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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 174874

Why is this guy such a faggot?
Its been proven time and time again that MMA is the best system in current time, i could absolutely heem this dweeb faggot with an elbow.

Anonymous No. 174881

Judo is actually the best martial art.

Anonymous No. 174883

pick one

Anonymous No. 174885

I don’t understand how anyone can listen to this faggot talk for more than 15 seconds at a time. I seriously hope this personality he displays is just an act for the camera because if I had to train while listening to this faggot condescend to me as if saying obvious shit like “aikido bad” I’d want to kill him and/or myself.

Is there even footage of this faggot fighting? Part of me is convinced he really is an “armchair” martial artist who understands theory but can’t actually fight.

Anonymous No. 174888

he's a complete faggot and the place he's filming this is a wing chun gym at that
but unfortunately his takes are mostly correct even though he's a fag about it. The worst take he had was about not using hand protection when doing bag work
if you're training with any significant volume your knuckles will be shredded if you don't at least put wraps on

Anonymous No. 174889

He's not even wrong about that. You'll shred your knuckles if you miss and just clip it, so just don't miss

Anonymous No. 174890

>mostly correct even though he's a fag about it
Funny enough I said in an older thread in regards to palm strikes that he was “correct but a faggot.”

Anyways I was able to find this video of him getting clowned on by fucking midget Mike of all people. These two were made for each other.

Anonymous No. 174891

>don’t wear a helmet while on a motorcycle bro, just don’t crash

Anonymous No. 174895

Icy Mike is a real tough guy tho, just look at how he carries himself.

>training without firearms is LE BAD

Anonymous No. 174897

Lol @ the way he moves side to side just because and stays in Mike's punching range just because

Don't run when you're not being chased
Also that Israel shirt

Anonymous No. 174901

He seems like a dork. I think people who tend to think about what is and is not practical for self defense ironically will be less likely to defend themselves than a jock who just does it for the sport. This guy in the op would objectively improve his life faster doing weight lifting and going outside than doing martial arts anyway.

Anonymous No. 174902

Talking to this cop once who had a black belt in judo and I asked him so what do you find the best takedown technique is in real life, and he said just like a football tackle.

Don't overthink the task

Anonymous No. 174904

Have you even watched this? He basically says mma is the best but isn't a martial art.

Anonymous No. 174908

This really shouldn’t be surprising. For LEO in general most of the time their taking a guy down who just wants to get away not cave your skull in (though of course that does happen sometimes). Moreover, most people don’t know how to fucking fight. At all. Shit like Krav Maga often DOES work on the street not because it’s an actual effective art but because it give people confidence in their ability. After you’ve trained a couple of years, the only reason to continue training martial arts is because for one you enjoy fighting second because you want to be able to beat other trained fighters, not retards windmilling their arms or ineffectively clinching.

Anonymous No. 174909

MMA isn't a system, it's a sport
If you can only study one thing for general fighting outside of a ring it should be Judo

Anonymous No. 174913


Anonymous No. 174914

If MMA is a system where can I find a comprehensive list of techniques?
There's plenty of Judo books that discuss all of Judo's techniques.
I've never seen an MMA book do this, since MMA isn't a system, nobody has ever sat down and written all the "MMA techniques".

Anonymous No. 174920

Its weird that he made one of the best videos on cage wall wrestling/fighting, while also making one of the worst videos about striking on youtube. Feels to me like he throws out bait to attract new comers and then uploads some non bait videos to keep a viewer base. Either way he would probably perform better on Youtube if he wouldnt try to be obnoxious on purpose

Anonymous No. 174927

I am a judoka and could destroy you in judo but MMA fighters would destroy top notch judokas in a fight be real.

Anonymous No. 174929

>Why is this guy such a faggot?
Because it gets attention/views which benefits him financially both directly and indirectly.
We live in the attention economy.
Being a attentionwhore is now a legitimate career path.

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Anonymous No. 174936

>uhrm, ACKSHUALLY, If MMA is a system where can I find a comprehensive list of techniques?
>There's plenty of Judo books that discuss all of Judo's techniques.
>I've never seen an MMA book do this, since MMA isn't a system, nobody has ever sat down and written all the "MMA techniques".

Anonymous No. 174940

No they wouldn't.

Anonymous No. 174945

Calling MMA a martial art is the same tier as telling people "I do UFC"
You're that guy

Anonymous No. 174947

Being a pedantic retard is on the same tier as being ackshually guy.
You’re that guy.

Anonymous No. 174949

Calling others pedantic is just an excuse people who have too much of an ego to admit they made a mistake use to save face
Maybe instead of digging in and name calling perhaps first consider your viewpoint is the one that's incorrect

I assume this isn't the first time you've been corrected about your usage of terminology, maybe you should take that as a sign

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Anonymous No. 174953

>uhrm, ackshually, my brain is very big and you must be mad that I proved you wrong with my superior intellect

Anonymous No. 174955

Describing what just happened except using green texts doesn't suddenly flip it so you won

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Anonymous No. 174956

>heh, look like I’ve PWNED you on 4channel. Had enough yet?
This fucking guy lol

Anonymous No. 174957

Who are you quoting?

