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/bjj/ - BJJ General at Tue, 5 Dec 2023 11:49:14 UTC No. 178238
~~Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General~~
"Just systematically fuck my shit up" Edition
Belt Checker
Old Bread:
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Dec 2023 11:51:03 UTC No. 178239
Oops, fucked up the name/subject field. Sorry fellas.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Dec 2023 13:07:28 UTC No. 178245
nigger how fucking new are you that you don’t know how to delete a thread
always these fucking redditors making new threads when the old is still on page 1 - 2 like this board isn’t slow as shit
bump limit doesn’t mean new thread
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Dec 2023 16:33:34 UTC No. 178272
I've been on 4chan since 2006 anon, I am just retarded sorry. It's too late to delete now.
Btw, does anyone know much about reverse de la riva? I'm a half-butterfly/z guard player and of course find myself in RDLR whenever people stand up. I appreciate how great it is for stopping knee slices and I can - if I'm lucky - use it to invert to the back (via kiss of the dragon) but beyond this I am struggling to implement this into my game. It feels like there's untapped potential.
Does anyone get much use out of RDLR beyond this? Or do you know of any players to study who use it extensively?
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Dec 2023 17:16:20 UTC No. 178279
I only train no-gi, but I use RDLR a lot.
>If I can get underneath my opponent, there are back take options (but I mostly use those inversions to enter leg entanglements)
>If I can't go underneath/between their legs, I can kick my RDLR hook above my head to off balance them and come up with a single leg.
>If they are not monitoring my outside leg, I use reverse tripod sweeps
Any of these failed back takes or leg entanglements also offer opportunities to come up on top.
Jason Rau has some great no-gi stuff on the position, as does the usual guys (Danaher, Gordon, Lachlan)
In the gi, Mikey Musumeci is pretty great at those backtakes. I mostly use it to transition or upgrade positions. Much like half guard, it can kind of become a stalemate position depending on the person passing.
It's really important to keep people off balanced, to avoid fatigue and make your techniques effective. Be sure to not be lazy with your RDLR hook, or you might get passed quickly
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Dec 2023 20:44:12 UTC No. 178300
Ah yes, why didn't I think of wrestling up to a single. I remember when I first got introduced to RDLR and thinking it's pretty easy to bump the top player forwards and force their hands on the mat. But ofc like a true white belt I went down some other dumb rabbit hole and forgot all about it.
I'll check out what Gordon and Rau have to say on the old BiliBili. Thanks anon.
Thanks for the reminder bro, stay safe.
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Dec 2023 22:36:17 UTC No. 178312
I dont respect anyone that only wears a gi
it's a cowardly thing to do, instead of pure grappling skill v skill it's reliant on using trickery and arbitrary rules
don't grab inside my sleeves or pants, don't bring your knee line past mine, don't use twisting leglocks, I have a gi on don't you understand it's not allowed!
lol but I'm totally a better grappler than you as long as you agree to drape your body in this ridiculous garment first
it's a type of cowardice going all the way back to the beginning when carlos gracie refused to fight rufino dos santos unless he agreed to wear a suit and tie during the match
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Dec 2023 22:55:51 UTC No. 178314
A good gi brand that doesn't cost much?
Anonymous at Tue, 5 Dec 2023 23:01:39 UTC No. 178316
just buy sanabul, they're the most good enough quality gis on the market
then check bjjhq for the daily deals to get clearance prices on better brands
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 02:28:22 UTC No. 178330
Any one got tips for starting as a heavy weight?
6'3 205lbs
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 02:32:26 UTC No. 178331
Find a place that has more than another one of you. It gets incredibly frustrating having a permanent partner. Even if the two of you work well together, you really need multiple people to get a solid understanding of concepts. In an ideal world, you'll want a few people across the belt distribution, but that's often asking a lot.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 04:07:41 UTC No. 178335
I might need to do some gym hoping but I probably can find a place like that in my city
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 04:43:12 UTC No. 178338
there is nobody his size, the median height for jiujitsu is 5'9"
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 04:50:35 UTC No. 178339
I thought there was a fair amount of HW in no-gi
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 06:11:39 UTC No. 178344
You gotta think, most men get into jiujitsu because they're kind of insecure or afraid of the world and need to learn how to fight
Large men don't have the same concerns
You're big, nobody is trying to pick on you. It doesn't matter if you know how to fight, it would be bad for their health
But if you're a little man you get fucked with your whole life. Those are the people this attracts.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 06:29:09 UTC No. 178345
Fair don't know why I thought big guys liked grappling more then striking.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 12:08:47 UTC No. 178358
>don't grab inside my sleeves or pants
While I'm not going to say the other rules you mention are arbitrary - it's quite easy to see why they were put in place - this one makes a lot more sense. Where the rest were put into place to mitigate risks during submissions (I'm not passing judgement here) this rule was put into place against broken fingers at totally random moments where no submission are happening.
Also, good technique plus some grip strength means only a handful exceptionally strong people will be able to strip your grips anyway.
Depends on where you live. I'm in NW Europa and a tad over 180cm which is just average here. Lots of taller and heavier people training here.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 12:10:22 UTC No. 178359
tell me why I shouldn't skip all gi classes
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 12:21:21 UTC No. 178360
If you can't find partners around your size, just slow your roll and develop a good reputation in your gym otherwise you'll find it hard to find regular sparring partners. I'm a middleweight but very selective when rolling with people bigger than me since somebody over 180lbs exploding all over the place can fuck my joints up and put me out of training for weeks/months.
Think of the training environment not as a place to win but to pressure test techniques and experiment for the eventuality of when you compete. Plenty of people will be happy to roll with you if you take this approach.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 12:54:27 UTC No. 178361
Unless you're competing in the gi, there's no reason to train in the gi at all. I hate that shit. Fuck the laundry, fuck breaking grips all the time, fuck the friction making everything feel like a grind.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 14:23:58 UTC No. 178364
This is why I am not a fan of BJJ. I am only 5'10" but I weigh 200lbs and everyone else at the gym are such fucking sticks that no one likes rolling with me cause apparently rolling with someone heavy is riskier for injuries.
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 16:34:34 UTC No. 178373
You should
The only reason anyone should ever go to a gi class is if there's no other choice since it's better than nothing
Anonymous at Wed, 6 Dec 2023 16:59:50 UTC No. 178377
They can say that all they want but there's no evidence these things carry risk
BJJ just copied the judo bans and tries to justify their position later on
The inside cuff grip is banned because it's too powerful, the same way you can't just grab inside someone belt or link your arms around their body if you're not attacking. It's an anti-stalling measure
The judo leglock ban isn't because the gi makes it dangerous, it's the danger of leglocks in general
Being able to surgically repair somebody's knee stick them in a brace for 9 months and then they're good as new after a round of PT is a recent development
It used to be if you tore your knee ligaments you're just a cripple now for the rest of your life.
Based on my independent research it's actually harder to finish leglocks with a gi on
The grips hinder the attacker way more than any so-called friction prevents slipping
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Dec 2023 00:59:56 UTC No. 178438
Damn must be nice, haha.
This is really similar to what I got when I ask the other big guy in my gym. Except flipped I was told to try and match the 130lbs guy for speed and strength.
I feel you, I would movie citys just to go to a gym with a weight requirement. I just want to train with people who don't finish a roll by saying "Your a big guy"
I have started running for 45min twice a week with KB swimgs on non rolling days and hills sprints improve my guy cardio.
I am looking at rugby conditioning plans.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Dec 2023 08:05:37 UTC No. 178492
Who's your gym nemesis?
Mine is a guy that started at the same time as I did. We've always had hard rolls and I could probably count the number of times I've tapped him on one hand.
I train consistently at least three times a week while he has had several months long breaks due to him having another kid.
Despite his absences he continues to show up at irregular intervals and kicks my ass.
Even though most of our rolls end in a draw now, I feel it's only because he's out of practice.
The handful of times I've managed to tap him were usually when he was coming back after illness or injury kek.
Maybe one day I'll actually beat him legitimately.
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Dec 2023 17:52:55 UTC No. 178526
Gonna have a beer before training tonight, never done that. Thoughts?
Anonymous at Thu, 7 Dec 2023 21:33:49 UTC No. 178557
>They can say that all they want but there's no evidence these things carry risk
I've had a few close calls with for example kani basami - unexperienced people trying it on me because they saw it on youtube and fucking up bigtime - and was lucky to have been training years at that point so as to be able to avoid injury. A good percentage of people would sustain nasty injuries when subjected to a poorly executed kani basami.
>The inside cuff grip is banned because it's too powerful, the same way you can't just grab inside someone belt or link your arms around their body if you're not attacking. It's an anti-stalling measure
Sure, inside cuff grips is really strong, but it's by far the best grip to break fingers too. You can be sure there's going to be people aiming to break fingers in competition - always a bad look for the sport - plus increased accidents.
>Being able to surgically repair somebody's knee stick them in a brace for 9 months and then they're good as new after a round of PT is a recent development
Sure, but that'll still take you off the mats for 6 months to a year, which is simply long to be something to gloss over. And that's if you have access to quality healthcare.
I'm currently sidelined for six weeks due to a broken hand with access to excellent healthcare, and it sucks balls. I'm not for banning stuff at all, also think there's a bunch of bans that could be lifted, and leglocks are indeed harder to finish in the gi etc etc, but a heel hook or neck/spine locks/... gone wrong is bad news.
Tl;dr I dislike bans in general, but accept that some are needed to avoid certain overly gratuitous injuries.
Went training while still buzzed or hungover far too often in the past. Can't honestly recommend as there's a higher risk of injury for you and your partner due to poor coordination. Take it easy and play safe.
Anonymous at Fri, 8 Dec 2023 19:10:03 UTC No. 178649
I don't have a nemesis. There are two classes of rolling partners at my gym: those that I can crush (generally white belts or very unathletic blues) and then there's everyone else who just fucks my shit up.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Dec 2023 07:07:38 UTC No. 178698
no one likes to train with me cuz im a 125lb tranny and everyone is so much bigger and probably thinks im gay :( i cant believe how everyone is either tall or stocky except me and the few actual females that train
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Dec 2023 09:01:03 UTC No. 178708
>thinks im gay
Huh? Are you not?
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Dec 2023 09:26:14 UTC No. 178711
post bussy
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Dec 2023 12:52:22 UTC No. 178721
How do you deal with unskilled spazzes who go hard? So far what Ive done is just wrestle defensively and shoot when it feels safe, keep them in mount/back mount but it irritates me to roll with these kind of spazzes because they are so uncoordinated with their movements, just going hard af, ripping toe holds and heel hooks even. I just got a blue belt (only do nogi and freestyle wrestling tho) so it feels like Ive become a ”target” for these white belt spazzes. I feel like when sparring with these types of people its my responsibility to make sure we dont bump into eachother and noone gets injured because they often seem to disregard this factor completely, and this kinda forces me to be more defensive.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Dec 2023 12:53:27 UTC No. 178722
>bump into eachother
Bump into other people I mean.
