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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 172109

"If you wanna make your martial art effective, make medieval japanese clothing nobody wears anymore a fundamental part of it"
-Jigoro Kano

Anonymous No. 172110

It came as a solution to a problem at the time
Remember this is before there was specific athletic clothing so people doing judo had their regular street clothes getting ruined
The fix was they used the jackets firefighters would wear because they were easily available and rugged so they could handle practice

Don't blame him that people refused to update once better options became available

Anonymous No. 172116

>find out tatami hoodies exist
>they're not functional for training, just for being a giga dweeb

Anonymous No. 172123

A tee shirt is good enough
It WILL get fucked up however
t. judo fag who has sparred with my wrestler friend

Anonymous No. 172124

>mfw hip tossing, footsweeping and shoulder throwing through wrestling class today
It's all grappling in the end

Anonymous No. 172126

Half of the throws don't require any clothing.

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 172156

>A 4 month old thread died for this

Anonymous No. 172162

This was a time when people wore suits everywhere. The gi is a long lasting substitue for when youre training. Even today in colder temperatures the gi techniques can be applicable

Anonymous No. 172169

I also recall reading that some of the throws are safer when done with jacket grips rather than grabbing the person directly, though I'm not sure.

Anonymous No. 172175

>nobody wears jackets or pants anymore

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Anonymous No. 172182

>be OP
>be retarded faggot with dumbfuck opinions
Many such cases. Thank you for your contribution, and please kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 172219

It's a decent stand-in for any long-sleeved upper body garment, but unlike those it's also durable enough to survive training