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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 174316

Do you know anyone like this at your gym?

Anonymous No. 174318

nope but knee injury is worse than temporary knock out, kek.

Anonymous No. 174329

kind of me, but only sometimes. I tell younger guys to not go too hard when sparring too often, but only because i made that mistake. That being said my sparring sessions sometimes become slug fests lol

Anonymous No. 174333

Why go hard? It's about technique.
I don't want to lose teeth or have brain damage because some retard doesn't understand this very simple concept.
If you want to go hard ask beforehand or spar with someone else.
i started muay thai this year and when I spar I always remind my partner to go light at the begining that way we don't have problems

Anonymous No. 174337

Only go light when sparring with headshots, go hard with body only rules.

Anonymous No. 174362

Anon I get that you’re a retarded faggot zoomer teenager but by the time your 30 you might actually start caring about you health and future
>wow what a fucking loser trying not to get injured during practice. I love getting injuries that keep me out of training and competitions for 6 months

Anonymous No. 174363

unironic seethe

Anonymous No. 174367

I feel like you're conflating more than one character there
Those are different archetypes

Anonymous No. 174368

Nah this guy definitely exists, he's just not something you might run into unless you're somewhere with fairly large class sizes because he isn't comfortable doing that stuff when the coach/instructor can actually hear him. He's using things he's heard said by guys who didn't mean to use it as a cover to -never- train hard.

Anonymous No. 174376

The younger guys want to go hard because they want to go pro. The slightly older crew of late 20s early 30s dudes have real jobs and money and don't want to get hurt. It's just a hobby for them. There's a tension between these two groups at any serious gym. Usually it's fine, but the serious competitors can be dismissive and spurnful of the hobbyists because in their world, not going hard means you're just scared and you won't make the cut.

The common refrain of thai fighters not sparring hard is misleading because those guys have an actual pro fight every weekend. If you take combat sports seriously you have to get damaged and risk your health. There's no other way.

Anonymous No. 174379

Unironic underageb&

Listen to the older people here. We remember being 19 and having something to prove. Training like a retard will make you into a real one.
See >>174329

Anonymous No. 174401

No I've definitely seen it. They're either middle aged or couch potatos who've never done sports outside of some autistic trad meme art

Anonymous No. 174416

The irony is the shelf life of a fighter is so short, but theyre so willing to piss the time away

Anonymous No. 174428

someone should put you in a box floatin down the river grandpa

Anonymous No. 174429

I seriously never heard an actual answer for not going 100% during practice. It's like you're paying a fee to be a this place and you're not even trying. If you're worried about injuries, pick a different hobby, don't damp it for the rest of us.

Anonymous No. 174431

This is true but even younger guys who do it as a hobby will want to go harder because when you are young you have more testosterone and heal easier. If you're middle aged alot of injuries are life sentences of pain lol.

Anonymous No. 174433

Go practice your footwork, white belt

Anonymous No. 174435

Go stretch your knee for 45 minutes and talk about your trip to Boca

Anonymous No. 174439

>I seriously never heard an actual answer for not going 100% during practice
How new are you so new that no one has ever told you to try not to get injured during practice? Going 100% means a high likelihood of getting hurt. Moreover, working slow means you have opportunity to train new things you aren’t already good at. When people go hard they do their best techniques only. If you never go light you’ll plateau. This isn’t to say you should never train hard, you need to get that prep before a tournament or a fight, but you’re not going to get anywhere trying if your always trying to “win” sparring.
>It's like you're paying a fee to be a this place and you're not even trying
Are you the refuse to mop the mats guy? Not going hard isn’t not trying. There’s a time and place for training with power and a time and place for slowing things down and focusing on technique
>If you're worried about injuries, pick a different hobby, don't damp it for the rest of us.
I can tell noobs from a mile away because you think injuries don’t matter. You’re going to get them sooner or later in combat sports. You can mitigate how bad they’re going to be later in life by not acting like a retard in the gym. Given your attitude though youre probably not going to learn until after you have your first permanent, major injury. Enjoy bragging about tough you are on 4chan while it lasts I guess.
>bro stretching is for pussies
I’m so glad I get to share this board with such big brain teenagers.

Anonymous No. 174441

holy fucking cope, didnt even read a word

Anonymous No. 174443

>”nobody has ever told me…”
>doesn’t listen to people telling him
Ok buddy

Anonymous No. 174444

Dude you're literally OP's pic.

Anonymous No. 174445

Dude you’re literally a white belt.