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Dec 2023 13:06:15 UTC No. 178723
back control or any front top position + kimura or ezekiel and just hold the position while putting in place wedges to restrict their movement or just submit them
usually find it less risky to just walk in and grip fight then throw them or take the back rather than shoot in cause I don’t wanna get kneed in the face or have them elbow the back of my head trying to sprawl
Anonymous at Sat, 9 Dec 2023 18:08:07 UTC No. 178752
im not sexually attracted to anyone at the gym!!!
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Dec 2023 00:02:33 UTC No. 178823
Just explain them they should be more controlled with their movement so you don't risk useless injuries?
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Dec 2023 01:03:20 UTC No. 178833
Being unable to deal with an unskilled spaz means there's two of them.
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Dec 2023 10:49:29 UTC No. 178905
Tell them to chill because they may injure themselves or their partners. Unfortunately works better if you just very calmly submitted them several times without effort to drive home the point being controlled works too. Or if you just squashed them through pressure for a full round. Regardless of whether or not you school them, people should know their wild behaviour is dangerous for all those involved. From a technical point of view shooting is potentially risky, but if you feel you can do it safely, go ahead. Another major factor is head control while standing or once past someone's guard, pinning hips while passing guard etc. Identify the point that permits spazzing and immobilize it.
Also, get used to being chased by white belts as a fresh blue belt. Same thing will happen again at purple, then it becomes less pronounced.
Nonsense, there's white belts that are calm and controlled as well, and they might not be able to control their spazzing belt equivalent.
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Dec 2023 21:20:30 UTC No. 179033
I know these people well, they're always breathing hard as fuck and grunting lmao. One of the signs I knew I was ready for blue belt is when I could protect myself reasonably well from this class of training partner but my first year I was in a shitty gym and had a bunch of injuries from spazzes and people cranking on submissions.
I remember one roll this retard psychopath 1-stripe white belt who apparently turns up once in a blue moon. He starts off a guard pass by clawing at my face with fingers extended, poking me straight in the eye causing me to sit up and turn away clutching my face. Before I could say stop, he proceeded to full-on jump on my back and drive his knee onto my calf muscle before RNC'ing my nose whilst I was stunned from the pain. He outweighed me by around 20kg and it fucking hurt for weeks but looking back on this it could've gone much worse. I had an arm posted when he jumped on my back which he nearly broke. By some miracle it curled under my body instead of hyperextending so instead I just got a shoulder sprain instead. If I met someone like this again, I'd just straight up stop the roll and tell them to get fucked.
If they're just generally spazzy and aggressive and you don't turn them down, you can just body lock pass them and try and trap them on the bottom where you get them into restrictive positions that they can't explode out. Don't play any open guard. Like the other anon said, kimuras are really useful. Leg rides, kesa gatame and crucifix are also great. The best course of action is though, of course, just avoiding these people most of the time. It's often just a question of when - not if - they injure somebody. Just make sure it's not you.
Anonymous at Sun, 10 Dec 2023 21:24:40 UTC No. 179034
If you’re a only a blue belt I’m guessing you’re relatively young but as you get older you have to learn how to politely decline rolls with people who you are forced into a position with either hurting them or risk hurting you. You could ask them to chill the fuck out also but in my experience that’s not typically effective.
Or just hurt them. Whatever you feel like you have to do.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 01:15:01 UTC No. 179089
two stripe white belt here. tips for half guard? I'm going to start practicing it. also, what are the current meta picks for subs, guards, etc?
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 01:35:09 UTC No. 179095
I'm his size. My current gym has more than a few guys that size. Often not the height, but the weight is easy and I'm not just talking fat guys, but people who are actually in shape. Hell, at my last gym before I moved, I was almost middle of the pack in size. But that gym was a lifting and mma hybrid gym, pretty rare but they exist.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 01:38:41 UTC No. 179096
1. Because 90% if it will transfer to your no gi skills, and you'll only get better if you go as much as you can, train as much as you can, and roll live as much as you can, regardless of whether its exactly the kind of class what you want.
2. You enjoy it. I enjoy all combat sports, and don't require it to "work in the streets" to have fun and learn.
3. Not being a faggot.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 01:47:14 UTC No. 179098
Find a new fucking gym. Not only to find people your size, but to find people who aren't pussies. My gym wouldn't cater to that pansy shit. If my coach recognizes people who don't roll with certain opponents because of size or belt, they'd call them out for having a vagina and force them to go with the biggest purple/brown we have available as punishment. Gym culture is important, and yours seems like shit.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 01:48:30 UTC No. 179099
This one guy who is like 2 classes below me, around the same level of skill ish, but he's juiced to the teeth and makes me feel guilty for struggling with someone smaller than me.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 02:25:31 UTC No. 179103
as a brown belt feels good I don't need to put up with spazzy retards, I can just tell them to fuck off and pick who I roll with because hierarchies
I don't like to be a tyrant but if all I see are undesirables left to train with I'll go over to a pairing a tell them to break up so I can take one of them and send the other to deal with that mess
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 02:53:43 UTC No. 179106
>training under Danaher is like the hyperbaric time chamber in DBZ
Gordon really playing to the audience with his commentary tonight
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 07:28:47 UTC No. 179135
great attitude if your goal is to be disliked
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 07:57:26 UTC No. 179139
I don't care
Plus because of monkey brain hierarchies everybody likes me just because I'm a high rank in this subjective arbitrary thing we all agreed to like somehow the completely meaningless decision I made to start doing classes at an earlier date than the people below me transfers to me being so great person of high moral character and value
Shits dumb
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 14:32:54 UTC No. 179150
>tips for half guard? I'm going to start practicing it.
Maintain hip and/or shoulder control, don't get flattened.
>also, what are the current meta picks for subs, guards, etc?
I'd honestly be getting my basics straight rather than worrying about metagame if you have to ask how to play half guard. It'll pay more dividends in the long run.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 14:37:09 UTC No. 179151
As a brown belt, I pretzel them and tell them to chill out. They tend to learn or quit because most people in the gym do the same thing.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 16:27:47 UTC No. 179156
Don't worry about the 'current meta', that's for high level competitors. You're a two stripe white belt and you need to learn the fundamentals or you'll get nowhere. I made a deep dive into half guard mid way through white belt and here were my most important lessons:
>Frames. Without these you're going to get flattened and passed. A cross shoulder post and high/low knee shield are your friends.
>Don't let them control your head. Strip cross faces or attack the arm as soon as possible.
>Stay off your back. A chest-to-chest flattened half guard is little more than a stop gap for a skilled top player on their way to mount/side control.
>Watch out for D'Arce chokes when coming up with the underhook.
>Learn the knee lever and John Wayne sweep. Both are useful for off-balancing the other person and when you need to escape a flattened half guard.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:05:03 UTC No. 179162
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:19:03 UTC No. 179165
On the topic of spazzy retards: how do I ensure I am not one?
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:35:27 UTC No. 179167
If you aren't sure, then you are
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 18:26:37 UTC No. 179171
The entirety of training is about balancing retard spaz and dead fish. Whether or not you're in the middle depends on your interactions with the other guy who's also balancing that. The only way to fully ensure zero retarded spazzing is to be 100% dead fish. That's probably never going to be a good choice.
This has been todays frustrating buddah thought.
Anonymous at Mon, 11 Dec 2023 22:37:17 UTC No. 179191
To add to this, spazzing can be ok. It's not black and white. Even our brown belt fully admits that he just straight up spazzes. It's a great method in rolls because it makes you unpredictable. You can't beat his game if you can't decipher wtf it is whilst he's throwing everything but the kitchen sink at you. Rolling with him is fun af because you're forced to roll more intuitively.
It's a classic case of yes you can break the rules once you've learnt them. But if you're a white belt who has no idea wtf you're doing you're just going to hurt a nigga. You don't wanna hurt alla yo niggas cus you just might just end up with no nigga to roll with you feel me
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 00:38:59 UTC No. 179206
No gi is just as arbitrary.
Don't grab my spandex or board shorts! Dont pay attention to lotioning my body and getting sweaty before the fight! You win if you can butt scoot around for five minutes! Etc. Etc.
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 01:34:49 UTC No. 179214
Nah, no gis just the default way it's pure grappling
No controlling somebody's garment, you have to physically control their body
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 03:06:09 UTC No. 179219
I want to buy a jock strap how do I know my size. I don't wanna buy one and return it.
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 03:24:48 UTC No. 179222
Its just small medium large situation
You know what you are
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 04:12:43 UTC No. 179225
If you're built like a stick, get the slip in brief style. If you in anyway qualify for dump truck, get the classic ass displayer.
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 06:08:16 UTC No. 179235
you want to just put lotion on your skin earlier in the day so it sweats out of your pores during the match
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 06:24:52 UTC No. 179238
Should I wear gloves so my hands aren't sweaty?
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 17:33:25 UTC No. 179267
>Don't grab my spandex or board shorts
Meaningless grips, you're just being argumentative
>Don't pay attention to lotioning my body
Greasing happens in MMA too, it's rule bending/breaking like in any other sport
>You win if you can butt scoot around for five minutes
What are you even talking about retard? Gi has guard pulling too, and there are multiple rulesets in no-gi that penalize guard pulling.
I swear these threads are mostly just stupid faggots that don't even train and just come here to be contrarian
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 18:37:19 UTC No. 179274
That is all. Thanks for reading.
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 18:40:28 UTC No. 179275
Hate that guy.
Anonymous at Tue, 12 Dec 2023 21:23:13 UTC No. 179280
seriously the gayest sport
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Dec 2023 11:23:48 UTC No. 179343
All grappling sports are intensely homoerotic. If you're rolling on the ground with other sweaty, muscular men, there's just no way to make that 100% straight.
Though the missionary certainly doesn't help
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Dec 2023 15:23:30 UTC No. 179357
that's the best part
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Dec 2023 15:58:30 UTC No. 179365
No I mean it's gay as in its for fags not gay as in homos
It gives the same vibes as karate
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Dec 2023 17:08:59 UTC No. 179368
And yet the most effective
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Dec 2023 18:11:12 UTC No. 179374
Most effective what? Martial Art? It's a sport faggot. It exists in a ring, with rules, or in strictly 1v1, and even then 9 times out of 10 in the real world you living backpacks get body slammed into oblivion, it doesn't exist outside those conditions, no where else.
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Dec 2023 19:51:41 UTC No. 179379
This has been so thoroughly debooonked
Anonymous at Wed, 13 Dec 2023 22:22:25 UTC No. 179384
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Dec 2023 22:11:27 UTC No. 179502
I love BJJ but it became pretty obvious early on that half of what I do would get me fucked up if the person is able to punch me in the face or has friends nearby. It's a massive force equaliser and very effective but it's far from 'the most effective martial art'
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Dec 2023 22:28:04 UTC No. 179504
This is why you see more dominant wrestlers compared to any jujustuka because they're better at takedowns to ground£.
