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🧵 Questions about boxing and judo

Anonymous No. 175041

I want to learn these two but I have a few questions:

Is it a big negative if you're a small guy?
Are they expensive programs in gyms?
Are they the best combo when it would come to a bar fight?

Anonymous No. 175043

I don't really know why anyone would learn boxing when kickboxing exits and is widely available. It's just a shittier version of the same thing.

Anonymous No. 175045

Don't know, call local gyms in your area and ask for rates.
Bar fighting is stupid. How much time do you spend in bars? How many fights have you witnessed?

Anonymous No. 175047

So kickboxing DOES utilize everything kind of like muay thai?

Anonymous No. 175048

I only asked just because I want something practical. Idk, I just want the confidence boost. Was in a bar once when a guy got cracked in the head with a pool cue. Pretty exciting.
So wtf is the point of any of this if you're a really small guy? Is it just better to have it then not have it?

Anonymous No. 175049

it depends, theres K-1 style kickboxing and muay thai allow different things, would have to ask wha they do at the place you're going to

Anonymous No. 175050

you better not be one of those guys that's 5'9" and thinking you're too small to fight because of 5'11" memes
jigori kano was 5'2"
if you know how to do takedowns you can be a scappy little faggot

Anonymous No. 175052

I'm 5'7 but really skinny, so I have to embrace my inner golem. I just want to know if judo would be pointless for my physique.

Anonymous No. 175054

Wrestling is literally the best bar fighting style.

t. Bouncer who worked with a bunch of wrestlers

Anonymous No. 175055

Stop being mentally weak and you'll stop being physically weak, and eventually you'll stop being emotionally weak. Strength is a spiritual condition.
It is always better to have skill than to not have skill. If you don't train you'll get smashed by someone bigger than you. If you do train and acquire skill, you may be able to negate his size advantage. Now get out there and train.
In the meantime, lift weights.

Anonymous No. 175056

Oh also civilized adults almost never get into fights past age twenty-one or so. If you encounter an uncivilized adult and he proffers you violence, shoot him. Of course shooting him will be a lot easier to accomplish if you know how to grip fight effectively, which you'll learn from judo.

Anonymous No. 175057

Thanks anon. 07

Anonymous No. 175058

>Oh also civilized adults almost never get into fights past age twenty-one or so.

DoN'T wOrRy aBoUt iT. Jks aside I learned this lesson at 19.

>If you encounter an uncivilized adult and he proffers you violence, shoot him.

I wish it were that easy in Canada.

Anonymous No. 175060

My sincere condolences, leafbro.

Anonymous No. 175078

go learn from jordan, he seems to have anti-pussy vibes

Anonymous No. 175084

Imagine being too scared to do a hobby you’re interested in because a shitty /fit/ meme made you insecure.

I’m 5’7”. I’ve been doing judo for a decade. Get your fucking shit together and go do it.

Anonymous No. 175086

Boxing is better about punching than kickboxing because all they do is punching.

Anonymous No. 175088

But their movement leaves them especially vulnerable to kicking
Boxing is one of those things that only works when there's a gentleman's agreement to box

Anonymous No. 175093

is age 24 too old to bother doing this and taking it seriously

Anonymous No. 175095

>I'm 5'7 but really skinny
I've never boxed so I can't speak to that but you'll do just fine in judo
You might have some trouble with some of the foot and leg techniques but you'll have a mean hip and shoulder game
if you train hard and eat right judo will also make you less skinny

Anonymous No. 175099

Define seriously
Will you go to the Olympics? No
Will you win a few medals in your local area? Maybe

Anonymous No. 175146

Rule of thumb, don't come into martial arts looking to win real fights because real fights aren't fought with martial arts.

Anonymous No. 175147

Thanks for making the most retarded and meaningless post in thread anon.

Anonymous No. 175148

>fights aren't won with fighting arts

Anonymous No. 175252

"Real fights." OP is talking about using martial arts in a bar fight, but in that situation you could just pick up a bar stool or break a bottle to use as a melee weapon which mostly invalidates the usefulness of martial arts, and even then there's a good chance the fight will be broken up by other patrons/the authorities or one of the fighters will pussy out before there's a "winner."

Anonymous No. 175254

>bro if someone tries to punch you in da club just stab him in the throat with a piece of glass and go to prison the rest of your life
Good plan!

Anonymous No. 175333

Boxer + Judoka here. Boxing is ridiculously cheap (as is judo since it's supposed to be run for non-profit). It's way easier to find legit boxing gyms than kickboxing (Tae Bo, cardio kickboxing, etc.) than something that teaches you to kick with your shins/feet, utilize knees, and punch to the head. Plus boxing is no bullshit and you're rarely (if ever) gonna find a poser one.

