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judo just stand up.webm

🧵 /judo/ Judo General - Just Stand Up Edition

Anonymous No. 171627

Thread for Judo (other jacketed wrestling styles welcome)

>Discussion starter
What's your favorite grip?

>IJF World Tour Schedule 2023
October 20-22 - Abu Dhabi Grand Slam
December 2-3 - Tokyo Grand Slam


>Video Resources

Previous thread: >>161197

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Anonymous No. 171628

Currently free on Judo Fanatics

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Uta Abe Korean Se....webm

Anonymous No. 171629

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Kim Won Jin beats....webm

Anonymous No. 171630

Anonymous No. 171631

As long as your bottom leg isn't being pinned or held on to in some way you're free to just stand up
Try it and you'll see

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Judo David GarcĂ­a....webm

Anonymous No. 171632

Anonymous No. 171645

I had one of my nuts get mashed into my leg a few days ago and its tender and keeps wanting to go back up there. I can pull it down but it goes back in there eventually. Cold weather isnt helping. Its not the most painful thing but its definitely uncomfortable. Has anyone had this? How long did it take to heal?

Lately ive been really effective with the georgian grip. Pull them down and to the right and into Ouchi Gari

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Anonymous No. 171713

how to tlel if you have a concucsison

Anonymous No. 171714

Might be torsion. If so, won't heal itself. Your nuts are literally in a knot.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 171717

this website is a fucking nightmare to navigate, there's no option to check out once it's added to the cart

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Anonymous No. 171719

Kek, I'm glad I'm not the only one to think that about BJJ/Judo Fanatics. Frankly it's embarrassing that it is the most popular online instructional store.
Shit looks like it's giving you malware every second and will probably steal your credit card info.

Anonymous No. 171720

deleted my post because I figured out I had to turn my phone to landscape in order to give the Checkout button enough space to appear (?), guess I'm being punished for being a filthy phonefag

Anonymous No. 171761

How do I start in judo as an adult? Any red flags to keep in mind when looking for a place?

Anonymous No. 171829

Just find a place that has classes 2-3 times a week and go to them. Red flags would be a place that does no ground work (that doesn't also teach BJJ)

Anonymous No. 171837

bittorrent is your friend

Anonymous No. 171843

>how do I do judo as an adult
Go to a class retard

Anonymous No. 171845

You should probably get that checked if it continues. I have a big nutsack and it's always been the most annoying thing during groundfighting. Had to get a groin cup because I kept getting hit in the balls. I was basically fighting at 50% because of it. Have to protect those fellas.

Anonymous No. 171849

no it just took 5min to even get the option to add it to my cart with a desktop, it not a lot of time but it should not be that bad

Anonymous No. 171879

If he just let go and the guy fell back down would it be ippon?

Anonymous No. 171887

beats me

Anonymous No. 171909

Nobody ever seems to know the rules of this sport, someone please explain to me if we are on the ground and I stand up to pass is newaza over?

Someone said once there needs to be at least 2 and 1/2 feet on the ground
What the fuck is half a foot? It's either on the ground or it's not

Anonymous No. 171941

>no force
>no speed
>lands squarely on his back
Yuko, maybe wazari

🗑️ Anonymous No. 171948

Artificial Academy 2 General /aa2g/ #1295
Sweater Puppies Edition

Welcome, this general is for the discussion of ILLUSION's Artificial Academy 2.


/aa2g/ Pre-Installed Game, AA2Mini:
AAUnlimited updates:

AA2Mini Install Guide:
General FAQ:
AAU Guide and Resources (Modules, Tans, Props, Poses, and More):

>Character Cards [Database], now with a list of every NonOC in the megas:

>Mods & More:
Mods for AAU/AA2Mini (ppx format, the mediafire has everything):
/aa2g/ Modding Reference Guide (Slot lists for Hair/Clothes/Faces, List Guides, and More):

>HELP! I have a Nvidia card and my game crashes on startup!
Try the dgVoodoo option in the new win10fix settings.
Alternative: Update your AAU and see if it happens again. If so, disable win10fix, enable wined3d and software vertex processing.
>HELP! Required Windows 11 update broke things!
winkey+R -> ms-settings:developers -> Terminal=Windows Console Host

Previous Thread:

Anonymous No. 171949

>these are the people I share a general with

Anonymous No. 171954

Anon, I don’t know how to tell you this…

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Anonymous No. 171971

i judokan't...

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enkhdul_73 Ulaanb....webm

Anonymous No. 172130

Anonymous No. 172187

looks goofy, like a first day white belt trying to pull off a seoi-nage

Anonymous No. 172188

It's judover...

Anonymous No. 172299

My dojo always emphasizes training our big turning throw and I've been working on uchi mata, but mine still sucks majorly and I find more enjoyment out of drilling and hitting simple ashi waza. I've been working on my sticky foot kosoto, de ashi barai, sasae, and o/ko uchi gari.

Am I going full retard by wanting to practice ashi waza instead? For context, I'm only yonkyu

Anonymous No. 172305

Real niggas do what they wanna do, bitch niggas do what they can.

Anonymous No. 172334

Uchi mata is not an advanced throw that takes a long time to actually git gud at. The real answer is train both.

Anonymous No. 172335

>*uchi mata IS an advanced throw
I don’t know what I was trying to write lol

Anonymous No. 172342

Counter point, uchimata is advanced if you're trying to initiate it
But it's simple with how often people just run into it themselves and you just give a quick floop with the leg

I think it's the most common turning throw in bjj when people run around to the back but don't let go of there grips first

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Sarah Asahina vs ....webm

Anonymous No. 172420

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Judo Nurbek Murto....webm

Anonymous No. 172421

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Darya Kantsavaya ....webm

Anonymous No. 172423

Anonymous No. 172429

Nice BJ- I mean Judo.

Anonymous No. 172431

Where do you think bjj came from, retard?

Anonymous No. 172437

helio gracie saw that judo wasn't effective for smaller people so he invented leverage in order to beat larger opponents. that's how he managed to defeat kimura despite kimura being at least 75lbs heavier and 15 inches taller.

Anonymous No. 172461

That’s how it happened in the minds of the Gracie family

Anonymous No. 172482

>You see anon, just because we brought a casket and tombstone for the 25lb heavier kimura to the ring doesn’t mean we intended to Win the fight, per se. Instead, this was a moral victory because helio was able to withstand being rag dolled by 70lbs kimura for several minutes before finally having is arm broken like a retard who refused to tap. If only kimura wasn’t 150lbs heavier then helio wouldve won easily with his superior jiujitsu that no one saw between him being thrown multiple times then pinned and submitted. Damn that 300lbs heavier kimura!

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Beatriz Comanche ....webm

Anonymous No. 172553

Don't respond to bait

Anonymous No. 172555

What a pathetic seoi nage.

Anonymous No. 172576

Don’t tell me what to do

Anonymous No. 172590

Honestly, even challenging Kimura to a fight was a massive fuckup that just left the Gracies looking like self-inflated jackasses. It would be like an amateur wrestler assuring the world that he can defeat Alexander Karelin. Your ego must be massive to believe you can simply call out a legendary guy and beat him, and at his own game.

