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Anonymous No. 177016

any tips to improve my ollie

i kinda just pop it and it and then always land off balance not to the point that i fall or anything but that my toes touch the ground and the board ends up not moving anymore or sometimes i land in the “rocket ollie” position

Anonymous No. 177544

Make sure when you scrape your front foot up the outside of your front font is perfectly parallel to the nose travelling up the middle of the board (not going slightly left or right or creating an angle) as any angle is going to result in landing off balance and or the board turning xx degrees (front side typically in beginners). Keep your shoulders over your hips and don't rotate them. And always bend your knees when you land.

Anonymous No. 177550

Forgot to add, same rule applies to rear foot - you want the middle of your tail striking straight down no angle, so for a beginner, aim to have middle of the rear foot popping tail directly down the middle of the tail. This becomes less important when you have mastered the basic ollie first, as with practice you can pop directly down with just ball of foot and heel not on board - but get the easier pop foot all on locked in first.

Anonymous No. 177592

ur a birb just flap ur wings nigger

Anonymous No. 177597

Have your body positioned well with your shoulders in line with the board and your weight over the center of it rather than forward before you pop if you want your balance right when you land.

Anonymous No. 178306

get better at riding

Anonymous No. 178320

There are a million things that can cause this post a clip
99% likely you just need to ride more and get more comfy on your board.

Anonymous No. 178499

skate bird