Anonymous at Thu, 14 Dec 2023 22:30:27 UTC No. 179505
>in mma
Forgot that part
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 06:31:08 UTC No. 179586
I'd once again like to reiterate collar chokes aren't real and it's a false positive, the only reason people tap is because they don't want a stiff neck, and if you ever dreamed of doing that in a real fight with a hoodie or something you'd be getting smashed In the face
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 15:54:23 UTC No. 179613
Yeah, those Brazilian niggas (who would happily let their foot break in ankle locks) were tapping to Roger Gracie's cross collar chokes because they don't want to wake up the next morning after Pans with a sore neck. You dumb gorilla nigger
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 16:39:48 UTC No. 179617
/bjj/ bros,
So I started BJJ at an MMA school two years ago as a means to get better at fighting but fell down the rabbithole of just grappling when I had to relocate a month later, mainly because there were no decent MMA gyms and that I really started to enjoy grappling in itself. I'm moving back home and very interested in getting back into MMA since there are many solid gyms nearby.
However, BJJ has started to lose its lustre and I miss proper sparring when someone is trying to punch me in the face AND submit me - nothing has ever hit the spot like MMA. I really liked the readiness/mindset for fighting that MMA gave me, regardless of how illusory it might've been. I gained a lot of fitness and confidence in my ability to fight which I want to get back. And I'd like to meet my goal of doing an amateur MMA fight before I get too old - whether this is win or lose, I don't care so much.
What am I likely to experience transitioning back into MMA as a now-intermediate BJJ practitioner? Am I likely to say goodbye to a lot of my game (i.e. half guard, butterfly guard and leg locks) and have to relearn a lot? Anyone with similar experience transitioning into MMA have any advice?
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 16:47:27 UTC No. 179618
Lmfao, I have cross collar choked a guy in a “real fight”
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 17:04:06 UTC No. 179622
Biggest first imo is regressing positional acceptance. Forget rules, just by function grappling accepts that you will be in close contact and safe from being struck there. Don't expect to just get somewhere you can work from. Be active getting there. Explode to close contact, don't work towards it. It doesn't have to be a shot or a throw, but hanging out from mid to far range is where you're gonna get ripped to shreds. Either be comfortably outside, or uncomfortably inside for the other guy. Slight homo.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 17:53:10 UTC No. 179628
The crossover we've all been waiting for bros
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 18:04:40 UTC No. 179629
>Am I likely to say goodbye to a lot of my game (i.e. half guard, butterfly guard and leg locks) and have to relearn a lot?
No, but you'll have to adjust your habits. Bottom position is no longer acceptable unless you're securing a submission immediately. Your guard is still very valuable because you can off balance and sweep people, with the goal of standing up or getting on top.
Craig Jones has been preaching this style for a while, and it's pretty fucking hard to deal with.
>t. I train at B-Team and everyone is trying to stand up or wrestle up
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 19:05:02 UTC No. 179635
Craig isn't even saying anything radical, he's just returning to the traditional ways and rejecting the brainwashing
People have been grappling for thousands of years for sport and in battle, then some monkey fuckers show up and in 25 years grift a generation into thinking their way is superior by putting out a few VHS tapes showing them bullying strip mall karate hobbyists
Finally though we have based anglos with fully developed frontal lobes coming into the picture and saying "hey, you know this BJJ stuff doesn't really work if you deploy these techniques from ancient Greece"
"And actually it doesn't even work if you just stand up...maybe bjj is just kinda bad? Maybe we should go back to wrestling the way people have for 5000 years and not since the 90s?"
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 20:21:52 UTC No. 179639
>Craig isn't even saying anything radical, he's just returning to the traditional ways and rejecting the brainwashing
>And actually it doesn't even work if you just stand up...maybe bjj is just kinda bad?
Eh I sort of get your point but the Craig stuff works because his jiu jitsu is so good. Pure wrestlers are missing submissions and escapes, pure BJJ guys are missing wrestling skills. Submission grappling has ended up somewhere in the middle, and it's pretty fun and difficult.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 20:28:28 UTC No. 179640
>pretty fun and difficult
Does not equal good.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 20:49:01 UTC No. 179644
Kino, the Gracies are done.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 20:55:05 UTC No. 179648
>Craig stuff works because his jiu jitsu is so good.
So what I always say to people is don't just emulate 1:1 what successful people are doing
Craig has a weird ass body type and everyone was trying to do that behind the leg toe hold the week following that
But unless you have legs that go up to your navel the way he does, stop trying to copy his style
But copy his principles into your own style, and so ever since I legally purchased :^) just stand up and implemented the principles of anti-jiujitsu and refusingnto accept the gentlmans agreement of how bjj works Ive blasted off. I'm even gaining weight because I work so much less hard now
I feel a little sad sometimes when I look around the gym and can tell "man nobody here is going to be able to hold me down tonight :/"
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 21:01:41 UTC No. 179650
It's all about where you're most comfortable. Most people will naturally be able to reach whatever their comfort state is rather than the opposite. I say more power to you, but I think you're basically teaching yourself out of the style. Not a bad thing, just hope you don't lose interest and bail on martial arts as a result.
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 21:08:12 UTC No. 179652
>Does not equal good.
Retard. What does that even mean?
>I like playing sport
>buhhhh doesn't mean it's good
I swear this is the lowest IQ board
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 22:11:28 UTC No. 179659
Thank you bros. I've been watching bits and pieces of Craig's instructionals in the past and have really enjoyed his takes on modern BJJ. I am fairly new to this game but it seems like BJJ is changing for the better in this sense. I am lucky to be in a more modern nogi gym where there is a heavy emphasis on wrestling up or at least constantly submission hunting if you're on the ground.
The problem is that right now my BJJ doesn't really incentivise staying on top as much and there isn't someone punching me in the face so I do not know where I am particularly vulnerable. I guess it's worth going to sparring and finding out haha
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 22:15:40 UTC No. 179660
Is 3 days of jiu jitsu enough?
Anonymous at Fri, 15 Dec 2023 23:01:04 UTC No. 179665
This is why CJJ is a good thing but it still has that retarded Eddie bravo flare holding it back aka the worst overtime system ever conceived
The way Tom deblass runs tournaments is striking the mat next to your opponents head is a way to score, which I'm not sure how much that works for competition but for practice It's a good thing to incorporate
When it seems appropriate to punch you should punch but hit the mat instead of your partners face
It'll keep him honest and remind him he needs to gain hand control and improve position without actually causing head trauma
That's already the upper limit for most people
If you're really training hard you're gonna want those days off in between for recovery
I was doing 5 for the past few years but now I'm over 30 and 4 is more realistic
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Dec 2023 04:05:02 UTC No. 179696
Yeah I'm pretty worn out after doing 3 days, I just worry about not being able to learn much or forgetting things since my classes are only 1 hour long, definitely gonna take a break tho and stick this out, I just can't see myself managing muay thai and jiu jitsu at the same time though, which kinda sucks
Anonymous at Sat, 16 Dec 2023 08:45:22 UTC No. 179715
Gi is actually decently representative of most streetfight outerwear in an urban environment, ESPECIALLY when the environment's cold
>Heavy outerwear jackets and hodies
>long sleeves
>long pants or sweats
>Strong waistband elastics or belts
You don't need to do a lot of gi if you're doing nogi, but you should be doing at least some, to get a sense how to handle yourself in a grip-fight and how you can incorporate your BJJ when clothes are attackable or are weak points.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Dec 2023 05:18:01 UTC No. 179822
let's talk about some retards
I hate white belts and I'm happy starting in 2 weeks they're banned from class but until then check this out
>new retard joins up
>said he wants to be an MMA fighter
>now sure how you could even know that when you've never done martial arts before and have no idea what that entails but ok
>his first round is against one of those guys that's been a purple belt for like 15 years but only comes to nogi classes so he just falls through the cracks when it comes to getting promoted
>based retard asks "is it ok if I try to submit you"
>I say, man you couldn't even if you tried
>second round I take him
>decide he needs to be humbled so I didn't use my arms at all to prove a point
>next he goes with a 50 year old blue belt
>just hear grunting while he goes as hard as he can
>keeps being told to chill and wont
>ok I've had just about enough of this guys attitude
>match him up with a 20something white belt to drive the point home you don't know shit and will lose to everybody here so start listening to what we say
>they have a white belt war
>based retard gets his leg caught up in a weird position the way only white belts can
>the other guy hip bumps and blows the guys knee out
>send him home for the day
>got news of the MRI and the situation is grim
>he can reassess his MMA goals in 6-9 months after surgery
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Dec 2023 05:37:35 UTC No. 179823
jitsu cycle
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Dec 2023 12:15:33 UTC No. 179849
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Dec 2023 14:55:41 UTC No. 179861
He achieved his goal. He is a professional mangled meniscus asshole.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Dec 2023 15:09:08 UTC No. 179862
Would it be accurate to say that a new trainee's retardation is directly proportional to how much UFC they watch?
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Dec 2023 16:56:30 UTC No. 179868
I get really anxious before practice, like when I'm in there I'm ready to go but hours before it I'm really tense, I get really nervous about being gassed out, which happens to me a lot where I just can't push my limits anymore and just lay there and defend myself, it's always the rolls that kill me, I do *kind of* fine when practicing but rolling just depletes me the last 15 minutes and feels like hell
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Dec 2023 18:25:23 UTC No. 179880
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Dec 2023 21:01:17 UTC No. 179889
It gets better bro. I am a social retard and got bouts of anxiety before classes but after 2 years I'm either ambivalent or get excited when it's time to go train. I think that if something makes me nervous and scared, that's exactly what I should be doing. Plus, it's much easier if you've developed a relationship with people in your gym.
If you're getting badly gassed out, who cares. Don't sit out of rounds so much and work on your guard retention/general efficiency of movement and it'll come.
Anonymous at Sun, 17 Dec 2023 22:04:12 UTC No. 179895
Why are you so worried about being gassed out or rolling? Worried about injury?
It would be helpful to get over the idea of “winning”. You are there to develop skills, focus on the use of skills (ie try to successfully hit a certain move, escape, etc). Maybe try positional or situational rounds to slow things down and remove some stress.
Anonymous at Mon, 18 Dec 2023 21:13:13 UTC No. 179996
I'm so pleased at the way people are waking up to the fact the Brazilians contributed nothing of value to jiujitsu and if anything made it less effective
The next step is to normalize removing the Portuguese names from moves that already had names and at that point we can begin healing
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 14:26:08 UTC No. 180072
I couldn't agree more, the cat is well and truly out of the bad. The fact that Gracie Barra, Gracie Combatives schools and these other ridiculous psuedo-TMA, cult-like franchises still exist is bad enough. We need a new era of dojo stormers who rock up at these places and shit all over their instructors and students with American/Euro style grappling. God only knows they won't let outside students in to their open mats to show them nicely - as if any of them allow open mats to begin with.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 14:27:09 UTC No. 180073
baka nigga
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:10:37 UTC No. 180079
Idk, I feel that's like saying that Henry Ford contributed nothing to the automotive industry because wheels and engines both existed before his time
If nothing else, they massively popularized submission grappling.