Anonymous No. 172628

Isnt this more daki wakare? Tawara gaeshi would be more front on wouldn't it, plus it was against a turtled opponent which is textbook daki just different angle

Anonymous No. 172631

Lets all remember that is was 75lbs MINIMUM, Helio was only 5 feet tall and sick with bone cancer at the time and he still won with an insane americana. Crooked Kimura paid off the judges and then Helio's arm broke and the bastard Kimura claimed moral victory even though he was beaten moments ago. But what can you do, they wanted to hometown hero to win.

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Anonymous No. 172654

i did my second day of kosen judo on tuesday. we didn't do any randori, just a lot of throws and double leg takedowns. it was just me and one other guy and our teacher, so it was 1 throw for 1 throw all night. my neck is still so sore i have to turn my whole body to look to the side. i do ninjutsu but i'm cross-training in kosen judo now :) thanks for reading everybody

Anonymous No. 172662

>kosen judo
>anime girl avatar
Who are you supposed to be? The new pomf?

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Anonymous No. 172767

Theoretically, what is stopping someone from running around their opponent in circles to unbalance them and execute a throw?

Anonymous No. 172773

Not having autism

Anonymous No. 172775

s-she's fast!

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Anonymous No. 172781

who's pomf? i'm not familiar with these threads. i'm just a guy who does bujinkan ninjutsu but is cross-training in kosen judo now

Anonymous No. 172783

Old /asp/ namefag/troll who would post the most retarded shit imaginable always with an anime avatar. Also I don’t believe you do kosen judo unless your an English teacher-San. Also ninjutsu isn’t real

Anonymous No. 172823

just stand still and then rotate once they tag.

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Anonymous No. 172840

my teacher was an english teacher-san for 10 years, but i'm in america. it's true that you can't do ninjutsu for real anymore, but you can practice recorded martial arts from the sengoku jidai.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 172846

There's only a handful of places that do kosen judo and they're all in Japan. I sincerely doubt you actually do kosen.

Anonymous No. 172848

There's only a handful of places that do kosen judo and they're all in Japan. I sincerely doubt you actually do kosen.

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World Youth and J....webm

Anonymous No. 172849

Anonymous No. 172869

> but you can practice recorded martial arts from the sengoku jidai.
Lmfao, you’re probably not even doing real kobudo. Ninjutsu, which is to properly say bunjinken taijutsu, is actual made up nonsense with no real lineage

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Anonymous No. 172897

>bunjinken taijutsu, is actual made up nonsense with no real lineage
i would say it's the martial art hatsumi masaaki created based on what is, at least, believed to be sengoku jidai martial arts passed down orally. and who he learned everything from is written down. when hatsumi sensei dies, the bujinkan will probably cease to exist. that's okay. we do randori and sparring and it works in that environment, and i like it, so that's all that matters.
well like i said, my teacher learned it in japan. he's a black belt in kodokan judo and bjj, so maybe he just makes us do judo + lots of groundfighting and calls it kosen judo but i don't see why it would make a difference even if that was true.

Anonymous No. 172905

just roll with cops with taihoujutsu, its essentially effective martial arts made for apprehending people with judo, jiujitsu and aikido applications if I'm not mistaken?

Also why go back with martial arts that are being practiced when you can always do Kudo which is modern approach to basically how one should roll with Okinawan Karate and Judo.

Anonymous No. 172906

he did a strike in Sambo you can't do a bend arm takedown I think.

Anonymous No. 172933

>have to go through the effort to run around in circles
>person youre circling just has to turn
in theory if you have an endless gas tank yeah, run around, but judo as its taught in a practical sense is more about being quick, witty, deceptive, and in as few steps as possible because the more time you take to do somethign the more time your opponent in theory has to come up with something to deal with you

Anonymous No. 172950

>but i don't see why it would make a difference even if that was true
Kosen isn't just ground-heavy judo. It's a specific team-based format whose meta evolved around that. If you're not specifically training for kosen rules, you're not doing kosen. You're doing regular judo.

No striking involved. It's an elbow weave grip that should be Judo-legal.

Anonymous No. 172995

Is it legal to shoot for a single/double leg in turtle?

Anonymous No. 173003

Once their knee touches the ground you are allowed to grab the leg. It won’t score you ippon though.

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Anonymous No. 173060

Anonymous No. 173141

Would it be rude if I wore a shrunk BJJ gi instead of a conventional Judo gi during practice just to have the advantage of not being to be gripped as well?

Anonymous No. 173143

Why cant judo fags admit their roll over ippons are bullshit

Anonymous No. 173144

> all this bullshit
> real olympic judo, muscle with no strat


Anonymous No. 173158

How? Go back to bjj general you autist.

Anonymous No. 173161

That’d be retarded since you’re actively making yourself worse at the sport by giving yourself a needless advantage during training. You can wear it during comps so what’s the point

Anonymous No. 173210

BJJ friend. Was rewatching early UFC tournaments the other day. Royce's ground game was not spectacular compared to modern BJJ fighters.
Wouldn't good newaza fighters be stronger than he was? Who were the best in his era? I know Yoshida eventually beat him, but Yoshida was not great in MMA either.
Would old man, retired Yamashita be able to beat him in the ground?

Anonymous No. 173217

Neil Adams could've given Royce a tough time. Yamashita was VERY good at newaza and was only 36, hardly a dinosaur at UFC 1's inception. Though he would be nowhere near his prime.

BJJ groundwork has progressed so significantly in the past 30 years. Particularly US BJJ since collegiate wrestling has been incorporated into it.

Anonymous No. 173221

They knew full well what they were doing when they didn't invite any judo or wrestlers

Anonymous No. 173230

I'm nowhere near a Gracie nuthugger but that's bullshit. Ken Shamrock was a legit shootwrestler thanks to his training with Funaki and Suzuki who also wrestled in high school. They had Remco Pardoel who had experience in judo (and some traditional Jujutsu). Christophe Leininger was on the US judo team. Dan Severn had long experience in Greco and Freestyle.

The early UFCs were definitely meant to market BJJ to US audiences in its style vs style format, but to say there wasn't an element of Royce being in danger against other grapplers is horseshit.

Anonymous No. 173231

Shoot wrestling is fake, it's different from shoot fighting, He was a shoot wrestler which is entirely scripted it's the Japanese version of pro wrestling. It's just less bombastic looking
Learning how to perform moves on stage from people that know how to fight is different from actually knowing how to fight yourself

He Didn't find out it was a Real fight until the night of the event when he walks in the building and asks who's supposed to win the match and they told him no you're Really fighting this guy

Anonymous No. 173232

Ken Shamrock is very legit. Just look at the amount of fighters he beat.

Anonymous No. 173235

Shoot wrestling is long involved in works in Japan, but they legit know how to grapple and submit. Shamrock even admits that he underestimated the gi and how it could be used as a weapon, hence how he got choked against Royce the first time.

It's why I loved Pancrase because the vast majority of its bouts were legit and it obviously tested shoot wrestling in a non-scripted format. The few works were in the beginning to help market Pancrase and carry over newbie fighters to establish cred.

It just frustrates me that Japanese MMA is so backwards now when they were experimenting and innovating in the 1980's and 1990's via Shooto, Pancrase, and other proto-MMA concepts.

Anonymous No. 173236

Is it bad I don't want to compete? I like Judo for the knowledge and exercise, but am I being disingenuous to myself by not competing? I just don't see a reason to.

