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๐Ÿงต Headbutting contests

Anonymous No. 173041

All martial arts and fighting sports can be represented on a "violence gradient", where on one end you have the more choreographic and barely-violent styles, and on the other you have the most violent and less "artistic" ones.
In the past few decades interest has been shifting from the former, and more towards the latter, with bare-knuckle boxing competitions, street-fighting organizations, and even slapping contests, garnering more and more interest.
It's therefore clear that the only logical conclusion to these competitions is a headbutting contest.
You can have turn-based ones like with slapping, or you can have bouts where two dudes just hit each other until a ko or the time runs out.
People would develop techniques to dodge, hit delicate spots, and even set up combos.
There would be interesting match-ups between tank type dudes with giant necks and heads, and long-necked more athletic guys who can contort in seemingly impossible ways to execute advanced techniques.
Depending on the rules you could have them stand still or move around in a ring. You could allow grabbing the opponent or have their hands cuffed behind their backs (which would be a useful skill for the type of guy who'd take part in this).

Opinions? Suggestions on how it would be set up, or how to be more effective at it?

Anonymous No. 173045

This is super retarded but slap fights are only a bit less stupid so I guess some people will gladly watch it. Even I would watch 1 or 2 fights out of curiosity.

Anonymous No. 173046

It's only dumber than slap fights from a self-preservation standpoint. As a sport it would develop into a far richer art thanks to how many more things you can do, not unlike many of the fighting contests already in existence.
I mean, we have arm wrestling, so why not head wrestling?

Anonymous No. 173090

mapuche indians had this sort of martial game. they also had a turn-by-turn version of boxing where you had to take the other guy's hit without defense and this went on and on until one gave up
>also lethwei uses head-butts- so maybe some tribes in rural lethwei do head-butt only fights as a game?

Anonymous No. 173104

Head wrestling can be a good limited spar scenario for Oly wrestling. Hands behind back, using only your chest and head to work for position. Almost certainly never results in a throw, but it can be a good way to see where things should/could be used to better achieve your throw. Probably good for muay thai, judo, and a few other things.

But involving striking into it, with the head, is a great way to start being even more of a numbskull than the average poster.

Anonymous No. 173107

Not bad, but I think the real pinnacle of combat sports was touched upon by the Romans back in the day. A man is a man, and defeating a man only shows that you're higher on the ladder of human potential than he is. To really prove your worth as a fighter, you should be fighting against something with capabilities far beyond any man, and luckily the Earth is still stocked with a plethora of powerful animals that can be fought. You've hinted at this subconsciously by including Doppo Orochi in your picture, whose main claim to fame from the beginning was that he defeated a fully grown Siberian tiger with his karate skills, but the envelope can be pushed further than that and there are many animals that would effortlessly annihilate a tiger, all of which can and should be fought.

Anonymous No. 173768

Interesting. Anywhere I can learn more about Mapuche martial arts?
When you say they "had this sort of martial game", are you talking about the turn-based component, or the headbutts?

I think you can introduce all aspects of fighting to headbutt tournaments. Tragically it's almost completely unexplored territory, and a lot of experimentation can be done to mix it with all sorts of combat practices. Surely it would take special kinds of men to want to go on this adventure, and they'd have to accept significant sacrifices, but what worthwile goal doesn't come with a price?

I like your reasoning. For sure a fight against something stronger than a human would be a better demonstration of one's power. You mention animals, but people can, and have in many cases used their strength and technique against two or more humans, or even inanimate objects, such as trees, walls, robots, etc.
One can even take this a step further and join different types of opponents to make a more complete enemy. For example:
>humans riding tigerback
>humans + lions tag team
>bear with cybernetics
>wall covered in ants
>tree full of snakes
>bull and car
>football team with hostages
>tank on slip and slide
>100 trillion lions ON the sun
>possessed heavy bag
I could go on forever, the sky really is the limit, and most importantly, people would fight against those using all sorts of techniques, but sadly we all know that they're not very likely to use the headbutt, despite it being a formidable tool on their belt.
Do you happen to know if gladiators, or any fighter involved in these bouts, happened to use headbutts a lot?

Anonymous No. 173987

Brain damage speedrun (any %)

Anonymous No. 174014

People would try this sport once, break their nose, then never do it again

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Anonymous No. 174027

>tank on slip and slide
>100 trillion lions ON the sun
>possessed heavy bag

Anonymous No. 174137

Aikido + strongman
Aikido + sumo

Anonymous No. 174150

Fuck wrong thread

Anonymous No. 176936


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Anonymous No. 176956

No. Not until the brain regeneration shit is up to the task of rekindling the ensuing dead neural tissue.

Anonymous No. 178321


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Anonymous No. 181190

Me & my friend did this while drunk as shit,, taking turns headbutting each other
>Knocked him out
>I had a migrane for 2 days
Its fun when people are watching but the recovery was not great

Anonymous No. 183781

What sort of emotion is this image supposed to portray.

Anonymous No. 187532

Answer me.
What sort of emotion is this image supposed to portray?