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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 178342

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu General
Optimal guard passing edition


Belt Checker

Previous thread

Thread question: Favorite sub?

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Anonymous No. 178346

god fucking damnit now there are three generals faggot op

Anonymous No. 178357

There's already a thread you dumb nigger

Anonymous No. 178365

You and every other BJJ faggot are why this board sucks ass. I would rather wade through a sea of TMA threads. Every BJJ general is the same fucking convo over and over with anons gabbing about what their favorite instructional is. Bunch of larpers talking about what is their favorite video.

Anonymous No. 178512

Gonna have a beer before training tonight, never done that. Thoughts?

Anonymous No. 178590

PED for not getting tapped, hurts your sub game though, net neutral. Brush your teeth first, your partner can smell the liquor on your breath

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Anonymous No. 179604

Yes, i've got the blue belt blues. It's getting old and boring. And i don't think it makes me as good at fighting as i thought it would initially. I've been choked out and sprained all my limbs basically, but never punched in the face. And most of all i don't enjoy it all that much anymore...

Anonymous No. 179608

>thought bjj made good at fighting
Its the true anti-fight style, good at shutting down 1 person with insanely lengthy time investment. Outside of that though, it sucks donkey dick.

Anonymous No. 179637

It's okay to quit, theres nothing wrong with saying "I've done enough of this activity" it's a value assessment
You need to determine is the positive benefits of the activity are worth it va the negstive
Some examples being you get some exercise, you socialize, you play a game. Vs You get injuries all the time, it costs not a small amount of money to do it, you just aren't really having fun and feels like a chore to go

I don't know what your lists are, you need to make them for yourself.
But choosing to stop something isn't really "quitting", that's how they shame you into staying around when they can't offer value.
Your BJJ rank isn't like a college degree where all the lower belts are just credits towards a black belt so thats the only one that matters
It's more like a military rank, some people become sergeant and decide that's enough military life for them and they want to pursue other things. others are lifers and become generals.
Culturally we look at a blue belt as a failed black belt but not a sergeant as a failed general even though it's the same situation.

I never need to go snowboarding again, I like it but it's a pain in the ass to dedicate a weekend to drive hours and go do It and risk getting hurt
There was a time when I went every season but now it feels like been there done that, I've had my fill
Maybe I'll go again one day, maybe I won't. I didn't "quit" snowboarding. It's just not an activity where the cost is worth the reward for me

Anonymous No. 179641

This might be the healthiest attitude towards martial arts & hobbies in general that I have ever fucking seen. You a cool dude, hope you know that, no homo. Happy holidays.

Anonymous No. 179642

I stopped judo when i dislocated my collarbone, 8 years later i missed it so i started bjj, which is basically wrestiling/judo-lite. Do whatever you want it's not a job.

Anonymous No. 179651

I started out an MMA brawler who a few years ago was taking massive shits on any form of 'chink fu' and all associated stuff... Now I am in a program for Shaolin Kung Fu because I realized I had a lot of really meased up anger issues that honestly MMA just feeds, but I still love martial arts and shaolin is still pretty badass while being very therapeutic. Different strokes, don't feel like you have to stick with 1 thing or anything.

Anonymous No. 179786

honestly, blue belt is more than enough ground game to transition to MMA if you want to learn how to fight for real

Anonymous No. 179808

I have achieved blue belt. I am very pleased.

I don't feel any different, of course. I still suck. I feel like I've been on a crappy training run for a while now, barely rolling twice a week and lifting once or twice a week. I didn't make it to the last couple tournaments I wanted to do. Now my next tournament will presumably be a much bigger hurdle.

My joy in this achievement is probably muted by the trouble I'm having at work. Literally got pip'd in the morning, then went to class in the evening and got promoted. I informed my coach that if it all goes tits up and I lose everything, I'm moving into the gym. Obviously what the pro team really needs is a masters 2 blue belt.

Nevertheless, I'm very happy to have made it this far. Love my coach, love my team, love my gym. At this point I just want to train consistently and get some good momentum going. If I can string together a run of 3-4 rolls and 2-4 lifting sessions per week for say 6-8 weeks, I'll probably be all fired up for a tournament, my glorious debut in the blue belt division. Longer term goal is purple belt before I'm forty. I'm 36 now.

Anyway. Persist and endure, brethren. Thank you for reading my blog.

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we must stay focu....jpg

Anonymous No. 179812

now you can quit!

Anonymous No. 179814

Kek don't put that evil on me, jimmy bobby.
I'll be doing everything I can to duck and dodge the blue belt curse. Suggestions welcome. How to into jits lifer status?

Anonymous No. 179815

it's just a dice roll really

Anonymous No. 179816

Oof. Well then I'll just stay lucky.

Anonymous No. 179834

That picture needs to be just slightly wider-angle.

Anonymous No. 179870

Did you guys ever saw a brown belt woman beat a brown belt dude at a tournament? I saw a couple girls doing it at the purple belt level but never at brown let alone black

Anonymous No. 179874

What tournament has intergender competition?

Anonymous No. 179877

Women's divisions are all gender now
Brown belt that shouldn't be happening anymore unless the man is truly a frail weakling and not just simply under sized

Anonymous No. 180063

The fact that girls win against purple belts in tournaments is kinda crazy tho

Anonymous No. 180068

some men are just physically weak and lower weight classes favor flexibility, it's all guard stalling

Anonymous No. 180071

If this doesn't tell you that there is something wrong with your chosen style, I do not know what will.

Anonymous No. 180346

yeah that can be fun same with an edible or vape but I grew out of that shit and now i'm 100% a sober responsible adult

Anonymous No. 180347

you should be showering and brushing/mouth wash before class every class, niggers


Have you tapped people from weird positions yet like bottom mount or on your back? No? Get on that, make it fun. Try a pass you suck at. Are you fat and slow, try torreando. Are you a fucking fast stick guy? Pressure pass time.

Anonymous No. 181450

12/31/23(Sun)11:45:59 No.181449
I fell funny during a practice roll and have fractured tibia and a dislocated fibula, a plate and five screws in my ankle, won’t be able to return for another three months and I’m in crutches. I feel like an idiot and wondering if I should just give up. Haven’t even been rolling for 2 years and this happened.

Anonymous No. 181464

Well, jiujitsu is not good for your health, it's not safe, everyone that says it is probably makes their living off of it
And as someone that sees behind the scenes they already expect you to quit
As soon as you weren't in the room they started talking shit "yeah he's done" and to your face they'll ask how you're doing but the most genuine concern is "too bad, sucks for him"

It's out of sight out of mind with these people
6 months from now someone will say hey whatever happened to anon?
Huh? Who's anon?
Remember, anon he had like the eyes and also skin?
Oh right right, why did I think that guys name was Brett? Yeah he broke his leg so he's done
Oh that sucks

Everyone's gonna move on with or without you, so it's up to you to decide

Anonymous No. 181466


I just feel like this is a pretty serious injury. Had to go undergo surgery and get hardware, feel like a complete dumbass and didn’t expect something like this to happen any time soon.

Anonymous No. 181474

Well it is serious, it's more serious than most people will ever have, probably enough to even apply for a disability permit

Plus maybe it's you're fault, maybe it's your partners fault, maybe it's the teachers fault
The person that got injured rarely carries the entire blame

Like after 20 years there had to be a policy change that white belts aren't allowed to do stand up anymore
Because after all this time there was no problem until one day one saw a move online, was never formally taught the move, was told not to do the move, did it anyway, and that other guys knee will never be the same

Anonymous No. 181654

our gym has a no-standup rule for our basics classes and is only knees or in guard, which is probably for the best lmao.

Anonymous No. 182533

you know what's interesting is people always talk about the blue belt curse, but really the blue belt doesn't have a higher attrition rate than any other belt
once you've been around for a while you see it, people quit at every belt level
it seems like more people quit at blue because by the numbers that's true since there's more blue belts, but percentage wise I'd say all the belts have the same rate of quitters
it's wild too to see how many people stop at brown and just never make it over the finish line
like youve gone all that way and then stop with an a amount of time left that you could count in months

and you know those people through osmosis of showing up once or twice a year will probably get their sympathy black belt and cry because it took over 15 years as though they grinded and worked hard that whole time, but the reality is they weren't ever on the mat and got a participation trophy because they're friends with someone that has the rank to promote them, not because their skills have risen to the level

it's just something that I've noticed as when I was a blue belt seeing all those purples and browns ahead of me, and now years later being on track to get my black before the year is over and how few of them actually got one and aren't there anymore

Anonymous No. 182559

Sounds like it's time to transition into MMA lad

Anonymous No. 182563

It's still a good tool to have in your repertoire. Not everyone can afford to cross-train in all 3 areas of unarmed fighting: Striking, groundfighting, trapping/clinching but you need to have SOME idea on what happens if you get down on the ground.

