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🧵 Boxers CAN'T fight

Anonymous No. 172322

I have practiced bjj and muay thai and have never lost a street fight to a boxer, Seriously what are you going to do when I shoot for your legs and duck under your punching range or leg and spartan kick you to fucking oblivion? You guys are absolutely helpless, get over yourselves.

Anonymous No. 172332

Boxing is good against untrained opponents, wimpy martial arts like karate and taekwondo and maybe some guard pullers with barely any takedown skills
>have never lost a street fight to a boxer
Anon, enganging in numerous street fights is not very smart

Anonymous No. 172338

>bro I street fight other martial artists all the time

Anonymous No. 172596

Boxing is the best martial art for self defense and you're a larping faggot who sits home all day jacking off to fagporn

Anonymous No. 172600

What if you defend yourself from someone who kicks or tackles you?

Anonymous No. 172608

>I have practiced bjj and muay thai and have never lost a street fight to a boxer
And how many did you win ?

Anonymous No. 172609

I've never known a good boxer who gets into street fights. Or a good thai boxer. Or a good jiu jitsu player. It's always 6 month faggots who barely get their chin dusted in training, no matter what style they do.

Anonymous No. 172997

jump out of range/to the side, then straight back in with a flurry of punches since kicks take longer to recover from
coming at a boxer head first? are you serious?

You're not going to be kicking in a street fight if you're drunk, wearing jeans or on a slippery surface. It takes you way off balance and if you fall over you're fucked. Knowing how to move your head around and throwing fast accurate punches is what is going to win a street fight. As >>172596 says, boxing is your best bet for street fighting
t. current boxer, ex ITF taekwondo

Anonymous No. 173001

Where I live people who start shit are probably armed so whatever romanticism about fighting it's not worth it

Anonymous No. 173016

>coming at a boxer head first? are you serious?
Maybe I'm just stupid but I genuinely don't know what is this sentence about. I was saying that if you only know boxing, you can easily be taken down and beaten on the ground.

Anonymous No. 173024

Tackles are led with the head

Anonymous No. 173027

You just need to lower to the belt level where boxers aren't used to hit and do it as fast as possible. Also remember that the top of your skull is probably a stronger bone than someone's knuckles. And I'm not saying that I would actually defeat a boxer this way but people who are less wimpy than me definitely would.

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powerful most belt.jpg

Anonymous No. 173028

>and have never lost a street fight to a boxer,
What kind of lifestyle is it, when fighting in the streets so much you rack up fights against a specific type of fighter becomes a thing?
(((nightclub))) bouncer?

Anonymous No. 173031

LARP, BJJ guys can't shoot takedowns
Boxers don't typically punch that low nor down. Also, hitting the top of the head isn't smart unless you're willing to break a hand and hope that you somehow break their neck.

Anonymous No. 173034

>no bro, trust me
>it’s fine if I lead with my head against a boxer
>they certainly aren’t going to uppercut me into the next dimension

Anonymous No. 173037

>they certainly are going to shit their pants into next dimention

Anonymous No. 173043

How are you supposed to uppercut someone when their head is at the same level as your dick?

Anonymous No. 173097

set up BJJ propoganda

IRL he would have broken both knees on the ground doing a double leg like that. also guy underneath would have bitten his neck out

+his friends would soccer kick that cuddling cuck

Anonymous No. 173216


Any competent amateur boxer will know how to work on the backfoot and KOTF you, they don't need to uppercut you, you'll be get hit with a straight right on your temple and proceed to get stomped when you hit the concrete.

Anonymous No. 173218

Street fight is not boxe. Boxe is an art and you are a stupid troglodite.

Anonymous No. 173219

Why do people keep talking about something that is very rare/not a thing? How many times have you see mma fighters effectively countering wrestling with striking vs how many times have you seen them effectively countering wrestling with wrestling?

Anonymous No. 173220

Boxer and judoka here. A boxer is well-conditioned, has footwork, head movement, hand-eye coordination, and practice from hitting bags/pads/sparring than most people. Obviously they're not gonna fucking punch people in the face with their bare hands (which is why prizefighting had them utilize palm strikes to the head instead while punching to the body), but they're going to have better tools and experience than someone who has no clue what to do.

Tea No. 173933

Good fiters don't street fight its not a skill and thay don't shit talk becous thay are manly . I hade a weight lifting friend get insulted. By a foot ball played repeatedly he did not even get upset he could have crushed the guy. I was involved in a dispute gun play , vandalism, fire, lawyers , kicking a guys ass dos not mean your windows don't get smashed . some times you loos evin if you think you win. The best martial Arts skill is avoiding a fight if you can.

Anonymous No. 173951

Cool story, bro. Should add details how you sucked them off behind the dumpster for free. Like a real street fighter.

Anonymous No. 173963

>bro I'm like Ryu from Street Fighter

Anonymous No. 174059

Yeah. Just completely helpless against leg take down. Just stood there. Sprawl bitch, sprawl!
That is is the point people not trained in wrestling are just training dummy for wrestlers.

Anonymous No. 174331

>Shooting for takedowns
stop larping anon

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Anonymous No. 176306

>I'll just punch h-ACK!

Anonymous No. 176442

thats br00tal

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Anonymous No. 176894

Guys, you know that you're supposed to cross-train, right?
Even aikido becomes usable if you have enough other fighting skills behind it.

Anonymous No. 176928

Aikido originally only accepted people who already had Judo background and they sparred with Sumo rules since there's no competition in Aikido.

Anonymous No. 176931

Now they all just look like sumo

Anonymous No. 177085

None of this is true.

Anonymous No. 177128

Do you ask them if they're boxers before or after you fight them?