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Anonymous No. 174446

Dude I'm literally a brown belt

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Anonymous No. 174447

Whatever you say. Enjoy all you’re fucked up joints in a couple years. Hope the no medals you earned in sparring were worth it.

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Anonymous No. 174449

Get with the times old timer

Anonymous No. 174450

My competition times are over. Yours will be someday too. When they are I hope you remember this conversation. Every major injury I’ve ever sustained was during practice doing stupid shit I shouldn’t have for no benefit.

Anonymous No. 174451

Yeah I'm gonna remember this conversation as me BTFOing you.

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Anonymous No. 174452

>look mom I won on 4chan!
Congrats anon, Here’s your medal.

Anonymous No. 174453

No but it's most of the posters on this board

Anonymous No. 174454

>winning isnt everything
>can't even win an argument on fucking 4chan
oh my god lmao, just take your fiber supplement and Vicodin and call it a night

Anonymous No. 174456

You’re a big special boy anon

Anonymous No. 174457

You're a loser. Post belt loserpants.

Anonymous No. 174458

No thanks. Enjoy your win!

Anonymous No. 174460

Thanks for the concession, you should put some intensity in things and maybe you'll actually win at something.

Anonymous No. 174461

lol, lmao even. you think because I don’t care about “winning” a 4chan argument (whatever the fuck that even means) I don’t have a competition record?

Anonymous No. 174463


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Anonymous No. 174464


Anonymous No. 174466


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Anonymous No. 174468


Anonymous No. 174469

this is a quality fucking bait

because it's believable some no prospects gymrat who thinks he's going to be the next million dollar prospect is just trying to take your fucking head off with everything hes got

but im fairly sure this is some troll just baiting dudes

with a real job and aging youth I simply can't afford to go as hard, sorry bud, gonna just keep doing my exercise and enjoying incremental progression, unironically go train with another "warrior" and rattle each others brains for no gain

Anonymous No. 174470

You have to go back.

Anonymous No. 174472

Go back to where?

Anonymous No. 174473

red 4chan

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Anonymous No. 174474


Anonymous No. 174476

win pills

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Anonymous No. 174477

I’m convinced I can keep posting stock images from the google search “thumbs up guy” and you’ll keep replying forever in a desparate attempt to “win”.

Alternatively, you might be an Oppositional defiant tard and refuse to reply because I said you would. What will you choose, tard anon?

Anonymous No. 174478

Anon, all you had to do was post a picture of your Gi belt if you were going to give advice regarding martial arts. Maybe then, I would've cared to listen to you. But instead you pee'd. Even though you (or I assume you maybe it's a different guy now lol) started accusing me of being a white belt.

You're the physical embodiment of 'When the goin' gets tough, the tough gets goin'.'

Do what ever, you're of no worry.

Anonymous No. 174479

Well its over now, once you give an ultimatum any attempt at a good faith discussion is over
Couples therapy would have taught you that

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Anonymous No. 174480


Anonymous No. 174481

>good faith discussion
>anything that’s happened in this thread
I wrote for the above retard reasons why it’s a bad idea to go 100% all the time and he told me he didn’t read it while also simultaneously saying no one’s ever made a good argument why not to. He’s a retard and there’s no point. Now I’m just shitposting.

Anonymous No. 174484

Well in that case let me tell you this
I'm in a wedding party in a few hours and I just met the girl I'm walking down the aisle with and she's a certified qt3.14 and I was thinking great, I'm gonna have a nice dance partner and hopefully more if I play my cards right and then my friend comes to tell me she's recently married
And I'm feeling pretty devastated

Man I'm tired of taking Ls, I just need a small win dammit!

Anonymous No. 174487

My advise as a man in his 30s (which is certifiably old apparently) comes in two parts:
>One, be glad you know now. The sooner you found out someone is taken the sooner you can pursue someone else.
>Two, don’t fuck around with a married girl. A boyfriend might kick your ass. A husband will murder you.
There’s a lot of women out there. I can’t even recall the amount of times I’ve had myself hung up on a girl who didn’t actually want anything to do with me. Take solice knowing that you are probably going to find someone, and you may not know who it is. The woman I ended up making vows to was one I thought was just a fling.

Life is funny that way.

Anonymous No. 174492

Whoever made this smokes because they saw it in movies.
In case you want to know what an actual fighter thinks -

Anonymous No. 174500

Are you from that /xs/ discord? this seems like something they would cook up lol

Anonymous No. 174516

>I dont train & never have.

