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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 177944

>Don't wear helmets
I sincerely don't understand it. What's the logic other than it looks bad/dumb?

Anonymous No. 177959

I like the wind in my hair and i also hear/see better without it.

Anonymous No. 177987

>What's the logic other than it looks bad/dumb?
It is inconvenient.

Anonymous No. 178013

I mountain bike now but, I never wore a helmet riding on the road. The danger factor doesn't exist in road riding
>hurr but you might fall
Skill issue, age issue
>hurr but a car might hit you
Situational awareness skill issue

Anonymous No. 178016

I have near misses regularly with people that don't look before making a turn
I got taken out by an old man in an SUV that had no business driving because he made a turn on red without checking and nobodies reaction time is faster than a car

and then when all the people started gathering around and this fat woman gets out of her car he goes "I couldn't see you because she was in front of me"
and she goes "I was behind you"
he had no idea what was going on. It's not your situational awareness you need to be worried about

Anonymous No. 178017

Uncomfortable things trigger my sensory issues

Anonymous No. 178091

>It's not your situational awareness you need to be worried about
This is what some faggot retard welder told me about danger in the workplace too.
>b-but I do everything right
>I'm aware of myself
>someone else can screw up and end my life wahhhh
Being aware of what everyone else is doing is part of situational awareness. Paying attention to what you're doing is only half of it. He was just a lil bitch

Anonymous No. 178266

Spoken like a true retarded faggot. Thousands of Pros infinitely more skilled than you wear them all the time.

Anonymous No. 178284

If you're never scared on a bike, it's because you're not going fast enough or hard enough.
Whatever your level, the unexpected happens. The Pro fall all the time and they are the most skilled.

Anonymous No. 178294

They should make better looking helmets. Nobody complains about motorcycling helmets.

Anonymous No. 178295

Those Pros are forced to wear them per safety regulations.

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Anonymous No. 179336

>Ride in Australia without a helmet
>You just got yourself a fine

Anonymous No. 179828


Lol Australian cops just keep making shit up every year to find more reasons to siphon money from you.

I wouldnt be surprised if they started fining people for not wearing motorcycle jackets in cars for "safety reasons".

Anonymous No. 179887

>pro road cycling
Cycling is a cardio sport. Mountain biking is a skill sport
>inb4 but you said skill issue
Basic ability to ride a fucking bike. Beyond that, no skill is required to road ride

Anonymous No. 179991

>see/hear better without it
Did you already get your dose of brain trauma? A standard road helmet doesnt cover your eyes or ears

Anonymous No. 179992

Helmet fags are constantly coping and seething

Anonymous No. 180005

When people tell me I'd be safer wearing a helmet I light a cigarette and blow smoke in their face

Anonymous No. 180467

>skill issue
>don’t take safety precautions because it will never happen to me
The famous last words of the arrogan.How many times do you reckon someone like you has been shot headfirst out of their own windshield because they refused to wear a seatbelt?

Anonymous No. 180478

Not too many, since I have skill and awareness
>inb4 dunning kruger
Yes I know what it is, fag

Anonymous No. 180493

>it can’t happen to me!
>yeah I know the dunning Kruger effect, I’m a perfect example of it! So what?

Anonymous No. 180496

...and what is stopping you from wearing those? Are you worried people will judge you?

Anonymous No. 180557

I'm on the smart end, and thanks for agreeing with me

Anonymous No. 180613

There are several studies that showed drivers tend to be less cautious with cyclists who wear helmets, in part because they perceive them as less human. Wearing a helmet is definitely a sign that you don't trust your own skills. It's kind of like people who have a mirror on their bike. If you do not have the mobility or the awareness to look around you, you should not ride a bike. If you are one of those people who do not realize that "sharing the road" with several large pieces of metal moving much faster than you means that you have to be extra careful and extra visible, you should not ride a bike. If you are the type of person who thinks most car drivers are not murderous maniacs out there to put an abrupt end to your fun afternoon ride, you should not ride a bike. If you are too old to take a lateral hit from a car at a moderate urban speed, you should not ride a bike. A helmet is not going to make a difference. Sports like mountain biking or snowboarding definitely justify the use of a helmet. Cycling does not.

Anonymous No. 180615

>bro don’t wear a helmet because drivers will then think your less human
>source? Trust me bro.
This is one of the most retarded things I’ve ever read.
>by the way drivers are maniacs and want to kill you. This is why you shouldn’t wear a helmet.
>a helmet is not going to make a difference when your head bounces is off concrete

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Anonymous No. 180645

What about these
I've only seen women and """men""" wearing one though