I'm no BJJ nuthugger, but if you're well-versed on knowing how to defend yourself while on your back while a guy is trying to hammer down strikes, you can defend intelligently and jockey for a better position to sweep and get back on your feet or slap a submission, then the ball is in your court.

You are correct that it's ideal 1 vs 1. I would never go on the ground in a street fight or when the asshole's buddies are around.

Anonymous No. 182605

>And i don't think it makes me as good at fighting as i thought it would initially
you're a blue belt so basically a terminator against any untrained fella which is like 95% of the world nowadays

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Anonymous No. 182661

Hi guys total civilian here, with no grappling experience

At what point should i stop learning BJJ if i just want to learn some useful self defence techniques for "da streetz" ?

My gym has wrestling and BJJ classes. I have heard wrestling in general is way more dangerous and difficult than BJJ, and youre basically going to get seriously hurt if you try to learn it as an adult (even though these lessons say newcomers welcome)

I just want to learn how to take someone down, choke them out, and learn to avoid takedowns

As a 30 year old male would just doing BJJ be my best bang for buck, or doing a mixture of wrestling and BJJ?

I only plan to learn for a year or so

Anonymous No. 182662

Pick up judo or wrestling if you can find it. Focusing on stand up is fun but very tiring. Muay thai or good old boxing are always interesting too.

Or just step away and pick up another hobby for a while to see if you miss it.

Anonymous No. 182666

If you want to learn takedowns and defense, you’ll need the wrestling classes. It’s not super dangerous if you avoid the retards.
If you’re only worried about controlling untrained people, a year is plenty

Anonymous No. 182669

Im worried about injuries and hoping that they really go easy on me until I learn to fall properly etc. I won't be getting suplexed in the first week will I?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 182671

Wow. This is a very healthy minded way of thinking.

Anonymous No. 182674

Wow. This post made me completely rethink the way I look at life

Anonymous No. 182689

n-no one gives me an honest roll cuz im 5'4 tranny and it sucks :( only one guy who tries to kill me when we roll which is scary but more fun and motivating than the ones who seem afraid of crushing me its no fun when someone is letting u get good positions all the time

Anonymous No. 182696

For just a year i would say wrestling, bjj would be completely a waste of money for self defence since you'll spend a lot time on learning how to pass this or that guard.

Anonymous No. 182703

Stop being gay in public

Anonymous No. 182705

i bet you enjoy having big fellas overpowering you

Anonymous No. 182708

what's people thoughts on the quality of blue belts? my gym takes 3-4 years to reach blue belt and then you have to go through shark tank to get it, vs hearing some gyms take ~1 year and it's handed to you. surely there is a massive skill difference?

Anonymous No. 182721

Artifiicially holding back someone who's got blue skills for a time minimum is just as bad as throwing someone a new belt for hitting the time requirement. Without knowing anything about your instructor or gym, a shark tank full of gym only guppies doesn't mean shit if Mr. One year has been ripping apart regional or better in competition.

Anonymous No. 182728

there's no circumstance in which having a 3.5 year average to blue belt is reasonable

1) instructor is intentionally sandbagging aka cheating at tournaments
2) isn't conveying information well so it's legitimately taking 3.5 years to reach the stage of advanced beginner
3) the gatekeeping is a way keep people on the hook "nobody gets something for free here, you earn what you get, you could go somewhere else to get belts faster but here we do it the right way" all common phrases used in the grift (if it's true then it doesn't need to be said)

a blue belt is someone that knows 2 attacks from each major position, a toddler that knows how to walk on its own, thats it

Anonymous No. 182733

as long as there trying to win and arent 300lbs.

Anonymous No. 182803

Yo /bjj/. >>182708 got me thinking about my situation. So the place I train doesn't hand out stripes or have promotion ceremonies and has high standards for coloured belts compared to any gym I've trained at. I joined this place at the 1-year mark after gym hopping a bunch as a 0-stripe white belt. I got totally annihilated every day when I started here for a whole year, whereas now I can hold my own against the blue belts and purples and can tap all the whites without much trouble. In other local gyms, it feels like I would qualify as very solidly at blue belt level (e.g. I am still very shit at BJJ but can handle their blues fine but destroy their wbs).

I am moving out of my area next month and could realistically be a white belt for another 2 years if my coach doesn't promote me (very unlikely). There's a couple of reasons why this is annoying: 1) I love BJJ and would like to teach one day and maybe even have my own small gym/club in ten years and 2) Most importantly, I want to get into leg locks without attracting disdain of future coaches. I find my current style and flexibility really suits leg lock entries and I really want to spend the next year focusing on them. I will be doing so anyway but it would be nice to have my next coaches support.

Am I just being a massive overthinking faggot and should I just shut up and carry on and train as I am?

Anonymous No. 182806

Where do you live? I'll promote you if you don't suck
Gate keeping is cancer

Anonymous No. 182813

I am based in the London area so I doubt you are anywhere near haha. I should mention this to my brown belt training partner who is a part-time coach at the school. I roll with him quite a lot at the moment and I don't think he even knows my belt level since we only train nogi. He always seeks me out to roll and we often take it in turns to practice half guard passing/attacking so he knows my skill level better than most people

Anonymous No. 182822

well I'm registered and in good standing with the IBJJF so you have my permission to start wearing a blue belt if you want to, and there's not really anything anybody can say or do about it
you're part of CTA now, congratulations

Anonymous No. 182876

I avoid rolling with fat people.
Not scared of you,
Just don't like it,
Simple as

Anonymous No. 182884

>Am I just being a massive overthinking faggot and should I just shut up and carry on and train as I am?
Yes. You can learn leg locks without being a blue belt. Especially entries

Anonymous No. 182899

Counterpoint, if you don't have your defensive fundamentals locked down (Which you don't if you aren't a blue belt yet) Leg locks are just a distraction that will only hamper your progress
You can get your feet wet with straight ankle locks and outside straight ashi and that's it since that's all you're going to be allowed to do in a competition either way

Anonymous No. 182953

In all fairness, I am doing both of these things. I have a lot of success with shotgun ankle locks from inside and butterfly ashi (if I get belly down, it's as good as over). It seems like >75% of the time I can get an ankle lock grip, I will get a sub.

Truth be told, I would like to start integrating aoki locks most of all since it's a small adjustment away from the shotgun straight ankle lock. I guess I can just work more on my ankle lock entries and learn better open guard principles, that way I can hit the ground running when I finally do get into heel hooks and knee bars. Thanks for your input guys

Anonymous No. 182959

"Who gave you your blue belt"
"Anon on 4chan"

Anonymous No. 182960

How did you arrive at this criteria for blue belt?

Anonymous No. 182969

Maybe find a gym that does a lot of nogi? They tend to not gatekeep people from learning leglocks.
I'm a white belt, been training for 1.5 years. All I know are leglocks, that's the reason I started training to begin with. My gym is fine with it as long it's only done in nogi.

Anonymous No. 182972

Because that's what seems right to me
To know what a blue belt is you need to know what a blue belt is not, and a blue belt is not particularly good at jiujitsu, that's the purple belt
Blue is an advanced beginner, a 5th stripe white belt, they still suck at everything and the only difference is they at least know what they're supposed to be doing but the understanding is still completely superficial
For example a blue belt probably hasn't yet realized top mount and bottom guard are the exact same position yet
The gap between a blue that was white yesterday and one that's a purple tomorrow is the biggest gap save for the day 1 white
A purple means you have black belt level skill in something, and you continue to develop black belt level skills in other things until you've acquired enough to manifest the black belt
By the time you are purple you've established your style

As a blue you're figuring out what that style is and what you have an affinity for
You'll determine things like are you a gi guy or a normal guy, a top player or a bottom boi, an arm dragger or a guard puller/disgrace to your family and so on

Anonymous No. 182984


Anonymous No. 182997

Tell em it was Brandon Adames

Anonymous No. 182999

>top mount and bottom guard are the exact same position
I hate stupid shit like this

Anonymous No. 183006

That's just the way things are

Anonymous No. 183007

They’re not though. Just because there’s a similar hip connection, it doesn’t mean they’re the same (whatever the fuck that even means)
How is that any use to someone? Does that help someone escape mount? Or sweep from closed guard?
It’s useful to explain what the positions look like for a newbie I guess, but otherwise it’s more retarded “wisdom” that fat brown belts spew instead of learning real technique/concepts

Anonymous No. 183010

You know all those shitty low % non-fundemental moves they make you start learning on your first day like the armbar and triangle from guard
And then you're forced to spend hours and hours drilling them but they only ever seem to work against people that are considerably worse than you
And then you get to mount and think "ok I'm in a good position but I have no idea what to do from here now"

Well you're in luck! Turns out all those shitty guard moves that never work actually do work from mount pretty well because you have the added convenience of the floor keeping his posture broken automatically for you
No need to learn a whole new set of moves, it's the same position just with the wedge and gravity flipped, so do the same moves

Anonymous No. 183061

I think my coach teaches standing techniques with specific feet forward and then doesn't like when people drill with a switched stance. Is it normal in BJJ to have techniques from both stances, or do most people choose which foot they'll always have forward?

