is generally fairly slow in BJJ, but how long until I don't *completely* suck and stop getting twisted into pretzels by white belts half my size?

Anonymous No. 173262

was this because all of his weight was on the outstretched part of his body triangle?

Anonymous No. 173279

Not just his weight. That foot looks like it's pinned.

Anonymous No. 173292

Is gi jiu jitsu gay?

I had some brown belt spam the same cross collar choke from guard on me (white belt) about 5 times and I didn’t give him a little respect handshake after our roll ended which pissed him and his friend off lmfao.

I swear I’m never doing gi again, it’s the gayest shit on the planet having your own clothing weaponized against you, especially considering how nobody wears shit even close to a gi nowadays anyway.

Anonymous No. 173294

its a cope for the lazy and unathletic

you don't need to learn the gi at all to be a good grappler despite what retards say. If you have a nogi class you can attend every day thats good. If thats impossible then you should do gi classes anyway because some time on the mat doing silly shit is better than no time on the mat at all, just cynically practice the bullshit lapel move of the day then refuse to use or respect them during rolls.
by the time you're a purple belt if you want to be a competitor you need to make a choice. At the advanced levels you're one or the other, the metagame is too different to have success at both

Anonymous No. 173309


Anonymous No. 173323

If your posture is that bad, you'll have just as many problems in no gi. Just different ones. The answer isn't necessarily never training gi again, the answer is consistent training whether it be gi or no gi.

Anonymous No. 173338

you suck ass nigger
flannels, jackets, dress shirts, belts etc are just the same as gi but you’re a black gorilla monkey nigger coon and too dumb to get that

Anonymous No. 173344

Weight classes exist for a reason. you are a dumbass if you are training for any reason other than to compete

Anonymous No. 173351

Let me make this clear, if you collar choke someone you're going to catch an attempted murder charge
It's unreasonable force against anyone that isn't trying to kill you, and if they are trying to kill you then smashing them with your elbows is a better option

Anonymous No. 173375

>if you collar choke someone you're going to catch an attempted murder charge
I could see a okay lawyer getting a competitor who is documented as having used that submission successfully in competition off.

Compfrens can't stop winning!

Anonymous No. 173433

And the prosecution will pay $100,000 to rener gracie to have him come testify against you

Anonymous No. 173450

you will always be a pussy because you worry more about consequences than about surviving
protip: knowing how to collar choke doesn’t mean you have to do it and don’t know any other techniques

Anonymous No. 173456

>gi is only for collar chokes
No, you grab your opponent's clothes to control them

Anonymous No. 173459

>all law is magically aware of everything and unable to be beaten
Lmao even

Anonymous No. 173472

then don't do it
plus it's a retarded technique because it works only during jiujitsu class because of the gentlemen's agreement that I wont smash your face when you put both of your hands around my neck instead of controlling my hands. fake move for a fake silly garment
only if you're bad at grappling. The gi is a crutch which is why old men prefer to use it, if you're actually good you don't need it. There's a lot of mental gymnastics people do to justify using the gi but the fact is it's only ego that drives it. They want bjj to be some magical superpowers that they cultivated so they require people, wear this ridiculous garment specifically tailored to be grabbed on to with it's reinforced collars and cuffs and long lapels wrapping around the torso and belt on the outside with dangling front pieces. That way they can feel this sense of superiority even against other grapplers "Heh tough cookies pal, guess that wrestling doesn't work when you agree to let me tie you up with a rope first, too bad buddy boy"
but more importantly its because they need to be able to show off their belts and walk into a room and immediately demand respect. without that they'll need to back up their status, with the belt they can just tell people how great they are and never show it.
if you're choking someone out you're in a place where it's not legal to carry a gun. That's the only reason you would choke someone out instead of putting 2 in the chest when they climb on top of you. So yes, you're losing the case and will have your name dragged through the street for the racist killing your just committed as well

Anonymous No. 173480

>That way they can feel this sense of superiority
>they need to be able to show off
>walk into a room and immediately demand respect
I think you're projecting pretty hard, you're tattling on yourself bro.