>Is it a big negative if you're a small guy?
There's advantages and disadvantages. It's gonna be harder to punch down on you if you have proper head movement and footwork. And being smaller means you have better torque for leverage (particularly hip throws).

>Are they expensive programs in gyms?
Doubtful. Judo and boxing are the most affordable of legit combative sport/martial arts.

>Are they the best combo when it would come to a bar fight?
No combo is perfect, but you're gonna have better conditioning, reactions, and technique to everyday people. But nobody should get into a bar fight because real life isn't sparring or a competitive match. I learned that the hard way years ago when I got into a legit scrape and was lucky I only got whacked in the head with a pool cue without any lasting damage.

Anonymous No. 175334

Yeah but most people are not going to be expert kickers. Especially Muay-style low kicks. Everybody has some rudimentary idea how to kick, stomp, and knee so it's not like a trained boxer will just punch. Boxing will give you excellent hand-eye coordination, how to take a hit to the face and body, how to properly shift your weight and power into strikes, and proper defense.

Anonymous No. 175335

Not at all. I started when I was 22 and the oldest guy in my school was 38 and was an ex-wrestler in high school/college. We just all want to grapple because it keeps us in shape (my grip strength is insane now) and it teaches good self-defense. I had to harai goshi and uchimata in the past when some drunk dickheads tried to start shit.

Anonymous No. 175336

familiarizing yourself with ways to create improvised weapons out of common items would be considered studying a martial art though

Anonymous No. 175337

Yeah you can try and conceptualize using keys, your belt, and any other items that are at hand if the situation calls for it, but real life is unpredictable. The best solution is to not let your ego get to you and walk away (while keeping your eyes on the danger). This isn't a movie where someone who trains Escrima can dish out a beating with sticks and/or knives without the asshole's buddies sneak attacking you or you fuck up and get stabbed, shot, or something just as bad.

Getting hit with a pool cue fucking hurts. I was lucky I had some awareness and moved out of the way so I only got a glancing blow from the douchebag's friend. Had I taken that hit full-on, I would've gotten stitches and worse.

Anonymous No. 175339

>It's way easier to find legit boxing gyms than kickboxing
This is the only point I disagree on. I can think of only one actually running boxing gym in my area while there’s like 3 or 4 fake fitboxing gyms around. I would hope most people who post here are able to tell the difference without even going in person but You never know with this dumb fucking board.

Anonymous No. 175342

Boxing has been the sport of the underclass and there's so many of them in the US and in other countries that I find it very hard to believe not to find several legits one. At least in big cities, you're going to have multiple gyms that will have authentic trainers and people that want to seriously learn. In suburbs and rural areas, it'll be a bit harder I grant.

I get what you mean about fake fitboxing, but I tend to find that more for "kickboxing" gyms in the US. Legit kickboxing gyms are something you'll find a dime a dozen in the Netherlands or Japan than the States. I tried to find kickboxing gyms when I was younger but most of them were former karate/kenpo/tkd/tang soo do schools that just added boxing gloves. Some of them had sparring and the students were fit and knew how to hit, but I wanted closer to what Japanese/Dutch Kickboxing was (no dice). I actually wanted to find Muay Thai, but it was near impossible over 10 years ago so I tried to find kickboxing instead. Nowadays you can find legit schools.

>I would hope most people who post here are able to tell the difference without even going in person but You never know with this dumb fucking board.
Unless someone was clinically retarded, if you scope out a boxing gym and notice that everyone is in shape (including the trainers), they actually spar with headgear and do bagwork/padwork as well as cardio drills, the odds are very slim that it's a bullshit place.

Anonymous No. 175345

Coaches are never in shape
I think it's more likely to be a red flag if they're fit. When you're teaching you have little time to work out yourself and just eat quick things at the gym

Anonymous No. 175346

Well in-shape as in they're not morbidly obese and have no idea how to teach you how to make a fist, tape your hands, and how to shift your body movement when punching. My boxing coach was a 50something dude who was maybe 15-20 pounds overweight but he knew what he was doing.

Anonymous No. 175351

I can only speak from my own personal experience but I do love in a big city. It could just be that the fitbox faggots have better wen presence and advertising because they’re trying to pull in the planet fitness crowd whereas there may be a ton of boxing gyms in my area because they don’t give a shit about that. All I can say is that in my area, which admittedly is a better area of a large city, there’s only one real boxing gym that I know of.

Anonymous No. 175355

agreed, very few legit boxing gyms here in Virginia. and definitely not cheap

Anonymous No. 175356

Well shit, I guess times have changed. It's true that not as many guys get into pro boxing because there's other avenues for athletes to get into without developing pugil dementia like football, baseball, basketball. So I guess there's less incentive for legit boxing gyms to be around and all these cardio/fitness boxing because it's easier to make money that way.