Anonymous No. 173259

Do what you want no one else cares, not saying that in a mean way, no one gives a shit what anyone else does, if you only like to practice and want to keep sharp for self defense against your local union worker than that is up to you. It is bad if you wanted to be an olympian however.
That's a super hard question to answer, like everything in life it depends on the person and every situation isnt the same, Katsuhiko Kashiwazaki probably would have dog walked Royce. But even today you see one sided bounts but then the same fighter that got their ass whooped can comeback and whoop the others ass

Anonymous No. 173305

>new gi arrived in mail
>too big
its over

Anonymous No. 173308

Shrink it nigga

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sode-guruma-jime ....webm

Anonymous No. 173319

Anonymous No. 173346


Anonymous No. 173350

Wash it and put it in the dryer

Anonymous No. 173353

how much will they usually shrink? i wear a 4 and it's about a size 4.5YY

Anonymous No. 173367

about half a size
I wear an A2.5 or A2H out of the bag, so I buy A3s and run them through the dryer

Anonymous No. 173384

Alright, here's hoping.

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Yi-Chun Shen vs Y....webm

Anonymous No. 173556

Anonymous No. 173574

Instead of shrinking it just send it back and say it was too big ask for a smaller one. Most companies will let you do that.

Anonymous No. 173579

nice bjj match

Anonymous No. 173580

Is this the new bait? Anytime judo goes to newaza it’s bjj now? I thought you faggots said judo didn’t do enough newaza?

Anonymous No. 173581

why would you post purely newaza content on /judo/? i know its a part of judo, but why not post someone throwing someone in spectacular fashion? it's not even that good of an example of newaza, i think you just wanted to post two chicks wrestling on the ground.

Anonymous No. 173582

oh my god this is trash. I've seen BJJ white belts better than this

Anonymous No. 173583

First of all I didn’t post it. Second you’re autistic and should probably be lobotomized.

Anonymous No. 173586

Well why don't you put a name by all of your posts so I people know when to call you a fag.

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Hakuho Isao Okano....webm

Anonymous No. 173592

>why would you post purely newaza content on /judo/?

>but why not post someone throwing someone in spectacular fashion?
I have. I only got 1 (You) for all of them and it was a mass reply shitpost.

>i think you just wanted to post two chicks wrestling on the ground.
I'm literally the only guy making webms here. If you want to see other stuff than make some webms yourself.

Anonymous No. 173595

these webms aren't very good

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Anonymous No. 173596


Anonymous No. 173598

you have a hard drive full of bad judo videos

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spiderman cry.jpg

Anonymous No. 173600


Anonymous No. 173602

you know what yeah i am fuck you

Anonymous No. 173605

>advocating for namefaging
Why don’t you just leave the thread instead of having an autistic meltdown

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Anonymous No. 173607

I like your webms, webmanon. Pls keep posting them

Anonymous No. 173618

Why don't you go fuck yourself.

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Anonymous No. 173621

>Why don't you go fuck yourself

Anonymous No. 173635

is training judo, muay thai and bjj a good combination?

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Anonymous No. 173636

Yeah, now go home and get your shit judo webms

Anonymous No. 173641

Thanks for posting the webms anon

Anonymous No. 173643

Sure, why not? Those are all good combat sports that blend well together and even if they weren’t who cares? Do whatever you want.

Anonymous No. 173644

Stay mad at other people posting judo in the judo thread I guess lol

Anonymous No. 173645

training 3 martial arts at once is shit normies think makes you a good fighter

Anonymous No. 173650

training in general consistently makes you a good fighter anon......
yeah im going to try muay thai out, i've done bjj and judo before and want to see what its like with striking involved.

Anonymous No. 173652

How do you think mixed martial arts is trained for, retard?

Anonymous No. 173679

Try and type fast for 1 minute and see how many mistakes you make. That's a good start.

Other way to tell is if you have swooshy feeling in your head constantly, you'll know it.

Anonymous No. 173680

both could tap you out.

Anonymous No. 173733

I doubt that, maybe if they catch me off guard with a throw

Anonymous No. 173736

That's the old way, now that MMA is a sport in it's own right you just do MMA
You have generic striking and wrestling classes and will not become particularly good at either

Anonymous No. 173802

>training martial arts desperately is old and stupid
>now we do things smart by training striking and wrestling separately
So it’s exactly the same? Thanks for clearing that up, retard.

Anonymous No. 173808

BJJ fren here. Why didn't the blue girl tap sooner? There was no way to escape that.

Anonymous No. 173809

Look at what the big words say behind them. People have a hard time giving up at that level and age combination

Anonymous No. 173826

Not like us cool adults who give up.

Anonymous No. 173829

Or who make passive aggressive anonymous remarks like a big boy.

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Ruslan Pashayev J....webm

🗑️ Anonymous No. 174005

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Matheus Takaki Ju....webm

Anonymous No. 174008

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Ruslan Pashayev J....webm

Anonymous No. 174009

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Jack Yonezuka Jud....webm

Anonymous No. 174010

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Aaron Fara Judo A....webm

Anonymous No. 174012

Anonymous No. 174030

It's not the same
If you have goals of doing MMA and you sign up for judo classes you're actually retarded
Maybe 10% of what you learn there will carry over if that much

Anonymous No. 174038

>let’s move the goal posts to continue this argument where I’m both wrong and retarded
Have your (you)

Anonymous No. 174071

Brutal. Fucking sucks to lose like that

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Anonymous No. 174213

he didn't sweep with the sole of the foot, bit rude innit?

Anonymous No. 174224

Shit happens in shiai

Anonymous No. 174353

probably a retarded question but do you guys have any tips on washing a gi effectively? the thing has probably spent more of its life in my washing machine than on the mats and yet the armpits and neck are still stained yellow with sweat

Anonymous No. 174360

Wash on cold with bleach, let it hang dry. Have you not been bleaching your white gi?

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Anonymous No. 174489

i bully new guys with my sub-par kouchi garis, sasaes and hiza gurumas because it makes me feel like a big man

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Anonymous No. 174507

Dont use deodorant, the chemicals are the reason for the yellow stains. Wash your armpits with water and soap before training and you will be fine.

Anonymous No. 174545

>don’t use deodorant
Never change, 4chan

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Anonymous No. 174607

Don't mind me, just posting the superior O-soto.

Anonymous No. 174641

that does make sense, seems like blocking both legs would help a lot more than reaping just the weighted one. i'll have to try this variation.

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Anonymous No. 174671

if you don't wash yourself regularly and instead try to cover your smell with Deodorant, you are the dirty peasant here.

Anonymous No. 174675

Why are dojos teaching kids drop seoi nagi? I saw so many kids driving other kids heads straight into the mat. The ones who do it just spam it like its the only move they've been taught. Why also is it not banned outside of brown or black belt divisions, or at least for kids?

Yes, please. And floss.

Anonymous No. 174695

You can shower and use deodorant you weirdo
A lot of low and mid level students spam it because it lets you cheat kuzushi by throwing yourself on to the floor without having to put much effort into setting up your opponent. Honestly as a coach I think you’re really better off encouraging your students to work other throws since too many plateau when they start thinking drop seoi=free win

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the triangle.png

Anonymous No. 174729

The first throw I learned in sambo (I'm an adult) was drop seoi nage. The logic my coach used was that it let the uke feel their tipping point and when they hit the point of no return. They also got to practice forward rolls. Tori gets an intro to triangle theory.