Anti-gi seethe is a truly bizarre psychological sickness.
>duh people don't wear a gi in DA STREETZ
They don't wear skintight spandex rashguards either.

The vast majority of jiujitsu practitioners train both gi and no-gi, even if they've got a preference for one or the other. Yet for some reason, there's this odd little cadre of weridos who seethe with rage at the very idea of training in the gi. I dunno man, training is fun, why would I limit myself?

Anonymous No. 173484

I keep trying to make a new thread and nothing happens god damn it

Anonymous No. 173485

>why would I limit myself?
that's exactly what the gi is doing
you're spending half your time learning fake moves that only work in the context of someone wearing a very specific garment
nogi has no such limitation, it works all the time
why do you think wrestling dominates in MMA and judo doesn't?
because it doesn't translate

Anonymous No. 173486

Not everyone cares about da streets or MMA. Some people are in it purely for sport, fun, socialization, and exercise. It's fine. These are the majority and they are the reason gyms are able to stay in business

Anonymous No. 173487

This started because someone equated the gi to real clothes and the only circumstance where that matters is if someone's trying to fight you

Which in most cases the person isn't going to have a jacket or some shit on, likely shirtless or a t-shirt at best

Anonymous No. 173503

depends on how often you train. If you are getting fucked up by whitebelts that started when you did technique is probs not the problem but strenght. One thing that often makes it hard to measure how good you are is that your partners are also training and improving making you feel as you still get smoked by the same dude until you go up against the completely new white belt and smoke em. Keep it up and give it 3-5 more months.

Here is a tip that I personally learned way to late as a beginner to grappling. "Hands on the inside" You almost always want your hand on the inside of you opponents. Something many beginners don't think about and leads to a lot of subs.

Anonymous No. 173506

This is all his fault. What a retard.

Anonymous No. 173507

Lmao dude got fucking demolished on the mat and then acts disrespectful. You are the faggot. Learn to defend a cross collar choke instead of bitching. It's literally the most basic shit that you need to learn to defend.

Anonymous No. 173508

A lot of gi holds work with a t-shirt as well and what are you talking about shirtless? Most fights are fully clothed with long pants and t-shirt or blaser. Train both and be ready for both.

Anonymous No. 173509

>A lot of gi holds work with a t-shirt as well
I understand rener gracie says this but I haven't seen any proof of this fact outside of videos claiming it works then demonstrating against an uke

it's like when they show off "here's how you defend if someone grabs your collar"
why would I defend that? that's a good thing because he's grabbing my shirt instead of punching me and both of my hands are free to hit him as much as I want

Anonymous No. 173514

>nogi has no such limitation, it works all the time
That's not true though.
For example, in no-gi, if a guy reads your shot and thumb blocks on your collarbone, that sucks, but you can easily clear that frame and reshoot. But in the gi, if he grabs the collar and frames, that's it, you're fucked, no shot for you until/unless you break that grip. You'll have to find some other way around that frame.

Now imagine if someone grabs a handful of your t-shirt. I'm not saying a t-shirt is *the exact same thing* as a gi. But getting your shirt grabbed is a situation you will never encounter in no-gi. You need to have some idea of how to break that grip, or move around/deal with that post.

Citing MMA is pretty meaningless, since it's a no-gi sport. We could just as well say "oh yeah well training in the gi is way better for combat sambo and kudo!" In both of those sports, judo technique DOES dominate.

Anonymous No. 173515

>good thing because he's grabbing my shirt
>both of my hands are free to hit him as much as I want
He's not going to grab your shirt and just stare at you, he's going to use that grip to physically move your body and attack your base and balance. Good luck punching while he's whipping you across the room. And what's more likely is he's going to resort to hockey fighting and jerk the shirt over your head and down to break your posture while whaling away with his other hand.

You MUST break that grip, which you have zero experience doing if you refuse to train in the gi. It's fine to have a preference, anon, but anti-gi vitriol is just uncalled for.

Anonymous No. 173518

Just watch car jiu jiutsu. It's a competition where the fighters fight in a locked car and are fully clothed. There are so many times they choke eachother out with their own or opponents t-shirt.