They also obviously didn't invent the techniques (or at least a vast majority of them) but focusing on submissions instead of simple pinning probably allowed them to explore in depth and refine positions that would previously go neglected under wrestling and judo rulesets
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 15:13:51 UTC No. 180080
>The fact that Gracie Barra, Gracie Combatives schools and these other ridiculous psuedo-TMA, cult-like franchises still exist is bad enough
Unfortunately, humans are quite prone to cults of personality, as well as the notion that first* == best which is the main reasons Gracies are still relevant even though there are now many coaches producing better athletes
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 18:18:09 UTC No. 180105
Come to my gym. Our average weight is north of 200 lbs.
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 18:21:39 UTC No. 180107
I appreciate the offer but I ended up bailing before my next payment was due and moved to a judo place with more average guys my size
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 21:11:46 UTC No. 180130
FUUUUUCK I'm feeling sick literally an hour before practice, I can always go tomorrow but shit I'm disappointed, I feel light headed and nauseous with a clogged nose ARGGGGGHHHHH
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 21:13:10 UTC No. 180131
that sounds like torture. side note, how does a sub 170lb nigga like me compete against all these fucks that are much heavier than me? do I just accept being their whoopie cushion?
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 22:17:51 UTC No. 180137
They didn't refine a thing though, all they did was gaslight people into thinking they popularized it
The fact is jujitsu has been practiced in the USA since the time of Teddy Roosevelt at least
Unlike Brazil we're a grappling culture with a strong historical tradition
Then time and time again through challenge matches the Brazilians failed to show they are better than wrestlers and judoka in a fight
So what do they do? They create this ridiculous fucking sport that says pins are completely worthless and takedowns are mostly worthless (Despite being the 2 most important skills in a fight), make it illegal to slam the fuck out of them when they do retarded guard attacks, and then go "even though you're on top of me and I can't go anywhere I'm actually winning because you're between my legs instead of next to them, heh tough luck guys guess your grappling isn't so good after all :^)"
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 22:27:40 UTC No. 180140
>"even though you're on top of me and I can't go anywhere I'm actually winning because you're between my legs instead of next to them, heh tough luck guys guess your grappling isn't so good after all :^)"
Then prove him wrong and submit him. Unless you can't, in which case he's correct
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 22:33:06 UTC No. 180141
He's trying to create a false positive here, he submitted the moment he laid down on his back and refused to fight unless I go down to him
Once again hiding behind rules they created, a person that wants to stand and grapple is penalized as opposed to the person that sits on the ground and refuses to get back up
If you sit to guard you lose, the fight is over if we were really be fighting i'd be stomping you in the mouth
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 23:02:40 UTC No. 180146
> he laid down on his back and refused to fight unless I go down to him
So you're cherrypicking a very specific scenario created by a loophole in the rules and which results in nothing but a single step of a fight being skipped
>i'd be stomping you in the mouth
Oh but I thought we were talking about grappling?
Can I now make the argument that a double leg is useless in a real fight because I can just knee you in the face?
muh disuhonoraburu mumbo jumbo
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 23:12:40 UTC No. 180148
A collegic style blast double from the outside probably is useless or at least incredibly risky for that reason, and also you're safe from getting counter kneed in MMA because you're downed when you take a shot like that, that's why they do it that way
Andrew wiltse has a story about that where he tried it and absolutely shredded the fuck out of his own knee along the ground
The masvidal KO happened because he was smart enough to time it before askren was deep enough on the shot to make that knee illegal
A classical double leg happens at a much closer range with a level change and a snatch, you don't even need to drop to your knees to do it
>nothing but a single step of a fight being skipped
If so insignificant to you, why skip it?
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 23:34:27 UTC No. 180150
>If so insignificant to you, why skip it?
I'm not saying it's good practice to pull guard, because you're foregoing the chance to achieve a better position.
But if someone sucks at takedowns and knows they'll get thrown anyway, instead of trying to wrestle, getting taken down and landing in guard, they just skip the wrestling and proceed to guard immediately
This then achieves the same outcome and conserves energy and foregoes the risk that the opponent will land a takedown directly into side control or mount.
It's a bitchmade tactic, yes, but it can work. Although the rule loophole that allows you to just lie down on the floor before you even touch your opponent is gay and needs to be changed yesterday
As a side note;
>illegal in MMA
I made that comment in reply to you talking about stomping a downed opponent which, last I checked, is also illegal. Please decide whether you're talking about MMA or "real fights"
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 23:40:53 UTC No. 180151
The reason I brought up stomping is because "B"JJ always claims to be the fighting one, those other ones are sports but we're the real fighting art! Meanwhile it's best practices would get you completely creamed in a fight way worse than anything else
But at the end of the day its a terrible sport and an ineffective martial art because of the influence the sport side had on it
Its bad at everything, the worst choice someone could make
Anonymous at Tue, 19 Dec 2023 23:50:11 UTC No. 180152
>those other ones are sports but we're the real fighting art
Literally no one says this, other than grifters peddling "street combatives" courses
>it's best practices
yet you keep describing what are effectively cheese tactics used by the lazy and mediocre that fall apart at higher levels
> terrible sport
based on what criteria? that they'd lose under a different sport's ruleset? Might as well make the argument that football players are not real athletes because they can't into basketball
>ineffective martial art
Which is clearly why in MMA, which is about as close as you can get to "real fights" within the boundaries of the law, a very significant percentage has some background in BJJ
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 00:10:59 UTC No. 180154
>background in BJJ
except BJJ doesn't exist so that's impossible, which is the crux of this entire conversation
they didn't invent a single move, a single principle, there's nothing unique about the systems or methodology behind it, the didn't do anything
the Gracies started a jiujitsu academy with their family name and it was popular so other brazilians decided to capitalized on their popularity. Nobody in brazil calls it "brazilian jiujitsu", that's a marketing slop term that doesn't refer to anything in particular
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 06:11:17 UTC No. 180199
Why does 4chan downplay jiu jitsu so much? I mean disregarding mma topics it would totally work on an untrained person and to me that's all that counts honestly
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 06:28:48 UTC No. 180200
In a 1v1 ruled/honorable fight. If you're counting on that in real life you're a fucking idiot. A short sighted idiot.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 06:55:08 UTC No. 180205
Or if its just you and the other person and no one else could possibly interfere... The point is it is an extremely flawed >>180201 plagiarized system, that ultimately is only super effective when the other person plays along. Even BJJs fucking messiah of the month Gordan Ryan says that most of BJJ can be disarmed by just standing up & not engaing with guard pullers.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 07:08:27 UTC No. 180212
the way I always like to put it is people in wrestling and judo don't need to take BJJ classes
but everybody that does BJJ needs to take wrestling and or judo classes to make it work
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 15:23:27 UTC No. 180248
Autism. This board is full of contrarian faggots that don't train and cannot bring themselves to agree with a relatively uncontroversial idea (BJJ can be flawed but still effective)
They shit up every thread with schizo Gracie rants, ignore MMA results/history, and obsess over history and nomenclature. I'm pretty sure it's just 1 guy at this point, because the same spazzy rants keep coming up on every thread
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 15:23:54 UTC No. 180249
A lot of it is contrarianism mixed in with a righteous distaste of sports/''''Gracie''''' Jiu Jitsu. As always, 4chan lacks the sort of nuance needed in any sort of discussion and simply turns into mongoloids flinging shit at each other since everyone gets an equal platform. There is an unspoken but clear demarcation between SPORTS and MMA grappling - unfortunately we share a world with people that are so stupid that they can't differentiate between the two.
At any rate, grappling culture appears to be healing. The name 'Brazilian Jiu Jitsu' is little more than a placeholder at this point with many schools are dropping the 'Brazilian' part of the name. Go to any modern grappling school now (excepting ofc Gracie Barra and other gi-heavy schools) and the style they teach is becoming more of an open-sourced primarily nogi grappling art that has absorbed useful techniques from wrestling, judo and CACC into its body. Jiu jitsu - or whatever you want to call it now - barely resembles what it did in the early days and has no real distinguishing features like Judo or freestyle wrestling: it has become a mixed grappling art.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 16:34:11 UTC No. 180255
Maybe among white belts and the Brazilian guys that prey upon them
Nobody that grapples has anything nice to say about bjj
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 16:42:15 UTC No. 180258
Probabaly because if theres one thing this sites culture hates its 'insistance' that something must be whatever. Thats where tits or gtfo came from. It's a lot of misogyny, but it was also disgust at the insistance of the fairer sex that we must put up with the attention bullshit when 'ae all know what we want' so if you're gonna use your sex for attention, then just give us the tits or gtfo. Too bad it devolved, used to be a woman could show tits on /b/ then get genuine reaponses because they disarmed the sex thing... Anyways...
>BJJ is tits?
No but BJJ and it's cronies INSIST on its effectiveness. So, you get the tits or gtfo equivalent. It is ironic, but we just want these BJJ faggots to humble themselves. Lol.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 16:54:29 UTC No. 180260
If you take the position that jiu jitsu techniques aren't effective in the current year and aren't trolling, I can say with complete confidence that you have brain damage, are retarded or have some sort of mental illness
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 17:03:52 UTC No. 180262
Give a few examples of effective bjj techniques
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 17:04:08 UTC No. 180263
>in 1v1, in a controlled environment, with rules/honorable expectations of everyone present.
Never said they weren't effective, but context is everything & you faggots act like its the end-all-be-all. I actually liked BJJ before /xs/ was made. You guys are like Taylor Swift or Bluey, sure its good, but when its crammed in your face and talked up 10k times more than it should be, you get fucking sick of it without even hearing/watching or in this case, rolling. You make BJJ into such a giant faggots club with your attitudes that the only thing for everyone else to do is remind you tards of what it isnt good at.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 18:00:43 UTC No. 180270
Since black belt degrees are given based on time give me 2.5 good reasons why I can't just put them on myself every time the next one is due
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 18:10:06 UTC No. 180275
i thought that's how it worked?
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 18:36:50 UTC No. 180284
It's pretty rough some days, ngl. I'm over 200 myself but some of these dudes look like Fist of the North Stat goons. 250 with abs is intimidating.
As to your question, don't overthink it. Yeah you're probably not going to be doing a lot of pressure passing, but you can win by using a faster pace and crafty tricks. Be wily. Get really flexible, too. The skinny bendy guys at my gym do really well.