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Anonymous No. 174959

You, retard, for thinking you’ve “won” a 4chan argument when all I’ve done is mock you for being pedantic. I’ll refer you back to the image in >>174953

Anonymous No. 174961

Still not understanding what your end game is here though
I understand you're trying to mock me but you're failing because you continue to be wrong
You're bringing the same energy to the table as people with $200,000 in student loans and no job calling plumbers stupid because they didn't go to college

Anonymous No. 174962

Combat sambo is the best cause it's just a better judo

Anonymous No. 174968

Combat sambo is sport for third tier sport samboists, sport sambo is sport for third tier judokas and judo is sport for third tier freestyle wrestlers

Anonymous No. 174969

You're the nigger from the other thread who got BTFO'd by some punk kid, don't you got some fucking prune juice to sip on you geezer? LMAO

Anonymous No. 174976

You can be both correct and a faggot, retard. Are you not aware of what thread you’re in?
>tell some teenager not to train like a retard
>point out that what he’s suggesting is the exact opposite of what a former ufc champion says to do
>his response was “ur a pussy”
Oh no, how will I ever recover

Anonymous No. 174977

sambo isn't real

Anonymous No. 174978

Greco-Roman/Judo depending on build with Myau Thai is the best obviously, fights start standing up not laying on the ground.

Anonymous No. 174979

sounds like you lose arguments around here quite often
And that's really saying something because this is one of the most low iq boards on the site

Anonymous No. 174981

Dude you just suck, you can rationalize and cope and do what ever but you have to face the music and realize your an old faggot who got BTFO'd. And it's eating, EATING away at you.

Anonymous No. 174984

>be pedantic and declare yourself winner of an argument that was never even occurring
>be on the opposite side of an argument as world champions and declare yourself a “winner” just because
Lmao, but most importantly
>caring about “winning arguments” on 4chan
What’s you internet fight record bro?

Anonymous No. 174988

You followed me to another thread just to say I’m old. You seem a lot more invested in this than I am.

Anonymous No. 174989

Man you're absolutely raging right now,

I'm actually going to do you a favor and explain precisely why your original point was wrong because I actually kind of feel bad you're getting so upset

MMA is a sport, not a martial art
If you do not participate in MMA fights you do not do MMA
An example using another sport would be saying I play baseball
Oh really how is your team doing?
Well I've never actually played a game I just watch baseball a lot and hit balls at the batting cage
Okay so you don't play baseball

You don't fight? You don't do MMA

Anonymous No. 174990

And yet here you are making up half the posts in this thread

Anonymous No. 174993

I think you are obsessing over defenition to much. What makes a martial art for you?

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Anonymous No. 174994

>Man you're absolutely raging right now,
Pic related
>I'm actually going to do you a favor and explain precisely why your original point was wrong because I actually kind of feel bad you're getting so upset
My original point is that the distinction is pedantic, not wrong mr. Ackshually. I genuinely do not know how you don’t understand this even after I explicitly said so.
When people respond to me I respond to them. That’s generally how a thread works.

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Anonymous No. 174995

What can I say, I'm good at finding shit,

Anonymous No. 174996

You know what I think, I think everybody discussing this dogshit thread should post a Vocaroo of what the sound like. It's one thing to write a bunch of gish gash on the interwebs and have it sound right in your head, but when you actually say it out-loud, you'll probably sound retarded.

Anonymous No. 174999


Anonymous No. 175001

See now I feel like you don't even understand what pedantic means
Being pedantic would be Someone is telling a story about how an octopus grabbed them with their tentacle and then you chime in to say octopus's don't have tentacles, Physiologically those appendages are considered arms.
Okay but everybody understood what he meant so shut the fuck up

You on the other hand are just using words incorrectly to fit a definition you made up and insisting everyone else is wrong

Anonymous No. 175002

All pedantic means is overly focused on unimportant details. If I ask someone what martial art he trains and he says MMA I know exactly what they mean and chiming in to say
>ackshually, MMA is a sport not a martial art
Just makes you look like a pretentious faggot, which you are.

Anonymous No. 175003

>he says MMA I know exactly what they mean
You literally don't
If someone says he does MMA you might end up with Daniel Cormier or Stephen Thompson
You have no idea what he is formally trained in when he says he does MMA
And that's why nobody says they do MMA unless they don't train at all or are a complete novice
Because every one of us that actually has a pedigree in something will tell you what that is in when you ask what martial art we practice
"I have a black belt in judo and did some amateur boxing"
"Cool I did Tae Kwon do when I was younger and mostly focus on BJJ now"
"I do mma bro" oh so you don't train, got it

Anonymous No. 175004

That was true 10 years ago
Nowadays there are some dudes who started from an mma gym and as such trained mma from the get go

Anonymous No. 175005

And when they go to those MMA gyms they are taking muai Thai classes or BJJ classes
There is no such thing as an MMA class, If you see that you're probably at a karate school that's doing cardio kickboxing with some bags laying on the floor that you can ground and pound

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Anonymous No. 175006

Lmao, I can see you in real life sperging out because you’d be dazed and confused by what someone meant when they said they train mixed martial arts.
>uhrm ACKSHUALLY I have no idea what you mean by mma If someone says he does MMA you might end up with Daniel Cormier or Stephen Thompson
You have no idea what he is formally trained in when he says he does MMA
Let me tell you what everyone who is not autistic is going to assume when they hear that.
>oh, this guy trains at an mma gym and probably trains a mix of striking and grappling techniques.

Anonymous No. 175007

the mma revolution and its consequences are very evident in this thread

Anonymous No. 175008

>And when they go to those MMA gyms they are taking muai Thai classes or BJJ classes
It’s crazy how in one breath you have no idea what someone means when they say they train mma and then in the next know exactly what they mean. I’ve cross trained with two mma clubs back when I used to move around a lot. In my experience if someone says they train mma there’s a 99% chance they mean Muay Thai and BJJ but at the same gym and sometimes at the same time.

