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Anonymous No. 174178

How do I train martial arts while avoiding Vaccinated people from shedding on me?

Anonymous No. 174187

Buy a punching bag hit it religiously, running, get a friend that you know isn't vaccinated, do kyokushin rules for conditioning with body armor and gloves first no hits to the face, not even leg kicks.

You just need one sparring partner to drill techniques and its better than not having any experience.

Anonymous No. 174194

>/pol/tards are still fucking freaking out over the vax
Two more weeks then everyone dies

Anonymous No. 174212

> Muh /pol/

everyone and their aunts know about it.

Anonymous No. 174215

>talk like a poltard
>get called a poltard
you reap what you sow

Anonymous No. 174217

not even talking to OP right now, take your meds psychosis bitch.

Anonymous No. 174223

You’re telling other people to take their meds?
>everyone and their aunt knows
Tell your aunt to stop reading retarded conspiracy theories on Facebook

Anonymous No. 174227

I can see you got vaxxed and are coming now. No doubt you're worried about what kinds of genetic defects might pop up in your future because you were so concerned about a case of the sniffles you got an experimental treatment

You got duped, deal with it

Anonymous No. 174230

>I can see you got vaxxed
Congrats on figuring out how to make inferences based on context clues. Next you can try to figure out why half the population isn’t dead from le killshot yet
>No doubt you're worried about what kinds of genetic defects might pop up in your future
Lmfao, I’ll let you know in two weeks if I’ve developed another chromosome like the one you were born with.

Anonymous No. 174246

and then one day for no reason at all healthy people in their 20s with no history of illness started having heart attacks and strokes out of the blue
nothing to see here though

Anonymous No. 174248

That true anon my heart is exploding right now rip me

Anonymous No. 174336

not the anon you’re replying to but you’re retarded

Anonymous No. 174361


Anonymous No. 174366

I can tell you don't have any friends since you're just cimoletely ignorant to all the health problems that thing caused
Off the top of my head
>gf started having periods 2-3 times per month
>friend goes to the hospital experiencing chest pains and an irregular heart beat
>other friend literally just drops into a coma out of fucking nowhere
>all the "medical experts" go well the cause isn't clear, it could be anything
>conveniently all these things just so happen within days of a vaxx

Anonymous No. 174371

>you must not have friends >:(
I do, they’re all fine outside of one fatty who got diabetes in the past year but that was going to happen regardless. My girlfriend also isn’t getting 10 periods a month nor have I heard that from any other retard from /pol/ so I think that’s an issue only for her. Even if you are telling the truth have you considered the possibility that every health problem in the world isn’t caused by a vaccine just because you say it is? Food for thought.

Anonymous No. 174374

You live in opiate country and all your retard poorfag drug addict friends are dying. Sad, but not vax related. Take your meds.

Anonymous No. 174385

>drug addict
>Take your meds
every health problem? no
proven side effects manifesting in healthy subjects because they took an experimental gene therapy in order to combat a disease that was of no real danger to them

Anonymous No. 174393

>experimental gene therapy
mRNA enters the cell ribosomes not the nucleus, go back to high school level biology you fucking retard
>muh side effects
There is a low risk of myocarditis and pericarditis specifically in younger men. If you look at the actual number of incidences I think it was something like a 1-5% risk in the highest risk groups. If you think that’s something to lose your mind over or attribute to a significant portion of the population you’re a complete retard especially considering myocarditis is typically something people recover from.

Anonymous No. 174406

You're a retard for accepting that level of risk from a treatment for an illness that poses virtually no threat to those demographics at all. Holy shit, what kinda faggy fucking sophist are you?

Anonymous No. 174418

Im not in the high risk category. You have to be 18 to post here, underageb&. I don’t think teenagers should take the vax, small as the risk might be. I think taking it as an adult is fine as there’s essentially no more risk than taking a Tylenol and I can say anecdotally I, and everyone else I know, are perfectly fucking fine. It’s only terminally online /pol/tards who think people are just dropping dead all over the place. You have vaccine derangement syndrome.

Anonymous No. 174420

Tylenol is the leading cause of liver failure. Trust the science.

Anonymous No. 174421

>this nigger is actually scared of Tylenol because some retards take way too much way too often

Anonymous No. 174517

Pretty much everyone I know is vaccinated and I've yet to hear about anyone inexplicably developing a new health problem

Anonymous No. 174520

Yes, it is also possible to drink enough coffee to shut down your heart, ergo no one should drink any caffeinated beverage ever

Anonymous No. 174523

I just don't like sheep that let the government stick whatever in them cause they said scary things nor do I like pussies that got scared of covid. There is no form of this argument where you arent a little bitch that gave into coercion & fear. You took an unnecessary experimental treatment, everything you say is indefensible cope. There are plenty of medical professionals that have spoken out against the vaccine but based on your opinions you get your news spoonfed only whats approved for mainstream media.

Anonymous No. 174524

>I am totally unaware of how much of the medical community gives this exact advice
>I am totally unaware that this is because opioids are cut with tylenol as a deterrent
Guess what, opiods, totally by themselves, are ONLY dangerous because of how much they supress the respiratory system.

Anonymous No. 174535

You’re going to really lose your mind when you find out I got a flu shot too

Back 2 >>>/pol/ now

Anonymous No. 174628

Train BJJ with 10th Planet. I'm pretty sure Eddie Bravo got his people to avoid the clot shot.

Anonymous No. 174630

>Eddie Bravo
"They don't give a fuck about your health."

Anonymous No. 174643

I got the first two shots but then none of the boosters so I can piss off retards on both sides

Anonymous No. 174646

>How do I train martial arts while avoiding Vaccinated people from shedding on me?
Ignore fag vaxxies. Go to a club that's well ventilated and no AC. Air conditioning is for fags anyways. Take a bath an hour after training. Try not to think about it.

Anonymous No. 174658

Guarantee most of them are lying
More like most people you know got fake cdc cards
>I got a flu shot too
What the actual fuck is wrong with you?
On the off chance you do get the flu there are pills that knock it out in 2 days
Stop Injecting poison into your vains

Anonymous No. 174668

>Guarantee most of them are lying
>More like most people you know got fake cdc cards
I'm not in the US and aversion to vaccination wasn't nearly as high here either. 90% of people just got the jab and moved on with their lives, if only for the convenience of it
I'm not trying to convince you to get vaxxed or whatever, but this narrative of coof vaccine being some deadly poison just doesn't hold up to reality

Anonymous No. 174669

Grade A bait

Anonymous No. 174670

>this narrative of coof vaccine being some deadly poison just doesn't hold up to reality
The narrative of the vaccine being more dangerous than the disease itself for non-seniors and non-obese people is what the reality is
In addition to that at this point by their own admission anything short of 4 doses has no effect at all in severity of outcome
And each injection carries a new risk of vaccine related injury, so you're rolling the dice 4 times to maybe have a marginal effect on a cold that wasn't going to be dangerous for you unless you're already dying of something else already.

The public was lied to by the pharma companies to proof out their vaccine at the publics expense using tax money and our bodies as test pigs

Anonymous No. 174700

Wear a mask, does a really good job of stopping you from inhaling the aerolized vaxx droplets people spit out