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🧵 sell me martial arts for self defence

Anonymous No. 177391

here's all my reasons why i think its stupid to dedicate yourself to martial arts for self defence
>most people don't know how to fight anyway so why spend so much time preparing for something that wont play out the way you have trained?
>anyone who genuinely try's to threaten your life most likely will have a weapon
>if they are not robbing you they will probably use that weapon before you have time to even react, like from behind out of nowhere(just watch nigger murder/mugging videos on gif for proof)
>martial arts also wont help you if they just have more people to fight to begin with though you would have a better chance than against weapons
>martial arts come with risk involved like unnecessary injury

Anonymous No. 177392

>it could arguably create a false sense of security because of the illusion of being in control in the gym scenario, you can see this easily in people who do martial arts especially mma types who genuinely think they have a chance against melee weapons from just hand to hand training
>a better use of time would be getting in shape at a regular gym, learning basic boxing on a bag(you dont need to spar to learn a technique sparing is for its application with a reactionary target) and then throwing the first punch in confrontations with maximum power and hope for a knockout, you would easily beat someone untrained with just strength and youtube video technique if you're not a retard
>even if you spent years learning for the very rare moment someone threatens you without a weapon on their own who is also a mma fighter, what are the chances you are better than them? probably not good especially if you get into it at later ages and you could just use other means to fight back such as blunt objects, having friends help you out, running away, carrying weapons yourself
im willing to have my mind changed on this, for all the retards who are gonna cope about how nobody said it was for self defence people obviously do advertise mma for self defence including on this board and most arts were made with self defence in mind hence the name martial art.

Anonymous No. 177400

Anyone can get shot/stabbed/jumped. But in any other scenario, the person with training has an advantage. It's that simple.
>a better use of time would be getting in shape at a regular gym, learning basic boxing on a bag
Most people who train are in shape. Learning how to throw a punch is significantly different than learning how to box, and knocking people out is not as easy as it looks.
>people obviously do advertise mma for self defence
It's because the alternatives are usually nonsense and do not train with live resistance. There are rules to make training safe, but it is the closest thing to a fight and they don't teach retarded disarming techniques.

Most people who train just do it because they enjoy it, not because of self defense reasons. Sounds like you wanted a weird argument just to post reasons why you won't go train kek

Anonymous No. 177401

Martial arts are made for fighting. Most of your posts are comprised of how a lot of self-defense doesn't involve fighting. This is true but there's also nothing you can do from a guy deciding to randomly stab you in the back or to gang up on you with 7 other people. Martial arts seriously do help you in those cases where some guy picks a fight with you. If you really don't want to train martial arts then sure, whatever, do what you want, but I cannot fathom the type of man who wouldn't want the ability to beat to a pulp any other man who tries to fight him.
>"Just lift and do some bag work by learning from YT bro"
This is retarded (well, not lifting, it's genuinely one of the best things you can do to improve yourself as a fighter outside of actually learning how to fight (!) ). If you're worried about head trauma do wrestling or judo or some shit like that.

Anonymous No. 177405

You pose it like a zero sum game which it's not
I don't think attacks by an armed mob are the norm in most places
Also self defenders /should/ always be carrying as well

But the most important thing you'll get from training is the stress inoculation. Fights are stressful, people will panic and freeze up if they're not used to it, skills aside getting accustomed to the chaos and level of aggression will give you an edge

Self defense training is cringe though

Anonymous No. 177407

>a better use of time would be... learning basic boxing on a bag(you dont need to spar to learn a technique sparing is for its application with a reactionary target) and then throwing the first punch in confrontations with maximum power and hope for a knockout
This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read
your plan here is to try and sucker punch an aggressor and HOPE you knock them out instantly
And this is supposed to be a BETTER use of time than lifting while actually learning how to box. Who do you think is going to be better at knocking someone out with a single punch? A trained boxer or someone who only ever hits a heavy bag.

Anonymous No. 177408

In order,
>>most people don't know how to fight anyway so why spend so much time preparing for something that wont play out the way you have trained?
When you train advanced strategies, techniques and tactics that stuff is used for beating other fighters. The very basics, however, will in general put you a league above any dumbass you’ll meet on the street. A street fight isn’t going to play out the same way a fight against a champion boxer would the same way a chess game against a novice isn’t going to play out the same way a game against a master would. That doesn’t mean knowing how to play chess really well doesn’t give you an advantage, it just means you’re going to play stupid simple shit and either scholars mate or fried liver their ass because they don’t know any better.
>>anyone who genuinely try's to threaten your life most likely will have a weapon
You’d be surprised how many schizos and drunks are willing to throw themselves at you without a good reason unarmed, but even if they are armed there’s no downside to knowing how to fight nor does knowing how to fight preclude you from carrying a weapon yourself. In fact, if you were to get into a gunfight I propose that having competitive fighting experience is a major asset because you’ll be better prepared for and better able to remain calm when the adrenaline dump inevitably hits
>>they are not robbing you they will probably use that weapon before you have time to even react, like from behind out of nowhere(just watch nigger murder/mugging videos on gif for proof)
So you think knowing how to fight is stupid because a sniper could blow your brains out any moment? There’s plenty of videos of people turning the tides on attackers who initially got them jump on them too. When it comes to combative skills i have the same opinion as I do carrying a gun. I’d rather have it and not need it then need it and not have it.