Anonymous No. 175010

>if someone says they train mma there’s a 99% chance they mean Muay Thai and BJJ
If they say MMA instead of specifically saying those other things it means they suck at both and want to save face because they'll get embarrassed if you probe and ask for more details
Oh bjj? What level are you
W-white..with 2 stripes

Oh so you suck. Just easier to say MMA I guess and give at least a superficial illusion of knowing how to fight
You seem confused
If someone says MMA I know they suck. That's the point, because they're such a novice they don't even realize MMA isn't a martial art and thus they've failed to even answer question

Anonymous No. 175012

You’re having an autistic fit. First you say it’s not pedantic a distinction because you don’t know what people mean when they refer to mma as a martial art they train, then a few posts later you come back with
>ackshually, I know exactly what they mean but with the addendum that they suck at fighting
Anything more to add, retard?

Anonymous No. 175017


Anonymous No. 175019

God autistic people are so fucking annoying

Anonymous No. 175020

this is getting really tough because you honestly truly seem to have an IQ of less than 100 since you're having trouble following the conversation, and I'm not sure how much more slowly and clearly I could try to explain it to you

I'm going to give it one last try
when you are talking about MIXED martial arts it isn't the martial arts that are mixed into some kind of unidentifiable slurry
it is the rules that are mixed so different martial arts such as kickboxing, wrestling, karate, bjj, etc. have a format in which practitioners can compete against each other.
Cross training in different disciplines that compliment each other is recommended but not mandatory.
someone that has done nothing other than wrestle in college, never thrown a punch in his life can sign up for an MMA fight and say he does MMA
saying you do MMA means you participate in the SPORT of MMA. It doesn't indicate any particular style or skill set that you may have.
You understand yet ya big dummy?

Anonymous No. 175021

>You understand yet ya big dummy?
No, can you draw a picture?

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Anonymous No. 175024

>ACKSHUALLY when you are talking about MIXED martial arts it isn't the martial arts that are mixed into some kind of unidentifiable slurry
>it is the rules that are mixed so different martial arts such as kickboxing, wrestling, karate, bjj, etc. have a format in which practitioners can compete against each other.
>Cross training in different disciplines that compliment each other is recommended but not mandatory.
someone that has done nothing other than wrestle in college, never thrown a punch in his life can sign up for an MMA fight and say he does MMA
>saying you do MMA means you participate in the SPORT of MMA. It doesn't indicate any particular style or skill set that you may have.

Anonymous No. 175025

good, I'm glad you understand
now I better not see you posting your retarded misinformed takes around here again or I'll come stick my dick in your mouth

Anonymous No. 175026

Are you an insufferably autistic retard in real life too?

Anonymous No. 175027

Why are you arguing with an obvious troll

Anonymous No. 175028

You guys are even bigger faggots than the guy on the attached video link.
The absolute state of the MMA Revolution lmao, go actually fight, dweebs.

Anonymous No. 175031

post your gym name and find out
because he's wrong on the internet

Anonymous No. 175032

>fite me irl pussy
Lmao it’s like I’m back on /asp/

Anonymous No. 175033

yup, this is the one board where people will actually fuck you up IRL for talking shit

Anonymous No. 175034

Lmfao, no it isn’t. Let me tell you exactly what would happen. People would talk shit and rile the board up for months with planning a date and time for an autistic version of a grudge match then one or both parties would back out and nothing would happen.

I know this for a fact because it happened at least three times on /asp/, probably more times too that I don’t remember.

Anonymous No. 175036

street beefs exists now

Anonymous No. 175037

So what? You think two anons on 4chan are going to dox themselves to fight irl over an internet argument because ostensibly they could do it with street beefs? The problem isn’t that there wasn’t a venue it’s that one or both parties just wouldn’t show up.

That said if two anons really do want to embarrass themselves in an autistic challenge match for my entertainment through street beefs I fully support their poor decision making skills.

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Anonymous No. 175069

I don't know why we have some many lab-coats and pseudo-intellectuals in the "fighting community". I mean I do know why, it's for commercial reasons, but I seriously don't understand the substance they bring to fighting. I didn't know fighting was supposed to be this uber-sophisticated hobby with all of these technical terms and methods for the same result: Winning.
>Erhm, by my calculations, it seems that Burmese Ankle-Cleave Wrestling isn't as good as Swimble the MMA-rooted boxing style from Ethiopia because it doesn't involve as much side-ways defense like traditional blah blah blah blah
Like shut the fuck up you fucking nerd. You know what's the most important thing in fighting and how to win a fight? Especially in a "self-defense situation" (whatever the fuck that means) Causing as much trauma to the head and neck by any means possible. That means grabbing someone and throwing them into countertops, to the ground head first, elbowing them in the face, kicking and headbutting them in the face, slamming them into a wall, putting them into a choke, or what ever it is.

Anonymous No. 175072

>Causing as much trauma to the head and neck by any means possible
He said he prefers control because you have near zero chance of ending up in prison for controling someone
>I don't know why we have some many lab-coats and pseudo-intellectuals in the "fighting community". I mean I do know why, it's for commercial reasons, but I seriously don't understand the substance they bring to fighting. I didn't know fighting was supposed to be this uber-sophisticated hobby with all of these technical terms and methods for the same result: Winning
Acting like this brings us aspies joy

Anonymous No. 175074


Anonymous No. 175075

>Controlling your attacker and waiting for the police to get involved and arrest the both of you is better than knocking out the attacker and leaving because the police MIGHT arrest you

Anonymous No. 175077

yeah what kind of cuck faggot even calls the police
I'm a man, I don't need some idiot pig to come escalate a situation
if you come at me I'll kill you on the spot and walk away after, not gonna call any armed thugs to the scene

Anonymous No. 175096

real tough guy here!

Anonymous No. 175100


Anonymous No. 175102

His thought is probably to avoid a manslaughter charge if the guy dies from the pavement. But controlling someone with grappling is not safe for self defense anyway. You gonna just sit on a nigga while the rest of them rush over and kick you in the head?