>>it's like when they show off "here's how you defend if someone grabs your collar"
why would I defend that? that's a good thing because he's grabbing my shirt instead of punching me and both of my hands are free to hit him as much as I want
You are retarded

Anonymous No. 173519

My greentext fucked up.... Guess I'm the retard

Anonymous No. 173541

Funny you mention that because once a hockey player did try to fight me and did exactly that and my response was to uppercut his dick and balls into his throat

And then the bucci had the audacity to call it a dirty bitch move
Nigga 2 seconds ago you were trying to cover my eyes up with my shirt

Anonymous No. 173548

>be ready for both
>bro you have to know grip breaks
I understand gi can be enjoyable for some, but there is basically no room for argument if you’re talking about fighting.
It’s not a complicated concept: no-gi techniques do not depend on clothing. Gi techniques depend on clothing. Clothing is not a controllable factor, so why are you arguing for the skill set that depends on it?
no training < gi < no-gi
Both is a bonus but completely unnecessary. Can’t imagine a scenario where an untrained grip would threaten someone who knows anything about grappling

Anonymous No. 173549

>Clothing is not a controllable factor
That's a fair point, but it works both ways. If you haven't trained much in the jacket you might not appreciate how much a grip can mess up your game.

>Can’t imagine a scenario where an untrained grip would threaten someone
Now you're leaving controllable factors on the table. You don't need to imagine, you can acquire direct, firsthand experience and KNOW for a fact that you are better at making, breaking, and using grips than the average guy.

Once again let me reiterate my point that there's nothing wrong with having a gi or no-gi preference, but irrational gi hatred is baseless.

Anonymous No. 173550

But it is rational
I think the assumption that using gi grips automatically transfers to normal clothes is wrong

In fact I'd be willing to do it, I'll give any white belt in the world a handicap and wear a gi and he doesn't have to wear one
I'll win every time
I already give them a handicap In every roll, white or blue it doesn't matter
I let them pick both our starting positions, they can start on my back with a bow and arrow set in place and I'll be on top of them in 2.2 seconds regardless

Anonymous No. 173578

And the assumption that grips on clothing are a non-factor is also wrong. I'm not saying the grips will be the same. I'm saying that having some degree of familiarity with grips is advantageous when you're grappling in clothing.

All I'm saying is, if one has any interest in "self defense" whatsoever, one should spend some time doing both gi and no-gi. If one doesn't care about self defense at all and just wants to do a cool combat sport, try both, they're both cool for different reasons. If one has a preference for one or the other, fine. The only way training in the gi is a "waste of time" is if you're a professional competitor fighting for money.

And now you're back to making your trademark big claims with no evidence. Post footage.

Anonymous No. 173585

It's not up to me to prove grips are helpful
I can say for all of history men have fought and wrestled with each other and that silly costume didn't pop up until post industrial Japan
A trained grappler will blow through any attempt to grab his clothes

I know we've all seen people grab shirts in fights and when that happens the shirt just rips apart. Grips are a lie

Anonymous No. 173591

>It's not up to me to prove
You made the claim, yes it is up to you to prove it. Post footage of yourself with a blue belt on your back with a bow and arrow choke, and then escape and get on top in 2.2 seconds.

This is just off the top of my head. My God, man, do you have even the least bit of intellectual curiosity about you?

Anonymous No. 173611

Cope & seethe. Sorry that your lazy lasso guard did not work in the no-gi class

Anonymous No. 173615

>It's not up to me to prove grips are helpful
This by far the dumbest statement on grappling you've made so far. No matter what type of grappling you're dealing with, you're utterly toast if you fail to clear someone's hands. Doesn't matter if you call it kumi kata or view it as a part of the five lines of defense, grappling always starts with a gripping fase requiring you to negate the other grappler's hands and grips, no exceptions.

Anonymous No. 173633

And bjjfags have 0 understanding of how to hand fight because they make the gentmlands agreement to just grip collar sleeve and try to push each other over on the knees
It's even more funny when you see them grab the collar before the sleeve since they have no understanding of takedowns they don't realize that they are giving their partner the easiest soeinage anyone could ever hope for. Of course thebpartner they're grabbing has no idea how to do that move either so it doesn't come up
Truly pathetic
I say again there is a 0% possibility some shlub is going to grab on to my shirt and not get his face smashed in for it

Anonymous No. 173638

I accept your concession. What a pity, learning is a joy. None of your claims are valid, or even interesting, until or unless you post footage. Go on, show me how you "blow through" your partner's grips.