Anonymous No. 183073

do you mean he doesn't want you doing it from the other side because you didn't get it right on the first side yet
or if you're a lefty he still wants you to do things righty, because that's dumb

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Shuichiro Katsumu....webm

Anonymous No. 183125

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Kuniyoshi Hironak....webm

Anonymous No. 183126

Anonymous No. 183155

Damn, I've never seen a ninja choke from the bottom before. Keep these rare and based shooto webms coming mi bredda, one love

Anonymous No. 183778

>and you know those people through osmosis of showing up once or twice a year will probably get their sympathy black belt and cry because it took over 15 years as though they grinded and worked hard that whole time, but the reality is they weren't ever on the mat and got a participation trophy because they're friends with someone that has the rank to promote them, not because their skills have risen to the level

Fuck... this was so true at our last promotion event. Weird to see some guys pour their life into the gym and guys who occasionally show up giving mediocre effort getting the same black belt. Though I could say the same for myself when I got promoted to blue. At least that shit shows in the rolls.

Anonymous No. 183779

As a semi-fat fuck, I understand. Especially if they don't wear a rashguard.

Anonymous No. 183950

I am so beyond pissed that the Marune app has stopped working, anyone got a good way to log hours trained, comps etc

Anonymous No. 183960

Why do you do this?
I would imagine this could be done with a simple spreadsheet or whiteboard (Miro, Trello)

Anonymous No. 184044

I like seeing how many hours I've trained and feeling accomplished. I'm at 600 or 700 hours now. You know how steam tracks how much you've played a game and maybe you feel like you wasted your time putting 2,300 hours into RimWorld but if you do that in BJJ or anything else you actually have something to show for it.

Anonymous No. 184049

I'm a white belt (gi). I've got relatively good open guard retention but find it hard to translate into actually sweeping people, people just get stuck in my guard for a minute or two until they pass. Which sweeps should I prioritise practicing in preparation for my first competition a couple weeks from now?

Anonymous No. 184092

The main beginner friendly one I know are the tripod sweep. Often get that from reverse de la riva. You can go to a sit-up guard for a single leg takedown, single leg x to drop them for an easy straight ankle, and X guard is pretty easy to sweep if you manage to get there.

Personally I'm starting to play with collar sleeve since a black belt I regularly train with does. I'm not very good with sweeps on that yet. Im guessing a variation of tomoe nage is the main answer. I can definitely "feel" the omiplata though.

Anonymous No. 184097

Fuck outta my sport, faggot.

Anonymous No. 184106

Make it your game plan to get to whatever guard positions you most frequently play, and ask your coach (or us, or youtube) for options from that position. This includes how to control people and common reactions.

Whatever you work on, just try to remember WHY you're doing stuff. It's usually some combination of
>break posture
>get their hands on the mat
>remove/block a posting hand or leg
>get inside position
This makes things a little easier to remember, rather than 100 very specific details.
Also, very important, practice getting the fuck up when you sweep someone. A lot of white belts get decent sweeps but fail to secure top position and score. Be sure to follow through, preferably straight to a pass.

Anonymous No. 184582

Japanese mma jiu-jiutsu is why I got into mma and nogi.

Anonymous No. 184583

Do you guys ever think there will just be grappling gyms?
Not Judo Wrestling Bjj Nogi but a mix of all, almost pure grappling.
I think the mma grappling rule set is best if you would want to do this.

Anonymous No. 184630

>almost pure grappling
>mma grappling rule set
What are you talking about?
Modern no-gi gyms are basically what you describe - a mix of standing and ground techniques borrowed from all over the place. Single-legs with judo counters, wrestling leg rides that lead to BJJ submissions, etc.

Anonymous No. 184639

No-gi is pretty much all of it. If it works, they use it. Not really any restrictions that I can think of in an ADCC ruleset.

Anonymous No. 184644

Those movements are banned in the nogi comps I have attended. I let my experience bleed over
Adcc is pretty great

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Shinya Aoki submi....webm

Anonymous No. 184741

Anonymous No. 184865

flower sweep

Anonymous No. 184867

do people still do those? haven't seen one of those bad boys since like 2016

Anonymous No. 184868

im a white belt, and use it all the time. first sweep i could actually do. definitely easier in gi tho.

Anonymous No. 184881

My local gym has gi, no gi, and wrestling classes

If I just attend one wrestling and one no gi class a week, will I be looked down upon for not doing any gi stuff?

Anonymous No. 184903

You won't be looked down upon, but you should consider doing gi classes anyway, especially if there aren't that many wrestling and no gi classes. Regardless over how you feel about the gi, it's a way to get more mat time.

Anonymous No. 184917

Never did or know anything about jiu-jitsu (except for some jew-jitsu). But why is her ass in the air and he's just calm as fuck?

Anonymous No. 184924

Listen to >>184903
If your no-gi options are limited, you should train in the gi just to get more mat time. Especially as a beginner

Anonymous No. 184925

How long should I do bjj and wrestling? I just want to become adequate and then go back to boxing.

How will guys know to take it easy on me in wrestling and no gi since there is no belt system?

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Anonymous No. 184926

I got my blue belt yesterday.
>TQ: scarfhold chest compression

Anonymous No. 184927

no, but with that schedule youre going to get killed by people with good guards for a long time. you should be going 3+ times a week minimum and mostly bjj if you want to be a good grappler.

Anonymous No. 184930

I thought wrestling is way more important in a real fight than bjj

Anonymous No. 184933

its not because if you wrestle the fight will inevitably go to the ground. at which point you need submissions, or striking which the bjj point system is based around even if standard bjj doesnt actually it. also if you just shoot recklessly youre going to get strangled by someone who knows what they're doing.

Anonymous No. 184938

>How long should I do bjj and wrestling?
A BJJ blue belt should trash anyone untrained, barring very significant weight and strength disparity. I don't know enough about wrestling to give an educated opinion, but it'll probably be harder to quantify since as far as I know there are no ranks.
But the problem with your question is that unless you train regularly, you'll get rusty. I don't think you can just get to a place where you're satisfied and stop. Sure, you'll retain the fundamentals but a large portion of your fighting ability will go away once you stop training. Use it or lose it and all.
>How will guys know to take it easy on me in wrestling and no gi since there is no belt system?
>Yeah, I'll roll with you. Just go easier on me, I'm kinda new to this

Anonymous No. 184939

>Go to the ground

At which point you stomp them

Anonymous No. 184942

that must be why is see so many stomping submissions in UFC

Anonymous No. 184945

Is jui jitsu good for you?

Anonymous No. 184952

It makes nerds think they can fight so no

Anonymous No. 184953

>I just want to become adequate
>real fight
The reality is that you will likely never get in a real fight if you have any brains. A year or two of consistent grappling will put you miles ahead of the average person. There's not really a need to put such a separation between BJJ & wrestling, they compliment each other perfectly and are both needed if you're worried about fighting.

Just start training and stop overthinking it. If you last a year, you'll probably stick around longer and stop caring about being newbies.

Anonymous No. 184954

Define good. It's an intense sport. You'll get in pretty good shape, but risk of injury is high. Increases as you get older obviously. I busted a rib during a takedown (worst injury in my life) and have had various other aches and pains. Trained 2 years now. Many I know have had some small injury in that period. Broken fingers, torqued ribs, knee bursitis, etc. Two knee injuries stand out as the only major injuries I've heard of. That'll take you off the mats for 3-6 months.

Despite all that, you usually develope decent cardio, strength, and flexibility.

Anonymous No. 184955

It's really not
You're looking at chronic life altering injuries and a baseline of achy pains no matter what you do
It doesn't matter how careful you are, someone will come along and recklessly injur you

For me, cervical spine? Fucked, I need a special pillow , turn my whole body to look around like batman, and get migraines
Shoulder? Donezo, going to need surgery eventually but I'm putting that off, for now I get random subluxations and can manage to get it back in but it's a little harder to do each time
Knees? Forget about it, we basically have a death pool to see which one blows out first. Left patellar tendon is like a half eaten string cheese, right meniscus isn't even there anymore

And don't get me started on the testicle injuries, I have a lump of scartissue in there it's almost like I have a 3rd nut, when it presses on the nerve either it feels like someone's squeezing my balls or I can't feel them at all

Anonymous No. 184956

God damm, how long have you been training? Shit like this is why I play half guard with randoms.