Anonymous No. 177409

>>even if you spent years learning for the very rare moment someone threatens you without a weapon on their own who is also a mma fighter, what are the chances you are better than them? probably not good especially if you get into it at later ages and you could just use other means to fight back such as blunt objects, having friends help you out, running away, carrying weapons yourself
This is completely nonsensical. What are the odds of being better than mma fighter if you’re also an mma fighter? About even dummy and even then the people out committing violent assaults are generally not well trained martial artists. Even then you make the retarded mistake of assuming that just because someone knows how to fight they can’t also carry weapons or have friends.
>tl;dr OP is a retarded faggot. Go train.

Anonymous No. 177421

op here, like i said i genuinlly dont think yopu need to do a martial art of any sort unless youre fighting someone who also does a martial art, gif fight threads are the clear evidence for this once again sucker punch a guy who gets up in your face and just be the first one to hit and you are golden, most people have no answer for it

Anonymous No. 177422

>Who do you think is going to be better at knocking someone out with a single punch? A trained boxer or someone who only ever hits a heavy bag.
my premise was why train for upwards of years for 1% of people who you wont win against anyway becuase they have been doing it for longer when you can train for 99% with less time commitment and save injury. you cant read though so it makes sense you thought i was saying that you can beat a boxer by not boxing.

Anonymous No. 177423

too long

Anonymous No. 177425

I am a brown belt and the only time I got in to a real fight I tripped the guy and stomped on him.
>Anyway op is a fag

Anonymous No. 177426

OP is once again a retarded faggot.

Anonymous No. 177427

Your premise is self defense which is different from a fight though
2 guys having an ego battle and barking in each other's faces over a parking spot or some dumb shit like that is a fight

That's different than a nog blasting you in the head from behind as a tiktok prank
Self defense implies you aren't choosing to be there
In that case you want to be able to fight on autopilot
There's been many cases in mma where a guy is rocked and keeps fighting while he's taking a voyage across the Astral plane and even comes back to win it
Then they come to later on in the locker room like wtf happened I only remember walking out for the second round?
And are stunned to realize they won and weren't even there for it.
Even more so when a ref calls a fight but the fighter starts grappling the referee when he breaks it up because the reflexes have been integrated as some deep rooted lizard brain shit

Ask any of the gfs of non-virgins that do jiujitsu, she'll bump him in bed and he'll start hip escaping away in his sleep.

So self defense isn't really about beating someone in a fight, it's about being able to stay in a fight you have no business winning

Anonymous No. 177428

>I do this all the time, it's called "working with new guys"
>I also have weapons
>anyone can get jumped, but it's a lot less likely if you're an alert, hard target
>"multiple opponents" is a dogshit nightmare scenario. The only way to survive would be to extricate yourself as fast as possible, and you'll have a better chance of accomplishing this if you've practiced footwork, movement, grip fighting, etc. All things you do in training.
>anything worth doing contains an element of risk. Dangerous things are fun. Risk can be mitigated through care and good practices.
>only if you're an utter retard and/or training at a bullshit school. Anyone who's training for real should have a profound respect for their own mortality/fragility and the humanity of their training partners. If you're the baddest motherfucker you know, you're a sheltered idiot.
>nah. If you don't practice fighting, you don't know how to fight. That's like saying if you do a whole bunch of grip strength training, then watch a bunch of yt vids about scales and arpeggios, you'll be able to play piano "good enough".
>I routinely carry weapons. I have good friends who also carry weapons. And although I am far, far from a world-class fighter, but I'm still a better fighter than someone who doesn't train. How can someone get good at something without practice?

Look up Shivworks and Craig Douglas to get an idea of how martial arts skills can be applied to self defense.

Anonymous No. 177429

>stress inoculation
High quality post right here. This is also why participating in combat sports (including shooting sport btw) is a good idea for self defense.

Anonymous No. 177431

Ah shit, I misread your last point. I thought you were talking about someone who DOESN'T train.
Point still stands though, even if I get jumped by some highly skilled super-predator, I'm still better off having some skills than no skills. And in that situation I'd do everything I could to not have a fair and balanced fight. I'd be using my weapons, yelling for my friends, and trying to get the hell out of there as fast as possible. If I wanted a fair test of my skills against his, I'd hit him up at the open mat.

Anonymous No. 177436

>convince me
>don’t make an argument tho
Threads over, pack it up. OP is a faggot.

Anonymous No. 177438

learn a martial art with a weapon you can carry

Anonymous No. 177476

>my premise was why train for upwards of years for 1% of people who you wont win against anyway becuase they have been doing it for longer when you can train for 99% with less time commitment and save injury.
The vast majority of people who are training for years are doing it because they enjoy training
Now with 3-6 months boxing experience you could obliterated the average normie
I agree with you there, but in your OP you imply one can get equivalent experience without sparing
that last part is the bullshit I'm calling out
>you cant read though so it makes sense you thought i was saying that you can beat a boxer by not boxing.
reread MY post you fucking retard
I'm talking about knocking someone out, not beating a boxer

Anonymous No. 177522

>I am a massive pussy who would rather write walls of cope than pick up a beneficial hobby that requires discipline & hard work.
No. If you can write all that then you're smart enough to know how it can help & you're being a disingenuous faggot.
>Writing a sincere reply to this.
Congrats, you're a retarded fish.

Anonymous No. 177545

Filippino martial arts, pepper spray, guns.

Anonymous No. 177549

What do Filipinos really even know about fighting, they've been invaded half a dozen times the last century and lost every single time

Anonymous No. 177551

it keeps me in shape and it’s the only way i get to hurt people without being sued

Anonymous No. 177565

best thread in a long time