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🧵 Let him fight Tyson Furry

Anonymous No. 177802

For some reason people love talking about strenght vs skills and this would be a good example of strenght vs skill fight

Anonymous No. 177805

there is no skill in fighting, it's a cope
strength always wins which is why they even have weight classes in the first place

all things equal some skill will help give you the edge but at the end of the day might makes right, if you're physically weaker than your opponent by a significant margin I don't care how skilled you are, you lose
I would literally kill Demetrious Johnson, I outweigh him by 100lbs. Same energy here

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Don laughs at you.jpg

Anonymous No. 177809

>there is no skill in fighting

Anonymous No. 177813

I wouldnt say NO skill but this is mostly right. Fighting at all doesn't take a lot of it. When skill is approximately equal the deciding factor is raw athleticism. But that works the other way around too. When athleticism is equal the deciding factor is skill. Thats the whole point of weight classes, which you seem to miss. So, heres your (you)s you fucking retards. Good job on pointing out the obvious & irrelevant.

Anonymous No. 177815

I could hit harder and move faster than every female on the UFC roster and I'm a complete hobbyist nobody
They lack the offensive capabilities to do anything to me
They have trouble knocking each other out
I'd walk through everything they have like a T1000 and literally cave their skulls in, not even being hyperbolic about that either

Their thousands of hours of professional training is nothing compared to my past its prime 3x a week casual weight lifting male physique

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Anonymous No. 177816

>and I'm a complete hobbyist
Nobody gives a shit about women "fighters", as they're basically children.

Go spar some lightweight boxers with their pro-cards and see what happens. Go roll with some lightweight BJJ black belts, or some lightweight Muay Thai fighters with pro-cards. You obviously need some sense beaten into you, and it's better that happens in a controlled environment in a gym than in some bar or street where they might just kill your dumb ass.

Anonymous No. 177823

I will not spar with them, that would only serve them where they can be quick little bastards and I have to hold back since it's just sparring
I will fight them though and the results would be the same as with the women

I'd make the Thai guy achieve their destiny of being a ladyboy on the spot
The Brazilians too

Actually come to think of it why are these countries in particular supposedly known for bring such great fighters complete faggots at a higher rate than everyone else?

Anonymous No. 177829

What is there skill in if not in fighting?

Anonymous No. 177837

t. never had a real fight in their life

Anonymous No. 177840

So where are Sapp's and Pudzianowski's world champion belts?

Anonymous No. 177841

There are a few caveats to this:
>Strength is oftentimes relative to the movments your muscles are used to performing, being strong on bench doesn't necessarily mean you'll punch hard, for example
>Certain moves like head kicks or chokes can allow smaller guys to overcome some size disparity

Obviously, at the end of the day, you can train your whole life and you are still 100% guaranteed to get rekt by a gorilla

Anonymous No. 177852

If you punch with your pecs you are an idiot. You punch with your hips, back and shoulders, which can muster much more force.
Bench press is one of the least useful lifts ever.

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Midorifuji vs Hok....webm

Anonymous No. 177886

>this would be a good example of...
Hafþór getting the shit beat out of him

Dude isn't pro-tier, let alone a champion pro-tier, like Fury. Some of you guys are absolutely delusional. There is a HUGE difference between an amateur and a pro, and there is even a bigger difference between a pro and a champion-tier pro. The men that rise to the top of their respective sports are on a completely different level...they're basically freaks. Bjornsson would get his ass kicked by random journeyman boxers, let alone a champion like Tyson Fury.

>webm related
You need more than just strength and size to win in combat sports.

Anonymous No. 177889

The only one coping is you. Your big lumbering fat ass would get yourself beat into a coma. The only reason it hasn't happened yet is because you've clearly never had a fight in your life.

