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🧵 How to turn my fists into lethal weapons

Anonymous No. 175399

Some time ago I bought boxing equipment and invited a friend to box, it was fun, but one day because of work he started to come less and less. I haven't seen him in months so now I don't want to focus my training on boxing better and hitting harder, but on hardening my twink hands (I work in an office).

I have a 44 pound punching bag (although I can put more padding in it to make it heavier).
Some weights and a homemade makiwara (I spent a whole hour yesterday punching it and it felt pretty good. Now I feel like they're going to break)

If you have any advice you can give me to help me harden my fists (or to hit harder) I would appreciate it.

Anonymous No. 175402

Why don’t you go train for real with actual boxers instead of larping at home, self trooner

Anonymous No. 175404

Nigga I live in a small town where hopefully there is a supermarket. It's like telling the nigger who's training to be a basketball player to go train with real basketball players when he's in the middle of a fucking jungle at war.

It is better to do something than to do nothing

Anonymous No. 175407

You’d be better off just getting on a strength routine then. Either that or look for what martial arts clubs ARE available.

Anonymous No. 175408

This. Beggars can't be choosers. Stop daydreaming on the internet and start visiting gyms in your area. Get out there and train.

Anonymous No. 175514

just drive somewhere

Anonymous No. 175518

Punch and grab and twist into a bucket of sand every day, when it becomes too easy use rice, and when that becomes too easy switch to coarse gravel.

Anonymous No. 175521

This. With options as limited as OPs you gotta round out everything else you can.
This is bullshit & ignores reality. There are millions of people too poor to justify spending that kind of money on martial arts and they shouldn't have to.
>Training without sparring leaves you at a disadvantage compared to those who do.
We all know this. I don't think anyone has argued against that concept with any sincerity.
>Sparring is the only way to develop any skills.
That's complete bullshit & wonder how many of the faggots selling that line are broke ass gym owners raging that they can't get hobbyists to sign up for a level of engagement they don't want. That's why so many martial arts gyms go under real fucking quick, because they don't have a curriculum & classes to meet a variety of commitment levels and their appeal is too narrowly focused on a particular type of student. Even fucking pros are bailing on sparring as a core training exercise.
>B-b-but thats cause dey pros n git gud in the ring
No, they're bailing on it because they dont want to be physically crippled AND fucking retarded like so many of GOATs. Sparring is still 100% essential if you want to have hope of being competitive. But it isn't essential to improving at all & the cunts that say so sound like fucking shills to me.
Got a friend willing to really lightly spar? Its more footwork & avoidance anyways, do slap sparring if you aren't too big of pussies.

Anonymous No. 175524

Fist or bone hardening is a meme bro. It doesnt help it hurts. Bones are meant to be pliable. You're not gonna get any significant force multiplication out of it but you will be more likely to get a boxers fracture. Get some hand grippers, some serious ones like golden grip or captain of crush. Go on jewtube and see some of the exercises arm wrestlers do to beef up their arms. That greater stability in your wrist will be a way better enhancement of your total force than some janky ass traditional bullshido conditioning.

Anonymous No. 175532


Anonymous No. 175611


Anonymous No. 175623

I will teach you the way
first you need to start with rice bucket exercises

report back when you've acquired a bucket and 20lbs of rice

Anonymous No. 176194

Most of being good at kickboxing is having good cardio.

You can train a long-distance swimmer, an ultramarathoner, or even a savvy high-school football player to throw NASTY punches and kicks and be a good boxer in like 2-6 months of focused training. Someone who can't run a 5k, right now, without gassing out or walking, is never gonna box worth a shit until they can

Anonymous No. 176433

Ironically everything you said is part of what I used to due for my hand conditioning

Anonymous No. 176449

You only need to run 2.5km to be honest on a twice a day basis to get a really good stamina for boxing if you are not a pro, obviously once you run that many times you can easily run the 5km without practice.

Knuckle push ups are solid though, just remember to train finger mobility to not get issues.

Anonymous No. 176484

twice a week* rather.

Anonymous No. 176759

sand is harder than rice mate