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 18:43:50 UTC No. 180286
you're supposed to be given them which is how the IBJJF justifies its existence, by being a registered member you'll get your promotions through them
but I don't respect them
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 19:49:18 UTC No. 180304
>brain damage
probably refused to tap to a choke. would explain the vitriolic hate towards JJ
Anonymous at Wed, 20 Dec 2023 20:25:21 UTC No. 180309
Nigger guard. Leg entanglements from Alex Jones guard. Backtakes from Pedophile guard. The list is endless
Anonymous at Thu, 21 Dec 2023 16:15:13 UTC No. 180433
What a joke, they look like 3 stripe white to mid blue level
And this is what world class athletes used to look like one generation ago
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Dec 2023 07:32:32 UTC No. 180554
Craig is a G
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Dec 2023 08:23:35 UTC No. 180556
>i pirated craig's
The way, all you need is to torrent b-team and john danaher
>hwo do i reprogram myself to not settle for positions?
With time, start with doing it for one in every four matches then one in three and work your way doing it every match.
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:56:11 UTC No. 180566
Ngl Craig gives off an impish demonic energy. Like he sold his soul to the devil around 2-3 years ago for commercial success and otherworldly BJJ ability, now he's suddenly flying around the world and picking up celebrity status in the MMA world. That video of him at Legion just casually picking off their best blue to brown belts so casually is spooky. He even looks a bit Rasputin-esque lately
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Dec 2023 19:01:26 UTC No. 180640
I agree with that, even his isometric strength is crazy. He can get a hold and just never let go.
Anonymous at Fri, 22 Dec 2023 22:29:41 UTC No. 180656
As someone who tore his ACL and both menisci, I can assure you even after surgery and rigorous PT you knee won't feel as good as new. It's widely known
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Dec 2023 04:15:32 UTC No. 180686
All the more reason you should practice leglocks with the gi. You can defend it by grabbing on and not allowing them to extend
It's how royler survived Eddie's vaporizer by grabbing Eddie's pants and stalling the clock
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Dec 2023 19:14:43 UTC No. 180738
>breaks collar grip and shreds your knee
Nothin personal
Anonymous at Sat, 23 Dec 2023 22:16:51 UTC No. 180753
>does kiss of the dragon
>motorboats on the way under
Heh, bet you didn't see that coming
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Dec 2023 00:19:25 UTC No. 180764
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Dec 2023 05:25:56 UTC No. 180777
Some promotions today, new black belts but also lots of salt from people that felt overlooked
Been getting phone calls all night from disgruntled people
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Dec 2023 12:25:21 UTC No. 180792
>Been getting phone calls all night from disgruntled people
kek, what are they calling you for?
🗑️ Anonymous at Sun, 24 Dec 2023 16:00:28 UTC No. 180805
Siiiilent nigga,
Hoooo-lyyyyy nigga,
Blunts been sparked,
Kill all whites.
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Dec 2023 18:27:00 UTC No. 180810
Mostly petitioning me to use my political sway to I guess get them what they believe is rightfully theirs?
but I don't make the decisions, I don't even get a vote. At best I will be asked "hey what do you think of _____?"
But I had 4 different phonecalls lasting about 40 minutes each from people seething over the decisions
"Congratulations on getting a degree today, BTW isn't it fucked up I didn't get anything when other people did?"
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Dec 2023 21:20:06 UTC No. 180816
Anyone know where I can find a free long instructional about worm guard?
There's nothing on bilibili or at least I can't find it
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Dec 2023 21:44:23 UTC No. 180822
Today I made the Brazilian guy mad by using the Japanese names
Anonymous at Sun, 24 Dec 2023 22:15:06 UTC No. 180825
>today we will do the omoplata
>you mean the ashi sankaku gyaku juji gatame?
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:04:02 UTC No. 180841
I am a skeleton 6,3 198 who just had my first nogi class, what can I do outside of class can I do for training?
I was lurking in other threads and a lot people of have been saying running and burpees but for how long or how many?
Would calisthenics be good enough?
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:26:35 UTC No. 180845
You need mobility and isometric Routines, Those are the skills tested in this sport
If you plan on doing stand up and take Downs you need a plyometric routine also but since you've chosen BJJ I imagine that's not important to you
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:41:31 UTC No. 180847
Weight lifting like 99% of any other sport.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 00:47:27 UTC No. 180849
Can I combine all 3 into one workout?
I am looking at get a half squat rack because I know weights are the way but covid fucked me for social anxiety.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 01:32:26 UTC No. 180855
NOO you must speak broken Poortuguese
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 01:56:07 UTC No. 180857
Ease up on trying to max out conditioning stuff at first. It's great that you're motivated to be training, and that you're willing to put in extra effort outside the mats. But you don't have any real expectations of your body to work towards yet. Do you need strength? Where specifically? Some more stamina? Under load or just in general? There's nothing wrong with doing some general lifting or bodyweight or whatever in addition. But you haven't even defined what needs work yet, so don't get muddied in specifics. As long as you're not blowing yourself out too hard to train, pretty much any beginners program in any sort of exercise will probably suite you fine.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 02:07:54 UTC No. 180860
Thanks man
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 05:45:50 UTC No. 180875
wish i got into strength and conditioning earlier, i had decent stamina from running but absolutely 0 strength and muscular endurance.
started doing some calisthenics, dumbbell workouts and burpees two months ago and i feel like it has helped a lot.
can't overstate the importance of a balanced diet either. was pretty tough coming to terms with the fact that i've always eaten like shit, which explains why i've never built any strength from training lol.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 06:32:40 UTC No. 180881
I'm kind of thinking of dropping BJJ for Muay Thai, mainly cause I live in a shit neighborhood and have a paranoia of getting into a fight, I just wouldn't want them thinking I quit lol, I don't know how to manage muay thai and jiu jitsu between my work stuff, at most I can get 2-3 days of training but not sure what to pick
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 06:45:42 UTC No. 180882
Do it
Mainly I want as few people doing this as possible because it's bad for your health and overrated, and I don't think it's worth it
How embarrassing for the supposed most powerful and greatest martial art ever to have people quitting because they're worried they might actually get into a fight
Truly it has become karate
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 13:37:20 UTC No. 180903
I wish I could have trained at nick diaz's place
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 16:11:29 UTC No. 180908
Diet is probably a much better place for genuine beginners to any physical training regimin to start. Especially since they probably haven't spent any time practicing to regulate it at all, let alone with goal specitivity. Let the fridge and oven be your bench and squat, see how much carryover they give you. So to speak.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 19:07:28 UTC No. 180917
Despite the fact that these guys train like psychotic murder hobos, Daisy Fresh is still relatively unknown and as far as I'm aware they haven't produced any notable athletes other than Andrew.
Andrew is actually so autistic that I'm willing to make a wager that he actively posts here.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 20:06:46 UTC No. 180921
Did Nick ever have a gym of his own? I thought he was a product of Ceasar Gracie's gym.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 20:09:56 UTC No. 180922
Pretty sure they churn out pans, nationals, euros, and worlds winners at a fairly regular clip. Jacob Couch won ADCC east coast trials a couple months ago. I've only visited a couple gyms out of town, but they had heard of Pedigo.
Anonymous at Mon, 25 Dec 2023 21:24:20 UTC No. 180926
Out of them all Jacob couch is the one with the most potential but that's a credit to him as an athlete, the team itself is nothing special
Andrew won under belt comps, who cares? He hasn't performed highly at black which is the only one that matters
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Dec 2023 00:29:16 UTC No. 180936
I fail to see how you’d be a skeleton at 198 lbs
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Dec 2023 01:44:12 UTC No. 180939
You can see my ribs and I could even finish the pre class warmup
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Dec 2023 01:45:18 UTC No. 180941
Could not*
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Dec 2023 05:40:32 UTC No. 180957
yeah that's called skinnyfat
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Dec 2023 07:15:03 UTC No. 180961
Tabata timing burpees
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Dec 2023 09:51:38 UTC No. 180964
Yeah you're an out of shape fatty, I'm 170lbs / 6'4 and still far from being a skeleton (13" arms 20" thighs). Get up from the couch and start exercising.
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Dec 2023 17:11:18 UTC No. 180979
what's worse, the fact they staged a video to try and go viral or the fact that even though it's staged the girl still had trouble getting her hooks in and almost fell off the front
Anonymous at Tue, 26 Dec 2023 22:07:46 UTC No. 181006
The fact that they called that normal guy a bodybuilder.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Dec 2023 08:27:30 UTC No. 181122
I train at a No-gi and I have wrestling since middle school, I have studied alot of Josh barnett's work to the point of filling full note books.
I believe because of all this I can call myself a Catch wrestler even if I was never taught in person by one.
Am I retarded? and over thinking something no one but me will care about.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Dec 2023 10:10:24 UTC No. 181125
Yes that is retarded.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Dec 2023 20:20:20 UTC No. 181161
IMHO I think it would be more fair to say, "I have an interest in catch wrestling" or "I've been researching catch wrestling".
I don't think you can legitimately call yourself a catch wrestler if you don't actually compete in catch wrestling and train for that sport specifically. That would be like me saying "yeah I'm a sambo guy" because I really got into leglocks.
It's super cool to cross train and self study and glean stuff from other styles, but if I were you I'd be very hesitant to say "yes I am the catch wrestler". That kind of sets you as an authority on the subject. You might be perceived as arrogant, like you think you're too good to do jiujitsu at the jiujitsu gym with your jiujitsu friends, you've got to set yourself apart by saying you're doing a different/unique style. A far better approach would be, do jiujitsu, and share some neat stuff you've discovered in your research.
I'm explaining this autistically because I'm autistic and you might be too. FWIW I also am interested in catch and want to add some into my game.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Dec 2023 21:44:08 UTC No. 181166
I got to agree with you
You bring up some good points and I think I will hold off on calling myself a catch wrestler and just bring up my interest in it.
I would compete and train in it if I could. I ended up in no-gi because it was the closest I could find. To it after hearing Josh Barnett talk about it.
I am thinking of signing up for a only certification just so I have a more legitimate claim I might even take a flight just to compete in a catch event.
Thanks for being autistic I don't know if I am because a lot of it over laps with adhd I haven't been tested.
Anonymous at Thu, 28 Dec 2023 22:22:20 UTC No. 181168
sounds like gate keeping to me
you should call yourself whatever you want and dismantle the tribalism
like for example, I had taken some kickboxing lessons as a teen and never fought anybody but I was pretty clean on the bag and pads
there was a job opening to teach karate at a gym but the requirement was you needed to be a black belt so I went and bought a gi and a black belt and took the job, and nobody knew the difference
then I got a pretty good reputation and someone had recommended me to a karate school that wanted to do an MMA program and appeal to the older teens but they needed someone to teach grappling
well I don't know any grappling so I sign up for bjj classes at the place up the block from my house and I'd go learn a move then the next day go into work with my fake black belt and teach what I had just learned the day before
and nobody knew the difference
and now just through osmosis of my scam I'm a brown belt on track to get an actual black belt in 24'
what I'm saying is it's all bullshit. I've been a black belt in karate and BJJ since before I ever took a class in either of them
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 01:21:39 UTC No. 181181
dont be a spazz because you can more easily injure people.
go soft and match the strength a smaller guy puts in to encourage proper technique on your part; you can probably crush smaller guys with your strength but thats shit technique and wont work against other heavyweights who are actually good.
