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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 178177

>If a boxer lands a Good hit on a grappler they wont get up anytime soon
Makes you think

Anonymous No. 178179

The striker needs to win the exchange every time in order to win
The grappler only needs to win the exchange once

Anonymous No. 178181

>If a grappler lands a good takedown on a boxer they wont get up anytime soon
Another great thread

Anonymous No. 178188

post record

Anonymous No. 178189

Boxers a literally the most brain damaged people in the world.

Anonymous No. 178287

>if a grappler gets a takedown on a boxer he'll be taping in 30 seconds or less
What's your point?

Anonymous No. 178296

No that is Lethwei fighters and NFL players

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Anonymous No. 178297

What about a grappler landing a good hit on a boxer?

Anonymous No. 178675

That's only cause they won't allow eye gouging strikes in sissified and biased UFC. I will blind you the moment you get a takedown on me.

Anonymous No. 178684

what makes you think you're going to be in a better position to gouge my eyes than I will be to gouge yours? if I'm beating you wrestling you're not going to gouge your way out any more than you're going to punch your way out, I'd just do it back to you 10x harder

Anonymous No. 178709

If you do a takedown, you aint gouging shit BJJ boy.

Anonymous No. 178733

>Makes you think
No not really

Anonymous No. 178778

kek if we're going by street fight scenario, the striker can eye gouge you the second the fight starts, they don't have to win every exchange

Anonymous No. 178786


Anonymous No. 178788

you can't eye gouge anyone when your arms are being controlled and you're getting choked to death

Anonymous No. 178793

Fun fact: I can eye gouge/poke at distance while standing up, instead of punching you. The more you know

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Anonymous No. 178797


Anonymous No. 181234

On the street? You don’t do takedowns in the street. You don’t know how to defend yourself against concrete. That rhymes- fuck you

Anonymous No. 181240

>You don’t do takedowns in the street.
Wut? Thats how most of them end before they even get going.

Anonymous No. 181339

Legalizing eye gouging would favor wrestlers cause eye gouging is the easiest when you're on top

Anonymous No. 181342

>muh 90% of fites end on the floor
If you're cop.

Anonymous No. 181345

Or a wrestler. If you're good at takedowns, 90% of your fights will end on the ground. And don't tell me about concrete because it favors wrestlers even more since the person who gets taken down will take the impact much more likely than the person who takes him down.

Anonymous No. 181866

>If you win you win

Anonymous No. 181927

Al you're doing is mockingly quoting common knowledge. Why would you think this will convince anyone?

Anonymous No. 181931

No literally the 90% thing is a lie based on police use of force data from the LAPD about how often they need to take someone WHO IS RESISTING ARREST down to the ground

That's not a fight
Just another gracie lie people parrot

Anonymous No. 181936

Striking is incredibly easy to learn.

If you learn to grapple, striking will come to you very easily as you'll have greater bodily awareness and knowledge of how to use your body.

Anonymous No. 182018

I literally have trained for half a decade, so that's why I know I can eyepoke you before the takedown

Anonymous No. 182050

No you haven't you fuckin lying ape

Anonymous No. 182051

No you would not. You sound like a kid who watched hunger games and thinks he can break peoples necks

Anonymous No. 182052

"Erm, I trained for half a decade at my strip mall kenpo school I could fuck you up"

Anonymous No. 182053

You can take a guys eye right out of his head for all that matters
Fortunately the gods saw fit to give him two

Anonymous No. 182058

Grapplers win 9/10 of times in a fight against a striker-based fighter.

