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Anonymous No. 173193

Hitting the bag hard as fuck for as long as you can doesn't do jack shit for cardio, does it?

Anonymous No. 173204

Yeah it does, what are you talking about?

Anonymous No. 173208

He’s probably a retard who windmills his arms at the bag for 30 seconds with no technique then gassed out and quits

Anonymous No. 173283

If you actually know how to box, it'll do something

Anonymous No. 173345

It does as long as you are actually hitting hard.

Anonymous No. 173361

I think you're just retarded

Anonymous No. 173381

helps you keep your arms up with 14oz gloves, running does more, especially sprints and jumping as far as plyometric cardio goes, think of a broad or box jump developing power for a straight and running for hooks, footwork cardio is better trained solo with a jump rope.

also it just does help you hit harder its not really trad cardio persay, it would also be better if someone was shouting orders for the hits and you committed fully to each.

Anonymous No. 173388

Of course it helps with cardio retard. Doubly so if you’re kicking.

Anonymous No. 173392

If you're just trying to line up single hard shots, no it really doesn't. You have to move, and make the bag move, and work off it's movement. Drilling single powerful shots is good for structure, physical awareness, and a modicum of anaerobic stamina. But real "cardio" isn't going to be helped by simply wailing on it. And whether or not you're actually training for a sport setting, doing this in timed rounds is significantly better for long term stamina development, especially if you're working by yourself. It leaves you able to just program the number of rounds and stop paying attention to anything but your work.

Anonymous No. 173405

OP need to talk to a trainer or coach.
You are doing everything wrong if bagwork isn't cardio intensive and you need in person instruction.

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Anonymous No. 173407

He probably meant "compared to running" but his bitch ass forgot to type it yeah