Meanwhile in judo I was taught standing throws first to avoid getting the bad habits you all mentioned. Difference in training methodology maybe?

Anonymous No. 174763

Lifting throws are extremely difficult when there’s a large size difference, which there usually is in any juniors class because of how they grow at different speeds.
You can pretty much always be confident that the kids will be able to drop seoi their opponent, even if they’re bigger than uke. Getting kids with a foot of difference in height to do a standing throw in randori can be very difficult.

Anonymous No. 174831

>why would you post purely newaza content on /judo/? i know its a part of judo
You answered your own question, tardy

Anonymous No. 175022

how to maintain mount? there's this crazy Russian in my class who always escapes when I mount him. mind you, I weight 100kg and he's a bit smaller than me

Anonymous No. 175040

How is he escaping?

Anonymous No. 175063

Imagine if you walked into a club talking about houses (Judo) and the only thing you had of value were pictures of uninteresting foyers (ground work). We all know that foyers are great and are a crucial part of a home (Judo), and hell they even have clubs talking about foyers (BJJ). But why not share those foyers in the foyers club (/bjj/)?

Anonymous No. 175080

Stop trying to make this retarded argument. No one is mad about newaza webms in the judo thread except for you you dumb fucking sperg

Anonymous No. 175082

Dumb British insult, enjoy your foyers nigger

Anonymous No. 175097

The fuck are you on about schizo?
>enjoy your foyers
I will, thanks. I love webm anon

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Anonymous No. 175098

I've been trying out the Georgian grip but I'm running into a couple of problems: I can't seem to stop them from rotating around to my back, and under BJJ rules I seem to be getting single legged a lot from this position.

I have been using this video as a reference:
I managed to off-balance my training partners with the sasae, but I couldn't get them to trip completely. Probably just need more practice.
If there are any Georgians here that can give me a few pointers on this grip and what made it work for you, that'd be cool.

Anonymous No. 175106

Somehow manages to get on his side and end on my half guard. He has a lot of power.

Anonymous No. 175112

>with no strat
The strat is to go all out because ideally if you're going for gold that means you're running a train through dozens of people
So it's in your best interests to win fast
The body gets really fatigued
That said at Olympic judo when everyone is going all out, the only thing separating everyone with Olympic class conditioning and exercise is fucking technique and practice and obvious talent

Anonymous No. 175113

You should probably try some kind of competition , free is great and my gym has an inhouse tourney twice a year
It's more a BJJ thing but it's still a nice chance to toss someone down or test skills against wrestlers if they don't pull guard

Anonymous No. 175114

old ass leg grab based throws would be pretty based
I wouldn't pay those tards any mind, whether judo likes it or not, many throws land beautifully into fundamentally strong grappling pins, and bjjtards thinking that ass scooting their way into position are genuinely fucking insane

Anonymous No. 175127

Are you breaking and controlling their posture? How are you moving them?

Anonymous No. 175211

Posture control and movement are probably where I'm messing it up. I tend to remain static when I get the grip instead of immediately launching an attack.

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Anonymous No. 175241

I tried to Uchi Mata a 110kg guy and faceplanted. I'm 73kg

Anonymous No. 175311

Sumi gaeshi works a lot on BJJtards with their fucked posture but ultimately if you are good you can do pretty much every technique with them.
if you opponent is much taller than you you are wasting your energy imo

Anonymous No. 175314

>Sumi gaeshi works a lot on BJJtards with their fucked posture
Seconded, ken ken uchi mata is also a good option.

Anonymous No. 175326

Are you grabbing the belt as soon as you can? Try getting a collar grip with your left hand and then using that to break their posture before you reach over with the right hand to grab the belt. It might help you out to already have them off balance so you can just keep working off that.

Anonymous No. 175366

I've been hitting a lot of sumi gaeshis as a counter to the single leg lately, since my training partners have started to adopt a more upright posture after I would repeatedly snatch the belt grip, so I've had to start pulling them down to the Georgian grip.

>if you opponent is much taller than you you are wasting your energy imo
Yeah, I've noticed this too. Definitely doesn't work well on taller guys.

I've been grabbing their collar with my left hand, pulling them in and sidestepping to get the belt grip. I guess I could try to stabilize the position a bit first before grabbing the belt.

Anonymous No. 175688


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Tato Grigalashvil....webm

Anonymous No. 175738

Anonymous No. 175753

>no no no no no, come back come on

Anonymous No. 175762

>bjjfag trying bullshit

Anonymous No. 175771

This is exactly what every drop seoi fag deserves

Anonymous No. 175773

going face and belly down is about as judo as you can get

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Anonymous No. 175797

giving a georgian the fucking georgian grip is basically the worst thing you can do in judo

Anonymous No. 175799

The famous "Ass and neck grip" guess country.

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Saifeldin ELGARWA....webm

Anonymous No. 176000

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Artem Osipenko (F....webm

Anonymous No. 176001

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Seidou Nji Mouluh....webm

Anonymous No. 176002

Anonymous No. 176004

>just picks him up like a sack of potatoes
Fucking lmao

Anonymous No. 176425

Good evening /judo/,

I think contracted some kind of athletic herpes complex from somebody during last practice and I'm not chipper about it. Anyone else in this boat?

Anonymous No. 176509

No, also, go to a doctor retard.

Anonymous No. 176522

I'm recovering from the flu. Is it okay to go train with a little wet cough?

Anonymous No. 176524

I did my first judo tournament this sunday. I competed in the -90kg class against brown and black belts (I'm an orange)
In the first match I was against a very skilled lefty who threw me immediately with a morote seoi nage, thankfully I managed to fall on my side and used my newaza skills acquired by crosstraining bjj to do a tight clock choke which made me win.
in the second match I was against a not so skilled opponent and I landed a beautiful ippon seoi nage.
in the third match I was against a IJF ranked judoka who was obviously superior to me and skilled even in newaza. I really got the sense of not being able to attack, I was losing by shidos so I tried an hail mary left ippon seoi nage but it failed and he choked me.
in the match for the third place I was against a strong friend of mine who also trains in my gym so I was not aggressive as I wanted to be and he did two wazaris on me by harai goshi.
considering it was my first tournament I didn't do too bad, I understood that my special move is ippon seoi nage and that the high grip just isn't for me. I also need to master the deep underhook position and ouchi gari and kouchi makikomi to really improve my game.

Anonymous No. 176796

>got my first big turning throw off in randori

Feels good to have finally hit this milestone

Anonymous No. 176959

which technik?

Anonymous No. 176978

I don't understand at what point I'm supposed to go into Ne Waza during randori. If my (or my opponent's) back hits the ground then it's all over right?
What if I/he falls to my/his side?

Anonymous No. 177005

Hey mild mma fan here that wants to start grappling, I am stuck in between no-gi bjj and judo so I just have a few questions,
how is the damage to your fingers?
Judo is fairly cheap due the olympics but is there an impact on the classes because of that?
what do you think of the future of your sport?
How are the tools to learn out side of classes (i.e. videos, guides, books)?
Do you think no-gi judo going to become a thing?
Is it normal to pay for 6 months at once?

