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๐Ÿงต Gym Culture Per Martial Art

Anonymous No. 171378

most retarded martial artists I've met. they've got hearts of gold but their IQ can't be more than 95.
generally chill with a large population of normalfags and basedfags who will quit after 3mos.
>muay thai
boxing but +5-10 to IQ
im a judoka so im biased. but people are generally well adjusted. the weebs that try get filtered within 3 weeks usually.
either intelligent people that come from another martial art, or retards with no prior training that think they'll be the next conor
Feel free to add your own takes

Anonymous No. 171383

Boxing: attracts retards because IQ goes down from each consecutive hit, they'll often sound drunk.

BJJ: Weirdos and fags who feel up each other for fetish reasons.

Myau Thai: These guy's are notorious for having assault/battery charges or doing prison time... Just ahem, mind your place in a real Thai gym.

Judo: Absolutely based competitive grappling that doesn't focus on homosexual urges being satisfied.

MMA: Its cage fighting, pussy, free to do whatever FUCK you wanna do.

Taekwondo: Relaxing fun at your own pace kind a vibe until you compete.

Anonymous No. 171406

I agree with all of these. To add a few from my own experience:

>ama sumo
The weebs who couldnt cut it in judo. Will hurt themselves within a year.

Either turbo historical autists or troons/fat women trying to get a personality

Universally faggots.

So incredibly desperate to convince you karate is the best. Usually weebs. All have a deep seated insecurity to prove theyre tough.

Anonymous No. 171412

Boxing: Out-of-shape old mexicans with actual boxing skills but years of brain damage who only do curls and bench

BJJ: Strength training hippies and people who watch Jocko

Muay Thai: Crossfit hippies

Judo: Olympic lifting style lifters

MMA: Circut meme trainers

Taekwondo: ????

Anonymous No. 171688

Boxing. The instructor is clueless, class is full of women, no one can hit for shit. Marketed as self-defense, fun and fitness.

Judo. Kids, lots of kids. Instructor talks but everyone is busy ignoring him. People get super competitive.

BJJ. The instructor is busy counting his cash while the class of 35 guys argue over who gets to molest that one woman who lowkey likes it.

Muay Thai. Conditioning! There is no such thing as technique, just condition all class, then spar for 5 minutes at the end.

Kickboxing. People act like 100% just a hobby, everyone in the class is going at 50%, no competitive aspiration. Let off steam.

Aikido. Instructor is power hungry narcissist will a dozen mental illnesses yelling at people to do what he tells them. Everyone constantly talking about the Japs like they divine beings.

Karate. Fat old bald guy's gym is closing because he can't make the rent and nobody takes him seriously.

Taekwondo. Personal bias. People trying and often failing to do flying kicks. It's the rule of cool. Kids tripping over their feet, adults tripping over the kids. Chaos.

Anonymous No. 171694

Kendo: Extremely formal and rigid class structure, sometimes the sensei will get a power trip off of it but they can rightly kick your ass in your ass during sparring. The nail that sticks out gets hammered down, so you better have hydrated and prepared yourself well in advance. Depends on the dojo, but it's usually a mixed crowd with different backgrounds, but everyone there is capable of maintaining an elevated heart rate for extended periods. Occasionally you get the fat weeb that joins then quits in 2 weeks - 1 month because they realize that sword fighting, even in an idealized combat-sport form, is still fighting and you need to be in shape to do it.

Anonymous No. 171735

>or retards with no prior training that think they'll be the next conor

this is me except i really will be the next conor

Anonymous No. 171741

Only been to 4 types of gyms:

No-nonsense. All the guys (and there were 2 girls) were seriously training. And this was in al ow class setting since boxing has usually been the sport of the underclass so they were there to keep in shape and to learn how to hit and defend. Some of the guys had egos and could be real cunts in sparring, but if you kept your cool and dished it out as well, they'd back off and leave you be.

>Muay Thai
My experience has been mixed since this was in the US. Most of the students were MMA fans that just wanted to learn how to fuck people up (nothing wrong with that), but they didn't understand or appreciate the deeper applications of what MT has to offer like chap kho (clinching/neck-wrestling). All they wanted to learn is to kick with their shins, punch, elbow, and knee (which is easier if you actually know how to control the head and posture with footwork).
Only myself and a few guys actually watched Muay Thai competition (not just a Ramon Dekkers highlight). I actually consider Dany Bill to be the best farang of the 90's since his sweeps/trips and sense of timing could outclass even highly regarded Thais though I'm not knocking on Ramon's power and utter fearlessness. It's just frustrating that Muay Fimeu is not appreciated even though the instructors themselves went to Thailand and were trying to impart their knowledge to shitheads who didn't have the patience and just wanted to stand & bang away.

Pretty chill. Many of them weren't interested in competing, but liked rolling and it kept them in great shape. Some of them were guys who wrestled in high school/college or were judoka that wanted to strengthen their groundgame.

>World Oyama Karate
They're an offshoot of Kyokushin and these guys could tank a lot of damage (though they also evaded and nullified whenever they could). Real friendly, but the students were Balkanites and tough motherfuckers.

Anonymous No. 171758

>Taekwondo: ????
Too young for a gym membership

Anonymous No. 171772

There are generally two types of boxing gyms. It's either a dinky place with a constant pool of amateur competititors, or those commercial looking ones that offer group boxing classes to women and twinks.

Anonymous No. 171780

>commercial looking ones that offer group boxing classes to women and twinks.
That's cardio boxing and doesn't really count. This thread is referring to the former which is supposed to smell of blood and/or sweat.

Same problem I have with so-called "kickboxing gyms" when it's just doing that Billy Blanks' Taebo shit. Kickboxing is supposed to be like a Muay Thai gym except they don't train with elbows and the clinch is downplayed if not neglected. So basically international rules where you can punch, kick, and maybe knee to the head and/or body. The only places in the world that have the right to use the term kickboxing is Japan (who originally coined it in 1966) and the Netherlands since they adapted the sport from the Japanese.

Anonymous No. 171856

Can't call it a gym, but
>Tai chi
Either old people, hippies, or people that just got done getting acupuncture or a massage from the teachers wife. Almost certain to have at least one kid running around vaguely mimicking everyone else. Very, very rarely will a mall ninja come in expecting us to teach them super secret instakill moves capable of oneshotting professional fighters