Anonymous No. 182061

So you really believe that someone would lie on the internet about being able to eyepoke an opponent? One of the easiest dirty moves in fighting is something someone would lie about?
Taking out one just making the other out easier

Anonymous No. 182062

it didn't work
he gouged him to the point of permanent blindness and lost the fight

Anonymous No. 182105

>Oh yeah, hitting two small targets on the face with your two tiny fragile fingers is sooo easy bro

You have not poked out anyone eyes. Stop trying to make it out like you have (hitting a shitty bob dummy does not count)

Anonymous No. 182106

You don't seem to understand, I cut holes into the eyes of the Bob to make sockets and when I train I stick grapes in there

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Anonymous No. 182207

>If a grappler lands a good slam on a boxer they won't get up ever

Anonymous No. 182231

Not being able to beat a blind man is more of a testament to how much of a shitter he is, than the effectiveness of eyegouging
I don't have to have done it to know I have the precision to. I don't find it difficult to hit the exact center of a moving target with a knuckle

Anonymous No. 182898

notice the height and weight difference. in those two seconds the smaller guy did so much damage. if they were same weight taller guy would probably be out

Anonymous No. 182901

It's weird how people conflate grappling with going to the ground

My nigga I'm not going down to the ground with you, I'm going to throw you down

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Anonymous No. 182975

/ourfaggot/ is back and found striking is more effective than grappling in a 1 on 1 self defense encounter
It's fucking OVER, how will the gracies ever recover??

Anonymous No. 183000

ahh yes the classic
>surely I as a striker will make grappling useless by doing X when I fight against someone who trains grappling for 10 years
this shit is the exact same dumbass argument as
>surely I as a grappler will make striking useless by kicking him in the groin when i fight someone who trains striking for 10 years
>you dont do takedowns on the street
is your only knowledge of takedowns leg attacking shots? Have you never seen judo, greco, or literally any freestyle upper body throw?
Concrete is the worst fucking place to fight someone who is good at takedowns. BJJ unironically got its clown status with guard pullers because you have to grapple on mats. otherwise 99% of grapplers will have fractured ribs and severe TBI

Anonymous No. 183004

>Have you never seen judo, greco, or literally any freestyle upper body throw?
I have, but nobody in a bjj class ever has

Anonymous No. 183029

*when the attacker has a knife

Anonymous No. 183041

If it doesn't work with a knife in play it isn't going to work without one

Anonymous No. 183050

Easily the most retarded post on this board today

Anonymous No. 183062

There's no such thing as fighting an unarmed attacker
If the guy you're fighting doesn't have a knife the only fair assumption you can make is he has one and you just don't see it yet

Treat every encounter like the person has weapon
Treat every encounter like the person has some friends standing just outside your vision

Anonymous No. 183069

Came here just to say this. The eye poke and bite copes are just dumb striker cope, but the weapons or his friends jumping in thing is not a cope at all. Taking random dudes to the ground in an alleyway is a great way to get stabbed or kicked in the head by his drunk buddies.

To be completely fair, you don't want to fight someone with a knife or friends as a striker either - your best option is still to run the fuck away. But if backed into a corner, the striker fairs better in this case.

Anonymous No. 183072

>grappling doesn't work because you're always fighting multiple people
Ok retard.

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Anonymous No. 183075

It's like I said, you're ALWAYS fighting someone with a knife, even if you don't realize it

Anonymous No. 183083

>cannot wrap his pea brain around the fact that street fights are unpredictable and rules free
>calls someone else the retard

Anonymous No. 183130

Take some meds, might help your paranoia.

Anonymous No. 183191

I accept your concession

Anonymous No. 183193

Concede some weight.

Anonymous No. 183195

Post body w/ timestamp

Anonymous No. 183196

As soon as you post a video of yourself taking your anti-schizoid medication.

Anonymous No. 183197

Dyel spotted lmfao

Anonymous No. 183198

Oooo watch out faggot, 10 of my knife wielding friends are hiding under your desk.

Anonymous No. 183201

Nigga you don't even train, shut up lmao. You already lost the argument, and then you went ahead and further embarassed yourself by bringing up body weight while being a twig.
Feel free to prove me wrong at any time by posting your epic experienced wrestler bod lil bro

Anonymous No. 183203

Feel free to take your meds at any time, schizo.