Rolling/sparring lighter but more often is always a good advice for anyone in any martial art imo. dont let ego ruin your quality of life, and if you want to compete injuries means time off training which makes sparring too hard counterproductive.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 01:40:07 UTC No. 181184
depends on what youre doing bjj for.
if youre doing it for fun and gi isnt fun then dont go. if you're only training for MMA or NoGi comps also dont go.
if youre doing it to have a better chance at IRL self defense, then you probably should go to gi classes because people wear clothes outside of match fighting.
This is my uneducated take, but i think that Open guard positions and ashi garami entries are a sunk cost for self defense unless you're planning on fighting another grappler, and its faster to teach an average person to be good at fighting IRL by teaching them judo + old ass school gracie jitz rather than wrestling + nogi jitz. idk though i'm biased, ive never been much of a bottom player, i like the heavy tight pressure passing type of play and because of that i despise DLR, open guard shenanigans and leg entanglements.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 08:25:10 UTC No. 181202
I proved my theory that single leg X is the greatest position in self defense
He literally can't do anything to you. I put my own face on the line and really tested this, I said I want you to punch me in the face as hard as you can
But he couldn't, my face was out if reach
And then well you know what happens next. He will turn away from the pressure and give his heel up, then you decide how much punishment he deserves
But yeah it's a hard skill check position. Unless the guy knows how to grapple he won't figure it out in time to stop you from doing what you want to do
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 09:21:04 UTC No. 181204
how do you stop someone from pushing your heel off their hip in single x, or is my heel position just shit?
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 09:30:38 UTC No. 181205
catch is based but Jiu jitsu has the guard, both should be studied
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 13:47:21 UTC No. 181213
Based scammer.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 13:48:23 UTC No. 181214
Grip fighting is fun.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 14:37:50 UTC No. 181216
So much this. So much of martial arts is built upon this tribalism where authority or credibility is drawn from. When in reality the only real authority is drawn from your ability. Everything else is just kitsch. The idea is that I am supposed to respect someone more or give them more off my attention just because they allegedly put in the time to earn that black belt. When in reality, no one gives a shit what your investment to get it was, just whether or not you posses the abilities it represents.
>no one is gonna know
>they're gonna know
If you can do 'it' no one is gonna know.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:05:08 UTC No. 181222
You're never going to be able to stop it outright. The best ways to keep it there longer are just continually off-balancing them but really you should have a plan B for when they do strip it, like go straight to X guard or butterfly ashi (certifiably BASED for straight ankle/Aoki locks)
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:26:34 UTC No. 181225
How do I deal with collar choke spam?
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:41:54 UTC No. 181226
Cross-collar chokes? Give em something else to do with their hands.
Are they collar choking you from mount? Give them a bump to put their hands on the mat.
Are they collar choking you from closed guard? Get your head as high as possible, stand up and start opening their guard.
Now if you're talking about loop chokes and clock chokes, I think that's largely a matter of not sticking your neck places it shouldn't be. If you do get caught, remember it's very hard for them to choke you with just one hand, and two of your hands are stronger than one of his hands. So, "two on one, attack the hands". Grab his choking hand with both of yours and fight to open up space. You're already in a world of trouble at this point, but thatmay help buy you some time to wiggle out. My $0.02.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 15:50:35 UTC No. 181227
I think there is a self defense scenario in which open guard of some kind or another could theoretically be useful.
Hypothetically, if you somehow ended up on the ground with someone standing over you, getting grips and feet on them could be useful. You're not gonna hang out in this position and "play guard", but you could tie them up, or up kick the shit out of them, or hit a quick sweep, all with the goal of GFTO of there and getting back up. You want to hit that technical stand up as soon as possible of course, but there might be a moment where you've got to sweep a guy to give you the chance to stand up.
Of course, as an experienced grappler you should be much harder to take down anyway so it's very unlikely you'll ever be in that position, but still it's a last-ditch self-rescue option.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:00:43 UTC No. 181228
I dunno man, by that logic 13 year old Mike Tyson should have said to Cus D'Amato, "fuck you broken ass old man I'll kill you" and then beaten him to death. Our collective knowledge increases via generational transference, which requires respect for experience/authority to work.
Now, OF COURSE there are lying, manipulative assholes who use a smokescreen of presumed, unearned authority to hoodwink gullible people, but I'm just saying the basic premise of handing down earned wisdom and collective knowledge is not a bad idea. We'd never get anywhere if everyone had to start from ground zero.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:07:04 UTC No. 181229
>by that logic 13 year old Mike Tyson should have said to Cus D'Amato, "fuck you broken ass old man I'll kill you"
Way to project your damaged fucking views dude, there is no way this>>181216
Translates to that edgy bullshit you just wrote. It just means game recognizes game & being fixated on traditional labels is dumb. Cool it with all that bismuth.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:14:41 UTC No. 181231
>presumed, unearned authority to hoodwink gullible people
Mcdojos & to some extent belt systems in a nutshell.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 16:58:50 UTC No. 181237
im not saying that its ineffective. i know its effective as shit because i get my ass kicked constantly by it and I actually want to learn to get good at it rather than rely only on my top game.
My problem with open guard stuff is that its just really hard to learn and get intuitive understanding with compared to other botton positions like turtle, full guard, and half guard. bottom position is already intuitively harder to understand than top position, but open guard is so much harder for me to learn since the top guy can do anything he wants and I somehow have to enter an open guard position that im familiar with. you add that with the fact that grapplers should generally avoid bottom position IRL and it just seems to me that for self defense its much faster to teach pin escapes, turtle, full guard, and half guard to make someone good enough to fight IRL on bottom
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 17:02:30 UTC No. 181238
The ironic thing is that black belt degrees being time based actually serves to recognize the opposite of what belt promotions mean
They're intrinsically linked to your aging body
If someone has a lot of stripes on their black belt it means man this guy has been at it for a long time, he can probably barely even still roll
That's why the coral belt is referred to as "the retirement belt"
People think it's some kind of great honor but really it's saying you're not a black belt anymore, you're too old to carry it
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 17:21:12 UTC No. 181239
i think the best belt grading is the one based on knowledge and understanding of the martial arts, not power or time spent. And i think most nonmcdojo gyms agree with that belt philosophy. Basing it on time or money spent is obviously mcdojo tier, but basing it on power is also wrong; if you just base it on power nicky rod deserves a black belt more than john danaher
belts imo is not a measure of how good you are but how well you can teach others because you understand the art. And in that sense a coral belt is still considered a good thing, assuming you're still studying, rolling, and teaching as an old fat fuck, which alot of coral belts dont do.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 18:22:17 UTC No. 181248
Collar chokes don't work, if you know where your arteries are then you know where they aren't
Rotate your head to face in a different direction so they're not being restricted
It'll still be uncomfortable but it's just a shitty neck crank at that point
It's not a position to hang out in, but also reap the knee
Fuck ibjjf and their fake rules deliberately forcing you to attack from a sub-optomal entanglement
In English we call it a leg entanglement
In Japanese we call it ashi garami
In Portuguese we call it tap tap tap!
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 20:01:11 UTC No. 181261
break the grips immediately while staying as stable as possible. Its really easy to defend but the point of collar chokes is for you to overreact and make mistakes for other shit.
im pretty sure collar chokes are meant to be low percentage spammable attacks. I personally treat collar chokes like the americana from mount; if youre shit ill get the americana but its good enough already for me to get an underhook and start elevating your arm for an S mount or arm triangle.
Same thing with collar choke from mount. its easy to defend but defending means that you bring up your elbows and the person can get to a higher mount and start elevating arms
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 20:52:29 UTC No. 181265
I wish they'd all take a note from Megaton and just step out once. Anyone who cares that they're going to lose will find more value in it happening than not. Maybe it would convince one of them to relax their asshole and just enjoy the fruits like Renzo seems to have.
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 21:31:45 UTC No. 181270
I can fight off a collar choke with between zero and 1 hands, so I have between 1 and 2 hands to work with while the choker commits both to a low percentage technique
This is tactically an unsound decision, it's too punishable
I don't like to have both of my hands committed to the same thing if I can help it
I finish almost everything with one arm
Like I'm thinking there was probably one time when I actually got a fully locked up text book rear strangle and that guy was belly down with hooks in, but it was more of a face crank so I needed the extra horse power
I'm almost always finishing chokes single arm grabbing my own shoulder and the free hand is doing something else
Anonymous at Fri, 29 Dec 2023 21:38:54 UTC No. 181271
If you ever need more evidence you're being watched
>open this thread
>read this comment
>open up YouTube
>first video that pops up
I have never once searched for anything relating to ibjjf on YouTube before
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 04:05:58 UTC No. 181312
lolling my effin tushie off
just when you thought jiujitsu couldn't get any more fucking boring, now they're actively penalizing you for attacking subs from top position
why even take the risk? just ride it out if you're up there
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 05:01:12 UTC No. 181314
most entertaining ruleset is EBI.
best format is teamfight quintet.
Dont really watch anything else because its near impossible to submit anyone at the top level under 7 minutes, so matches can get boring real fast. The only ways to get subs at the highest level consistently is to either set long ass matches like gordon and dominate positionally for 10 min or take risks and bait mistakes.
You sometimes just have to accept that some federations are going to have shit rules. But be glad that at least theres multiple organizations for jitz and grappling. Judo only has the IJF, and while its ruleset overall arent horrible, theyve made alot of terrible decisions that fucked with how effective judo is as a grappling art (specifically groundwork restrictions/standups and leg attack bans)
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 05:32:57 UTC No. 181317
EBI is a stall fest though, and less skilled people can force overtime and then win that way
I know they want a definitive winner so if there's a tie the overtime should just be sudden death first points win, not that weird escape game nobody actually understands the exact rules for
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 05:47:07 UTC No. 181318
how do you watch and practice instructionals? do you try to remember every detail, do you take notes, do you practice things by yourself in the ground like a retard?
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 06:07:52 UTC No. 181321
I did a casual method, casually watched different sections of instructionals over a long period of time, would think about a single concept to take to training. Over probably 6-12 months I noticed they were becoming apart of the game. Still don't know any back to front
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 07:10:16 UTC No. 181324
I enjoy adcc
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 07:27:28 UTC No. 181326
I know everyone says they don't care about belts and they're all lying when they say that
But I legitimately don't want a black belt. I reject it completely as there's no defined objective standard, so if the standards are completely subjective then there's really no standards at all. It means nothing and I'll have no part of it.