Anonymous No. 184957

Just watched Balls To wall, I am really happy with it

Anonymous No. 184958

Since 2016

Anonymous No. 184960

I want to feel confident. I did boxing competed and know I can throw a punch or two If i need to . No idea how to successfully operate close up apart from headbutts and "just seeing red bro" kek

Anonymous No. 184961

That's a lot for that period of time, at least compared to what people of that experience level tell me. I'm assuming you're the type that competes right?

Anonymous No. 184962

I was told once you get the fundamentals of grappling ingrained it's like riding a bike and you never truly lose it

Anonymous No. 184963

6-12 months of either will put you league's ahead of normies. Wrestling is great for standing>ground transition and BJJ is great for ground fighting. Both dabble in the other (wrestling pinning and BJJ takedowns) so it's not completely different. BJJ culture is more fun imo, but that's a personal thing.

Anonymous No. 184964

Just start training. If you hate it you won't last. If you love it, you'll stay for years.
Free time is limited, just spend it on the things you enjoy. Any kind of (legit) training is plenty for self defense/fights. It's pretty easy to avoid fights anyways

Anonymous No. 184965

Thanks man hopefully I won't break my neck or anything

Anonymous No. 184968

not anymore
I have a few goals I'd like to achieve such as winning a naga belt, winning a black belt division, doing a televised super fight
but I'm not trying to win one of those worthless ibjjf world championships or anything

Anonymous No. 184971

>winning a naga belt
>worthless ibjjf world championships
how have you racked up all those injuries and 8 years of training without a naga belt? are you a complete spaz?
IBJJF is retarded but winning worlds is no small feat

Anonymous No. 184972

Yeah... not surprising you'd be busted up. It seems like the rate of injury for competitors is super high. I've competed a few times and I'm at the point where I don't think it's worth it. At least right now. Masters 1 right now and may wait til Masters 2 to compete against older/slower opponents. Last two comps at least one person in my bracket appeared to be injured in some way.

Anonymous No. 184979

Is 1-2 gi class 3-4 nogi classes and 1 wrestling class a week with bodyweight PPL and jumping rope enough to become a well rounded grappler?

I know it is a unclear goal but I have gotten really into watching the high level ADCC matches and I want to change my life a bit.
I am happy I am just leaving the house for something that isn't going to work.

Anonymous No. 184980

How often do you train currently? How long have you been training?
High training volume is usually how people get injured and/or burn out.
>become a well rounded grappler
You don't need to train 6x a week to be well rounded

Anonymous No. 184982

> 184980
>How often do you train currently?
right now I am training 3 nogi classes a week and some times going the wrestling class
(one class is twice as long and the school counts as two classes same with the 1/2 gi class)

> How long have you been training?
2 and a half months

Anonymous No. 184983

It entirely depends. It seems some competitors do doubles and basically nothing else. I'm not an expert, but it looks to be more influenced by mat hours and quality of instruction (go figure). I think Jozef Chen is an interesting study of quickly getting good. Check out his story and methods. He did a lot of self led studying and implementation.

Anonymous No. 184985

>2.5 months

It's cool you're enthusiastic about the sport, but it's a huge investment to get to that level. Even D1 wrestlers coming over to ADCC had several years in BJJ before they started getting higher up. Local comps? Do it whenever. Training 5-6 days a week may set you up to beat most white belts in 3-6 months, maybe. Going from 3 to 5-6 isn't too bad if you're not going too hard every class. Just have fun and explore all the positions and responses 80-90% of the rolls.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 184986

>> 184980

>> 184983
>Jozef Chen
>Check out his story and methods
I know his story but I didnt know he shared his methods

Anonymous No. 184987


>Jozef Chen
>Check out his story and methods
I know his story but I didnt know he shared his methods

Anonymous No. 184988

There's several interviews, but it seems to be heavily influenced by Josh Waitzkin(?) and ecological dynamics. He'd watch instructionals and grab a partner who was willing to work with him. Sounds like that's why he joined B-team, so he could continue a relatively self-led approach. Seems to have worked for him so far.

Anonymous No. 184989

That should be do able
Makes sense
I am not saying adcc isnt a dreams but I get it isn't a quick goal

Anonymous No. 184990

I've never done naga because they rarely come here and just haven't been available. only want it because the belt looks cool

as for ibjjf its 7 age divisions, 5 belts, with 10 weight classes, gi and nogi, men and women there's over 1000 "world champions" every year
compound that with all the different pans and stuff, multiple thousands of high tier championship accolades. Pretty much anybody can get one if they find the right division to go in under
I know more than a few people that won worlds because there was only 1 or 2 other people in their bracket and they were guaranteed podium no matter what

Anonymous No. 184992

It's kind of tempting to sandbag like a motherfucker and go to one of these. I barely ever see the owner of our gym and work basically one on one with a couple different black belts in the morning. May get there after a year or two as blue.

Anonymous No. 184993

Just keep training consistently and start watching Gordon/Danaher instructionals with intent. Anyone who hates on those has no idea what they're talking about
>t. I train at B-Team and have rolled with and learned from Jozef Chen

Anonymous No. 184995

Is it worth it to travel and visit for a week as a hobbyist blue belt? Seems like it would be fun, but would prefer to attend Craig or Nicky Ryan classes. That doesn't seem like that happens too often, especially with Craig traveling often.

Anonymous No. 185007

Wait B-team recommend watching Gordon?
Wait that actually makes sense.

Anonymous No. 185014

My instructor was a blue or purple at renzos when danaher first walked through the door
And on a personal level the guy is a complete asshole that got too big for his britches and got even more of an ego and attitude after getting famous

But he knows his shit and my gym absolutely pirates his instructionals

Anonymous No. 185015

do you think he's autistic

Anonymous No. 185017

Probably closer to BPD or something like that

Anonymous No. 185053

Regardless of his insufferable personality, I don't think anyone can deny that Gordon knows his shit, his results speak for themselves. Same for Danaher, there is a reason he's generally regarded as the best martial arts coach in the world
>on a personal level the guy is a complete asshole that got too big for his britches and got even more of an ego and attitude after getting famous
Do tell more.
The impression I always got from his was "is better than you and knows it but also isn't an asshole about it". .
I don't think I've even heard B Team guys talk shit about him, even though it would make sense from their position

Anonymous No. 185061

>Is it worth it to travel and visit for a week as a hobbyist blue belt?
If you are a fan and love training, yes it would be a fun trip. There are always visitors on the mats and everyone is friendly. I would advise visiting before it gets hot as fuck. Austin is cool but everything is on a patio so if the weather sucks, it can be brutal. The gym is in a hideous area but not far from downtown and the river.
>Craig or Nicky Ryan classes
Craig only teaches mornings, but is usually traveling. Nicky is in Europe I think, but otherwise teaches noon classes (some combo of Mon/Wed/Fri). Even if he doesn't teach, you can always ask him questions when he has a free minute. Really helpful guy.
>Wait B-team recommend watching Gordon?
There's no denying he is incredibly talented and knowledgeable. Also, I'm not a pro so idgaf about the B-Team vs. New Wave bullshit. I just prefer the B-Team training environment

Anonymous No. 185069

he's not better than anybody is the thing, he's the definition of an armchair expert
he inherited the students renzos name brought in and is famous because of their effort on the mat
but he's the kind of guy that you'll know for years, will call you to ask you for a favor when he needs something, but going the other way he'll leave you on read and when you see him in public he pretends he doesn't know you
and I used that example because this actually happened

the guy is a user and of poor moral character

Anonymous No. 185075

Why the fuck do higher belts come to beginner classes and roll with white belts?
I can't imagine they get anything out of it, since the skill disparity is so great that the "roll" would barely qualify as a half-assed drill for them, I certainly don't get anything out of it since, again, the skill disparity is so big I barely know what's going on, so how is it not just a waste of everyone's time and my cervical spine?
/rant ogre

Anonymous No. 185077

what do you mean by higher belts

Anonymous No. 185079

There's this one purple belt that comes to beginner classes that I go to (my guess is as a warm-up, since there is an advanced class right after and I never see him in the changing room after training).
He's a relatively fresh purple belt -couple months I think- but he's good enough to pretty much toy with anyone in the room despite not going hard at all

Anonymous No. 185081

from the bottom it seems like a purple belt is all that, but from the other side of the curve the difference between a purple and a blue belt is pretty marginal
he's feeling just as clueless as everyone else when it comes to fundamentals and probably doesn't feel confident in the other class so he's hiding out at the kids table

also is he fat? sounds fat
as you go higher in belts your physicality matters more, not less. It's the opposite of what they tell you will happen because when skill matches skill your conditioning is the x factor