Anonymous No. 174518


Anonymous No. 174519

NTA, but, the implication that the image of a belt somehow proves experience in martial arts is fucking retarded. It is fucking retarded on 2 levels. One, it in no way means fucking anything when literally anyone can buy the exact same fucking belt with zero martial arts experience. Two, it is fucking retarded because it implies that there is only one unified opinion in the martial arts community on any given topic. Shit is an implied no true scotsman argument. All this will become is two retards denouncing each other and shitting up the boars. Wether either of you really train is unknown, but you're both fucking immature in your own ways.

Anonymous No. 174521

God you type of people ruin everything. I guarantee both of your respective disciplines wish you would leave.

Anonymous No. 174522

>you're a white belt
>*posts belt*
>*seethes and copes*

Anonymous No. 174536

There’s multiple people in this thread calling you retarded. Why do you conveniently ignore the video of George st. Pierre saying almost the exact thing >>174439 told you.

Anonymous No. 174539

because im not George st Pierre and i dont know who that is

Anonymous No. 174540

George St. Pierre was a welterweight and middleweight champion in the UFC. I’ll summarize the video since your clearly a zoomer with zero attention span. The actual champ says you need to keep your sparring playful. If you go hard all the time you’ll never improve and shorten your lifespan as a fighter.

Anonymous No. 174542

okay he's wrong

Anonymous No. 174543

i have to ask, how old are you dude? i'm 22, what are you? like 49?

Anonymous No. 174547

>don’t take advice on how to train from world champions

Anonymous No. 174562

hes gonna end up like gsp getting visits from the aliens with "time skips"

Anonymous No. 174576

im gonna die by 46 so i dont have to become an old fart like you

Anonymous No. 174581

>The common refrain of thai fighters not sparring hard is misleading because those guys have an actual pro fight every weekend
Speaking from personal experience "light sparring" in Thailand is harder than anything I've ever seen in these US MMA/sport gyms, they just avoid hard shots to the head and go light on knees and elbows. It's not uncommon for the coach to say something like "today 40-50%, tomorrow 60, next day 30", etc. You're not trying to tune the other guy up everyday but sparring is still competitive even when friendly or casual. I feel like I have to point this because MMA gyms (and the internet) are full of guys like OPs pick that make up all sorts of excuses not put in effort into training, and Thailand is always used as an example why.
>Usually it's fine, but the serious competitors can be dismissive and spurnful of the hobbyists because in their world, not going hard means you're just scared and you won't make the cut.
It's not so much about heeming each other everyday as hard as you can as it about general attitudes to training. You get guys that want to train seriously and give it all on the pads/bags and realize that sparring is their to hone your skills into practice, and then you get the McDojo 2.0 crowd that think they can half ass everything, never spar or tap out "because no wins sparring haha" and sincerely tell everyone that ACkschually they're too intelligent to practice but they could totally defend themselves. And it's always the lazy shitters that are saying shit like "haha Im too smart get CTE like those dumb gorillas haha"
Because you'll just hurt yourself before you learn anything useful. A real coach that is training you how to fight isn't gonna have you destroy your body. There's a middle ground here
Ain't that the truth

Anonymous No. 174583

too many words

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Anonymous No. 174584


Anonymous No. 174585

Different anon here, but the original reply said no reason not to train at 100%. He didn't say no reason not to spar at 100%

Anonymous No. 174588

Good post, the only thing I disagree with is your dismissal of the idea that you shouldn’t try to win sparring. There is a time and place to spar hard before a tournament or fight most of the time sparring should be both competitive and collaborative in an effort to improve your skills, not just an attempt to beat the other guy. There’s no benefit to smashing white belts for me, so I use it as an opportunity to try new shit I don’t normally do.
Based on the rest of his posts we can presume he thinks you should treat every sparring session like a title match.

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Anonymous No. 174597

>I seriously never heard an actual answer for not going 100% during practice
If you're trying to be best in the world, don't give a single fuck about any injuries, started the sport at 6 years old, and literally just live in your gym because your life is just train, compete, eat sleep, and don't give a single shit about your body or how long it's gonna work? Then sure, godspeed you crazy bastard, go 100% every day.

For the rest of us with day-jobs, it's just 6PM on a Tuesday, this is my 1-2 hours of daily exercise, I've got work tomorrow, and unless it's a promotion, a scheduled fight, or a ranked tournament, I don't wanna come home or into work the next day looking like pic related. I don't want regular stitches or post-exercise trips to the emergency care. I don't wanna be so fucked up the next day that I literally can't move or do my job. Down the line, I don't want someone changing my diapers at 50 because my brain's the consistency of Jamba juice after decades of "going 100%". All the above sounds retarded when almost nothing's at stake.