Is pink a good color to wear? I'm opting out of the ranking system
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 11:57:39 UTC No. 181335
I have absolutely no idea who this promotion are or any of the dorks in this video. Nobody cares about anything except ADCC, EBI (the UFC FP events in this case) and IBJJF to a lesser extent
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 12:03:53 UTC No. 181336
I pester my gf to let me try the moves on her for a session or two and drill them with resistance. This helps commit the bare bones techniques to muscle memory. Meanwhile I try them in class on harder and harder opponents to find where I'm going wrong or learn common counters. I regularly go back and watch the instructionals over months to help troubleshoot stuff.
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 17:58:05 UTC No. 181356
most gyms dont allow pink gis unless you're a little girl. are you a little girl?
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 19:53:36 UTC No. 181361
It's almost 2024, so yes
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 20:10:22 UTC No. 181362
nobody cares what you wear as long as it isnt outrageously offensive or smelly. If they do care you're probably not going to a gym with a great culture and they probably want to scam you into buying their merch
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 20:31:42 UTC No. 181365
Gene lebell is a og,
just do it
Anonymous at Sat, 30 Dec 2023 21:18:40 UTC No. 181376
Excellent choice.
Anonymous at Mon, 1 Jan 2024 04:21:52 UTC No. 181515
technique is just the vehicle through which you express your physicality
Anonymous at Mon, 1 Jan 2024 06:52:24 UTC No. 181520
this ignores leglocks. lachlan giles would rip the knees out of any untrained 290 pound guy despite himself being like 155
Anonymous at Mon, 1 Jan 2024 06:54:20 UTC No. 181521
Anonymous at Mon, 1 Jan 2024 07:00:52 UTC No. 181522
no shame in that m8, this sport equalizes so much that I genuinely believe that in jiu jitsu, an athletic woman facing a man of somewhat similar weight can make for a fair fight, so long as you're both like white or blue belts. as belt increases I believe the difference between the sexes becomes more apparent. I dont think you'll ever see a black belt woman beat a black belt man
Anonymous at Mon, 1 Jan 2024 07:12:26 UTC No. 181524
does anyone have an entry to 50/50 when you are standing against an opponent who is on their back playing open guard?
Anonymous at Mon, 1 Jan 2024 07:26:03 UTC No. 181525
Thats why I have no interest listening to anything a woman has to say
Like that one with the weird name and pointy face that won girl adcc
Who would go to her seminars? She isnt elite, the talent pool is just small
It was such bullshit when I had a femoid partner and everyone was gushing over her for being a "world champion"
And I was getting constantly undermined. If we had a difference of opinion then hers was the right one because she's the champ after all
She did 3 matches over the course of a weekend to get that title, I was there
And I'm like do you people realize what I would have to go through just to get the opportunity to compete for that in the men's division at my weight?
I'd literally have to beat Gordon Ryan
Fuck off
I'm doing trials next year, I'll call it a win just getting to day 2
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 01:09:05 UTC No. 181584
what's your goals your the year fellas?
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 01:09:29 UTC No. 181585
sidestep learning all fundamentals and focus 100% on 50/50
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 01:25:12 UTC No. 181587
standard behaviour
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 04:09:43 UTC No. 181596
half guard all day baby
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 07:59:00 UTC No. 181612
I just want to get my black belt so I can quit already
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 14:04:13 UTC No. 181624
practice s mount
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 14:39:02 UTC No. 181627
just do nogi
t. blue belt, and i wore it only once
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 16:06:05 UTC No. 181634
Train more, train more consistently, build up tolerance for higher training load. Referring to both rolling and lifting.
Hit 300 classes by October. The little check-in ipad on the front desk is my nemesis and I will kick its ass.
Get at least one stripe.
Compete. God I hate competing. Therefore I need to do it. My motivation is purely negative. I don't want to be the kind of guy who doesn't compete, so I gotta do it. I am fully aware that's a shitty/negative/wrong attitude, but its true.
As far as technical stuff, I want to do a lot more nogi because I'm way behind on it. I want to work on half guard because I seem end up there a lot anyway. And I want to get better at stand up of course, starting with grips and takedowns.
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 16:59:37 UTC No. 181641
I need to compete. I've been progressing but I know the only way to really poke holes in my skillset it to compete and potentially lose.
I don't care that much about belts, but this might help me get my purple belt too. My gym is very high level and promotions are hard to come by, but I regularly wreck visiting blue belts and blue/purple belts at open mats.
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 17:04:21 UTC No. 181644
what the fuck
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 17:05:47 UTC No. 181645
>stand up nogi
learn the armdrag, by far the easiest one for me to learn and most success. Armdrag into a rear bodylock, lift and dump.
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 20:52:05 UTC No. 181668
been learning more about 50/50. learned something after trying some giles stuff a few nights ago.
this right here only works if your opponents combat based foot is far away from your arm pit. if they decide to push that forward at all, you will NOT be able to rotate under them. i kept getting stuck a few nights ago at the gym and i was wondering what the fuck is going wrong. then i realized, the much more likely thing to work is actually this:
look at bernardo's foot there, thats where most people actually put their foot in this 50/50 scenario. interesting that its hard to find a no gi video of this but it absolutely works, you just grab the ankle instead of a pant leg.
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 21:29:44 UTC No. 181670
I think maybe the issue you're having is more about a straightened leg than foot placement. If you can off balance them (knees to chest) to get a bend in the knee, you can likely invert.
Here are some other options:
Be very aware of your heel exposure when doing transitions like the ones above and the one in that Bernardo vid. The end position/sub makes sense, but that transition looks very risky.
I would highly recommend doing rounds starting in 50/50, that helped me a lot. Lachlan's 50/50 dvd is a great resource and can answer pretty much any question that comes up
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 21:51:25 UTC No. 181673
ah i see, nice that second video looks even better than the bernardo one. didnt even realize you could get the kneebar from there. nice to have a quick inversion option in both directions. i imagine i can feint one and that opens up the other
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 22:09:31 UTC No. 181677
I don't know anything about leg locks really but my highest percentage technique is the toe hold
It's just a crime of opportunity like a wrist lock of the foot. People don't think about it so I nip on there every time I see one available
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 22:42:39 UTC No. 181680
How the fuck does he do these things?
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 22:47:57 UTC No. 181681
the toe hold is the most based submission. if you want to be giga based, learn the corkscrew toehold
this has to be one of the most underrated submissions. look how little control you need and how fast the guy taps. i wanna spam this shit next time im at the gym
Anonymous at Tue, 2 Jan 2024 22:50:41 UTC No. 181682
He's all legs
Anonymous at Wed, 3 Jan 2024 00:11:46 UTC No. 181685
damn, gonna try that, been on the heelhook train for a while now but this looks sick
Anonymous at Wed, 3 Jan 2024 09:39:32 UTC No. 181725
what's your plan out of turtle, reguard or wrestle out?
Anonymous at Wed, 3 Jan 2024 14:23:47 UTC No. 181743
Both. Depends on what's available to me, what the ruleset is, and if I feel like I can win the wrestling exchange.
Anonymous at Wed, 3 Jan 2024 17:42:57 UTC No. 181747
Today is the day, the first official day of the new schedule, white belts are now segregated into their own classes
It feels like the first day of the rest of my life
No more pairing off and not getting to practice because I have to explain everything to my partner
No more fielding dumb questions every day "hey I saw this thing online"
Anonymous at Wed, 3 Jan 2024 18:04:05 UTC No. 181748
He has demonic powers
Anonymous at Wed, 3 Jan 2024 18:11:39 UTC No. 181749
Stand up more and get on the offensive. Get out of the mindset that I have to accept being on the bottom and attack or at least work on passing the guard.
Try to psychologically get over the fact that I got got totally mogged in my first comp and compete again, win or lose.
Be more strict/focused in what I learn most of the time.
Anonymous at Wed, 3 Jan 2024 18:19:04 UTC No. 181750
He makes good use of his weird ass body type
He isn't a huge guy despite how he looks from a distance, he is only 6 feet tall
He has a short medium-sized torso and legs that go on for miles
It makes it really difficult to actually control him with any kind of a pin because even if you block his hips he still has so much leg available to him that he can use
It's the same body type Connor McGregor has where the arms and legs are long but there's no torso which translates to big weapons and very little area they need to worry about defending
That's why I tell people don't try to emulate the fighting style of guys like that unless you have that weird body type, the stuff they do is not for everybody
You could watch them and learn some lessons about principles but doing a 1 to 1 copy is never going to Pan out for most people
Anonymous at Wed, 3 Jan 2024 18:48:57 UTC No. 181752
This is why no one will remember your name
Anonymous at Wed, 3 Jan 2024 20:39:36 UTC No. 181760
That's ok
I'm nearing the end of my interest in this
I don't really care about getting better anymore, I just want to show up once in a while half way through class, roll around with people that arent going to fight me too hard, and go home
Anonymous at Thu, 4 Jan 2024 03:18:52 UTC No. 181798
Isotropic omni-mobility, thats the fancy kinesiological way of saying, "being able to move in any direction from any position"
>But he so lanky
It's not as much about strength as it is having ungodly spatial awareness & heightened kinesthesia.
Anonymous at Thu, 4 Jan 2024 04:03:49 UTC No. 181802
Guys, I feel good
I've been not liking this for a long time now and just going for the routine
This is the first time in years that I've genuinely had fun and enjoyed myself
It was actually training, not babby mode bullshit for the lowest common denominator
Durrr tonight we'll do the hip bump sweep because there's a dozen white belts on the mat
>Anybody have any questions before we get started?
>Yeah how do you get out of side control?
>OK I had something else planned but I can see a lot of you need help with this
No more
I didn't realize how much joy simply watching the white belts shuffle out and fuck off would bring me
And then rolling in competition length rolls with everybody on the mat being a good match
None of that "upper belts make sure to grab a white belt and guide them" shit
Anonymous at Thu, 4 Jan 2024 18:10:25 UTC No. 181842
keep at it
t. new blue belt
Anonymous at Fri, 5 Jan 2024 02:01:02 UTC No. 181871
>positional training when im a 140 pound white belt and everyone in the gym tonight was a 200 pound brown/black belt
yeah let me just grab my fucking magic lamp
Anonymous at Fri, 5 Jan 2024 02:42:34 UTC No. 181873
13:30 is just what you need
Anonymous at Fri, 5 Jan 2024 02:46:36 UTC No. 181874
im teaching myself bjj entirely though videos and books like a ufc fighter i saw wish me luck for when i walk into a gym
Anonymous at Fri, 5 Jan 2024 02:49:33 UTC No. 181875
Anonymous at Fri, 5 Jan 2024 02:50:39 UTC No. 181876
thank you my friend, i just need to center my ki and apply pressure to point 17. its all so simple
Anonymous at Fri, 5 Jan 2024 02:52:13 UTC No. 181877
Do this to fill in the gaps between your gyms curriculum, you won't learn shit otherwise
Anonymous at Fri, 5 Jan 2024 03:43:00 UTC No. 181880
That's nothing
This is all I eat for my grappling gains
Anonymous at Fri, 5 Jan 2024 07:41:42 UTC No. 181886
I was thinkin of posting the sumo swoll diet
Anonymous at Fri, 5 Jan 2024 23:41:01 UTC No. 181932
"BJJ didn't fail you, you failed BJJ"
Lmfaaayooo this is the same horse piss Kung fu teachers were saying in the 90s
Anonymous at Sat, 6 Jan 2024 06:11:17 UTC No. 181953
I miss having guys my own size at the gym.