Anonymous No. 183206


Anonymous No. 183207

I've gotten into several "street fights"
let me educate you about what happened

Sometimes the person's friends won't jump in. They may be scared or the person started it and got a beating he deserved. Maybe they have some honour and will understand that. They will still jump in once you have the upper hand and sesperate you

I have also been attacked by around 5 people when I threw a punch at one of them. 5 people with grips on you and punching you in the face.. not much you can do apart from chin down and they fuck their fists up on your forehead

Every fight I have gotten into lasted no more than 30 seconds. All these fights happened in dangerous places such as Saturday night around clubs and sinister people. Usually both parties are keen to leave the area quickly before police arrive.

I have only been in a single true one on one fight in public. Grappling would have helped but so would just being his size and KOing him. The guy was on drugs and threatened to stab me before I hit him. Luckily he was bluffing

Every situation I'm in now for the most part (Saturday night) it's only groups that I'm wary of. Groups of young thugs feel emboldened together and only being a super heavyweight striker and knocking them out QUICKLY will get you out of that situation

Anonymous No. 183247

yea I also watch out for groups of 15-20 yo thugs
thankfully never got into a fight, but had a few confrontations
im pretty sure if i let just one of the thugs from the group come up to me in short distance, i will get sucker punched. maybe you need to always hit first with these.

Anonymous No. 183251

If you don't knock the first one out with such force the rest give up its ogre

Anonymous No. 183252

ye but if a fight is going to happen, you still have just 2 choices:
>strike first - fail to knock him out - they gang up on you - maybe you survive maybe not
>not strike first - get sucked punched - they gang up on you - your chances of survival are much lower after that sucker punch
so striking first always seems to be a better option

Anonymous No. 183258

Definitely true. There's no shame in losing a fight

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Your turn anon.jpg

Anonymous No. 183326

190cm, 92kg. Now go on and take your meds, we're all waiting.

Anonymous No. 183330

>24 hours later
At least TRY to make the PS less obvious bro LMAO

Anonymous No. 183332

Lmao I accept your concession fag. Still waiting on you to post body or at least take meds. Im not going to sit here and pose for you all day

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masterpiece of a ....png

Anonymous No. 183333

>Im not going to sit here and pose for you all day
Oh but you already did so much more. I literally made you so mad you spent hours searching for a timestamped pic, downloading PS for the first time, looking up Youtube tutorials, and painstakingly looking at a zoomed in image of another mans abs just to make this turd...
Learn to control your emotions lil bro.

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Anonymous No. 183335

Makes sense that you'd call me a zoomer you assblasted faggot since you clearly never heard of filters lmao. Here's one more for you to beat off to as a token of my pity for you losing the argument.

Anonymous No. 183338

>Makes sense that you'd call me a zoomer
Oh no...he's so mad his reading comprehension is slipping

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Anonymous No. 183339

which guy did you use from here?

Anonymous No. 183342

>He thinks some guy I commissioned would have provided a pic reply in 11 minutes.

Anonymous No. 183392

i dont even care about the box vs grapple discussion
but to be so much invested in a 4chan discussion that you post pictures of you posing like a gay... thats so sad. im not even trying to be offensive, its really sad.
bro you could look like a greek god, be literally henry cavill or whatever, and still you would lose all respect when you would try to persuade a 4channer that you have "the truth" by posting your body like a whore.
think about if this is worth it.

Anonymous No. 183393

>still crying about getting BTFO 14 hours later

Anonymous No. 183400

Based grappling CHAD absolutely mogs DYEL strikefags. I KNEEL.

Anonymous No. 183401

nah, he lost the argument then started shouting SCHIZO MEDS MEDS and posted nudes on 4chan to prove he's in shape to a bunch of anonymous strangers
most pathetic guy I've seen in a while

Anonymous No. 183403

You requested body, so he was bound by 4channel honour to provide. Now that you got mogged, you come crawling back to sneed and cope. The superiority of grappling over striking has been foreever vindicated, WAGMI, it only just began bros

Anonymous No. 183411

Why not just train both and stop being fucking retarded?