That's what going 100% ACTUALLY means - you're gonna be taking serious, genuinely life-disruptive, permanent damage,

By comparison, going 30-70% is actually BETTER for your development over the long term. It means you can go much longer and with much more consistency, without life-ruining consequences. It meas you can go home and recover on your own without medical bills and surgery. It means you stay good looking, because your face isn't just a massive scab by 30. It means maybe you make it to 70 or older before you start shitting your pants.

Genuine 100% is retarded unless you're a fast-burning candle lit from both ends. For everyone else, your goal is just to show up, learn a skill, get fit, have a good time, and learn how to pulp a normie along the way. It ain't a bad way to live.

Anonymous No. 174604

What essential occupation do you guys have that requires the extreme physical prowess at all times?

Anonymous No. 174605

I went back and actually followed the reply chain, and there's nothing in his posts that implies he's talking about sparring in particular.
I always went 100%, to the point where I'd collapse to the mats after. Then I'd show up and do it again the next day. Did it for 2 years straight, then mixed in weightlifting, which is what required recovery time. The only time I got injured was when I might have hairline fractured my foot by kicking my coach's upper shin. I don't know, never got it x-rayed. I wasn't even sparring hard. And that could happen anywhere from 50% effort to 100%, which makes it irrelevant.

tl;dr guy isn't wrong, everyone is just assuming that's what he means because they're retarded and they're hobbyists

Anonymous No. 174606

>tl;dr guy isn't wrong, everyone is just assuming that's what he means because they're retarded and they're hobbyists


Anonymous No. 174611

Used to be a house framer. To go at our pace, you needed to be fit. You're pulling yourself up between trusses with a heavy pouch on, climbing through them, raising walls and beams, and shooting 24ft TJIs up to the 3rd floor with just your shoulder strength. Not to mention various other things like bracing and swinging a sledge all day when doing foundation forms. We also installed the windows ourselves. On top on that you need good balance, no fear of heights, and be somewhat ambidextrous

Anonymous No. 174618

>Based on the rest of his posts we can presume he thinks you should treat every sparring session like a title match.
No, that's not really what I meant. There is a fundamental difference between the mentality of people that want to get good and be fighters, especially the ones that want to compete, and the casuals that have loser attitudes and act like sparring isnt competitive. That doesn't mean we were trying to heem each other everytime we spared but there was a competitive edge to everything we did. You should always be thinking about how to beat the other guy even if you are play sparing at 20%. Even when I was casually light sparring with my best bros in a playful way we were each trying to find out ways to test each and overcome each other, even as we were also giving each other pointers.

Anonymous No. 174624

> imaging training >:(

Dumbest copy pasta. Retard takes abound.

Anonymous No. 174625

When you step into an amateur and pro octagon, the end result is all that matters. Whether you sparred hard or light wont change a fucking thing. You either have what it takes to win or you dont.

Anonymous No. 174626

>huh am old (30s)
>muh job
>muh health
Nigger just stop doing martial arts then
Martial arts/combat sports is about FIGHTING
It is sporterized and civilized but hurting people/getting hurt is the core of it and you can't remove that
No, I don't think you should be trying to take your bros head off during sparring and go all out with every move you make during training, but you have to actually give it your all every once in a while
If you're at a point where you're not willing to get a black eye every now and then, it's time to get a different hobby, you don't belong in a martial arts gym anymore
No shame in that go live your life
Just don't go train fighting if you hate the idea of fighting so much

Anonymous No. 174627

When you step into a local Safeway or CVS near your local 128th or highly-melanated neighborhood at 12:15 in the morning, the end result is all that matters. Whether you won or lost a championship wont change a fucking thing. You either have what it takes to end up on some 17-year-olds shaky Worldstar Hip Hop video or you dont.

Anonymous No. 174734

Yeah anon, I really hate having former champions training and teaching at my judo dojo since they’re old and can’t fight anymore. Dojos should be run entirely by competitors with no coaching from experienced athletes.

Anonymous No. 174749

>putting former champions and the 30yo with a 0-2 amateur record from his teens in the same bag

Anonymous No. 174761

You can always do Kyokushin or Shotokan to prevent injuries, Shotokan more so since its mostly just fancy Kata.