Anonymous No. 178058

you can lightly spar with them and go full speed, and if you land one significant strike before they land one then you can determine you would've won. It's not like you're going to blast through their guard or something man haha. Sparring is fairly realistic. Other than that just take an amateur fight or something or challenge someone, no reason not to :o)

Anonymous No. 178073

What a stupid fucking take from someone who clearly has never watched any sort of professional fighting

Anonymous No. 178078

You should post this challenge publicly with your name and face attached to it

Anonymous No. 178199

You're all a bunch of niggers they are both important for different reasons. But most people who rely on strenght are just on a power trip and too retarded to fight effectively anyways

Anonymous No. 178206

Untill you need to grapple. Bench press is not just a pushing force, its compression as well, and it makes major contributions to your punch force. You're an idiot if you don't utilize the entire kinetic chain, putting your whole body behind the punch. Yes, it is possible.
>source: 3rd year kinesiology major

Anonymous No. 178221

I would if there was some kind of significant financial gain for doing it
I've always said I'd fight anyone but it has to be worth my while, worth the time I'd spend promoting and traveling and what not

Anonymous No. 178237

playing the piano

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Anonymous No. 178412

Weight classes exist in pro fighting because both people are highly trained fighters, retard. You would charge at Demetrious Johnson thinking you could pick him up and slam him but you'd just get knocked out instead.

Anonymous No. 178414

Bet 5 grand on it and I guarantee someone will take your challenge. Surely your confident you wouldn’t lose that money right?

Anonymous No. 178418

Cute webm, notice how these dumbass BJJ faggot challenges always require adhering to the ruleset. Cause you would get fucking demolished without the protection of those rules. Which is why BJJs dominance is a a fucking fantasy that only exists in a ruleset. If they were allowed to put hands on your throat you would be fucking dead.

Anonymous No. 178433

the only reason he's alive is because slamming is illegal

Anonymous No. 178436

There's no skill or discipline in your pic, you know that right? If it werent for steroids the mountain would be a lanky BBaller.

Anonymous No. 178493

Why do people keep repeating this, even though bjj got popular thanks to winning vale tudo and early ufc?

Anonymous No. 178763

>it's this stupid argument again
You realize that your "no rules" ruleset means the BJJ guy wouldn't have to abide by rules either, right?

Anonymous No. 178787

you've just found out most people here are armchair fighters who've never trained

Anonymous No. 178789

UFC 1 was a complete farce where the winners brother picked a handful of literal nobodies to fight under rules they invented and changed on the fly throughout the night
wow did you see this brazilian guy win a fight against 3 literal whos? obviously this invalidates all other martial arts!

appealing to UFC is an IQ test

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Anonymous No. 178791

>where they can be quick little bastards
But you just said you're faster?
Sparring women is incredibly easy for me and even the quick ones are still slower than me

Anonymous No. 178795

>a conspiracy theory is his only defense

Anonymous No. 178800

it's really unfortunate you're so deep into the propaganda you cant even trust your own eyes

it's sort of funny in a way that all these supposedly legit people can't see through the same bullshido grift when it's being done to them

Anonymous No. 178804

That's not a conspiracy your fucking retarded casual. That's well known lore of MMA origins. That greentext is proof you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. This is why when you watch other promotions that were closer to no rules & allowed kicking faggots pulling guard BJJ got blown the fuck out constantly... Dude. Just examine the unified MMA rules, almost every single thing thats banned buck breaks jewjitsu.

Anonymous No. 178805

You don't have to reply twice, conspiritard.

Anonymous No. 178806

Double dubs of truth, nice. It shifts from funny to depressing when you're trying to get into the biz & the fucking gracies managed to brainwash a whole generation.

Anonymous No. 178807

He didnt you fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 178808

Medicate yourself you dumb schizophrenic.

Anonymous No. 178810

this gentlemen is what cognative dissonance looks like
"I can't possibly be getting told I'm wrong by multiple people, it must be a mentally ill samefag!"

Anonymous No. 178811

Right? I am on mobile and have dynamic IP so i can't screenshot any (you)s

Anonymous No. 178814

he's deliberately not replying directly to posts explicitly so we can't throw the (You)s in his face

Anonymous No. 178815

You are not worth my time so I delegated this to my bot.
>Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) excels in MMA largely due to the unified rules that ban certain techniques, enhancing its effectiveness
>Strikes to the Back of the Head and Spine: Banned in MMA, allowing BJJ fighters to expose their backs without risk.
>Headbutts: Prohibited in MMA, protecting BJJ fighters in close combat scenarios.
>Groin Strikes: Not allowed, enabling BJJ practitioners to grapple without fear of such attacks.
>Biting and Eye-Gouging: Banned, making BJJ's close-range grappling safer.
>Small Joint Manipulation: Prohibition benefits BJJ, which doesn't typically train for defense against these attacks.
>These rules mitigate vulnerabilities inherent in BJJ, making it more effective and safe in MMA contexts. Without these rules, BJJ strategies would need significant adjustments to counter these otherwise legal attacks.