Anonymous No. 177116

>no-gi judo
it wouldn't be judo, just do grappling

Anonymous No. 177118

>I am stuck in between no-gi bjj and judo
Both are worth doing, but the one that takes precedent depends on your goals.

>how is the damage to your fingers?
It's not that bad. Judo fingers is real, but not enough to dissuade you from doing it.

>Judo is fairly cheap due the olympics but is there an impact on the classes because of that?
Depends on where you are. In America there's the unfortunate perception that cost = quality. Many judo clubs in the States are run in rec centers and/or non-profits for cheap. They could have great instruction and one would think the low barrier to entry would entice more people, but it doesn't work that way in practice..

>Do you think no-gi judo going to become a thing?
No. Nobody can even agree on what no-gi judo should be. The "official" no-gi judo scene in the US is like 5 schools spread out over 2 states in the Midwest.

>How are the tools to learn out side of classes (i.e. videos, guides, books)?
There's plenty.

>Is it normal to pay for 6 months at once?
That's a long time for a contract, but not necessarily a red flag by itself. Do they only do 6 months increments or is it an option?

>what do you think of the future of your sport?
There's a lot of doom and gloom about the way the IJF is running the sport. I'm not a fan of the changes they've made/are making, but the sport will survive. For all its faults, judo is the most popular grappling art in the world by a wide margin.

Anonymous No. 177135

BJJ is the most popular right now, it's the harsh truth

Anonymous No. 177142

BJJ's popularity on a global scale is overrated as people falsely extrapolate its popularity in the west with its popularity worldwide. Estimates of the number of BJJ practitioners in the world is around 3 million while the number of judoka in the world is estimated around 40 million. France alone has 800,000 judoka and that's only counting active registered members if the NGB.

Anonymous No. 177143

I don't believe those statistics at all

Anonymous No. 177164

it's normalcore now so you have more people trying it out but its horrendous attrition rate persists
the situation is less dire than it was 10 years ago but there still aren't enough black belts to go around
I don't think I'm out of line to say a majority of bjj classes don't even have a black belt on the mat let alone teaching the class
that's part of the reason instructionals are such big business. There's more people interested in learning it than there are people qualified to teach it. Judo doesn't have this problem, if you want to do judo you can find a black belt no problem

Anonymous No. 177174

>Both are worth doing, but the one that takes precedent depends on your goals.
mainly stand up grappling throw/slams are cool and submissions look neat.
>It's not that bad. Judo fingers is real, but not enough to dissuade you from doing it.
good to know.
>Depends on where you are. In America there's the unfortunate perception that cost = quality. Many judo clubs in the States are run in rec centers and/or non-profits for cheap. They could have great instruction and one would think the low barrier to entry would entice more people, but it doesn't work that way in practice..
So it up to school, should have know.
>No. Nobody can even agree on what no-gi judo should be. The "official" no-gi judo scene in the US is like 5 schools spread out over 2 states in the Midwest.
damn I thought it had legs.
>There's plenty.
Nice I like learning solo, Any names?
>That's a long time for a contract, but not necessarily a red flag by itself. Do they only do 6 months increments or is it an option?
That there only option
>There's a lot of doom and gloom about the way the IJF is running the sport. I'm not a fan of the changes they've made/are making, but the sport will survive. For all its faults, judo is the most popular grappling art in the world by a wide margin.

thank you for taking time to answer me

Anonymous No. 177215

I really wish my dojo weren't such sticklers for the rules so we could practice no-gi and leg-grabs once in a while.

Anonymous No. 177314

Rules were made to be broken.

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Anonymous No. 177316

Kano would very ashamed of how rigid and gamefied judo has become

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Narga Inner Mongo....webm

Anonymous No. 177344

Anonymous No. 177347

These have probably been posted here many times but anyway

Anonymous No. 177366

after 1 year of work I finally got a drop ouchi gari on a moderately skilled opponent

Anonymous No. 177441

Ogoshi, usually I don’t like getting my hand around their back but it just ended up there by accident desu and the rest was easy

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Anonymous No. 177614

>watch full match
>the ref fucking waved off the ippon
can someone explain? how the fuck was that not throwing the guy with speed, force and control?

Anonymous No. 177678

Travis looks like a cro-magnon man if they had discovered Judo back then. He radiates primate energy.

Anonymous No. 177684

I’m guessing the refs would argue that they had already transitioned to newaza and there was therefore no score for throwing.

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Anonymous No. 177905

>go to practice
>go in with the full intent of trying to work on everything osoto during live practice
>get some grips
>try to off-balance
>okay im gonna try to go for osoto gari, toshi or even guruma
>just hit some osoto please for the love of god
>right arm suddenly extends around uki's neck and head
>hip pivot and lower center
>hit koshi guruma

Why do I instinctually hit koshi? Every fucking throw during Randori is koshi or some bastardized version of kubi nage, why did God make me this way?

Anonymous No. 177911

hell of an achievement to go from osoto gari to koshi guruma

Anonymous No. 177917

My right arm is gripping the lapel, my left on the sleeve. Standard osoto grip right? Okay, now I'm gonna do it. Suddenly (through robotism) my right arm sweeps over and around their head, I pivot across them and hit koshi.

Anonymous No. 178350


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Moscalu vs Taimaz....webm

Anonymous No. 178351

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Murao vs Talibov ....webm

Anonymous No. 178352

Anonymous No. 178368

bro hit pause on his throw

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Anonymous No. 178380

she clearly went limp at 0:15, another great judo ref

Anonymous No. 178413

Someone’s going to end up getting brain damaged or killed on live television sometime in the future because the majority of judo refs are dementiaed out geriatrics who forget they’re supposed to be paying attention to the match

Anonymous No. 178424

Every master would have never taught if they could see what martial arts have become. They would have kept everything secret as possible & every school would have faded into obscurity like the ninja.

Anonymous No. 178494

it will be me, I'll kill someone with one of my chokes live. it's my dream
IJF then will ban chokes

Anonymous No. 178498

i'd tell you 'good luck', but with refs like that you probably won't need it

Anonymous No. 178506

Autistic post anon!

Anonymous No. 178521

Newbie here

I got a competition coming up in my area, what do I bring? What should I expect?

Anonymous No. 178527

Bring your ass cos it's gonna get whooped

Anonymous No. 178536

bring lube

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Anonymous No. 178588

>year 7 of being a white belt

Anonymous No. 178602

How? I got my yellow in three months.

Anonymous No. 178633

I have literally never gone to a promotion. I go to practice and once in a while a competition (if it's convenient). After the 3rd year, I kind of came to the Mister Miyagi conclusion of 'Judo in your heart, Judo in your head, Judo not in the belt.' Also, It's kind of funny seeing purple, brown and even some black belts get blasted by some supposed white belt skrub.

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Anonymous No. 178664

>dude i'm not gonna get a drivers license. driving is in your heart not in the steering wheel

Anonymous No. 178665


Anonymous No. 178682

Do you compete in the white belt division? If so you’re a cunt. Otherwise whatever it’s your life I guess.

Anonymous No. 178688

They usually put me in the Intermediate / HW (Heavyweight) division. One time we did have this KOTH thing at the end of a tournament just for fun and I did a pretty good against a few black belts.