Anonymous No. 174764

Y’all just really want to make up a guy in this thread to be mad at.
>get how dare you be old and not want to go as hard as I do at 22
>get the fuck out of my sport, I know everything there is to know. I started training 3 years ago

Anonymous No. 174767

Not him, but I'm sure if you were even 90iq, you could understand that former champions will probably see themselves in those gung ho young kids. Let the youngins spar hard together, you old folk can grease your knees up while you watch them. If you really know as much as you think you do, you'll school them with technique anyway

Anonymous No. 174783

This is generally already how it goes, I just encourage the younger students tone down their shit except for tournament prep because you don’t need to spar hard all the time. I don’t want anyone to tear their acl during randori.

Yes I still clown on most of them regardless, even if I’m not as athletic as I was in my 20s

Anonymous No. 174785

>I know everything there is to know. I started training 3 years ago
I started training 9 years ago and I can attest that after the first 3 1/2 to 4 years, you should know pretty much what you need to know (all depending on the art of course). At that point, it just becomes practice and not so much learning.

Anonymous No. 174788

I guess i'm the outlier. I'm late 20s and i will go hard.

Anonymous No. 174789

You can be effective at the art in three years but there’s no way anyone knows “everything” about grappling in that timeframe. Even then, there’s a big difference between knowing a technique and being able to perform at the right time, in the right way, under pressure

Anonymous No. 174805

>tells people how'd he run away if he got into a real life altercation
Street fights don't exist anymore, everyone use guns of knifes instead, anyone who start shit is probably armed

Anonymous No. 174811

>street fights don’t exist anymore
>every altercation is a battle to the death
Ask me how I know your sheltered and terminally online.

Anonymous No. 174812

One of my co workers got drunk and got into an argument with his girlfriends ex-boyfriend, the ex lit the guy on fucking fire

Anonymous No. 174821

Well see the problem is you do judo, which is not actually fighting. I can spar hard far into my 30s because I can simply avoid getting hit. Your art requires holding your opponent, and potential joint manipulation

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Anonymous No. 174827

>judo is not actually fighting
Say that to my faec, fgt, not online see what hapens

Anonymous No. 174852

K. Where you at
Do you enjoy getting punched in the face? Because that's what'll happen

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Anonymous No. 174854

I’ll have you know I am an expert in atemi waza as well

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Anonymous No. 174869

based atemi waza enjoyer

Anonymous No. 174870

Good luck landing whatever that is

Anonymous No. 174923

Atemi Waza in Judo is such a weird thing for me. It always looks like someone mixed Karate and Boxing striking wildly, although i really like that the junction into grappling from that striking are much more thought out, even if the techniques are a mess somewhat
>arm blocks incoming right
>counter with a very short hook to the solar plexus
Thats a normal combination anon

Anonymous No. 174932

The striking “system” of judo is all just holdovers of older jujutsu styles so it shouldn’t be surprising it looks like karate. Even during its creation I doubt anyone trained it seriously considering in Jigoro Kanos book of techniques for kodokan judo he only dedicated 3 pages out of his 260 page book to striking and half of that was just him saying “yeah bro if you’re in a fight it’s ok to punch people.” The rest is just a picture of various hand positions for striking (punches, hammerfists, chops, etc) and a picture of places that it would hurt to hit on the human body. It’s as bare bones as you can get.

I’m sure judo schizo will come in to tell me that ackshually it’s the greatest striking system ever devised though.


Anonymous No. 174937

yeah def seems like OP threw in a few unrelated pet peeves about certain practitioners to make what is essentially a caricature. a strawman, arguably.

Anonymous No. 174938

Everything that pic says happens, it's just not a definable person, it's the embodiment of under-intensity 'fighters.'

Anonymous No. 174939

I believe Atemi Waza is essential to the art of Judo. It's kind of the openers to go in for a takedown if you're going against a very defensive opponent. Instead of trying to execute a different throw completely, you'd just pop them in the brow with an elbow before trying to execute something. Kind of puts them in a moment of daze , thinking you're going to punch them when you're actually throwing them.