Anonymous No. 175104

This has to be satire

Anonymous No. 175110

It's actually LESS favorable in the eyes of the judiciary system to do some kind of submission and control technique on an attacker than if you accidently killed them.

First of all .The reason people think the "well if they die in a fight I'll go to prison for ever" thing is because they keep thinking about some dumb brawl as a real, life-or-death fight. If you punch some guy in the face who was arguing with you and they do hit their head on the ground and die, than yeah you're probably in thick shit. However, if someone approaches you or threatens or even spits on you and you can attest that they posed a serious threat to your life in particular and you hit them and they fall, hit the ground and die. You're 9/10 times not going to prison for the rest of your life, it would be asinine because it doesn't make any sense.

The reason you're defending yourself is because you believe, with out a doubt, that your life is in danger. If you take the time to grab someone, try to carefully arrange yourself around them, fall to the ground with them, demand someone calls the police, while also trying to wrestle on the ground with your attacker just so the police can arrest them than the point of life-endangerment gets very blurred and it just turns into a brawl with you wanting the other guy to see justice.

On the flip side, if you are approached and immediately snap up your hand or grab them and throw them over your hip, you've not only demonstrated that what you did was pretty much nature to you when in those situations, it wasn't meditated or drawn out. A guy approached you, you believed he was going to attack (he may have even spat on you) and you instinctually attacked using your accumulated knowledge.

>tl;dr Controlling someone is worse because it blurs the line of when you are in a threatened state and need to save yourself as opposed to just hitting them

Anonymous No. 175121

What is the use of force continuum?

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Anonymous No. 175126

A flawed concept barley used by law enforcement, it's too variable-driven.

If you're trying to control someone "soft physical control" it's gonna be really easy to enter that "hard physical control" zone if they become resistant. Also, how are you going to reach the soft physical control without the hard physical control?

I'm gonna gently grab the hand of my attacker and put them into wrist lock? This same attacker who's trying to KILL me? What happens if I try to grab them too hard, does that make it a hard control? If I collapse one of their arteries in what was supposed to be a soft controlling choke does that make it a deadly force level? What purpose was trying to use a soft control if it would end up slowly putting them to death and I willingly knew that?

The same can be used with striking or hard takedowns, I hit them and they fell to the ground and died. That becomes deadly force, I didn't want it to be but it just happened like that. However, if you claim that you knew without a doubt that the attacker was going to kill you or put your life in serious harm and the point to exhaust less violent options has passed AND you hit them, they die than it can't been see as just manslaughter or any degree of murder.

Anonymous No. 175128

>I'm gonna gently grab the hand of my attacker and put them into wrist lock? This same attacker who's trying to KILL me
If they’re trying to kill you you jump to deadly force you retard. How sheltered are you from real life that you’ve never been in a situation where it would be acceptable to push or hold someone but not fucking shoot them? If someone is following you around and lightly pushing your shoulder are you going to jump straight to gunning them down in the street?

Anonymous No. 175132

>but what if

What if what? We're not talking about if someone taps your shoulder, we're talking about if someone's trying to kill you or attack you head-on. If someone's following you around pushing you on the shoulder than I don't really know, that's probably not a situation to ever happen and if it is you can make the claim they attacked you and you were in fear for your life regardless.

Why did you bring in force continuum anyways? It's something that only very few police departments still constitute as usable? It has pretty much zero do with civilians because civilians aren't taught law enforcement de-escalation and analysis tactics.

Was your goal to just to make an enemy today?

Anonymous No. 175136

>We're not talking about if someone taps your shoulder, we're talking about if someone's trying to kill you or attack you head-on
I was under the impression we were talking about self defense which encompasses a lot more scenarios than just serial killers and assassins trying to murder you. I’m not even going to bother reading the rest of your dumb post.

Anonymous No. 175139

Good, go lay down and go to bed.

Anonymous No. 175140


Anonymous No. 175152

holy retarded

Anonymous No. 175161


Anonymous No. 175174

lmao are you fucking kidding?

Anonymous No. 175177

No. Explain why it’s a bad idea to use an appropriate level of force for a given situation and how controlling someone is going to end up worse legally than beating them to death. I’d love to hear why that’s retarded.

Anonymous No. 175180

>Explain why it’s a bad idea to use an appropriate level of force for a given situation
uh seems like a little bit of trying to save face with that argument when everything you said was pretty all retarded
>I was under the impression we were talking about self defense
we are, you're just trying to make the argument really funky with bizarre hypothetical situations like "uhhhh what happens if some midget tries to poke you in the dick do you shoot them uuhh" like nigger what are you fucking talking about? a "self-defense" situation is when someone is putting you in extreme, life-threatening danger and you need to act immediately to stop them. you don't go through a mental checklist of what which skill check you have to use against them like its fucking fallout. literal keyboard untrained faggotry
>killers and assassins trying to murder you
what? its literally like one extreme or the other with you, it's either a top tier killer is trying to kill you willy wonka fucking with your jive lol
>I’m not even going to bother reading the rest of your dumb post.
literally rage quit a fucking 4chan argument
>controlling someone is going to end up worse legally than beating them to death
beating them to death? what the fuck are you even on about? the guy said if you knocked someone out with like a single blow or something or did some leg reap on them, not doing some brawl out with them. the argument is that you think 'controlling' your attacker is a 'good idea' because its not as lethal (even though if you fuck up it can easily become lethal and make the whole point of what you were trying to do moot), but the whole purpose of self-defense is to stop a life-threatening attacker by any means necessary. you're using some fucked-up, dinosaur police chart for threat levels that cops don't even refer to anymore because of how bad it is. you can't plan what the other guy is doing and you can't do this quick-mathz meme shit if you're in actual life or death scenario.