Anonymous No. 178817

None of those rules were present in the first few UFCs. BJJ still won. And calling it all a conspiracy was your only defense.

Anonymous No. 178818

LOL omg yes some of them were you total dipshit. And the gracies themselves set the match-ups. You know nothing.

Anonymous No. 178819

>still not worth my full attention
The Gracie family's role in establishing the original UFC in 1993 sparked controversy due to perceived conflicts of interest and its impact on the martial arts world:

1. **Promotional Strategy:** The UFC, co-created by Rorion Gracie, was seen as a platform to showcase Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), leading to claims that it favored Gracie-style Jiu-Jitsu.

2. **Matchmaking and Rules:** Critics argued that the rules and matchmaking, particularly the absence of weight classes and minimal restrictions, were tailored to benefit Royce Gracie, a BJJ practitioner from the Gracie family, in UFC 1.

3. **Marketing and Perception:** The UFC's "no holds barred" marketing raised ethical concerns and influenced public perception of martial arts, often overshadowing other styles.

4. **Impact on Martial Arts Community:** While UFC 1 highlighted BJJ's effectiveness, it also sparked debates within the martial arts community about the nature of combat and the respect for traditional martial arts values.

5. **Royce Gracie's Success:** Royce Gracie's victory in UFC 1 led to accusations of nepotism, with some viewing it as a setup to promote the family's martial arts school.

Despite the controversies, UFC 1 was pivotal in evolving martial arts, promoting mixed martial arts (MMA), and demonstrating the importance of grappling and ground fighting.

Anonymous No. 178820

>still clinging to his conspiracy shit
You're done.

Anonymous No. 178822

>still knows nothing & just insists they're right like a pouty child

Anonymous No. 178835

>the first few UFCs. BJJ still won
that's historically incorrect, in UFC 2 dan severn dominated royce for 30 minutes straight
in UFC 3 royce didn't even make it to the finals
from then on it continued to be dominated by wrestlers and brawlers which is why they fled to japan to try and pick on midgets where their jiujitsu was exposed once again as being inferior to wrestling

Anonymous No. 178836

Dan Severn wasn't in UFC 2.

Take your medication. You are hallucinating.

Anonymous No. 178838

>misremembering the event number means hallucinating
you couldn't be more of a faggot if you tried
bet you can't even fight either

Anonymous No. 178839

I'm not wasting my time trying to piece together the ravings of a fucking lunatic. Be coherent from the start or fuck off.

Anonymous No. 178840

you have 3 people telling you you're wrong and still insisting otherwise
I realize you recently listened to jocko and go really hyped about being an alphamale learning BJJ, went down to the local gracie barra and bought a $250 gi and an introductory package
but in 6 months when you quit you're going to hopefully realize what a faggot you've been

Anonymous No. 178841

All 3 of those people exist only within your head you schizoid retard.

Anonymous No. 178842

spoken like a true nofights
have you even done a white belt bjj comp yet?
lemme see your bronze medal for going 0-2 in a 3 man bracket

Anonymous No. 178850

>muh banned techniques
Again, you do realize that when your stupid "no rules" ruleset exists, the BJJ guy can do the same thing, right?

You are a complete moron.

Anonymous No. 178853

Except ya'll don't cause you're guard pulling pussies.

Anonymous No. 178861

Surely your "elite" no rules techniques can prevail against a simple guard, no?

Delusional faggot.

Anonymous No. 178864

This. Here's the thing, up until there is an injury, training BJJ is generally, way less jarring or painful than most striking styles. So much so that is specifically what attracts most people(pussies) to BJJ.

Anonymous No. 178868

People pick up bjj because they don't like to hurt people. You literally won't use those techniques because you have no balls

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Anonymous No. 178869

All the fucking time with the simplest of effort, don't even have to be ultra-violent about it. Even in the UFC majority of finishes are KO cause basic as wrestling to ground & pound is easier. But taking out the middle man of grappling makes it even easier.