Anonymous No. 174971

well, that's the thing. if you're just a hobbyist and don't make a living competing, of course you're not a fighter. most hobbyists know that and are fine with that. even if you plan on fighting professionally, you'll become better at fighting for the reasons other anons have stated itt.

light but intentional sparring, where you try to hit your sparring partner and not get hit - as long as you try to actually hit them, or they won't learn to defend against strikes with some power behind them - will suffice most of the time.

good thing i wear a cup during training in case we spar, because most white belts, including myself, tend to get a little reckless with our strikes and miss the intended target by a foot or more, and sometimes the front kick or leg kick ends up an accidental groin strike. sure, some of it is due to inexperience, but it's mostly due to the instructor's insistence to prioritize power over technique, i bet.

i have the impression, though, that he's slowly but surely starting to realize the risks of this approach, and the problems with a lot of the other principles of our style, as he's apparently been questioning some of its traditions, as has the other instructor, it would seem. so i have faith that soon enough they'll come around and adapt our training methods to be safer, healthier, and more effective at producing capable fighters as a result. what will become of the classes in terms of marketing, structure, curriculum, and whether they'll still teach it as kyokushin, only time will tell.

but i'm optimistic, and even if nothing changes, i'll take potential arthritis in my knuckles if it means a lower risk of CTE because no head punches, along with the myriad of other benefits kyokushin has to offer. but don't worry, i'll be wearing those karate style hand protectors from now on, which should mitigate the damage somewhat.

dunno how i went from discussing a wojak meme to talking about karate hand protectors. yw i guess.


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Anonymous No. 174998

>so it shouldn’t be surprising it looks like karate
Karate and Classical Jiu Jitsu systems have very little in common. Karate is an electic mix of Okinawan Wrestling and White Crane Kung Fu. Certain authors claim that some older cambodian fighting style (khmer boxing which is basically Muay Thai) and some indonesian stuff also mixed in at some points. Jiu Jitsu is already fractured as fuck, afaik besides Shuaijiao there arent really much clear sources of what makes the predecessor of Judo, Kito and Tenjin Shin'yo ryu. Personally i believe some of the ground work comes from Chinese Dog Kung fu/Gouquan, which is funny bc it leads back to me realizing that you maybe right: White Crane stems from the same city as Dog Kung Fu, Fujian.

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Anonymous No. 175109

Not that Anon, but I agree with the Karate connection, even if its lineage is not clear. Look at Tai Chi (the fighting version, not the health version) and you will see that it, despite being chinese as it gets, slots right in between Karate and Judo. And its striking is similiar to sloppy Karate, while looking close to Judos Atemi Waza. At least as far as we have sources on Atemi Waza, like "my method of self defence".

Anonymous No. 175466

>Thats a normal combination anon
I'm not a weeb that does judo, how would I know what you said in jap

Anonymous No. 175629

Atemi waza literally translates to striking techniques. What he’s describing is actually all just gained from the image itself. I’m sorry you’re retarded.

Anonymous No. 175650

>implying I care to translate weeb shit
I actually fight brah, not do your 90s karate kid forms

Anonymous No. 175779

Look guys, i've been boxing since i was 14 now and have had my fair share of pro fights and i'll tell you this: i have never seen any of the guys who spar at 100% all the time ever achieve anything in the sport. I get that you need to be prepared for a match, but after you have sparred at full intensity a couple times and you have felt the pressure you get diminishing returns every single times. I get a lot of those guys in my gym, and everytime i see them they have huuuge gaps in their defense because they think that more intensity means better progress, so they dont take the time to train slowly and they make dumb mistakes like not tucking their chin behind their shoulders while throwing the jab. You can ALWAYS get used to the pressure with a couple sessions of hard sparring, but you can never get back the brain cells you lost. As a side note, whenever one of those knuckleheads refuses to go easier because they thinl they're too tough for light sparring i pull some dirty tricks like blocking their foot with mine to make them lose their balance, all that nasty stuff thay referees turn a blind eye to during matches. THEN they argue that they don't ACTUALLY want to simulate a match lol

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Anonymous No. 175801

We dont take kindly to your types in here, being reasonable and logical and all

Anonymous No. 175826

Melvin Manhoef is not really a muay thai stylist. He's a dutch kickboxer that swings for the fences, win or lose. Do you actually study combat sports? Because I don't think you do

Anonymous No. 175835

no i dont go to any gyms

Anonymous No. 175837

>Manhoef was born in Paramaribo, Suriname. When he was three years old his family moved to Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Manhoef played soccer during his youth, and was introduced to Muay Thai by his younger brother, Moreno.
>At the age of 18, Manhoef had his first fight, which he won by decision. He made his comeback in September 2001, as part of Chakuriki Gym
>Chakuriki Gym was founded in 1972 by Thom Harinck, who originally began teaching his own style named "Chakuriki". The word Chakuriki is derived from the word "shakuriki” (借力 - "borrowing power")[citation needed], referring the original style being a mixture of techniques from boxing, Kyokushin karate, judo, jujutsu and wrestling.[1]
>Chakuriki later became a kickboxing gym as Harinck added Muay Thai and Savate to his repertoire.
>In 1978, fighters from Chakuriki became the first Dutch people to fight at Lumpini Stadium in Bangkok, Thailand.[2]
If you’re going to be smug you could at least try being correct

Anonymous No. 175838

Everyone on this board is so unnecessarily mean and cuntish, like they woke up this morning and decided to just make enemies with random people on the internet. Can't you fags share any commonality with one another on such stupid topics?