My godfather (ex-Marine who was stationed in Japan and learned judo there hence why I got into it thanks to him) grew up in Philly in the 1970's and early 1980's. If a guy wanted to learn how to fight outside of street brawls, they took up boxing. And it was affordable compared to other schools back in the day.

Anonymous No. 175357

The people running it know it's a scam, Mike parilla is the guy that started I love kickboxing, he used to have a Kung fu school and did all the typical cult shit
Guys that went there got beat up and he blames them, the Kung fu did not fail, you failed the Kung fu for not being diligent in your training gib moar mone
He saw the market in wine moms and created a cardio kick empire that I think has imploded by now but it was a complete scam
$150 a month to do 4 piece combos for an hour with top 40 music playing at nightclub volume levels

And part of the pitch was "it's a great way to stay in shape while learning self defense"

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Anonymous No. 175406

I did both of these, still do judo.

It's not negative to be small but it will take time before you can win against larger guys in sparring/randori.

Judo and boxing are the least expensive sports, except if the boxing gym has very important athletes, in which case they can charge.

The best combo in a bar fight is kick in the nuts and then bolt out of here before someone gets injured and the other one ends up in jail.

Seriously, bar fights look cool in the movies, usually less so in real life and sometimes someone gets crippled and the other one goes to prison.

Anonymous No. 175540

>The best combo in a bar fight is kick in the nuts and then bolt out of here before someone gets injured and the other one ends up in jail.
>Seriously, bar fights look cool in the movies, usually less so in real life and sometimes someone gets crippled and the other one goes to prison.

Never fucking fight unless it's life-or-death. Like my cop cousin once told me, it's better to be judged by 12 than to be carried out by 6.

A real fucking shame that even boxing gyms are becoming McDojo'd. Yes you're gonna get punched in the face. Yes you might get a bloody nose. Tough titties, that's why you're in a boxing gym. It's not fucking ballet.

Anonymous No. 175549

Head protection exists that should be worn with a mouth guard, learn defense as an amateur and learn it especially if you haven't punched anyone in the face before, it would be better if you learned footwork and weaving before you learned anything else other than where to position your hands for blocking shots.

Anonymous No. 175551

> If its life-or-death.

In that case you should just run, because it usually means they are armed or outnumber you.

Anonymous No. 175562

You're always at a disadvantage if you're smaller
Anyone who thinks otherwise is crazy
Iirc kickboxing/Muay thai is better for self defense because you're a fucking nutcase if you lean too hard in an MMA street fight
Leaning too far forward is bringing your face close to the leg to get kicked or kneed

Anonymous No. 175563

Ballet is unironically really good for boxing
>Great foot work
>Focus on head positioning relative to body, especially when circling
>Great hips
Also actually good ballet people are no stranger to hardship

Anonymous No. 175566

I agree. I never spar without headgear, a mouthguard and without learning the fundamentals of defense.

I agree 100%. But there might come a time when you can't retreat. Hopefully that never happens.

Heh heh, all things considered, I'm not gonna slag on something that requires physical dexterity and effort. I know ballet dancers put up a lot of training in choreography as do gymnasts, acrobats, etc.

I'm just saying that commercializing boxing gyms to becoming consumer-friendly where you have a bunch of soccer moms hit the bags is the cancer that ruins combat sports/martial arts. It's the same bullshit that ruined legit karate by making it kid-friendly instead of actually engaging in bunkai. I don't even like karate that much, but I've encountered a few dudes who trained Kyokushin, Uechi-ryu, and Goju that changed my mind about it.

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Anonymous No. 175593

Running isn’t always a good idea, in fact I’d argue most of the time if you can’t walk away, running will probably make it worse. Whether or not people like to admit it humans are animals and just like with bears runnings triggers the instinct to chase. It shows weakness and unwillingness to fight back. If you fight a little and walk away you can hold off a much larger number of people despite the fact that logically they could overwhelm you. People in fight mode aren’t logical though and don’t want to be the one to get their shit rocked. The second you start running it signals to others that they have free reign to beat on you if they catch you.

Case in point

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Anonymous No. 175594


Anonymous No. 175697

Boxing will make all your other skills better as kickboxing styles generally underutilize punching and head movement. You should think of it as supplementary training
I am/was that former nutcase, and while you do run the risk of getting nailed if you dip too low it works as long as your not predictable with it. A more moderate and practical approach though is to use more conservative movements outside of boxing, and especially focus more on horizontal movements rather than low dips.

Anonymous No. 175714

>he doesnt know of David vs goliath

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Anonymous No. 175777

I understand your point.
Yet I think that if you have the option to run you should run.
But if there are many opponents you should check a path to escape before you start running.
If you can't run then pick a weak opponent and wreck him fast and hard. This may deter further attack.
Again, fighting in the streets cant go wrong very hard, very fast.

Anonymous No. 175998