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Anonymous No. 175182

>bro its okay he has to do /advert mug drop 10k or die before he can try to attack me or else that's failrp

Anonymous No. 175183

>a "self-defense" situation is when someone is putting you in extreme, life-threatening danger and you need to act immediately to stop them
There’s more things that could call for defending yourself then “immediate life threatening danger” you over dramatic autist. Have you never been in a fight?
>mental check list
Non-autistic people don’t have trouble reading a situation and responding with an appropriate level of force.
> either a top tier killer is trying to kill you willy wonka fucking with your jive lol
No it’s not I was simply trying to point out that there are situations that call for deadly force and situations that don’t. The above anon no bullshit said you’re better off legally if you kill a guy who spit on and threatened you then you would be if you tossed him to the floor and held him down a bit. That’s completely deranged.
>what the fuck are you even on about
>However, if someone approaches you or threatens or even spits on you and you can attest that they posed a serious threat to your life in particular and you hit them and they fall, hit the ground and die. You're 9/10 times not going to prison for the rest of your life
That’s a direct quote. If someone makes a vague threat and spits on you you’ll totally fine if you then kill them. Big brained stuff, won’t land you in prison “9/10 times”
> but the whole purpose of self-defense is to stop a life-threatening attacker by any means necessary
Again, if you actually think this is the only time you can or ever should defend yourself you’re a retard. Not every use of violence is a life or death situation you autist.

Anonymous No. 175184

>There’s more things that could call for defending yourself then “immediate life threatening danger” you over dramatic autist. Have you never been in a fight?
this is in the court of law right? we're playing lawyers right? ok you HAVE TO, you fucking retarded monkey, YOU MUST claim that YOUR LIFE yes YOU and YOUR LIFE was being THREATHENED by the ATTACKER and you BELIEVED WITHOUT A SINGLE DOUBT you were GOING TO DIE. And you defended yourself. You can't get into a brawl with some guy in a bar, beat them up or put them in some Ezekiel choke or sit on top of them while trying to clobber them and claim self-defense. the threat was no longer present and your life was no longer being threatened (are you still following?) thats we have self-defense laws, to defend your life against someone trying to attack and kill you. Are you from some shithole country that doesn't have simplest laws?
>Non-autistic people don’t have trouble reading a situation and responding with an appropriate level of force.
if i came up to you and hocked a ball of spit in your face, what is your little checklist for that? is it step 1 or step 5 or step 2 or step 3.5?
>The above anon no bullshit said you’re better off legally if you kill a guy who spit on and threatened you then you would be if you tossed him to the floor and held him down a bit. That’s completely deranged.
if you tried to willingly roll on the ground with them after the fact they did that and are out for your blood (TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE (PAY ATTENTION YOU TO THIS YOU FAGGOT)) thats gonna make everyone watching and filming and seeing it in the jury stands a bit iffy on your claim that you were defending your life. unless they already get you the ground by pushing you and getting on top of you and you try to pull some choke move than that's A-OKAY

Anonymous No. 175187

>If someone makes a vague threat and spits on you you’ll totally fine if you then kill them
dude, if someone attacks you (spitting on you) while threatening to kill you while coming up to you, you can defend your self by attacking them. if they die, they die. you protected your life because you believed you were going to die if you didn't. what the fuck is matter with you? are you European? do they not have these kinds of laws? Do you have this constant head noise drumming in you making it so you can't connect 2 and 2 together?
>Not every use of violence is a life or death situation you autist.
you're not intending to kill the guy, you're just intending to save your life in a self-defense situtation

in the simplest of terms, even a fucking monkey could understand this:

you're not intending to kill the guy, you're just intending to save your life in a self-defense situation by any means necessary

post belt or else get fucked

Anonymous No. 175188

>we're playing lawyers right? ok you HAVE TO, you fucking retarded monkey, YOU MUST claim that YOUR LIFE yes YOU and YOUR LIFE was being THREATHENED by the ATTACKER and you BELIEVED WITHOUT A SINGLE DOUBT you were GOING TO DIE.
that’s only if you use deadly force you retard.
> You can't get into a brawl with some guy in a bar, beat them up or put them in some Ezekiel choke or sit on top of them while trying to clobber them and claim self-defense
If they’re no longer able to continue fighting sure, you can’t keep hitting them. But yes you can absolutely defend yourself with empty hand skills, not kill them, and still be fine legally. I have no idea why you don’t believe this. People can threaten bodily harm without threatening your life.
> the threat was no longer present and your life was no longer being threatened (are you still following?) thats we have self-defense laws, to defend your life against someone trying to attack and kill you
I’m not following because you’re completely wrong and autistic. You don’t have to be ABOUT TO FUCKING DIEEE AAAAAAAAA to protect yourself from bodily harm.
>Are you from some shithole country that doesn't have simplest laws?
I live in America, I just actually go outside instead of reading fearporn on /k/ and /pol/ all day.
> if i came up to you and hocked a ball of spit in your face, what is your little checklist for that? is it step 1 or step 5 or step 2 or step 3.5
Spitting in the face is physical assault and justifies a physical, non lethal response. You would be within your rights to slap them, push them away or throw them on the floor. Beyond that would be an escalation. (Cont)

Anonymous No. 175189

Quit tard ranging for a second and use your brain. Yes, if you are in danger of losing your life you are justified in using deadly force. If you are in danger of bodily harm but not losing your life you are justified in use of intermediate levels of force. This isn’t a hard concept you’re just to stupid to understand that bodily arm and ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE ARHGHEUXHRJWUCH are both things that can happen in reality, and youre always better off avoiding a manslaughter charge.
> if you tried to willingly roll on the ground with them after the fact they did that and are out for your blood (TO YOUR KNOWLEDGE (PAY ATTENTION YOU TO THIS YOU FAGGOT)) thats gonna make everyone watching and filming and seeing it in the jury stands a bit iffy on your claim that you were defending your life
Again, you can claim self defense from bodily harm it doesn’t have to be your life. How fucking old are you? You really think everyone’s going to start recording and gang up against you after watching you defend yourself from an erratic spitting schizo?