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Anonymous No. 175839

You know what website you’re on, right?

Anonymous No. 175849

> Unfiltered autists and spergs nobody else wants to deal with.
> Gee I wonder why everyone's mean to me!!!

Anonymous No. 175873

I am correct. Have you watched any of his fights? He doesn't use muay thai techniques.
You could try being observant, but you won't because you're all theory and no experience

Anonymous No. 175877

>yeah ok he trained Muay Thai at fought of gym that taught Muay Thai but he’s not a Muay Thai stylist because…HES JUST NOT OK

Anonymous No. 175878


30 second google. You're a retard. Clearly using a MT neutral stance with elevated hands right from the get go.

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Anonymous No. 175901

Why do you come in here to post hate?

Anonymous No. 175911

Being trained in something doesn't mean you use that style. I'm trained in muay thai myself, which is why I can say he isn't. I use a boxing stance if anything, and my style is much closer to a dutch kickboxer combined with canelo and the peekaboo. Learn to read
>MT neutral stance with elevated hands
Looks like a standard kickboxing stance, maybe slightly more bladed than average for in and out movement, with a midguard because its MMA rules.
Where is the light front foot for teeps?
Why does he throw his kicks like a dutch kickboxer?
Maybe its because he doesn't use the style. Clue in, retard

Anonymous No. 175956

Board is overrun by shitposting lately, probably from that cursed /xs/ Discord and its sub branches

Anonymous No. 175960

idk i never got into martial arts because i'm not a minority

Anonymous No. 176008

Discord is for faggots and troons why the fuck does this board have one?

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Anonymous No. 176025

Naw you're just cherry picking nigger. Faggot like you is just gonna keep moving the goal posts.
>oh no that doesnt count it's not thai enough for me
You gotta stop sucking so much dick dude, the lack of o2 is turning you full retard.

Anonymous No. 176146

check 2 green text: cte and winning

Anonymous No. 176224

Go actually train a combat sport, idiot. I suppose even if you did, you wouldn't see my point anyway because you're too stupid to do anything outside of exactly what you're coached.

Anonymous No. 176228

Seethe, autist

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Anonymous No. 176230

Down to the fucking age, having a beard and glasses.

Anonymous No. 176238

Says the judofag

Anonymous No. 179338

>50% intensity

is this freaking dragon ball z or something?

Anonymous No. 179345

>doesn't understand rough mathematic approximations of abstract concepts
That tracks for this board.

Anonymous No. 179352

i literally don't train martial arts anymore because i fear vaxxie mrna shedding on me

Anonymous No. 179364

>I have never trained martial arts
Just two more weeks

Anonymous No. 179367

Have you considered not living your entire life as a shut in because of what some retard on /pol/ told you? Everyone else, regardless of whether they got the Covid vaccine, is outside living their lives like normal now.

Anonymous No. 179369

/tv/ is your containment board, tranny

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guy smoking laugh....jpg

Anonymous No. 179381

This thread contains some of the most menopausal shitflinging I have ever seen

Underagedb& are fucking hilarious

Anonymous No. 179668


broccoli head spotted
I was exactly like you 10 years ago, now that my lower back hurts whenever I sit down thanks to fucked up gym routines, I can tell you it's not a fun ride to get older.

Anonymous No. 179673


I once mogged i guy i hated in a smallsword tournament and then he proceeded to forfeit because he was "unfit".

He hasnt been to any clubs in a year or so because there isnt any mentally ill girls he can groom into his harem.

Anonymous No. 179677


Anonymous No. 179679

Lol the stories of this dude read like a bad /pol/ post because hes that absurd and fucking weird.

I feel like he indirectly killed one of my old HEMA clubs.

Anonymous No. 179694

>has never broken a rule in his life
Why are you implying that is a bad thing?

Anonymous No. 179702

Tell more then. How did he kill a club?

Anonymous No. 179744

It was more indirect, but i think it was the teacher also just wanting to focus more on teaching the techniques from the manuscripts than participate in the ever growing "sport HEMA" mindset.

