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🧵 Things that are not extreme sports:

Anonymous No. 176429

Japanese sword arts
jiu jitsu
ghillie suits
air racing
hot wwe women
roller blading
pro boxing
rock climbing
muay thai
Formula 1
disc golf
bboy break dancing
robot wrestling
scuba diving

Things that are extreme sports:
aggressive in-line

Anonymous No. 176430

>Things that are faggots

Anonymous No. 176434

>zorbing is not an extreme sport
soap yourself into traffic thanks

Anonymous No. 176437

Things that are extreme sports: earthrocking

sage No. 176448

>Things that are not extreme sports:
>roller blading
>Things that are extreme sports:

Anonymous No. 176463

>Not /xs/
So you're just self-righteous fucking retarded faggot. Post body.

Anonymous No. 176492

you're lucky I felt gracious enough to include aggressive in-line

Anonymous No. 176599

This board is clearly just a redo of /asp/ before Hiroshimoot destroyed the board by flooding it with wwe faggots. Consider this board

>/xs/ - alternative sports 2

Pound sand if you don’t like it faggot

Anonymous No. 176610


Anonymous No. 176798

good post op. needs to be said. these crackers don't know what an extreme sport is.

Anonymous No. 176803

extreme sport is the gayest possible name for a group of activities and it should be retired

sage No. 177264

>extreme sport is the gayest

Anonymous No. 177276


Anonymous No. 177715

if people have died doing it its extreme
people have died zorbing

Anonymous No. 177821

unprotected sex
>verification not required.

Anonymous No. 178674

Boxing and MMA is more extreme than skateboarding. And rock climbing too. Skateboarders are all pussies.

sage No. 178780

>air racing is not an extreme sport
all fields

Anonymous No. 179032

The mods should have just kept this board as /asp/ after the split. Labelling it as 'extreme sports' was really dumb and should be ignored.

Anonymous No. 179164

If one were to combine karate and soaping would it then cross over to being an extreme sport?

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Anonymous No. 179170

It's too bad what happened because/asp/ was actually fairly active, this board can't justify its existence
Though would I be wrong in saying 4chan in general has seen a huge drop in users? It feels like all boards are way slower than they used to be when moot was in charge

Anonymous No. 179175

/asp/ was awful though. It was a skateboarding general and an airsoft general and then the rest was all wrestling spam. Wrestling fans are too autistic to be properly moderated so they had to give them their own board just like pony and pokemon fags. At least /xs/ has a few interesting threads Ill peruse every once in a while besides /esg/.

>Though would I be wrong in saying 4chan in general has seen a huge drop in users?
Thanks to facebook politics boomers taking over the site and bringing /pol/itics onto every board, probably drove off a lot of people by this point.

Anonymous No. 179177

The wrestling spam came later, at first they mostly stayed in their general and there was no problem and it worked out that/sp/ was about watching sports and /asp/ was about participating in sports
Once Chinese moot added the & wrestling it's like they were given a mandate to whatever they want because their shitposting wasn't off topic anymore

Anonymous No. 179181

>/asp/ was about participating in sports
would invalidate half the posters in /esg/

Anonymous No. 179198

how are combat sports not extreme?

Anonymous No. 179259

because they're not extreme sports they're combat sports.

Anonymous No. 179263

>/asp/ was awful
The board existed before the wrasslefags all got dumped there. I really miss it sometimes, it was fun to dunk on unironic krottyfags and kung fu nerds