I’m going to finish this off by posting real world examples to show how retarded you are.
Now take a few deep breathes since you’re clearly very worked up

Anonymous No. 175191

>that’s only if you use deadly force you retard.
do you just like roll a 99 and decide if you're going to use deadly force in a hand-to-hand altercation?
>People can threaten bodily harm without threatening your life.
why would you in a court room try to downplay what the other guy was saying or doing to you? if someone threatens you, its a threat against your life. If someone says they're gonna kick your ass, it's not different from them saying I'm gonna beat you to death. It's both a threat against your life. Remembering, we're going off of the judiciary system, not fucking reddit.
>I’m not following because you’re completely wrong and autistic. You don’t have to be ABOUT TO FUCKING DIEEE AAAAAAAAA to protect yourself from bodily harm.
yeah you do, the court system is not gonna be to fancy about you just fighting random people and claiming it was 'no biggie' in the first place. you're literally trying to take the argument of "im gonna use my sick and badass ninja bjj skillz and boxing skillz just to knockout like random homeless people who ramble to themselves and may have said something to me and than ill claim how the situation wasn't that dire but still warranted substantial physical force"
>I live in America, I just actually go outside instead of reading fearporn on /k/ and /pol/ all day.
which bumfuck flyover do you live in?
>justifies a physical, non lethal response
how do you justify that? thats the biggest fucking flaw in your claim. you can't. If I came up to you and spit in your face and I'm like a foot away from you and I'm about to grab you and I have rage in my eyes against you, do you stand their and evaluate the situation and declare that you should use non-lethal physical force? NO! you just use force! you're overcomplicating and pretty much bureaucratizing physical altercations WORSE than a judge.
>You would be within your rights to slap them, push them away or throw them on the floor.

Anonymous No. 175192

you're not understanding the whole point of this debate, if you go into a court room and try to say how the fight you were in wasn't that big of a deal and you didn't feel like you were going to die you're gonna get so fucking ruled out it's not even funny.
>and youre always better off avoiding a manslaughter charge.
so you'd rather roll around the ground trying to submit someone, wait for the po-po to come, go to jail, make the argument that the situation wasn't as dire as you thought and just wanted to control the guy, waste months in court with this pretty much non-sequitur defense, end up getting a battery or misdemeanor assault charge (all of this is hoping you didn't kill the guy somehow still) INSTEAD of using your total cumulative force in those few seconds to stop what ever is happening against you and having the solid case in court that you believe you were going to die, without a doubt, by the attacker because you might do so well that you kill them?
>Again, you can claim self defense from bodily harm it doesn’t have to be your life. How fucking old are you?
Why would you not want to take the position of total victimhood in a court case and claim you were going to die?

Sick vids bro, here's this one:

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Anonymous No. 175193

I genuinely don’t understand how you two retards cannot grasp the concept of trying not to go to a manslaughter trial by mitigating risk of killing someone who is a threat to bodily harm but not a threat to life. Moreover, if you actually believed this trite that you have to defend yourself “by any means necessary” or “I have to be defending my life” you’d just shoot anyone that spat on you. I assume you’re not so retarded you can’t understand there are some situations that call for a gun and others that don’t, right?
>bro but if they die they die it’s fine
>bro you must be a yuropoor
I’m American and I’m a paralegal. The law makes stupid mistakes all the time. Don’t expect that just because you think you were in the right the state is going to see it that way. Even if you can win a jury trial you’re going to be 100k in debt in legal fees to fight the charge and end up just taking a plea bargain. Happens all the time.
>hurr durr post your belt
I don’t see how that effects a legal argument but here you go. I actually just passed my test for shodan in judo I’m just waiting for the paperwork to come back

Anonymous No. 175194

that's not self-defense, that's just a citizens arrest. he couldn't make the argument of self-defense but he could make the argument of making a citizens arrest and with the lengthy evidence of it he recorded and the fact it's in Illinois (a state that allows citizen arrests under certain circumstances) it's fine.
pretty much the same thing, he's defending his life and making a citizens arrest. even with the help of another guy. if the guy in the blue shirt immediately took him down as hard as he could and got back up it would be under the claim of self-defense and it would be fine.

Anonymous No. 175195

>do you just like roll a 99 and decide if you're going to use deadly force in a hand-to-hand altercation
You act like an “altercation” is completely random and you can’t ever know what’s going to happen. Do you get ready for a gun fight every time someone flips you off in traffic?
> why would you in a court room try to downplay what the other guy was saying or doing to you
Because courts and juries aren’t as retarded as you seem to think you are and no one’s going to buy that just spitting on someone is a deadly threat.
> If someone says they're gonna kick your ass, it's not different from them saying I'm gonna beat you to death
Lmao, good luck making that argument after accidentally killing a guy who spat on you.
>which bumfuck flyover do you live in?
First you accuse me of being a european without self defense laws and now it’s a bad thing if I’m not a liberal urbanite? Which is it?
> I came up to you and spit in your face and I'm like a foot away from you and I'm about to grab you and I have rage in my eyes against you, do you stand their and evaluate the situation and declare that you should use non-lethal physical force?
How slow is your reaction speed that you can’t read a situation like that? Yes I would use intermediate force. I wouldn’t draw my gun.
> you're overcomplicating and pretty much bureaucratizing physical altercations WORSE than a judge.
You’re oversimplifying everything into a life or death scenario, it’s autistic.

