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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177307

Strenght is the only thing that matters

Anonymous No. 177311

Not the only thing but the most important thing

Anonymous No. 177329

Being obese instead of skinny helps?

Anonymous No. 177351

If those are the only options then fat is better
If fighters didn't need to make weight they wouldn't stay so lean, there would be way more dad bods in the ring

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Anonymous No. 177355

>3x times Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling
>never touched a barbell in his life
>had nickname "Worm" among his training partners for being skinny
>can murder everyone on this board

Anonymous No. 177378

any mediocre boomer who happens to weigh 120 kg and did psys. labour young would rip him open

Anonymous No. 177381

>any mediocre boomer who happens to weigh 120 kg and did psys. labour young would rip him open
with his lips

Anonymous No. 177382

>this is what lead gas huffing boomers actually believe

Anonymous No. 177440

yes, the strength of your gun

Anonymous No. 177637

An opinion I would expect from the anon who can't spell "strength".

Anonymous No. 177674

Incorrect, too specific. Athleticism is all that matters. This is why MMA trounces any singular style. Think about it, pretty much any singular style alone has so much shit to memorize. Not just movements but all the other bullshido garbage to bog your time down. Lets be honest MMA is basic as fuck, the most cerebral part is grappling & that is just as easy as striking with a minimal amount of intelligence. So much of martial arts is useless bullshit. Focusing on your athleticism is the singular greatest factor when it comes to winning, second is will, and sorry to you fucking nerds who study like a med student about to take MSATs but, skill is a distant fucking third.

Anonymous No. 177691

its a good thing I deadlift 8 plate

Anonymous No. 178580

>If fighters didn't need to make weight they wouldn't stay so lean
That doesn't make any sense retard, 165lbs lean or 165lbs skinny fat is still 165lbs either way. Also there are tons of lanky 6ft+ dudes who fight in the lower weight divisions against bulkier opponents and win a lot.

Anonymous No. 179957

If that were true why are strongmen and powerlifters not winning in the ufc heavyweight division?

Anonymous No. 179984

Yes and no.
More fat means more mass behind your strikes, it also makes it harder for you to take damage since it does insulate you somewhat.
Grappling wise it also makes you harder to lift.
But it also makes you slower and makes you gas out more easily, since you have to carry around more weight that isn’t doing anything.

Anonymous No. 179988

This guy knows
Ive heard sports criteria in general broken down into physiology, psychology, and specificity. In martial arts these criteria are athleticism, aggression, and technique in fighting. If we were talking about golf for example the athleticism would be less of a factor, the psychology would be more akin to relaxed-focus and consistency, and the technique would be a repeatable, high speed swing

Anonymous No. 179995

Because they're making plenty of money in their own sports
MMA is for second tier athletes not good enough other things

Anonymous No. 180077

Did need to tell us he'd never lifted a weight. All martial arts where strikes are banned aren't martial arts there fucking larping.

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STR vs DEX.webm

Anonymous No. 182592

DEX >>>>>>>>>>> STR