Anonymous No. 183426

im not the guy you were interacting with, im just a passerby. i know it hurts to read the words i wrote and that you need to cope with dismissing my opinion with "ah he is just that dumb anon i BTFOd a while ago", i would do the same bro.
try to think about the pathetic nature of you monitoring this thread and trying hard when you get less emotional.

Anonymous No. 183427

>ah he is just that dumb anon i BTFOd a while ago
I don't need to "cope", that is in fact what happened. Take your meds.

Anonymous No. 183455

I didn't request anything, in fact I'm a neutral 3rd party that has been playing both sides just to stoke conflict
the entire conversation is bad faith, I'm even arguing with some of my own posts to make it seem legitimate

Anonymous No. 183461

>I didn't request anything
>I was playing both sides
Anon, I...

Anonymous No. 183474

>on the street
yh i don't go outside so that wouldn't work on me

Anonymous No. 183476


Anonymous No. 183488

At the highest level, striking > grappling. At lower skill levels, grappling > striking. It's easier for a bad wrestler to put a bad striker on his ass and g&p in than it is for a bad striker to tko a bad wrestler.

Anonymous No. 183564

Dude he mogged you. Lmao

Anonymous No. 183566

>Pushing the "grappling is always a good choice" myth
>Calls others schizo even when shown video evidence of why its a bad idea
>posts dyel happy trail pics as if fishing on grinder for an appeal to authority
You are one retarded faggot. Here's to hoping you try to pull that shit & leave a pretty corpse in the gutter.

Anonymous No. 183599

Dude you're so butthurt that he mogged you. I'm not even a grappler I'm a striker but he called your bluff

I can only imagine your disgusting unathletic body due to your seething. Lmao

Anonymous No. 183620

Nta retard but whatever you have to tell yourself to get off, simp faggot.

Anonymous No. 183644

"post body with time stamp"
*posts body with time stamp*
"nuh uh"

Anonymous No. 183655

He posted *A* body, not *his* body. Huge difference.

Anonymous No. 184270

shut the fuck up already fatso

Anonymous No. 184272

Nah that's NFL player's... wives.

Anonymous No. 184325

Stay mad and wrong.

Anonymous No. 184346

Kind of this. If it was that common, nearly every video of a streetfight, or other altercations would wind up with them both on the ground. But nearly all of them don't.

Anonymous No. 184473

A lot more do now, but that's because of the cultural influence of the UFC.

Anonymous No. 184500

>the grappler only needs to win the exchange once *while being protected by the rules forbidding slamming, kicking in a prone position (which the grappler always occupies) elbows, and barefisted strikes which excel in close ranges where force cannot be easily generated
yeah dude grapplers reign supreme

Anonymous No. 184515

years of mma and vale tudo proves you wrong

Anonymous No. 184646

>hey, boxer look, if you want to play in our big boy league, you gotta adhere to some RULES, ok champ?
>when this jitsu faggot lays prone on the ground presenting his anus to you, you are NOT ALLOWED to strike him! OK? you are only allowed pillow punches and elbows that DON'T come from above, otherwise it would devolve into a street fight, and the jiu jitsuist would be FORCED to dispatch you in a lethal manner, nothing personnel

Anonymous No. 184649

you could do stomps in pride and vale tudo

mma empirically proved that boxing is literally aikido tier, they get humiliated in every cross discipline/freestyle contest

Anonymous No. 184652

>valve tudo

Anonymous No. 186043

Screw all the talk about efficacy or who would win in muh epic street fights. Grapplers sniff other dudes crotches every time they train, their primary strategy in a fight is to immediately go in for the crotch sniff. By default it is eliminated for being gay.

Anonymous No. 186763

lmao, at least strikerlets finally admit that their blood sports derived martial arts is inferior to the military based grapplingchads

Anonymous No. 186765

Sorry I can't hear you down there over your gooch-sniffing. I also need to fart soon so make sure you get all of it

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Anonymous No. 186821

Anon,there are no "if" in a fight, only results.