Anonymous No. 185084

>from the bottom it seems like a purple belt is all that, but from the other side of the curve the difference between a purple and a blue belt is pretty marginal
>he's feeling just as clueless as everyone else when it comes to fundamentals
Yeah try saying that after getting choked out every 40 seconds in a five minute round
>probably doesn't feel confident in the other class so he's hiding out at the kids table
I don't think so, I said that he stays for the advanced classes as well
>also is he fat? sounds fat
Lol what, where did that come from? No, he's pretty fit

Anonymous No. 185085

Also I now realize that my posts came off a bit more vitriolic than I intended; From our limited interaction he seems like a nice enough guy, I'm just a bit salty because I feel like I'm wasting my time and energy any time he asks me to roll with him

Anonymous No. 185091

just don't let him tap you
don't make jiujitsu more complicated than it is. There's 2 things he can do to you, pull your arm away from your body and bend it, or wrap something around your neck
that's basically it, so don't let him to either of those things and then whatever else happens doesn't matter
he's the purple belt, you're the white belt, which means he should win, which means if he doesn't win then you win
so if you don't lose, you win
the reason you're losing is you're trying to win instead of trying not to lose

he's not doing anything, you are making mistakes. Stop moving, stop trying, and the mistakes will stop. all you need to do is defend and not die

Anonymous No. 185098

It's a cycle. You are the white belt getting abused and toyed with, he is the purple belt getting toyed with by black belts.
Every upper belt has experienced what you're experiencing, and one day you will do what they're doing. When you're working on new skills, it's easier to practice with people not as good as you. It's also just fun to smash people sometimes.

Anonymous No. 185101

>my guess is as a warm-up, since there is an advanced class right after and I never see him in the changing room after training

This is what I do to either take it easy and recover from an injury or get more mat time. For about a month or 2 I did half of a Foundations class because my kid was training and I had nothing better to do.

I'm only blue, but I like to go easy and slow on white belts. Good chance to test my understanding of certain moves. Many higher belts know those moves and will shut them down with some kind of response, so the move often doesn't get fully tested with them. Tbh it's also low pressure. I have nothing to prove to a white belt and everything to prove to a black belt. A white belt isn't going to notice how sloppy my triangle was or whatever, so Im free to play around.

Anonymous No. 185103

Sick. Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely make time for it before I get too old.

Anonymous No. 185105

Echoing what the other guy said. My coach says that the way to approach rolling with higher belts is to temper your expectations. You're not going to just walk in one day and roll right over him, that's not realistic. But you can make him work just a little harder than he wanted to. Last time he tapped you out every 40 seconds... this time see if you can last 60 seconds before he taps.

No lie, my first indication of progress was maybe six or so months into training. I was rolling with a pans champ. Usually this guy taps me five times in five minutes like clockwork. On that day he tapped me only three times in five minutes. Great success!

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Anonymous No. 185141

Did I get jiujitsu aids? It's been 2 weeks now

Anonymous No. 185183

You can knock out someone with a good wrestling/judo throw, you don't need to "do" something on the ground reallt, just put them there, if the guy knows what he's doing sure, he'll probably know how to fall, but a normal person will get a concusion from a good wrestling throw into concrete

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Anonymous No. 185184

is there anything more autistic than self-defense whataboutism? maybe stop making up scenarios in your head for five seconds and just go train whatever it is you train

Anonymous No. 185219

Might be impetigo
Go to a dermatologist, you'll get antibiotics, it will be gone in a week or two at most

Anonymous No. 185245

Yes, getting emotionally invested in the goings-on of retarded people.

Anonymous No. 185267

what if the throw doesnt work?

Anonymous No. 185279


submissions should be reserved as a hail mary when you're being beaten, if you're in top there's no reason to ever really go for one
you're already winning, there's only downside to trying and possibly losing position in the process

Anonymous No. 185290

Are those wrestling dummies / bjj dummies worth it I kinda want to practice those greco styles thrown and submission at home

Anonymous No. 185293

Get a Suples model if you want a greco dummy. They're the only ones I've seen that have an arm length that doesn't feel like it was just sewn on a heavy bag as a after thought.

Anonymous No. 185300

there are definitely reasons to use a submission if youre on top and winning. in a street fight, beating someone to a pulp takes time and opens you up to legal liability. a proper strangelhold however does neither. smashing only works if youre big and is useless if they have backup.

Anonymous No. 185302

We've sussed out the details on this question before, and although strangling someone is objectively safer for them than knocking them out, from an optics stand point to a jury if you strangle someone you tried to commit a murder
And a prosecutor is going to have a field day hitting you with attempted murder, they'll bring in a use of force expert saying on the force continuum punching someone is level 2 unarmed/less-lethal and strangling someone is level 5 offensive deadly force because that's the standard police are held to
And if you're in a blue county you're fucked because you laid hands on a black man who was just a victim of socioeconomic factors
And if you're in a red county you're fucked because they're bootlickers that back the blue no matter what they do and the cop on the stand says the bad guy is you

Anonymous No. 185312

Wrestling/throwing dummies are worth it. BJJ dummies aren't. Simple as.

Anonymous No. 185323

You try again

Anonymous No. 185330

Isn't BJJ overkill for the average person that cares about self-defense? Honestly pretty sure I'd be more worried about somebody that drills one YouTube video with a single takedown and submission every week than somebody that spent thirty minutes a week rolling on the ground for a year. The whole Bruce Lee thousand side kicks approach.

Anonymous No. 185335

Is there even a difference?

Anonymous No. 185342

Greco wrestling dummies are typically stump bottom so they're somewhat self standing and pretty heavy. You may also see them sold as thai clinch dummies. Bjj dummies tend to be floppy, have all limbs, and completely incapable of even holding a ground posture, let alone stand. Exceptions like the BJJ9k and Smarty exist, but most people here won't pay for them even if they see a use. There are also wall mounted wrestling dummies like the Snap and Shoot and ADAM, but they also fall into the more expensive end and really require you already have some wrestling knowledge.

Anonymous No. 185353

>makes nerds think they can fight

Anonymous No. 185354

Fuck. I was about to start bjj 2 years ayo because I thought it was a low-injury sport. Thank God I ended up with boxing. I'm happy with the choice: we spar once a week and I only had a black eye (2 times), lightli broken lips (every month) and light injuries in wrists and fingers.
inb4: late 30s oldfag coming from bodybuilding

Anonymous No. 185362

most cops dont know how the choke properly, that's why most people associate police chokes with crushing the esophagus like a monkey, or in this case i guess a pig. there would be much less police murders if those yokels knew the first thing about a proper strangulation.

Anonymous No. 185363

>there would be much less police murders if
no niggers

Anonymous No. 185366

>t. got beat up by a nigger

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Anonymous No. 185375

Nta but I was looking at buying a wrestling dummies with then I can still practice single leg

Anonymous No. 185376

Check out their attacker models if you have something you can attach to. Those ones you posted don't stand up great unless you don't mind going from a head touch or otherwise stabilizing the Upper body before dropping.

Anonymous No. 185384

Ah fair

Anonymous No. 185387

I want to improve my wrestling,
So I began reading about the Russian oly wrestling team and sombo after watch a few of alexander karelin's and Khabib's matches.
I am getting a feeling it is not worth looking into but I could be wrong.

Is it actually worth studying? Is there something I specific should look at?

Anonymous No. 185422

The welfare piggies have no interest in doing any more work than they have to
They're perfectly happy to just tase and beat the fuck out of people unnecessarily rather than spend time learning how to do their job more effectively
In fact most of them enjoy beating up on people, you'll see it when they yell "don't pull away from me" or "stop resisting" and then lay into their victim when it's clear to anyone with working eyes the person was doing no such thing
But they teach them in the academy to yell those things before fucking someone up to gaslight any witnesses into thinking the person was fighting with them

No cops allowed in my gym. I'm not going to be responsible for teaching something to sadists that will misuse it

Anonymous No. 185430

Haha true, there is a ex con at my gym who has a full Hitler tattoo on his back and I have given him a few privates when he started.

I trust him 200% more then cops or prison guards I have dealt with both. They don't know how to act when they don't have all the power.

Anonymous No. 185478

no shit hes a faggot, what else is he supposed to do if he has a pussy instead of a dick you moron? and why does it matter if hes gay anyway you weirdo lol

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Anonymous No. 185501

>Are wrestlers worth looking into to improve my wrestling?
>I am getting a feeling it is not worth looking into

Anonymous No. 185544

The numbers don't lie. In spite of all the bjj injuries you hear about, boxing is a dramatically more dangerous sport if you're going by sheer number of injuries.

Anonymous No. 185585

Let me re write my question
As a someone with a minimum of wrestling experience is it worth studying the russian Olympic team or am I better off studying something else

Anonymous No. 185596

Defence and grip fighting for foundation, then you can go in whatever direction you want. Use professionals as inspiration, not to learn how to wrestle. Hassan Yazdani got me into underhook offense but you still have to learn to get the underhook first.

