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🧵 Does Lineage Matter?

Anonymous No. 177002

Pic related. Does lineage matter, does it matter where you train and who they trained under?

Anonymous No. 177006

Sort of. Isn't a guarantee of anything usually, but these days it's harder to fake a good rep for whatever. But you could be a world champ and whoever is "training" you could be completely incompetent beyond that one fighter.

Anonymous No. 177007

If it's an old martial art yes, bjj no.

Anonymous No. 177008

It matters of your teacher is making certain claims. And generally speaking, teachers who lie about their lineage often don't produce great practical results.

Anonymous No. 177581

Are you a weeb faggot obsessed with identifying with a specific antiquated style?
Do you care more about function than any other aspect of martial arts?

Anonymous No. 177588

People will often conflate the ability of the instructor with the ability of the students
For example: Matt Serra was a former UFC champion, so one might say "wow that guys a black belt under Matt Serra", but matt produces a lot of shitty black belts especially these days because he just phones it in and doesn't care anymore
Contrast that with Danaher who has no accolades in competition whatsoever and produces some of the finest students

I use them as examples because they're both renzo black belts from the same era
One of them innovates the other teaches the same stuff he learned in the 90s

Look more at the quality of someone's student body more than their own personal accomplishments

Anonymous No. 177880

Should schools be using their lineage as a marketing strategy? Would that get more people interested or do only nerds care about that? Me personally I think it's really cool if someone is a Rickson blackbelt because he only has like a dozen or so right? Seems like something special. idk

Anonymous No. 177881

>he only has like a dozen
He probably charges a million dollar per hour to train someone.

Anonymous No. 177888

Most already do. Either passively with pictures on walls and social media, or if they're in an association then that tends to have either someone's name or easily referenced phrasing of a style. IE anyone listing American Kenpo is almost certainly associated with Ed Parker, RGA is Renzo Gracie Association, etc.

Anonymous No. 177899

If you knew fuck all about Rickson you wouldn't think so. He's a bullshido artist who has been making outrageous claims so fucking retatd his own daddy went public and said he is full of shit. Rickson JJ has not produced a single champ, there are no pro-mma fighters from Rickson's schools.

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Anonymous No. 177914

for the low price of $200 (+$385 in fees and registration +tax and shipping where applicable) you can have a black belt certificate signed by rickson himself

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Anonymous No. 177916

well documented fraud which is why its always so cringe to me when people look to his old propaganda movies as some kind of mandate proving how great bjj is vs other martial arts

Anonymous No. 178063

>there are no pro-mma fighters from Rickson's schools.

Not true at all.

Anonymous No. 178065

Look at what a disgrace his son is
Fall atop me and meet your doom!

Anonymous No. 178170

If that lineage helps you become a better martial artist, sure. But nothing beats the combination of
-ideal environment
-good genetics
-early skill acquisition
-good conditioning and strength training
-training based on specificity and competition

Anonymous No. 178289

Name 1 faggot. I don't speak out of turn, I checked first. You are wrong.

Anonymous No. 178290

And his faggot fucking loser sons do not count because they sucked more donkey dong than a Tiajuana hooker.

Anonymous No. 179442

why does rickson bother you so much

Anonymous No. 179447

The whole family is overrated grifters
Rickson claims he has a perfect 400-0 professional fighting record
He makes frank dux tier claims but people just look the other way with it

Anonymous No. 179480

why are you posting in a bjj thread then if it's all bullshit and a hoax

rickson has videos of fights you can watch my dude
his black belts and people under him have gone on to fight professionally, my coach is a bb under a bb under a rickson bb.
why are you so mad lmao

Anonymous No. 179484

He has in his entire career 11 documented professional fights
He claims over 400

Winning a few fights legitimately does not make him less of a fraud

Anonymous No. 179487

>why are you so mad lmao
The typical "I hate the popular thing" 4chan mentality

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Anonymous No. 179490

You mean the consensus opinion

Anonymous No. 179491

Why are you being such a butthurt BJJ bitch? Did you miss the part where his own Daddy said he is full of shit? He is a fraud no matter how many cope arguments you make. He had to branch off and form his own school cause he wouldn't knock off the bullshit, that's why he's not even a Humaita affiliate.

Anonymous No. 179492

and amazingly rickson was the voice of reason when rener was selling blue belts online so just imagine the kind of slop gracie academy HQ is churning out

Anonymous No. 179495

Well he ain't so reasonable anymore, read the thread dude>>177914 He does the same fucking thing. Seems like he was just mad someone was stepping on his toes.

Anonymous No. 179701

Depends, if its like eastern arts where its all oral teaching then id say maybe?

If its like western martial arts where theres hundreds of years of written manuals and various living lineages then no. But western martial arts is really wonky with lineage because of how constantly changing it was.

Shit becomes wonky when its westerners learning eastern styles so i always assume its mostly bullshit

Yeah, one of my HEMA teachers isnt the best at teaching (despite being an excellent fencer) but he does create some good students. But his problem is more he cant simplify basic stuff but is great at teaching advanced concepts.

Pretty much this. At the end of the day, its all a big LARP.

Anonymous No. 179711

It can; it’s definitely true that the quality of a teacher will influence how their students turn out, if we extrapolate from this it’s true that a teacher’s teacher will have some influence on whomever the student is. But it’s not an end all be all, someone with a meh teacher can still make up for it if they apply themselves, and there are plenty of people with great teachers who will end up being mediocre if they’re just untalented or whatever.

Anonymous No. 179805

To a degree.
Suppose someone is a black belt under, say, John Danaher. It's then safe to assume that this person is pretty damn good at grappling. They might not be great at passing the knowledge on, teaching is a skill of its own, but having that black belt under a very reputable coach is at the very least a proof that they're not talking out of their ass.

Anonymous No. 184182

Lineage is a proxy. It lets you know that the person has actual bona fides and learned from people who know what they are doing/saying. It doesn't mean they're skilled or good at teaching, but it helps weed out fakes and know-nothings.

If you had a choice to learn boxing from someone who was taught by Tyson, or someone who was taught by a guy neither you nor google has ever heard of, who do you think is more likely to have a good understanding of boxing?

Anonymous No. 184400

Honestly, yeah. Coaching dynasties exist in many sports. Does it matter for your strip mall BJJ place? Not really.