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Anonymous No. 173265

>be me, ~1.5 weeks ago
>doing ground work as part of mma training
>accidentally kick another dude's knee while trying to put him in guard
>he's totally fine but after about 8 seconds i feel intense, searing pain on the spot where I kicked him
>ff to today
>the bruise has gone away (it was never very visible to begin with), but the pain is still there (albeit less painful)
What happened to me bros? Do I have a microfracture or some shit? I have been skipping doing kickboxing since then because I don't want to make it worse, but will I?

Anonymous No. 173270


Anonymous No. 173276

Ask your coach about it

Anonymous No. 173278

>on /xs/
Kill yourself

Tea No. 173930

If it turned black you broke somthing bruses go away . I'm not a doctor I'm think 2 weeks fore a fracture to heal and walking on or wearing a cast probably won't help it heal faster. I have hate multiple cracked ribs toes both legs arm . some times its best work on your core and upper body as a foot injury heales. Tell your coatch your changing your routine to super body and hand grabs and blocking If you have a plan your trainer will understand .If not your trainer will be like so you want to stay home and drink beer and make personal excuses.