It's one of the first thing I learned in karate.
if the other one is bigger and it's a problem for you then you can :
Ovewhelm with skills, through training.
Train to be the bigger man, lifting.
Run away.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 187759

Burası artık benim tuvaletim.

Anonymous No. 188323

Not true, the grappler has to grab the enemy and get him into a favourable position before winning.

The striker only needs to punch a few times on the head

Anonymous No. 188329

boxers can't stop grappling each other even in real boxing matches

Anonymous No. 188412

You're not stone cold Steve Austin buddy
An average grappler will just get punched twice in the face and then get KO

Anonymous No. 188414

>He hasn't seen the MMA fighters and kickboxers get KO by boxers

Look up Tim tylvia getting ko by mercer
Shannon briggs btfo a kickboxer without kicking once

Besides that, all MMA fighters crosstrain in boxing. Boxing is essential, name me one fighter who never threw a punch in his MMA career

Anonymous No. 188439

the average boxer can't KO a guy for 20+ minutes straight and can't go without hugging for more than 30 seconds at a time

Anonymous No. 188442

>name me one fighter who never threw a punch in his MMA career
Art Jimmerson

Anonymous No. 188445

Average boxer is playing smarty pants games for points and conserving energy. most people above 95kg will just clock you a couple times in the chin and you'll be sleeping soundly

Anonymous No. 188453

massive cope

Anonymous No. 188490

I can guarantee you don't train

Anonymous No. 188625

Grapplers can only ever win against literal children 3x smaller lol.

Anonymous No. 188628

It's even more true for striking lmao

Anonymous No. 188629

Striking is the first line of defence. If you need to grapple with someone afterwards I suggest you put on some weight and learn to punch harder and stop letting People get the drop on you

Anonymous No. 188637

We are talking about size differences, trading punches with someone way bigger than you is just retarded. I prefer having a chance to win with grappling versus any punch being a possible KO. Get someone who can't grapple on the ground and they go completely retarded. Some big bubba who never boxed a day in his life could still knock your head with a lucky punch.

Anonymous No. 188835

>military based
I hate this because, it's a bullshit trope invented by faggots like Jocko. You would NEVER be grappling in frontline military operations. SEALs never use fucking BJJ, ever. There is no situation where BJJ comes into play & you don't just pull a side-arm & mag dump. The overwhelming majority of military combat training is not submission grappling focused. Its throws & takedowns & getting to a weapon quick as possible.

Anonymous No. 189203

>You don’t know how to defend yourself against concrete.
Exactly why wrestlers/BJJ have such an advantage over people who whine about grappling being gay.
If you’re fighting on concrete, the person with the advantage is going to be the one who has experience slamming people against the ground. If it goes to the ground, then the guy who actually has experience fighting on the ground and staying on top and controlling the other guy is gonna have the advantage.

Anonymous No. 189220

It's really the opposite. The whole point of grappling is controlling your opponent while minimizing the risk and maximizing your advantage. To finish the fight with grappling you have to control your opponent the whole time while working your way up to a submission. With striking theres always a chance of KO. Reason why grappling beats striking is because grappling stops striking

Anonymous No. 189501

this guy gets it
in military setting EVERYTHING is about fighting your way back to your rifle.

seals didnt enter bin ladin's house expecting to grapple with him or throw strikes, they went in to shoot bullets

Anonymous No. 189503

If they wanted him alive, grappling with him wouldn't be stupid

Anonymous No. 189525

three of them carried flex cuffs, OC and asp batons for that but when his son started shooting all bets were off

Anonymous No. 192529

How is a striker supposed to outstrike me when I double leg him?

Anonymous No. 194661

would bin ladin have been a good fighter? dude was tall as fuck, long reach

Anonymous No. 194665

>long reach
yeah no kidding

Anonymous No. 195164

Maybe like get good at striking AND grappling.

Anonymous No. 195690

i love how that counts as a knock down but what Justin landed on Max wasnt
Glazing hard

Anonymous No. 198483

Cain shut down JDS for 9 rounds.