I'm sort of stuck between two extremes of training with smaller people and women, or huge bodybuilders.
Some of the small guys are strong and give me trouble, but any time I make any progress against them I feel it's just because I outweigh them by 20-40 lbs, and not because of my technique.
I compete in the middleweight -79.5 kg (175.3 lb) division, so it's not like my weight is super abnormal.
Sparring with guys that are of similar weight and skill as you is the best shit ever. You get a lot of movement, scrambles and escapes.
Against the bodybuilders, it's like drowning in quicksand. It's just a grind to do anything.
Yeah yeah, I get it, you can lay on me with all your weight and hold me down for as long as you like, can you please attempt a submission or advance position?
Half of these guys were born with no neck to choke and good luck trying to get an armlock on a guy that can bench press your entire bodyweight.
I'm coping and seething, I know. I just wanted to vent.
Anonymous at Sat, 6 Jan 2024 06:49:44 UTC No. 181954
If they can't get out from under you at your modest weight that's their problem
There's someone at my gym that's 340, we put him on a scale
His head is the size of a microwave, I pushed him once while standing and it may as well have been a wall
I can get out from under him because I know how to do it
Anonymous at Mon, 8 Jan 2024 07:14:37 UTC No. 182146
New ibjjf 2024 rules
No trannies allowed
Brown and black belts can now turn leglocks to the inside and not just to the outside
Gis can only have a single brand logo/patch at the bottom corner of the lapel and a square on the pants
That actually carries massive implications, makes shoyorolls totally illegal for example
Another thing I heard but can't find the official announcement about is seatbelt on a turtled opponent now gives 2 points
Tired of getting mogged by wrestling I guess, need to protect jiujitsu and force guard play
What better way than to punish wrestling postures?
Anonymous at Mon, 8 Jan 2024 08:43:17 UTC No. 182152
I mean benching your weight is nothing crazy
I’m between 170 and 175 and I can easily do that too
Anonymous at Mon, 8 Jan 2024 20:29:40 UTC No. 182196
Anyone here deal with finger/hand pain? It seems to be grip related, I'm thinking maybe I have too much tension/fatigue in my forearms from training/lifting.
I've been training for 5 years, exclusively no-gi for the last 3. It's mainly the part of my fingers closest to my palm.
Anonymous at Tue, 9 Jan 2024 17:41:53 UTC No. 182274
Anyone know of good (no-gi preferably) gyms in Houston? Nothing outside the loop please. I might be moving there and the options don't look great
Anonymous at Tue, 9 Jan 2024 19:00:18 UTC No. 182278
Go lift weights you weak bitch. Imagine not being able to bench 180 lbs.
Anonymous at Tue, 9 Jan 2024 19:04:43 UTC No. 182279
According to the rules the minimum a man should be able to bench is 125% of his own body weight
Anonymous at Wed, 10 Jan 2024 12:07:04 UTC No. 182332
How do I prevent skin infections?
I'm new to BJJ, been training for maybe three months, now I had to take a month off because of impetigo on my arm.
Now that I found the right antibiotic and it disappeared, I went to train yesterday and today's morning I found what I hope is mat burn but also looks similar to how the impetigo looked like when it first appeared.
Now I'm wondering if I never actually managed to fight off the infection completely (though I'm not sure that's likely, as it's been completely gone for like two weeks now) or if I somehow managed to get re-infected immediately.
In case it's the latter, what can I do to prevent it in the future?
Anonymous at Wed, 10 Jan 2024 12:38:59 UTC No. 182333
Use long sleeve rashguard and wear spats, greatly reduces risk as there’s less skin-skin contact
Anonymous at Wed, 10 Jan 2024 14:51:18 UTC No. 182338
Sounds like it's partially a gym problem.
Shower immediately after training, using a loofah/scrubber and do not shower right before training. Wear long sleeves and spats, and don't go back to training until you're completely healed.
If everyone is constantly getting shit and the mats are not being cleaned consistently, it's time to find a new gym. You could get something like staph and end up in the hospital
Anonymous at Wed, 10 Jan 2024 17:09:03 UTC No. 182361
It could well be a gym problem. We have a small gym here that I no longer go to because it was full of retards who kept training with infections, leading to a number of significant ringworm and staph outbreaks over the last year and a half. I visited in an open mat a year ago and a small ring-shaped infection appeared on my arm.
Since it was an open mat and a year had passed, I thought I'd give them a pass and start training there regularly and of course I got treatment resistant ringworm on my neck and face with a few weeks. The tell-tale signs were there: the first day back I noticed the coach had put posters up in the changing room with info about skin infections. It took forever to get rid of and cost me weeks of training.
The gym owner is a nice guy but it was almost like a BJJ special school in a lot of ways. I might've been the case that a lot of the students were just too stupid to realise how infections get transmitted in some cases. Also, I think some certain coaches were just too ignorant and lazy to wash the mats properly, especially the morning classes.
If this seems to be a common theme, get the fuck out of there.
Anonymous at Wed, 10 Jan 2024 17:50:15 UTC No. 182367
It doesn't seem like a "chronic" problem, so to speak, because I trained there for a few months without issues. But as I came back yesterday I noticed a poster about skin infections, so there might've been an outbreak at I'm guessing roughly the same time I had to take a break.
If it turns out to be an infection, should I contact the owner, let him know? I figure it would be a good thing, so he can maybe make some precautions to prevent an outbreak, but I'm also kinda socially retarded and I'm afraid he'll take offense and think that I'm insinuating his gym is unhygienic or something
Anonymous at Wed, 10 Jan 2024 20:13:41 UTC No. 182393
We have been open since 2008 and have never had an outbreak, A few months ago a guy came back from a tournament with ringworm and he was off the mat until we had medical people look at it ourselves and decide it was ok for him to come back
It's a culture thing, and such a minor responsibility to keep the mats sanitized
Takes 5 minutes to disinfect with a sprayer between classes
So you can only wonder if the person running the show doesn't even care to keep the place clean, what else does he not care about?
Anonymous at Fri, 12 Jan 2024 15:06:36 UTC No. 182556
Let your coach know asap. If I was a coach, I'd be more offended if my students didn't let me know the goings on - there are some things that the coaches don't see like dickhead students hiding staph/ringworm/impetigo under their gi and rashguard. In the off chance he does get offended, he's a dumb monkey. It would be the equivalent of telling a restaurant manager you got food poisoning in their place and them not doing anything about it.
Anonymous at Fri, 12 Jan 2024 16:58:48 UTC No. 182571
Update; it's not skin infection it would seem, just regular chafe, thank god. I just got kinda scared because I got it close to the same spot I got it previously and I didn't want to skip another month of training
Anonymous at Sat, 13 Jan 2024 04:52:08 UTC No. 182628
get better at no gi bolos. I've improved a lot from watching lachlan giles stuff and now have some nice plan B follow ups when I can't finish the bolo due to training partner defending. It's very fun, but I always feel like I should probably focus on more useful techniques like improving my passing from headquarters or leg lock defence
Anonymous at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 03:37:39 UTC No. 183002
>both men can wrestle
>one faggot has zero clue what to do in certain positions and gets buttraped by a blue belt
Anonymous at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:06:45 UTC No. 183071
My buddy wants me to start bjj with him but say I NEED to take collagen and creatine before I start.
Will those 2 supplements actually do anything for the sport?
Anonymous at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:42:40 UTC No. 183074
Anybody know a good link to pirate Craig’s just stand up instructional?
Anonymous at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:47:33 UTC No. 183077
Mma-torrents donations some money and you get a lot of instructionals
Anonymous at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:49:12 UTC No. 183078
It's on bilibili
I don't know what that's all about. Joint health supplements are good either way, no idea how creatine fits into that equation
Anonymous at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:50:10 UTC No. 183079
Is their stuff current? Do they have all the danaher/ craig/ Gordon stuff?
Anonymous at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 22:57:30 UTC No. 183081
It is taken care of autistic guy, so yes it is
Anonymous at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:00:16 UTC No. 183082
He said water retention help you go longer but idk guess I will trust him
Anonymous at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:07:52 UTC No. 183086
It's intramuscular water. Pretty much good for anything even slightly physical. Collagen is dubious atm. The forms of it, and who might actually seem to benefit, are all over the place. The only test "disproving" it was after a single dose, which there are several hundreds of millions of things that will show no effect acutely that will with chronic intake. And I've yet to see anything concrete towards "proof" it works either, but there seem to be people who really get something from it that others don't ala Glutamine.
Anonymous at Wed, 17 Jan 2024 23:07:52 UTC No. 183087
What is deca durabolin
Anonymous at Thu, 18 Jan 2024 03:15:19 UTC No. 183101
This is a weight class sport with mandatory rest periods between matches
Sounds like a dumb choice honestly
A steroid
Anonymous at Thu, 18 Jan 2024 08:28:42 UTC No. 183116
Can look for it on any of these sites. I use Bitsearch.
>paying for torrents
Anonymous at Fri, 19 Jan 2024 06:37:04 UTC No. 183234
One time donation or get an invitation, idk but gate keep is how you keep anything nice
Anonymous at Sun, 11 Feb 2024 08:37:47 UTC No. 186494
Reddit needs to burn in a fucking fire.
I tried using the r/bjj subreddit since it didn't seem too bad:
>everyone whines and asks petty questions
>"oh dur did I do something wrong a bububub a bububu hmm hmm oh god what are my gymmates gonna think uhg!!!"
>"this ASSHOLE UPPERBELT WENT TO HAWD an huwt my feefees pWEaSE gib me upboats!"
>make a satirical post
>removed because it's only allowed on Sunday
>repost in on a Sunday
>removed by the mods because they personally don't like it
>get shit on by the community and flame back
>commented on the absolute state of the site
>messaged from a user who told me the mods are leftist faggots, and they banned him for shitting on trannies (back when that tranny competed in a woman's comp)
>get shadowbanned
FUCK reddit. Kill redditors. Stomp on a redditor's chest until they fucking seize.
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Feb 2024 02:41:48 UTC No. 186764
rutracker.org may have it
just translate the page to english by right click
Its free and you dont need an access key
Anonymous at Tue, 13 Feb 2024 12:03:39 UTC No. 186790
Try Bitsearch