Anonymous No. 173639

By the way, it appears this thread is no longer bumping. Definitely time for a new one.

Anonymous No. 173648

No need to enlighten me about how poor the standing gripping game is in BJJ as I have been doing Judo longer than BJJ.

However, this merely emphasizes grappling starts with bypassing grips.

Anonymous No. 173653

But this serves my point, if people go to bjj classes for years and still can't grip properly what's the probability tyveculus accidentally grabs a meaningful grip on my Hawaiian shirt and not only that, actually know how to control me with it

He's doomed

Anonymous No. 173668

I've tried like 3 times to make a new one without success. Idk if jannies are deleting them or what

Anonymous No. 173669

I don't think this board has jannies, but either way this one will still be here a month from now

Anonymous No. 173721

>You almost always want your hand on the inside of you opponents
I get what you mean but uhh... phrasing

Anonymous No. 173722

It's a bit of a misnomer in that you don't really make a fist, you put your fingers together like a a lobster claw and create a conical shape so it starts narrow and expands the further down you get until it can close around the wrist

Anonymous No. 173988

this board is slow as shit
we didn't make new generals until it hit page 10 before newfag OP started spamming them out

Anonymous No. 174035

I really tried to like gi training but I feel it just develops poor habits. Also most gi training around me is gracie bjj 'self-defense' based. I really just want to train submissions grappling.

Anonymous No. 174037

Give it a few more years, it's thankfully on the way out
I still go to gi classes because that's better than no training at all, but I do it really cynically
Whatever meme lapel move or bullshit collar choke is being taught I just let my partner rep it as many times as they want to. I don't care about it, I'm not interested in learning it and when it comes time to roll I just do the same shit as when I'm not wearing a gi

Always remember no matter how hard they try to cope, nogi athletes can put a gi on and do just fine it, does not work in the other direction
A college wrestler can enter the blackbelt division and win, the black belt won't even score a point in wrestling

Anonymous No. 174046

this >>173988

the BJJ general thread before this one still hasn't been deleted yet

Anonymous No. 174048

>does not work in the other direction
explain Keenan

>A college wrestler can enter the blackbelt division and win, the black belt won't even score a point in wrestling
Gordon Ryan can't even score a point in wrestling and he's only ever done no gi.

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Yabna N&#039;tcha....webm

Anonymous No. 174049

Anonymous No. 174050

Never won worlds and retired before he was 30
He took the lapel to its most extreme expression with the ideal body type and uncanny flexibility and still couldn't make anything substantial happen with it
We can only guess what mightve happened if he used all that talent and put it towards skills that were worthwhile

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Max Hanson vs Sid....webm

Anonymous No. 174052

Anonymous No. 174055

Oh hey, I compete in LIJJN

Anonymous No. 174057

>refuse to drill gi techniques and just wait to roll
retard white belt alert
>A college wrestler can enter the blackbelt division and win, the black belt won't even score a point in wrestling
>an extremely conditioned and experienced grappler does well in a grappling match
What's your point? It's not unlikely that a college wrestler has more mat time (and competition experience) than a hobbyist black belt. Most of which was spent working on techniques that score in a BJJ ruleset. A BJJ black belt can be pretty successful with mediocre wrestling because it's not always necessary due to the ruleset. Literally different fucking sports faggot
>explain Keenan
Keenan very clearly trained both.

Anonymous No. 174058

The point is BJJ is a second tier sport, You do you get to because you were not a good enough athlete to compete in something more competitive, It's a step above slow pitch softball

We don't have softball players trying to tell baseball players that thir underhanded lobs are not only effective but in fact essential to learning how to be a good baseball player.
And you see the fact that the ball is bigger means that the game is slower and much more technical, So you should really be using that bigger ball when you practice because then you will be throwing that small baseball like it's nothing

The reason you don't hear that is because it's fucking retarded, just like the gi copers are.
You can't handle the more difficult sport with the higher work rate so you try to drag everyone else down to play at your level

Anonymous No. 174072

butthurt fag

Anonymous No. 174073

>clunky analogy
>you try to drag everyone else down to play at your level
I don't even know what you're talking about at this point. How is an agreed upon game/ruleset/sport "dragging people down"? Why are you so upset? Did you miss out on getting a stripe on your white belt again?