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Anonymous No. 178697

>and I did a pretty good against a few black belts
yeah no shit nigger, you've been training for 7 years

Anonymous No. 178710

Usually takes 10 to get black belt. They were slacking.

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Shuai Jiao Shuai ....webm

Anonymous No. 178919

Anonymous No. 178928

>believing it takes this long to acquite black belt level skill
Jfs, the shit you TMA boys will settle for is fucking ridiculous. You know 'bullshido' doesn't just apply to ineffective styles, it also equates to shitty teaching & educational standards. I have seen goofy footed tards go from zero dancing skills to ballroom champs in 1 year of intense newfound faacination, usually couples, anyways.. The crazy complex physical tasks I have seen humans learn in remarkably short time has taught me that even the effective arts are chock full of bullshido.

Anonymous No. 179116

Nigger if you want to fight black belts in a year just go and sign up for an open division at a tournament. Yes, you can do that.

The fuck are you even mad about? Do you dislike that Judo has high standards for black belts? Should we hand them out to every 8 year old to pays their dues for 2 years like tae kwon do places do?

Anonymous No. 179117

Judo blackbelt is roughly the equivalent of a bachelor's degree in judo, shouldn't take 10 years unless you're slacking hard.

Anonymous No. 179119

This, though bachelors might not be a good comparison since 4 years seems too little unless you’re really grinding. Most people get their black belts I think in about 6 or 7 years if you’re training a normal amount.

Me personally it took me about ten years but I took a lot of long breaks early on in my training, then Covid hit which shut us down for awhile. Then I had a bad injury that put ME out for awhile. Assuming you’re not like me it shouldn’t take as long.

Anonymous No. 179120

>This, though bachelors might not be a good comparison since 4 years seems too little unless you’re really grinding.
Most people grind their bachelors full-time. If you're a part-time student it's going to take some number of years longer.

Anonymous No. 179121

Fair point I’ll accept that

Anonymous No. 179187

I started judo coming up on 8 years ago and I'm still a yellow belt
I never actually go to judo class, I just practice it myself

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Anonymous No. 179205

I hope you're not practicing the Western version of Osoto Gari and are using sideways Osoto (AKA the real version)

Anonymous No. 179418

lemme ask since karate general is even more dead

how much faster does putting your belt through regular washing machine cycles distress it vs not washing it?

Anonymous No. 179420

Wash your belt.

Granted in karate, it probably doesn't get as dirty like in judo where people are actively grabbing and touching it, but still go wash your belt. Anything you've heard about not washing them are urban legends.

Anonymous No. 179438

Just wash it on cold and hang dry it. That’s we have to do for our gis anyways I don’t know what karatefags do with theirs.

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Anonymous No. 179511

>washing the gi
>washing the belt

Anonymous No. 179515

>4chan user refuses to practice basic hygiene, more at 11

Anonymous No. 179520

Do i settle for the local Gracie gym, that says it teaches judo too, or do I keep looking for a purely judo gym.

Anonymous No. 179521

Don’t be autistic, train what’s available. There’s nothing stopping you from doing judo if a gym opens in your area or if you move. You’ll benefit from training bjj than doing nothing.

That said the Gracie labeled gyms are usually way overpriced since people shell out a lot of cash for that name. If there’s other jiujitsu options in your area I’d explore those as well.

Anonymous No. 179522

post the website

Anonymous No. 179525

Its just a run of the mill gracie
There's a 10th planet that is significantly cheaper but if I am being honest... The Eddie Bravo/Rogan stoner 'dude bro' atmosphere they put off is something, as a recovering addict, I was trying to avoid. I feel like the liklihood of being on the mat with someone who just hotboxed their car is significantly greater at 10th planet. Plus the name is so fucking stupid.

Anonymous No. 179526

I am still searching, two days out of the week I am im a whole other county for school so i am still looking at the ones near my Uni.

Anonymous No. 179532

I don't see judo there
It's a tough question choosing between a gracie and 10th Planet
They exist on the opposite ends of the spectrum
On one hand there's cultural zealotry bowing and calling people master and shit and the other is unprofessional DUDE WEEED

I suppose the reasonable answer would be do a trial class at each and see who you're vibing with more. But in general be wary of contracts

Anonymous No. 179533

>I feel like the liklihood of being on the mat with someone who just hotboxed their car is significantly greater at 10th planet.
Can confirm, your intuition is right. If that’s a trigger for you I’d stay away. They teach good stuff but I’ve rolled with brown belts that smell like skunks.

Anonymous No. 179534

>On one hand there's cultural zealotry bowing and calling people master and shit and the other is unprofessional DUDE WEEED
This is part of the reason I love judo so much. For the last ten years I’ve never had anyone demand I call them sensei, they simply explained that that was the culture and everyone was respectful to each other even when you didn’t. The fact is the guys that actually know their shit don’t need to demand you call them master, they’ll show you. It’s (sometimes) a completely different culture when I’ve cross trained jiujitsu and I don’t know why.

Anonymous No. 179537

I am about to start judo. I would like to know what sort of physical conditioning and training I should do at home.

Anonymous No. 179538

If you already have the judo experience I guess gracie is the way to go since there's gis, and 10th Planet will for sure be hotboxed

Frankly I find their price outrageous, their one year contract costs more per month than my month to month and it's wild because the website doesn't even have a bio for the instructor
My place is $130 month to month the main bjj instructor just got his 4th degree, the main judo instructor is yodan but I was actually just looking at his diploma on the wall, that was from 2016 so he must be coming up on godan any time now

Anonymous No. 179539

Strength and mobility routines for yout knees and shoulders
That's where the wear and tear happens

Anonymous No. 179541

Already started incorporating lu raises.
Think I'll go hard on conditioning until spring.
I'm very excited. Throwing people has always been my main inclination when I've gotten into scraps.
I have never liked striking people.

Anonymous No. 179543

Thanks for the input I appreciate it cause I was thinking the same thing. Like the schedule shows they have a comp class but they dont talk about their instructor, his accolades or any students, feels dodgy. Im gonna drop more links if that's cool. This much money is a for a poorfag as poor as me, wanna make the right choice.

Anonymous No. 179544

>I have never liked striking people.
Make sure you ask the instructor how many days per week they focus on atemi waza (judo's striking techniques) or you may end up disappointed. Some places focus almost exclusively on throws but at others there'll be a lot of judo chops.

Anonymous No. 179545

How do you mean I could be disappointed? I thought judo throws were mainly used as learning tools for defensive grabs.

Anonymous No. 179546

Judo blows*
I'm dumb

Anonymous No. 179547

Okay I know what was said, train what's available but I am realllllly trying to stick to a judo place. I already found a trump card just in case. Pinnacle MMA, apparently Bobby 'King' Green came up from there, not spectacular, but they do make pros, have fight nights. But... Lemme entertain my weeb, takedown preferences

What do ya'll think of these places, they're the only places I found so far that offer classes with pure focus on judo.

