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Anonymous No. 174934

>it's an Elon starts arguing about fighting and BJJ with a black belt-episode

Anonymous No. 174935

>no link or indication of where he did this
OP isn’t just a faggot, he’s a Retarded faggot

Anonymous No. 174941

Starts around the last 40 minutes of his latest episode with Elon, episode #2054.
Go find it yourself retard.

Anonymous No. 174942

>be retard
>don’t know how to make a thread
>assume everybody else should just know whatever fucking internet content your referencing
Kill yourself

Anonymous No. 174946

Joe got his black belt in gracie jiujitsu and 10th Planet back in the 00s
Honestly his opinion isn't relevant

He has some weird bias where for example he talks about how TKD doesn't work but at the same time has sharper more powerful kicks than professional fighters half his age

Anonymous No. 174951

>forever summer demands his spoon

Anonymous No. 174958

>/xs/ - podcasts

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Anonymous No. 175011

Daddy Elon can DO NO WRONG.
The man is living proof that Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution should be amended.

Anonymous No. 175278

>>He has some weird bias where for example he talks about how TKD doesn't work but at the same time has sharper more powerful kicks than professional fighters half his age
Both can be true at the same time .

You can have a kick that's BRUTALLY powerful, but you're never gonna hit it in a real fight because it would require an opponent to stand slack-jawed and perfectly still for centuries, do no defense or checks, and not choose to dodge your incredibly telegraphed kick: but the final force output on that kick after years of practice of
>How hard could I theoretically kick a non-resisting target?
Can be insanely, horrifically, "I can't believe you still have working feet and knees" powerful.

Anonymous No. 175289

Shut up retard he taught gsp his spinning back kick

Anonymous No. 175317

This retard never threw a kick in his life.

Anonymous No. 175320

No you both shut up, the problem is obvious when stated
>only ever kick a heavy bag
>never spar
>can kick REALLY hard because you've become a master at kicking that heavy bag
>a wrong person: "this means I've got a great kick for winning fights!"
^this statement would be an error to assume. It's not guaranteed that all, or any, of that heavy bag work, will translate to live sparring, we would need to verify this in practice.

When we DO do that verification (MMA existing), TKD kinda sucks shit and doesn't seem to get results. We can see them kicking that heavy bag like a WILDMAN in videos, then they get in the octagon and get curbstomped when they try to use that same kick to win fights. This is how you can correctly assert
>TKD doesn't work but at the same time has sharper more powerful kicks than professional fighters half his age
Truly powerful kicks - so it's a shame the art doesn't work.

Anonymous No. 175332

You're only proving yourself to be more retarded than you originally came across. Spinning kicks, jumping kicks and basic kicks finish MMA fights all the time. An MMA fighter who doesn't know how to kick isn't an MMA fighter. The kicks in TKD are basically the exact same kicks in Kickboxing and Muay Thai... are you saying Kickboxing and Muay Thai are unrealistic and don't work?

A kick is a kick and kicks can do serious damage. Stop being such a mentally ill moron.

Anonymous No. 175340

This is about as dumb as saying
>someone who's really good at wii bowling is gonna be really good at real life bowling
Bowling in the real world unfortunately has "weight and real-world physics" which makes all the practice on the wii basically useless.

Same way, MMA unlike TKD has "resisting opponents who can move to avoid you and who are actively attack you back" which makes all the practice on the heavy bag basically useless.

Who are the TKD champions proving this principle wrong? Surely you can name three.

Anonymous No. 175348

>Same way, MMA unlike TKD has "resisting opponents who can move to avoid you and who are actively attack you back" which makes all the practice on the heavy bag basically useless.
There's video footage of Joe knocking a someone out with his spinning back kick at a TKD tournament, but go ahead and keep talking out of your ass about how he's only ever kicked a bag

Anonymous No. 175362

No-one stands still in TKD, you half-wit pleb. It's a fucking sport, same as kickboxing. KYS.

Anonymous No. 175381

Hear me out. How about the fight becomes Elon and zuck together vs a live grizzly bear? I'd watch that. It could still be in the Roman colosseum even.

Anonymous No. 175631

>Honestly his opinion isn't relevant
Even disregarding his personal expereince (he has one of the hardest back kicks ever recorded in history btw) Rogan has commented professionally on countless ufc fights, a job necessitating his knowledge of mixed martial arts. He has also spoken with essentially every top level fighter ever in the modern day.

He probably knows a little bit.

Anonymous No. 175665

Tae Kwon do and karate wing chun etc can be said to "not work" because the training methodology is not efficient or effective when compared to Muay Thai boxing kickboxing etc. This is not the same thing as saying no techniques from these martial arts work whatsoever. Tae Kwon do in particular is a valuable supplementary style for someone who does more conventional MMA striking already.

Anonymous No. 175677

yup. it's a knockdown sport, and from what i understand they spar at most tkd schools, bc competition is a big part of the art, and schools often encourage students to compete.

moreover, kyokushin, which is somewhat similar to tkd in that it doesn't allow head punches, has also seen countless KOs with spinning back kicks.

to give an anecdote, on my first day at the local kickboxing gym they had us practicing the spinning back kick. if it works in dutch kickboxing, how ineffective can the kick really be?