Anonymous No. 185602

That makes sense thanks

Anonymous No. 185608

Guys I've been watching a lot of KOTS fights which are basically as close to a real fight as you can get

If seems BJJ is massively negated by 12-6 elbows , headbutts and eye gouging

Is BJJ therefore pointless for self defence

Anonymous No. 185617

i have a weenier.

Anonymous No. 185677

I bought the B-team white belt curriculum
It is less focused than I thought but it looks like a good collection of moves that I haven't seen in class.
Then again I am only a 4 strip white belt.

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Anonymous No. 185698

>KOTS fights

Anonymous No. 185723

Passive, bottom position is the issue you're talking about. Many of the KOTS retards would save themselves a lot of damage if they knew some BJJ
>how to escape mount
>how to escape side control
>how to maintain mount
>how to submit from the back
>how to get someone off you and stand up
BJJ is not just playing guard

Anonymous No. 185724

No one on kots knows bjj in the first place I’ve seen those guys roll around like retards with no idea what they’re doing on the ground.

Anonymous No. 185729

They all know BJJ to at least blue belt level. It just doesn't work when someone is punching/headbutting your face

Anonymous No. 185731

Basic 90s Gracie takedowns still work?

Anonymous No. 185732

lol, lmao even

Anonymous No. 185735

Are you retarded or just baiting people? This board is fascinating

Anonymous No. 185737

Cope. They all try to escape mount etc but it's different irl and not in a safe bjj cuddle friendly environment

Anonymous No. 185757

What about MMA? Or does that also not count because there is gloves and rules?
You're retarded. Go to a BJJ gym and challenge a blue/purple belt to a street fight. Please record it for us

Anonymous No. 185770

Is bjj boring? What made you stick to it?

Anonymous No. 185771

The biggest tool is getting a top position and eye gouging most people will tap.

Anonymous No. 185788

Do any of you guys remember how long it took you to stop getting smoked by other no stripe white belts? I'm on class 7, second day of a week or 2 in my total beginner s class dedicated to wrestling takedowns and can feel the demoralization coming on. How long is the grind at the total beginners level?

Anonymous No. 185789

What do I do if I'm facing a far better guy than me who plays guard and just sits up? Yeah I can go for a bodylock, but I feel it's underwhelming since it's really hard to hold, and then I'm just gonna be in 1)leg lock, or 2) in closed guard soon. Can I like try to lean in on him with my head and go for HQ/half-guard? If he uses his hands enough, I'd go for an underhook

Anonymous No. 185790

That’s retarded and it’s not going to work on people who know how to grapple

Anonymous No. 185805

staple his bottom leg to the mat
this is a fundamental concept and nobody teaches it
the guy on bottom literally can't do anything if his bottom leg is pinned
I don't understand why beginners are even rolling with each other
how are you going to play a game against someone when neither of you knows how to play

Anonymous No. 185817

I'll let you know when I find out
>t. 6 months in

Anonymous No. 185821

MMA has too many rules such as no 12-6 elbows , headbutts, eye gouge, strangle, or kicks to downed opponent

Hence they have to play bjj games

Anonymous No. 185832

None of these with the exception of kicking a downed opponent would change anything at all
And I'm pretty sure there were/are promotions where soccer kicks are allowed and surprise, surprise, the fights looked identical to Unified Ruleset
The reason you don't see any real ground grappling in KOTS is because none of the fighters are good enough to make it in a real promotion, professional or amateur

Anonymous No. 185834

Huge cope.
Most of them fight amateur k1/MMA too

Anonymous No. 185837

>source: your ass

Anonymous No. 185842

>They are untrained

>Source: your ass

Anonymous No. 185843

>How long is the grind at the total beginners level?
Different for everyone, but you will be pretty clueless for up to a year at least. Start asking questions and watching matches if you want to improve quickly
>plays guard and just sits up
Stop passing from your knees, if you're doing that. Stand up, staggered stance, keep your head close to the level of their's so they can't wrestle up on you, and try to get them to their back.
You can get them to their back using grips/pushes (shoulders, head, lifting feet), or by flanking them and forcing them to their back to retain guard. Passing is one of the hardest things in BJJ, don't get discouraged. I would really recommend learning a half guard passing system, and just forcing half guard.
Here is a good clip about engaging in people's guard:

Anonymous No. 185952

Is 30 too old to start BJJ?

Anonymous No. 185955

If you aim to beat Gordon Ryan yes, if you just want to do a martial art no.

Anonymous No. 185993

Is there any bjj content on attacking with a knife?
All I can find is defending a knife attack, and some guy saying to just roll with a rubber knife and figure it out on your own.

Anonymous No. 186012

You can't defend from a knife with any reasonable chances of success with any technique or martial art (inb4 the boxing fag jumps in), you'll just end up dead on the sidewalk

Anonymous No. 186035

Look into shivworks and Craig Douglas. Best self defense/grappling content involving weapons that I've seen.

Anonymous No. 186041

Thanks looks pretty good

Anonymous No. 186051

Didn't the guy not grab my wrist no my other wrist properly in one of his demos and the entire technique didn't work?

I ain't payin that much for a little baby knife

Anonymous No. 186069

Does bjj teach grip fighting and takedown defence?
Will it teach me the most useful takedowns of judo and wrestling whilst ignoring all the bs?

Anonymous No. 186074

It's kinda there, but BJJ really doesn't focus on it. There's little depth to it, in order to accommodate the hugely increased focus on ground fighting.

Anonymous No. 186075

that is to say, if you're *only* interested in stand-up wrestling, just do Judo or Wrestling.
If you want to wrangle someone while they're already on the ground, do BJJ.
If you want a bit of both, crosstrain

Anonymous No. 186076

Even if I have a stitch in my left achillies, is it still possible to get into martial arts?

Anonymous No. 186084

We're not doctors here (or the vast majority of us anyway), which means we don't know anything about stitched tendons beyond what Google tells us, and we're definitely not YOUR doctors, which means we don't know anything about your particular case
Don't be a retard and rely on advice of retarded strangers, consult your doctor, they'll know the specifics of your injury and what loads you should and should not expose it to

Anonymous No. 186144

It could definitely help with isolating and controlling the knife hand. But don't fight someone with a knife unless you have no other option

Anonymous No. 186150

>attacking with a knife
Not being attacked

Anonymous No. 186151

Attacking? I mean, if you want to murder someone with a knife, advancing to a dominant position and then inserting the knife into various parts of their anatomy is probably a good way to do it.
>two points
>three points
>four points

Anonymous No. 186152

>advancing to a dominant position
would you do a body lock with a knife in your hand? a double leg? or hand fighting?

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Anonymous No. 186177

Why do all the pros praise these?
All I do for cardo is burpees, jump rope and rolling.
How much am I missing out

Anonymous No. 186178

Can't speak for the bike and ski, but the rower is incredible at teaching you a purposeful pacing of output. It's very easy to go too hard and then get btfo by it. Proper stroke form really isn't very intuitive for most people either, so you also might get a new way to look at biomechanics. It's really hard to fully describe until you've spent some time doing it. Everything about it makes people want to go hard and rip it, but really that's completely wrong.

Anonymous No. 186179

Are you talking about two guys duelling with knives, or using jiujitsu to facilitate murdering someone with a knife?
If the latter, I'd say deception is your ally. Initiate a conflict under the pretense of an unarmed fight, just a bit o' manly fisticuffs. Take him down, advance, then pull out the knife and kill him. I'm thinking of Dequitem on YT, a lot of his matches end with clinching, takedown, top control, and then pulling out the rondel dagger and stabbing. Talk to HEMA bros for more about grappling with knives/daggers.

Just to be clear, this is completely immoral, legally indefensible, and of zero practical usefulness to anyone except a psychopathic serial killer. I'm kinda baffled by the question but I'm going along with it as a thought experiment.

Anonymous No. 186183

It's all about muscle confusion

Anonymous No. 186189

>2 month white belt asks me a question after class
>said he did a move to a black belt and he "had it"
>the black belt just laughed at him and blew right out of it
>I don't understand what I did wrong?!
your first mistake was thinking after 8 weeks you would win against someone that's been doing it for 12 years

why are they like this? if you're like this why are YOU like this? I can't understand this headspace asking what did I do wrong
probably a fucking lot

Anonymous No. 186191

>thought experiment
It is just that I was reading about ringen which is an old german form of armored wrestling with the goal of stabing a downed opponent.
Along with just watch danaher self defense advice (FTF vol 1 ch 8) which brought up standing vs grounded or svg where you pretty much arm drag and stomp which he openly say is illegal.
I wanted come up with a horrible wrong defense plan, like hand fighting till you can tight up, which at that point you pull the knife and stab.