Anonymous No. 179550

I’m not the guy asking about Gracie shit, I’m a different anon. I just cross train jiujitsu sometimes.
Go away, judo schizo
Judo schizo doesn’t actually train judo, ignore him. If you want a real answer atemi waza is a holdover from old school Japanese jujutsu styles and no, they’re not a way to train defensive grips but rather a way to strike the opponent before transitioning to a grip to throw. Is that useful to know? Maybe, but the actual atemi waza system in judo is scarcely talked about and in terms of organizational standards basically undefined outside of kata. you’re better off learning an actual striking style of you want to learn strikes and then meshing that with your judo then you are trying to use “judos” atemi waza as a striking system when it’s basically as bare bones as you can get. Also if you ask 99% (especially those that are actually good) of judo dojos how often they train atemi waza specifically they will almost certainly tell you “never”

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Anonymous No. 179552

Judging entirely based on how this guy looks and nothing else I can tell you he knows a lot of judo. Don’t ask me how I know, it’s intuition.

Anonymous No. 179553

I'm cool avoiding striking of possible.
I've always gravitated towards throwing people in scuffs.

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Anonymous No. 179554

Well, when you're right, you're right.

Anonymous No. 179558

I tapped into my ki and identified that he was a powerful fighter. They teach you these techniques once you reach a certain level.

Anonymous No. 179559

>80$ a month
>Two 1 hour classes a week
Worth it to learn from this dude?

Anonymous No. 179560

80 dollars a month isn’t that bad but for only one class a week? Kinda shitty. Are there other classes available to you for that price? Do you at least get access to their gym?

Anonymous No. 179561

2 classes a week & I asked and... No. You get just the classes. Which is kinda annoying. Checking out the jeff speakman place now.

Anonymous No. 179562

I mean, three would be better but that’s not terrible. 2 classes a week for 80 dollars a month is roughly 10 dollars a class

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Anonymous No. 179564

That guy looks promising but the other place has a mommy

Anonymous No. 179565


Anonymous No. 179568

You can't tell me you don't want to yank that top down and get a look at those bolt ons

Anonymous No. 179569

I'm good

Anonymous No. 179570

I’m with the other anon where my intial reaction is yuck but if she just happened to pin me down and I couldn’t escape her I guess I’d just have to accept whatever she did to me next

Anonymous No. 179572

How did you find anything out, that speakman site sucks donkey dick, need to fire whoever came up with it. I cant find anything on instructors.

Anonymous No. 179573

Nvm I retardef phone shitter

Anonymous No. 179574

Well it was hilarious to find the page for Jeff Speakman martial arts and see the head instructors name it Mr.Sotomayor

They're American kempo and it says he has a black belt In judo through the USJA
There's also another instructor that's obviously attracted to kids

Anonymous No. 179575

>Think I'll go hard on conditioning until spring.
don't wait for it, just start doing judo. progress in this thing is slow, and you're gonna wish you had started sooner.

Anonymous No. 179577

Didn’t look at the website but I will say that in my completely anecdotal experience how shitty a gyms website is is directly proportional to how good the gym is. I’ve never had worse experiences than the ones I’ve had at gyms with good advertizing.

Anonymous No. 179578

I don’t want to bully them too much since I do know good USJA guys but it’s well known they have lower standards for black belts than the USJF has.

Anonymous No. 179579

Oh sorry, you misunderstood me.
I do my personal training in phases.
Because training gets boring. I'm starting judo in January.
I'll get on heavy ballistic training in spring. Do my 36 egg and 2 lb steak bulk up then too.

Anonymous No. 179580

And that's the rub, JF you know the guy can throw and went through the promotional tournament process
JA he might be able to throw too but also might be a black belt through time in rank and a written test

Anonymous No. 179581

Well, considering I am open to learning other stuff, that might be a good thing for me since the USJF is stricter about traditional stuff. Welp... I am a broke ass faggot and the speakman place has a 30$ money back 4 class trial program. Plus more combined judo experience than the other. It's at the max end of my budget but you get four 2 hour classes every week with two open mat days with free use of fascility for... 180$.... Thats as much as the bougie fucking gracie gym, but with two high level confirmed judokas, one with a mixed wrestling background, sounds good, and honestly I get way less sketchy vibes. Wish me luck, hope it doesn't suck. Gonna sign up next monday.

Anonymous No. 179582

Fucking sheesh, that's how much Jason Rau charges at his place

Anonymous No. 179609

>30 dollar money back guarantee
Lmfao, what used car salesman bullshit is this? op if you actually take them up on this offer you better not be a sperg and be prepared to advocate for yourself. They’re going to use salesmen tactics and do literally everything they can to pressure you into signing a contract (don’t sign fucking anything) and the. Do everything they can to not honor that advertisement. Based on this shit alone I wouldn’t even step foot in their dojo they clearly care more about money than the art itself

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Judo Israpil Saga....webm

Anonymous No. 179655

Anonymous No. 179662

You’re probably better off learning to breakfall when you’re light and then bulking up to be honest.
Also make sure you have great cardio that’s usually more of a limiting factor for new guys

Anonymous No. 179663

Yup. Breakfalling and cardio and actual judo practice before my bulk. Got it.
I loved Buster Keaton as a kid.
I was patrolling constantly. It's helped quite a bit as an adult.
Will have my children learn fun patrolling too.

Anonymous No. 179664

Fucking autocorrect phone posting bs

Anonymous No. 179684

if you have a gi you could start you could start training your hands to save some time. when you start doing judo you get calluses and cuts on your hands. they heal in time but the first few months they can hurt like a bitch. make sure to get tape.

Anonymous No. 179687

I do have a karate gi. How should I use it to practice with my hands?

Anonymous No. 179709

i'm not familiar with karate gis, are they as thick as judo gis or can it break from pulling too hard? look up basic judo grip, one hand on the sleeve the other around the wrist, and try to hold it like that and just shake it and pull it really hard until your fingers start to hurt or burn. do a little of it everyday.

Anonymous No. 179710

Not him but karate gis are typically even lighter than single weave judo gis you will absolutely tear that shit if you pull on it for training.
You’re better off using elastic bands since that’s typically what solo judo training amounts to in most cases. Exercises to practice pulling and increase your pulling strength. Wrap an elastic band (or a belt/gi if you feel truly compelled) around a pole or a tree and practice entering into throws. This kind of shit for the record is not really going to improve you as a judoka the same way going to class will, it just helps you build the strength necessary to compete effectively.

Anonymous No. 179712

I bought that fuji elastic band thing that has the gi material on it
Man I knew I shouldn't have done it, I've used it maybe 3 times

Anonymous No. 179727

This is a thick ass karate gi used for competition.
I had a friend lend it to me when he wanted me to try bjj.
I could at least get some practice in.
I already have very strong grippers.
I am a commercial fisherman.

Anonymous No. 179775

I’m a former merchant marine, I believe you, but also take my word for it when I tell you if you want to get good at judo you need to practice with other people. Simply can’t learn on your own and while there are some way to build strength and hammer in foot work there is no replacement for real training.

If you want my advice, get on a good weight routine while your at sea (assuming your ship has a gym, I don’t know how small it is, if no weights then calisthenics) and train for real when you’re ashore. That’s what I did.

Anonymous No. 179776

My work is training. I'm a pot fisherman.
Looking forward to actually learning though.

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Anonymous No. 180019

>*makes your osoto unstoppable*

Anonymous No. 180029

>single leg deadlift
Do people actually do this?

Anonymous No. 180030


Anonymous No. 180033

Why though? Seems unreasonably dangerous for zero benefit. Deadlifts are for your back not your legs.