But yeah, the dude i mentioned, basically your typical "im a wolf" viking larper but somehow incredibly left leaning. Treated the club as a "social club" to the point he would try and date people barely 20 or take them on as a "mentor" (the dude is like mid 40s). He was generally obnoxious about his beliefs or his larpiness, and he was kind of a shitty person to spar with. As in he'd try and enter grappling as a longsworder and do shit to hurt you and if you didnt react he'd try and go harder until you say "ouch" then he'd back off saying shit like "Oh im sorry, i dont know my own strength." Basically shit that would get you carded during a tournament.

He got away with it because he parades himself as a "male feminist" and friends with a lot of the old guard in my city who are the super SJW non-competition types but somehow think they have authority on teaching and running clubs. But theyre slowly getting ignored because they literally dont compete and are just bad at fencing in general.

Theres more shit especially recent stuff but id rather not reveal myself because im pretty sure some clubmates i know browse 4chan.

Anonymous No. 179777

This “guy” didnt happen to troon out did he? If so I might know exactly who you’re talking about. The kinda guy to enter into an all girl tournament and beat the fuck out of women half his size and weight or the kind of guy to say “let’s go light” then immediately go fucking ape mode in the first exchange? If so I know exactly who your talking about which club he fucked up. Massive fucking faggot.

Either that or just there’s way too many of these cuntfucks in American HEMA I guess

Anonymous No. 179827

Nah, im from Australia, we got our own set of problems here.

He started identifying as "non binary" for woke points and when some local club took over hosting a local tournament, the host started a "underpresented genders" division which no one really knew what it was so it was kinda considered the troon division despite the host being upset when you called it the "trans division". Anyway, a lot of shit tier fencers who dont usually compete but wanted to enter it for woke points (some people i didnt consider mentally ill entered it for some reason), and mr wolf dude entered it and proceeded to place real high because he didnt have the balls to fence actually good people in the open division.

I felt sorry for the womens division, only 2 people entered it (a few women entered the troon division for some reason), which is a shame because they were competing for a brand new longsword made by a local smith.

In the end i think people considered it a failure even the host. I thought the whole thing was dumb, especially with the rainbow medals, logos, shirts, and shit. I didnt enter and never gave a clear answer to people as to why because itd cause a shit storm.

I am glad i mogged wolf dude in the smallsword tourney a month or so prior to the tournament to the point he had to drop out because he got exhausted after 2 matches.I could legit hear the dude breath from the other side of the arena.

Anonymous No. 179863

It’s funny that we’re talking about two different people but they’re faggotry is so similar that I thought they could be the same. The faggot I’m talking about also started his own “women and non-conforming gender” league after cleaning house at all the womens competitions he could go to. This jackass has over 200 recorded fights on HEMA ratings with 90% losses in ever category except womens longsword. I never gave a shit about the troon question until this faggot started beating on women and now I hate them all. Seeing this faggot take a group picture with the first and third (despite fighting like a gorilla against 90lb women he still couldn’t even win the tournament I met him at lol) place women was so fucking embarrassing for me personally and HEMA as a whole it nearly made me want to quit the sport.

Anonymous No. 179864

A play pretend sport attracts trannies worldwide? Well I never.

Anonymous No. 179869

I just like fighting with swords. I have a fucking black belt in judo too. I really like HEMA because I can mentor passive nerds into becoming fighters but I just have no respect for any man who beats on women and thinks that makes him a winner. I want to vomit every time I see a tranny in real life.

Anonymous No. 180243

Judo is so good, it seems like a lot of people only know how to defend shoots, plus judo teaches you how to keep pressure on the opponent, at least it helps me in that way. What are your thoughts on aikido? I know it's a meme to most but I see a lot of value in it personally.

Anonymous No. 180266

Not him, aikido is mostly like people in the OP, non-serious martial artists but made worse by the fact that they never pressure test and train for unrealistic scenarios.

Anonymous No. 180268

I get that position, but if you already have a strong base in grappling, especially judo, I truly believe it has something to offer. Making aikido work on it's own against a fighter would be pretty much impossible. But the theory and philosophy and training to accept energy and redirect it, all that stuff would be useful for the right guy.

Anonymous No. 180307

The mentally ill are all quite similar, much like downies

Anonymous No. 180312

>But the theory and philosophy and training to accept energy and redirect it, all that stuff would be useful for the right guy.
Every form of grappling already teaches that just in a less retarded way than aikido. Don’t waste your time.