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๐Ÿงต Why do untrained people use haymakers?

Anonymous No. 176987

Aren't jab and cross more intuitive

Anonymous No. 176990

Staying within the frame of the body is intuitive for almost no one if the goal is to strike. Even if they stay in shoulder frame, they'll put a large arch in the up/down. Like how people think an uppercut is vs how it actually is. Pushing/shoving doesn't seem to have that problem, at least not across as many individuals. Watch kids fight. They'll load up either left right or up down.

Anonymous No. 176995

haymakers tend to resemble the movement of throwing a ball, which is a familiar movement associated with generating power.

Anonymous No. 176997

Mainly this and its a natural form, you just need to twist with hips and pull with your back to add real strength into the punch, its also more beneficial to punch with a hook because if you hit with a jab or a straight you have a tendency to injure your knuckles when hitting something hard.

Anonymous No. 177039

>jab and cross more intuitive
Hell no, throwing a perfect, untelegraphed straight punch with speed, power, and accuracy is a refined skill that takes intruction and practice. It's much simpler to ball up your fist and swang your arm around in a big circle.

Anonymous No. 177048

Big looping punches are the most powerful way to do it, that's why millions of years has made that the default instinct, All animals that use their limbs to fight in the same way do the same thing
Humans have figured out though its better to be able to rapid fire at 60-80% with accuracy than send 100% every time and pray it hits

Anonymous No. 177117

looping punches are more powerful and natural.
straight punches are more useful in boxing where both guys are training and you need to be quick as possible to not leave yourself open

Anonymous No. 177124

>Aren't jab and cross more intuitive
Hell no. Short answer as always: Instincts. With the caveat that we didn't evolve very well to fight with bare fists.