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Anonymous No. 180042

>deadlifts are for your back not your legs

Anonymous No. 180043

Deadlifts are primarily for strengthening your lower back. If you’re looking to exercise your legs just do squats.

Anonymous No. 180044

deadlifts are a dumb exercise that carry nothing but injury risk without offering any benefit you can't find somewhere else
romanians are the only deadlift you should be doing for athletic training

secondly if you need to use straps and a belt just leave your ago at the door, there's no value in doing a lift you need assistance to pull off, that assistance isn't going to be there when you need it for real

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Anonymous No. 180046

Deadlifts work everything on the back of your body. Upper and lower back, ass, and legs. It's really a hinging movement and a hip exercise but you do involve bracing with your back and pushing with your legs.
Holy fuck shut up retard

Anonymous No. 180047

I'm a trainer, you're not
I realize you're probably operating under gym teacher lore but the data is on my side

Anonymous No. 180048

>I'm a trainer
Shit dude, you went to college just to learn how to pick things up?

Anonymous No. 180049

>but the data is on my side

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Anonymous No. 180078

I've never hit an o-goshi or ippon seoi nage in randori.

Anonymous No. 180090

Are you new? Turning throws are hard to get right when you’re just starting out.

Anonymous No. 180100

No they dont
>t. 3rd year kinesiologist.
These are so risky many trainers avoid them altogether. Too much data saying it's a bad idea = you getting sued for negligence.

Anonymous No. 180101

To clarify, deadlifts, besides working quads, almost exclusively hinges on the iliopsoas, the muscle group that connects the lower back to the gluteals. Almost all of the hinging force is on your fucking lumbar, no matter how perfect your form is. Do a standing butt clench... Notice how deadlifts don't get your ass nearly that tight... Yeah thats cause it hardly uses your ass at all.

Anonymous No. 180102

And I am not syaing the iliopsaos is the main force output in this movement, but even with perfect form, your hips & glutes form the bottom half of the hinge and is grounded. From the hip down your kinetic chain is rock solid, has very little strain relative to everything above. No ones pulls or tears their glutes or anything else on a deadlift. Even when perfect the injury is always in the back.

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Anonymous No. 180113

>These are so risky many trainers avoid them altogether
Imagine being such a shitty personal trainer that you won't even teach the single most fundamental and most physically stressing exercise in the world. So bad that you have to dance around it with a series of different pseudo-exercises as substitutes.

Am I talking to Joel Seedman? Are you going to have me do band-assisted, bilateral deficit barbell rows?

What are you even trying to say anymore? Deadlifts work your back and legs? Are you agreeing? Are you saying how apply a stressor onto your back will lead to injury?

I think you may want to consult your undergraduate studies or "ALL THE DATAZ" again to clarify what you're trying to say.

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Anonymous No. 180116


Anonymous No. 180118

Fuck deadlifts. Where my /powercleanbros/ at?

Anonymous No. 180119

They work, but not like you think, and even if you had perfect form 100% of the time, no one can justify doing such a useless non-fundamental exercise you faggot fucking retarded twat. Ffs. Free weight squats of any variety is infinitely safer than & just as beneficial as deadlifts. It's the most useless fucking lift in existence and is no where near how you would ever lift a weight that substantial outside of a gym. It is a 100% ego lift you powershitting bloatlord cum guzzler.
>/fit/tards can't comprehend basic science from the least respected stem/premed degree
This is your brain on /fit/ fucking go to school ffs. This is the same education P.E. teachers get and you can't follow me? Do you have any idea how fucking pathetic that is?

Anonymous No. 180120

Who exactly do you train? Geriatrics? Crippled infants?
>The exercise that has you grabbing something and standing up with it is the most useless exercise in existence
I hope you can change studies this far into the year. You are a fucking nobody, you have no idea what you are talking about and are part of a throwaway academia. You're entire field can be summed up as "The body reacts to the stress in different ways."

Have fun teaching 2nd graders the chicken dance as a P.E. Teacher you fucking DYEL skrub.

Anonymous No. 180123

>/fit/ bitch throws a fit and says words
Lol you been here too long. I feel sorry for your spine. I am gonna leave this thread now, because I am not some little manchild who is gonna sit here justifying my knowledge to an armchair expert on a mongolian basket weaving forum.

Anonymous No. 180124

Goodbye Mr. Undergraduate, know that your knowledge and articles are worthless.

Anonymous No. 180147

>le ebin Mongolian basket weaving forum
Patent newfaggotry
What subreddit do you hail from, fine gentleman?

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Anonymous No. 180181

Last year I screwed something in my lower back while deadlifting and haven't done it since then. I still feel it sometimes while moving and exercising. I'm scared of deadlifting again since then.

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Anonymous No. 180198

Yellow belt, been training for about a year and a half now.
I started judo to compliment my BJJ, so I never really prioritized turning throws because of how often I would end up in a bad position due to poor technique.

I mostly spam ashi-waza and sacrifice throws. I recently did randori with a tiny girl whose o-goshis were so effortless despite the size difference, it made me feel like I was just constantly slipping and sliding over her hips like I was on a water slide. It really made me want to change my ways.

Anonymous No. 180202

you retards deserve your fucking sciatica, go ahead and keep acting smug until you blow your back out
don't try to say I didn't warn you

Anonymous No. 180204

I'll also just mention, I don't give a fuck if your back gets destroyed, in fact I hope if happens to you if you were a twat

tl;dw its 15 minutes of explaining to you why you're a fucking idiot for doing deadlifts

Anonymous No. 180213

in January I'll go to a winter camp where there will be Ilias Iliadis and Ole Bischof. I'll drop some techniques here

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iliadis ura nage.jpg

Anonymous No. 180214

No exercise is sacred. I got sciatica from poor squatting form back in college (good morning squats + really bad buttwink). Since I don't give a fuck about ego lifting or PRs anymore, I personally just do RDLs. I'm not strong at them yet, but they feel a lot more controlled so they seem less risky and they're supposed to be less taxing on the body meaning they won't interfere with judo training as much.

I don't get why anyone cares about a big deadlift besides ego; it's not like deadlifts are efficient for aesthetics or building muscle anyway. And like >>180118, power cleans probably translate into judo better than deadlifts. I can't argue with the time efficiency of deadlifts/deadlift variations compared to other exercises though.

Anonymous No. 180228

The first throws you learn are actually hard to land.

Anonymous No. 180244

I would argue osoto is pretty easy to land.

Anonymous No. 180245

anon if you try lifting 500 lbs of steel off of the ground its going to hurt, thats with every exercise

Anonymous No. 180247

>it's not like deadlifts are efficient for aesthetics or building muscle anyway
Why is this board so retarded?

Anonymous No. 180257

>No ones pulls or tears their glutes or anything else on a deadlift. Even when perfect the injury is always in the back.
I've met people who've injured hamstrings deadlifting so it's definitely not "always" the back.

Anonymous No. 180749

Maybe cross-body or ken-ken. I have never nor seen anyone hit Osoto the way it is first taught.

Anonymous No. 184386

The last one I had made me walk like an old man and I vomited about four hours later. Went to the ER a week later and they told me I had broken my neck in a few places. Also my arm stopped working, but that wasn't the concussion part, just a chunk of my spine that snapped off and jammed itself on my nerve for the arm.