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Anonymous No. 186193

Anonymous No. 186212

Been training for close to 5 years. No cauliflower ears yet other than a few small knots/bumps on them. I got an accidental kick to the ear today, it hurts quite a bit and is bruised but there's no swelling. Is it possible that my ear could blow up over night or develop into cauli later?

Anonymous No. 186247

It probably would have already swelled. I have the little knots/bumps too but no cauliflower ear, likely a genetic thing.
Cauli-bros: do you ever get strange looks or comments from people?
I feel like the average person doesn't even notice or know what cauliflower ear is.

Anonymous No. 186253

I had no idea what cauliflower ear was.
Unless you're extremely knowledgeable or into rugby or combat sports, I bet most people think it's just a deformity

Anonymous No. 186259

Only people with bitch skin get it unless there's serious trauma, and I've been blasted in the ear with elbows and knees my fair share and still haven't even found the threshold for it

If you don't get it you don't get it

Anonymous No. 186289

You get how many wrestler there are in the us
I want for an interview and asked about his ear and got the job

Anonymous No. 186295

>zero practical usefulness
The best type of knowledge

Anonymous No. 186299

people say you see someone with cauliflower ear on the street he knows how to fight so you shouldn't mess with him
I see someone that gets hit and caught in headlocks a lot

Anonymous No. 186401

You think everyone should know basic grappling?

Anonymous No. 186408

If you are a Frend yes, if your future nasa engineer no.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 186484

As a beginner is there any I need to study past passing, taking the back and attack the back?

Anonymous No. 186486

As a white belt is there anything I need to study past taking the back, passing guard and attack the back?
Rnc seem to the highest percentage submissions

Anonymous No. 186514

As a white belt myself, I think pin escapes and guard retention are probably the most important, because to attack you first need to be able to defend yourself reasonably
After that, probably passing and sweeps

Anonymous No. 186516

Stupid newbie question here....

Never done any grappling before

A place near me offers "Grappling - MMA" once a week. Another place a little further offers BJJ gi and no gi every day. I could attend 2-3 sessions a week.

Would it be foolish to just go straight for the MMA grappling class once a week? Or would I be better off with the second option?

I want skills for a self defence/control situation. I already have a years boxing experience and had an amateur fight so I'm not completely out of my element with striking

What I'm worried about is I've heard a lot of bjj isn't viable outside of bjj rules. On the other hand, I don't think getting hit in the head is sustainable training long term..

Anonymous No. 186522

Listen to >>186514
>pin escapes
>guard retention
>attacks from guard (half guard specifically)
I would choose the BJJ-specific place, and just do no-gi if you are there for control/self defense. Once a week is not enough
>bjj isn't viable
It's easy to figure out what to avoid on the streets, but you'll likely never have to use it anyways. There will likely be wrestlers in the no-gi class, and hopefully some wrestling instruction if the gym is good.

Anonymous No. 186523

There is also wrestling twice a week (freestyle and Greco apparently)

Should I do a session of that when I can as well?

>you'll likely never have to use it anyways.

As in I won't get into any altercations?

Anonymous No. 186568

Would hgh help me get back on the mat after a tendon injury
I know it wasn't a full break

Anonymous No. 186575

How do I find people to train techniques out side of the gym? I know some people train with their gf
>t. Friendless

Anonymous No. 186624

Wrestling twice a week at the BJJ place? Yes take those classes. And yes, you will likely never get into altercations if you live in a decent part of the world and avoid retards
Just rest for a while and do PT exercises
Train more and make friends with your training partners. Drill before/after class or at open mat
>t. none of my friends train

Anonymous No. 186636

If training to focus on lethality should you just focus on passing, guard, standing up, slams, and chock.
What is the best way to make bjj more lethal in your opinion
I started thinking of this because of these posts

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Anonymous No. 186656

Brazilian blowjob is a faggot combat sport whose users will get raped by niggers in any setting. Fake, female martial art.

Anonymous No. 186660

Yet every MMA fighter knows it


Anonymous No. 186662

Most mama fighters are garbage. Exclusive bbj fighters who train 5 minutes of striking are reddit athletes. Judo and wrestling are far stronger for grappling and can work in and outside of competition. Brazilian blowjob is for femboys who cannot handle 5 seconds of force.

Anonymous No. 186663

Have you ever tried doing a judo throw it's like impossible unless the other person is taking risks and trying to judo throw you as well. If they just stiff arm and hockey punch your face it's over for you

Judo is very high risk low percentage. Yes it looks nice on the Olympics but even there successful throws are very rare and require years of complete dedication

Anonymous No. 186665

For beginners yes, but with moderate training most people can osotogari niggers into outer space after entering the clinch. Striking + judo = TND.

Anonymous No. 186668

>Heh, im gonna osoto gari you from clinch!

>*Gets headbutted*

Anonymous No. 186670

Yeah, that is fair counterplay, however bjj is nullified even easier than any martial art. Strikes on the ground completely dismantle all of bbj’s reddit tier practitioners.

Anonymous No. 186685

>rear naked chokes dismantle all of wrestling's reddit tier practitioners
>leg tackles dismantle all of judo's reddit tier practitioners
>leg kicks dismantle all of boxing's reddit tier practitioners
Dumb fag

Anonymous No. 186718

I'm convinced judofags are the most obnoxious martial artists around today. The arrogance they have despite mediocre results in modern MMA is incredible. And the copes they give are hilarious

>W-we just have better things to do okay???? Otherwise judo athletes would sweep UFC

They always try to lump themselves with wrestling too, as of they are anywhere near as effective

Anonymous No. 186781

>Heh, I'm gonna leg kick you!
>Wh-what.. you're still standing...?
>100kg of angry meathead boxer proceeds to punch your head in

Nothing personel..

Anonymous No. 186782

Makes shit up, haha its nothing

Anonymous No. 186804

Nah thats fag rollers, hands down. Ya'll never shut up about how great BJJ is even though it's only good for single targets. But I can find clips of randos with little training in boxing or judo dropping & tossing dudes left & right. BJJ takes a lot of skill, but that investment gets you very little return & its only really useful if you're playing the game. Once you know how to eacape, just stand up & everything BJJ has is useless. Which is why, professionally, everyone hates you fags for pulling guard. And the rules keep changing to protect you homos.

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Anonymous No. 186806

>its only really useful if you're playing the game
>just stand up bro

Anonymous No. 186807

Seethe & dilate. Your cope amuses me.

Anonymous No. 186808

>zero stripe white belt
I am now entirely convinced boxing doesn't work because I can just not get hit
Source? I sparred with a guy who started boxing yesterday

Anonymous No. 186810

My gi and white belt have arrived
Redpill me on whether I start my bjj journey

Anonymous No. 186813

1) Go to a BJJ gym
2) Start training

If you're asking for specific progression, ignore submissions in the beginning and focus on guard, guard retention and pin escapes back into guard. Once you learn how to survive and escape bad positions, then you can start learning how to attack

Anonymous No. 186818

Learn to hahahjajajj guard hahahahaha surf lamo.

Anonymous No. 186819

It is the most accessible and quickest growing of the 3 main grappling sport
Form all the money in it you have access to the highest level information if you pay or pirate

Also drill for reps not time when you can

Anonymous No. 186828

>Glosses over the part where Enkamp does it to his pro-mma brother too
Lol cope much? Look, I even said...
>BJJ takes a lot of skill
But theses facts remain, that it is only effective on the ground in 1v1 & that it relies on guard pulling bullshit the majority of the time to be of any use at all. BJJ's 'superiority' exists in a ring, no where else, AND EVEN THEN, the only taps that get used, since no gi is the pro standard, are the most basic fucking shit that are not unique to BJJ. The whole 'style' is a con job. You would get more usefullness out of basic fucking catch-wrestling than you would this garbage. Even judo with it's stricter gi focus has more applicability than BJJ. So go ahead & cry some more.
>normies love it so why not
It's the male equivalent of yoga, both in cult like culture & functionality. Which is equally fucking stupid, get the same benefits with basic calisthenic stretching.

Anonymous No. 186829

>Glosses over the part where Enkamp gets folded like dirty laundry by higher belts despite his best attempts at "just standing up"

Anonymous No. 186831

You referring to the intro part of the video where he's basically 'tipping his hat' before going into the silly training montage? Look retard, i guess you don't get this since your social life doesn't extend past blue boards. But in the real world it's customary to extend basic levels of respect. Kinda like how I make the concession that BJJ dominates 1v1 on the ground, kinda... That's what he's doing & you're taking that as some big "AHAA GOTCHA!" moment in your faggy incel logic. And you expect people here to believe you roll? Dude even Gordan Ryan says the exacy same shit Enkamp says in that video. Shit man Criag fucking Jones sells an instructional about just standing the fuck up.
Get over it & accept reality dude. BJJ has its moments but you've been sold a lie.