Anonymous No. 178872

>People pick up bjj because...'s effective and doesn't cause CTE the way some contact sports do.

Anonymous No. 178873

repeated episodes of hypoxia aren't any better for your brain

Anonymous No. 178874

>arguing with a literal schizophrenic experiencing a delusional episode

Anonymous No. 178875

fuck! good thing we banned that so it can't happen to us anymore

Anonymous No. 178876

Not wanting to cause CTE to your enemies makes you a pussy. Thanks for proving my point

Anonymous No. 178882

>>178875 you're retarded. BJJs superiority only exists where rules are being observed & your dumbass quip confirms it.
This, although, at this point I would like to say there is nothing wrong with the techniques contained in BJJ, its the usage & bullshit rep it develops that pisses me off. Look, modern JJ is nothing like OG jj that had more applicability in combat because it didnt have excessive focus on a single target. Think about where JJ came from, the conflicts it saw... It didn't look like whay it does now because BJJ is meant for prolonged focus on 1 person.

Anonymous No. 178885

The main thing to remember about bjj is anybody who talks it up exposes themselves right then and there at being a novice
Because anybody that has done bjj to the point if proficiency realizes how flawed and unusable it is outside of its vacuum and will seek out wrestling and or judo to supplement their skills and make it workable

If you defend bjj it shows you don't understand it well enough to see why it's so shitty
Nobody advanced at bjj would ever defend it the way beginners so passionately do

Anonymous No. 178910

BJJ is so bad that literally every MMA fighter still trains it to this day.

Anonymous No. 178925

Faulty logic, MMA fighters should train grappling, take the tap if it's there, but that doesn't equate to explicitly focusing on BJJ. It's boring as fuck to watch some faggot aggressively hug his way to a submission & it's frustrating as hell when you have to watch this homoerotic display realizing that the person in the bottom position has zero chance cause all their options have been ruled out. Just like when someone asks, well how do you get out of this {insert image of deep lock/bar} and the only answers are things you're not allowed to do. Wish small joint manipulation was allowed, would really change the game. And it really makes no sense why it isnt cause fingers & toes are way easier to just pop back into place.

Anonymous No. 178926


Anonymous No. 178929

>calmly points out facts of MMA without even using curse words
Project any harder?

Anonymous No. 178930

Oh wait, welp, to the swear jar

Anonymous No. 178951

I think the most smooth brain take possible is submissions = bjj
bjj didn't invent any of those submissions, catch, judo, sambo, any grappling art with submissions includes the same shit

Anonymous No. 179011

BJJ specialists get dismantled at the champion level. Fighters only train it to avoid it. Striking and wrestling are the real pillars of MMA

Anonymous No. 179019

This. I mean some dudes are better at it or maybe just gay, so they're super into it. But I think most fighters just focus on escaping, or atleast getting back to G&P

Anonymous No. 181761

>If they were allowed to put hands on your throat you would be fucking dead.
this is a terrible example you can do this in bjj

Anonymous No. 181795

Nobody reaches the champion level without being a BJJ specialist.

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Anonymous No. 181823

How to say you only watch hw without saying you only watch hw

Anonymous No. 181844

>How to say you don't know how to read tier bar graphs without saying you don't know how to read tier bar graphs.
This is not the win you thought it was. Considering a great amount of those decisions represent more failed tap attempts than succsesful ones. Also where is this from cause I suspect its AI generated bullshit. We had a thread where this was thoroughly examined and KOs accounted for 60% of finishes.
A cursory search says you're full of shit. Whole first page is saying your figures are wrong.

Anonymous No. 182284

Hokuseiho isn't a great example though, he's just really tall not strong beyond his grip. He just has freakishly long arms and great endurance for his weird reach around technique.

Anonymous No. 183811

but bjj was feared even in the vale tudo circuit where rabbit punches, headbutts, groin strikes, and sometimes small joint manipulation were allowed. and biting and eye gouging aren't exclusive to people who dont train lol

Anonymous No. 183873

Prove it lardass
Go to your local MMA gym that has pros in it.
Find the smallest actual pro MMA fighter in there with at least 1 win and ask for a challenge. Record it and send us the vid of your ass getting whooped faggot