Anonymous No. 174075

>agreed upon
that's where you're wrong bucko

Anonymous No. 174084

Then go wrestle? Idk what to tell you. Only on this hellish board do we have autists that argue against a thing they are choosing to do (or fantasize about)
No one is forcing you to train retard. You don’t even drill the techniques lol just stay home

Anonymous No. 174088

Drilling is for white belts
Once you know how to do It you don't need to keep practicing it like that

It's the same problem with karate doing kata all the time

Anonymous No. 174105

smelly black gorilla nigger fingers typed this post

Anonymous No. 174117

Ironic coming from someone trying to defend bjj

Anonymous No. 174197

Who are good people to study for nogi?
Sakuraba and Craig Jones?

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Anonymous No. 174209

that uhhhhhh gordon you know uhhh
i forgor

Anonymous No. 174270

no shit the wiltse bros showed up to my gym to teach a normal morning class when I was at white belt, they showed a bunch of berimbolos and I couldn't even get into the position to do it with people helping guide me into it, it was so uncomfortable. I didn't know who they were at the time and a purple belt was like "this guy won worlds 5x" and I had no idea what that even meant lmao good times

Anonymous No. 174272

>this guy won worlds 5x
*in underbelt divisions

Turned out to be nobodies in the end, couldn't accomplish anything where it mattered

Anonymous No. 174273

donno why you'd type all that

Anonymous No. 174275

Because who cares about some schmuck they won "worlds" as a white belt
Let alone pay him for a seminar

Anonymous No. 174306

If you have ever pulled guard in your life you can't fight
Simple as
Your martial art is fake

Anonymous No. 174308


Anonymous No. 174323

Fight me irl

Anonymous No. 174324

It's not worth it man, fights have a way of turning small problems into something bigger than they need to be

Anonymous No. 174325

>Train 10 years to get a black belt in pulling guard
>Can't even use it

Anonymous No. 174326

It's not worth it man

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Anonymous No. 174327

I can only beat up women and people smaller and less skilled than me.

Anonymous No. 174334

you are me

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Anonymous No. 174341


Anonymous No. 174372

Can we please stop replying to the faggots who keep posting bait about pulling guard? It's basically become the entire theme of these shitty threads.
Almost everyone has this experience at the beginning. Ask questions and keep training

Anonymous No. 174396

I've been training for 2 years and recently got my blue belt.

Anonymous No. 174410

Would you quit a gym because you aren't getting promoted or the gym is notorious for very slow promotion?

Anonymous No. 174412

Unless you're competing in belt divisions, don't give a shit about belts, focus on skill improvement.

If you have a choice between "have a belt that supposedly marks mastery", or you wanna actually win fights, strongly bias yourself towards winning fights, because that's presumably why you're doing jiu jitsu in the first place.

Anonymous No. 174475

Eventually something has to give because there is a hierarchy in this and accomplishments that are rightfully earned should be properly acknowledged
As it is a merit based social order we're choosing to participate in and you have a right to the standing you've earned

HOWEVER it is preferable in the long term to have recognition come more slowly and as long as the timeframe doesn't become gratuitous it should be tolerated as much as possible
Because it is better to be a sandbagger than a soft belt
The title of sandbagger will evaporate once you become a black belt
But being a soft belt that can't defend the rank is a reputation that follows you forever

Anonymous No. 174488

lol nice crab ride

Anonymous No. 174533

Fresh bread

Anonymous No. 174948

You know he has won worlds before? In gi at brown and purple and no gi at black twice

Anonymous No. 174986

I mean that doesn't really mean much, Black belt is the only division that matters, nobody cares about the minor league winners
And winning nogi in the era before heel hooks were allowed doesn't mean anything either