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🧵 Boxing?

Anonymous No. 175853

I have no experience or knowledge in any kind of striking. I lift and grappled for a few years. Should I start with boxing, kickboxing, or muay thai? I'm not looking to compete either. What should I look for in a gym? Any tips or gear suggestions?

Anonymous No. 175857

Boxing for punching and footwork. Kickboxing for punching and kicking combos. Muay Thai for range with kicking and elbows.

Anonymous No. 175858

take cocaine and do all 3

Anonymous No. 175868

Do whatever you want. Anyone who tells you any of those are a bad choice is a faggot who doesn’t train.

Anonymous No. 175871

Boxer whose gym closed during covid, I just got back from a trial class in a muay thai gym and am alrady mad that they tried to "correct" my superior hook techniques.

Anonymous No. 175872

Whichever has the best coach in your area. What gym trains winners? Go there.

Anonymous No. 177119

yeh. muay thai dogs really dont know shit about mechanics. they just want to increase their conditioning and hardening of bones and just throw shit however they want.

Anonymous No. 177139

You know allowing kicks changes the optimal way to punch as well right lmao

Anonymous No. 177923

So is every punch in muay thai a feint? Because the hook he wanted me to do was an arm punch that wouldn't hurt let alone knock anyone out.
I understand muay thai doesn't have nor need to have as much focus on punching as boxing since they have kicks knees and elbows, but if I go there after spending years developing a lead hook, why the hell should I go back to doing it like a begginer?
There are no cons to doing a lead hook the right way. It isn't easier to see coming, it doesn't leave you more vulnerable (on the contrary, it is tighter and safer) and it is several times more powerful.
I know there are boxing techniques that don't fly outside of boxing, like our head movement would be a great way to get a knee to the face, but hooks aren't one of them.

Anonymous No. 177924

Nobody should ever box, it's an absolutely pointless pursuit
There is absolutely no stylistic match up where boxing wins, even taekwondo would beat it

That's why you'll happily see other athletes step into boxing but never the other way

Anonymous No. 178609


lol bullshit, I box and have fought taekwondo nerds and one, close the distance and they're fucked

Anonymous No. 178641

This is one of the dumbest posts ever

Anonymous No. 178845

I can't tell exactly what they were teaching you that was wrong, but I can guess. Hooks in MT tend to be longer range, because closer range techniques get dominated by the clinch. You can't throw a tight hook if someone can grab onto your neck and toss you around. Your hook may not be wrong, but you might not get a nice clean infighting opportunity to use it, because the second you put tons of weight on that lead foot, you'll get swept that close. So they will teach hooks as being long looping hooks that let you keep your distance for kicks. Less likely to hit, sure. But all long range strikes are less likely to hit.

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Anonymous No. 178892

Genuinely upset someone's retarded enough to believe this.

Anonymous No. 179514

I don't understand why people do this. Jumping around between different disciplines creates a lopsided fighter who's a jack of all trades and master of none. Focus on one or two things at a time.

Anonymous No. 179555

American kickboxers got ACK'd by leg kicks up until the 90's. Boxers have literally 0 defense against anyone who knows how to spam this cheat code.