Anonymous No. 175196

A citizens arrest made in defense of others, Usually equivalent to self defense, and self defense against bodily harm, not a threat to his life. This conversation is clearly nonproductive so I’m going to stop. Bodily harm is a legitimate reason to defend yourself but does not call for deadly force. Full stop. You’re wrong on this. Going in with the attitude of “if he dies it’s fine I was defending myself” is going to land you with a manslaughter charge. This is something that it’s a good idea to avoid. Taking reasonable steps to avoid unnecessarily harming someone is a good idea. I’m right about this, you’re wrong, end of story. Goodnight anon. You’re welcome to get the last word. Be sure to fill it with caps lock.

Anonymous No. 175197

>you’d just shoot anyone that spat on you
you can, if someone walks up and spits in your face and keeps approaching you, you can legally pull out a gun and empty into them with the claim you were in fear for your life. although you probably would just hook them across the head instead of fiddling with a gun since it's happening very suddenly.
>>bro but if they die they die it’s fine
yeah, it is, if its under the right circumstances and you are able to claim 100% you believed you were going to die. but if you just wanted to make someone stop talking you're in a bad spot.
>I’m a paralegal
i bet you are

Anonymous No. 175198

Oh, one more thing before I go. Just to nail the point home.
>in the U.S., the general rule is that "[a] person is privileged to use such force as reasonably appears necessary to defend him or herself against an apparent threat of unlawful and immediate violence from another."[1] In cases involving non-deadly force, this means that the person must reasonably believe that their use of force was necessary to prevent imminent, unlawful physical harm.[2] When the use of deadly force is involved in a self-defense claim, the person must also reasonably believe that their use of deadly force is immediately necessary to prevent the other's infliction of great bodily harm or death.[3]

There’s a distinction made in cases involving force and deadly force and a different legal standard for what justifies it. Wonder why that might be. Maybe if you two put your heads together you can figure it out.

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Anonymous No. 175199

God damn it I was about to leave and then you post this gem.
>you can, if someone walks up and spits in your face and keeps approaching you, you can legally pull out a gun and empty into them with the claim you were in fear for your life.
Lol, lmao even. Good luck with that, retard. Goodnight for real this time.

Anonymous No. 175201

>You act like an “altercation” is completely random and you can’t ever know what’s going to happen
>bro i know exactly whats gonna happen and how im going to do what im going to do and what im going to do after the guy does what im going to do im just THAT good
>Because courts and juries aren’t as retarded as you seem to think you are and no one’s going to buy that just spitting on someone is a deadly threat.
spitting on someone and walking into them with the intent to attack them (like spitting on them) is grounds for self-defense because you believe that you're going to be killed if you don't. if someone spits on you, you don't know what they have and they could be spreading some horrible virus. Never underestimate the stupidity of other people, that's a good lesson to know and has helped (especially while conversating with you)
>Lmao, good luck making that argument after accidentally killing a guy who spat on you.
>someone threatening you and spitting on you is not a good argument for self-defense in the court of law
>Yes I would use intermediate force
yeah you would slap your glove in their face i already laughed at that earlier
>You’re oversimplifying everything into a life or death scenario, it’s autistic.
in court, that's what matters the most for these kinds of things. for a paralegal you seem pretty new, did you just go from receptionist to specialist in a week?
>Bodily harm is a legitimate reason to defend yourself but does not call for deadly force
yeah it does, its bodily harm. its a constant harm against you that you believe wont stop unless you act with maximum force to stop them.
>Going in with the attitude of “if he dies it’s fine I was defending myself”
if you believe they were trying to attack and kill you yeah its okay
>You’re welcome to get the last word. Be sure to fill it with caps lock.
yeah get ready to bring people coffee and donuts for the next 30 years mr. Cochran

Anonymous No. 175202

>When the use of deadly force is involved in a self-defense claim, the person must also reasonably believe that their use of deadly force is immediately necessary to prevent the other's infliction of great bodily harm or death
so like when someone spits on you and tries to further attack you?
Oh my god you're the fucking old fart who got btfo'd

Anonymous No. 175203

that explains everything, this is like the ending to Primial Fear. but you're just some old geezer whos too afraid to train hard and if someone got into his face and threatened to kill him he would probably piss himself while trying to perform some wrist lock on them

you are in the hole for 3 debates dude, get with it

Anonymous No. 175237

So are you two so retarded you can’t recognize an iPhone file name or are you so retarded you think everyone phoneposting is the same person? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised either way considering you think you can gun men down in the street for spitting on you since spit constitutes “great bodily harm” in your eyes.

You two realize “Your honor, I FEARED FOR MY LIFE” isn’t a cheat code to get out of prison right? You remember the dumpster defenders? They were unequivocally threatened with death and attacked with a deadly weapon.
Despite living in a stand your ground state they’re both in prison now. I sincerely hope neither of you idiots actually own firearms because if you do and actually believe the bullshit you’re spewing your bound to end up on trial someday too.

Anonymous No. 175248

>MMA is not a style, is sport.
Ffs, how you gonna call it a martial art when there are rules.
Sad but true. If you took the same amount of blows to the throat as any mook in an Am/Pro circuit fight night for 1 round, you would be fucking dead or crippled, 100% guarantee. Our brain basket is the most well protected part of the body, its sits upon one of the most vital & least protected parts of the body. Sorry I am ranting but this is the one argument for MMA not being a style that always gets me. A style is restriced in form only, not application. MMA is zero restriction in form, technically, but lots of restriction in application.
>B-b-but muh pressure test
Yup, you're 100% correct. Let me know when you can jump into a UFC ring and start chopping down necks, leopard punching kidneys into oblivion, and tearing at loose flesh.
>B-b-but muh vale tudo and the good ol days
Look retards, you will never 'win' this argument because there is never going ti be a group of people insane or stupid enough to pressure test hardcore TMA shit because... It would be insane & stupid, and medical knowledge is a thing. Judo bros know whats up. Most injuries of any TMA style and its considered to be fucking tame in terms of violence.

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Anonymous No. 175256

If someone causes any kind of bodily harm against you and they're persistent with trying to attack you, which causes you to unintentionally kill them by knocking them out. You are not in the wrong and you probably wouldn't go to prison for manslaughter given that you have proper evidence to show that you were in fear for your life. If someone is having words with you across a pool table and you stomp up to them and try to beat them up, that's not self-defense. If someone pushes you on the back while in line, that's not grounds for self-defense. But if someone is trying to physically attack and hurt you and you retaliate with physical unarmed force, that's not wrong and if they die you're not a fault since they brought it entirely on themselves. Again, this is dependent on how much evidence you can show to prove this.

As for the question of if controlling someone is better than knocking them out, it's entirely dependent on the situation and it's impossible to try and determine which is better. On one side, you try to control someone and you hold on for too long and they die so now it's almost seen as 2nd degree murder rather than just manslaughter. But on the other, if you knock someone out and they die and it didn't seem like the situation was has intense for either party than the same outcome can be applied. It's stupid to even have any position on this argument.

(Also side note: Isn't that whole 'Force of Continuum' and use of 'Deadly Force' only applicable to firearms? Since hand-to-hand combat isn't intentionally used as deadly force it's kind of over-ruled as trying to use deadly force but I don't know, I'm not criminal defense attorney. Just seems like you guys keep bringing guns into the mix of hand-to-hand combat self defense situations and it's mudding everything up.)

Anyways, I don't want to be roped into this pot, just my two cents.

Anonymous No. 175259

I don't think the dumpster defender video is a good example. It's evident that they weren't in fear for their life so they couldn't use that as a defense. Not only did they already have guns drawn on the other guy, but the other guy didn't approach them. He just threw that 2x4 at one of them and they bought fired on him. But none of this matters when you realize that they just took way too long with reacting. If the two just happened to show up and the guy came up right after and with his intentions and the two fired upon him as soon as he came up at them that would be possibly permissible (again, not an attorney).

The whole problem with what they did though was they knew what was probably going to happen and came with guns, welcoming the situation. It was almost entirely premeditated.

Anonymous No. 175260

Okay, I actually just rewatched the video. So the guy did step against him like multiple times but the father didn't do anything. He just took way too long and was actually welcoming the guy to 'take a swing' at him in a situation that was already just trivial to start with. It was clear it wasn't self defense, he was totally just open to it.

Anonymous No. 175349

>Combat sambo is sport for third tier sport samboists,
True! LOL
>sport sambo is sport for third tier judokas
True! LOL
>and judo is sport for third tier freestyle wrestlers
Kill yourself.

Anonymous No. 175350

Sambo is definitely not real though, firstly it's Russian so its totally fixed
Second there's no choking
3rd the jacket they wear is even less realistic then the judo one because it has those shoulder flaps too

Anonymous No. 175352

>Second there's no choking
Every sambist in Russia cross-trains in judo so they know how to do chokes.

And the sambo gear is the best of both worlds in combining judo and wrestling aesthetics. Shoes and shorts are better to wear in practice while I do agree that the kurtka is a bit impractical with those shoulder flaps, but it's the only drawback I see.

Anyhow cross-training is a must. Even before MMA was visualized in the 1980's in Japan via Shoot or UFC in 1993, people knew you couldn't be 1-dimensional. Bruce Lee talked about it in The Tao of Jeet Kune Do. Jon Bluming advocated combining Muay Thai + Kyokushin + Judo in his Kyoushin Budokai organization. Hell Bartitsu is arguably the first modern MMA since it took everything from Savate, fencing, Queesbury-rules boxing, Kodokan Judo, various Koryu Jujutsu styles, European wrestling and tried to make an eclectic approach to armed and unarmed combat.

I do boxing and judo, but I managed to pick up on low kicks thanks to a Kyokushin buddy and 2 Muay Thai guys I met in college. I also roll with Jiu-Jitieros and ex-collegiate wrestlers so I have a better grasp on guardwork/sweeps (not that my judo club doesn't do newaza, it's just that groundfighting is the bread-and-butter of BJJ so why not learn from guys who specialize in it?) as well as scrambling and other reversals from the dudes who wrestled in HS/college. Very few people have the time and resources to train everyday in striking, grappling, trapping styles to become a complete fighter. And this also boils down to if someone wants to be a pro fighter or an autistic hobbyist.

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Anonymous No. 175383

This thread has reached absolute retardation, im drunk and high btw, also i have an 8 inch cock, fuck you nigger faggots!

>pic related
a real martial artist, get owned cucks


Anonymous No. 175387

Based taste
Yeah i couldnt follow this thread since the MMA and Judo guy started fighting lol

Anonymous No. 175441

Its known Martial Arts and Fighting Sports always attract some serious schizos that think they know what they're talking about, JUST LOOK AT COUNT DANTE.

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Anonymous No. 178935

Look at these retards, prime example of plebian faggot casuals. Never forget that this /xs/ where maybe 1 percent of posters have any clue what their fucking talking about & maybe .5% currently train.

Anonymous No. 179041

>Myau Thai
are you a cat?

Anonymous No. 179077

Sounds like a skill issue brother

Anonymous No. 179078

>t. Road rash recipient

Anonymous No. 179079

I don't ride motorcycles anyway so what do I care

Anonymous No. 179091

Learning any physical sport from a fuckin book....

Anonymous No. 179140

> T. BJJ Floor lover faggot.

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Anonymous No. 179256

One of the worst threads in 4chan history, a staggering achievement. Congratulations.