Anonymous No. 186832

Right so it's completely "based and chad" to form your entire view of BJJ off a white belt who's been training for like half a year and "faggot incel" to point out that he got completely manhandled when trying the same strategy against more skilled opponents?
>Shit man Criag fucking Jones sells an instructional about just standing the fuck up
If you were capable of reading past the headline, you'd notice that the instructional is about making your pins better so that your opponent can't do that and, yes, standing up specifically to exploit an opponent who sucks at pinning

Anonymous No. 186839

>you've been sold a lie
Oh, it's this guy again lol you need help anon

Anonymous No. 186841

You don't like yoga? okay do your calisthenics by your self. Women like to have a reason to talk and meet others.

You do know there's more is to a sport being popular then
>muh normies

At least bjj isnt controlled by a discounted Olympic committee

Anonymous No. 186847

>At least bjj isnt controlled by a discounted Olympic committee

>what is the ibjjf

Anonymous No. 186848

In the gi what is the best way to pull your opponent into your closed guard from open guard? One thing I've been doing so far is getting a lasso on one side and then just pulling hard on the collar on the other side while extending my free leg and it tends to work. I don't know whether that would work against good competitive opponents though. I feel like I've never seen anything taught for specifically pulling closed guard other than jumping from standing (which I don't want to do) and pulling cross collar and sleeve and hoping that the guy falls into you which I feel isn't that realistic.

Anonymous No. 186865

You need help keeping dicks out yo face faggot. Its like your chin is a magnet for deez nuts.

Anonymous No. 186868

Tons of smaller organizations

Anonymous No. 186924

You need some sort of control over their posture (collar grip usually), and separation between their elbows and knees/hips. Those should be your goals or skills that lead to closed guard pulls.
Here are some helpful videos:

It's really great that you're asking questions like this. You should start googling and looking for answers on youtube/reddit, and asking your coach things like this. Everyone I know that is exceptionally good studies instructional material or at least troubleshoots positions in the gym.
>t. went through Lachlan & Danaher's stuff when I was a white belt and wrecked all my fellow lower belt training partners

Anonymous No. 186952

My gym does bjj then judo and sometimes bjj then wrestling

Is going to both classes one after the other a good idea or too much?

Anonymous No. 186968

>Is going to both classes one after the other a good idea or too much?
How new are you? It's likely too much if you've just started training. But doing both is fine once you've been training for a while, and if you don't roll super hard all the time

Anonymous No. 186974

Brand new

Anonymous No. 187021

Just stick with one class at a time for a while until you're consistent and in better shape. Going from nothing to 2-3hrs of grappling might burn you out and lead to injury

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nate diaz vs snea....webm

Anonymous No. 187033

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mica galvao vs ke....webm

Anonymous No. 187034

🗑️ Anonymous No. 187043

Was that a wrist lock?

Anonymous No. 187061

how long did it take you?

Anonymous No. 187066

Thanks bro

Another question which I've been asking around at the gym

Does anyone know how to prevent back and finger joint pain from playing sleeve grip open guards? I feel like it's my strongest position but I'm concerned about the pain and damage

Idk whether it's just a case of getting stronger and not sparring with too much intensity or if there are techniques to it. I wish there were an instructional purely about how to grip correctly so that you don't get arthritis

Anonymous No. 187070

I've heard it can be remedied with exercises to strengthen the finger muscles like grippers and finger expanders, but idk, it may be bullshit

Anonymous No. 187073

Don't death grip stuff. You'll hurt your fingers when people go to break the grip

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Anonymous No. 187083

>be 30, overweight and sedentary
>still using my size (5’9”) as an excuse to not train
>went to bjj class a couple times over the past few years and ghosted, so the coach probably remembers me and thinks I’m weird
>have fear of failing so don’t try anything physically competitive, even though failing is the only way to get better
>also convincing myself I won’t enjoy bjj because I’m not used to grabbing/being grabbed by other dudes

I know I’m a lazy twat and probably just making excuses to avoid being physically challenged. How do I make myself go and stop overthinking?

Anonymous No. 187086

Had my first BJJ class today. Taught us some basic groundwork like americana, triangle choke, kimura, and armbar.
>low energy expenditure compared to boxing, kickboxing or wrestling
>harder to grasp techniques than the above ones
>got used like a dummy by a more experienced student
>left arm feels weird and its fucking with my head because one hand was run through the wringer and the other wasn't

overall, I don't feel like this was all that fun, but I'm gonna give it another chance next week.

Anonymous No. 187101

wtf they taught you all that on your first lesson?
I thought those chokes would take me months to learn

Anonymous No. 187103

They showed me the chokes and told us to practice on the partners. This isn't a BJJ gym, it's an MMA gym. Maybe the teaching styles are different? I'm not saying they made me an expert on them, I've just kind of gotten the gist of em. Right now I can flow from like a Side Hold, to a americana, to a kimura somewhat okay-ish. The other stuff kind of flew over my head but the instructor said not to worry and I can get it through next time.

Anonymous No. 187106

>overweight and sedentary
Training is good exercise
>my size as an excuse
BJJ is full of manlets
>coach thinks I'm weird
He doesn't care
>fear of failing
>I won't enjoy
Why did you go multiple times over the past few years if you don't enjoy it?
These mental hurdles are very common. Pushing through the mental/social/physical discomfort is why people end up loving training. It's good to challenge yourself. If you stick around, you won't be the newest guy anymore and you'll feel yourself improving.
>low energy expenditure
Did you roll? Most people get pretty winded
>harder to grasp techniques
>got used like a dummy
Normal. Could also be a shitty instructor/class, that sounds like a lot of technique for one day

Anonymous No. 187111

>Did you roll?
nah. this is a beginner class so first we gotta do it with a non-resisting partner so we understand the mechanics and the leverages and shit
>Could also be a shitty instructor/class, that sounds like a lot of technique for one day
Could be! this was my first class, and the others had been around for a couple of classes more. I think I might just be playing catch-up. I'll keep you posted on what they teach us per day. It would be devastating if my gym wasn't that great of a bjj class, cuz I'd have to travel for hours for a gracie one.

Anonymous No. 187140

one day closer to quitting forever lads

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bjj no-gi fireman....webm

Anonymous No. 187356

Anonymous No. 187357

this is the most bjj thing, he does a takedown then rolls under to bottom position
so silly and dumb

Anonymous No. 187367

>so silly and dumb
He took the guy down and rolled into a winning submission...

Anonymous No. 187371

because the other guy was accepting the gentlemans agreement of jiujitsu and the rules obliged him to try and pass instead of just backing up

dumb sport

Anonymous No. 187374

I'm starting bjj soon

Do you think the rules will become more realistic in the future or more ridiculous. I.e will combat bjj be a big thing?

Anonymous No. 187378

If you used your eyes you'd notice that the winner had the other guy's arm trapped and pretty much dragged him on top of himself

Anonymous No. 187379

Like every other combat sport, BJJ is the way it is because of rules, particularly striking being illegal. One could make an argument for low point value of takedowns but unless they were valued at a truly ridiculous amount, nothing would change if they awarded more points
And if you want BJJ with striking, well, that's pretty much what modern MMA is

Anonymous No. 187394

it's moving in the right direction, even the ibjjf which is what ruined this is making moves to improve it
but you see this is the only sport where you have multiple different organizations with radically different rules fighting for top position because it doesn't scratch the itch people want out of it right now
the level of gamification is effectively karate/TKD tier at this point. Especially the gi competitions, it has absolutely reached that level of impracticality were you to actually need to use it in a fight

CJJ is the right idea but the EBI overtime is what kills it because the metagame in those comps is to stall and snipe a win in OT
might as well be called the the EB in EBI might as well stand for eBay because its the game is similar to bidding on there for something

Anonymous No. 187395

going frame by fame it looks like a fluke, he wrist locked himself in the scramble

Anonymous No. 187416

>I.e will combat bjj be a big thing?
prob not except a niche among bjj people like it is now. but jiu jitsu people study mma and striking arts so combat jiujitsu is mainly way to practice bjj.

Anonymous No. 187420

It's also somewhat limited by area to where the bigger 10p places and who they're tied in with for promotion capability. Replay on Fight Pass is good, but live would probably do a lot more to get people to show up.

Anonymous No. 187422

aside from that, i think combat bjj is associated with old school culture where newbies get beat up when they show up to the gym. bjj has changed in ways that are partially responsible for incredible rate of expansion over the past 10 years. and unfortunately that means less combat bjj as a proportion to all being grappled

Anonymous No. 187522

why did he roll? why did the other guy rush trough his legs like a retard?

Anonymous No. 187525

what's funny is the takedown didn't score and it counted as a sweep for the guy that ended up on top
he got his hand caught under the other guy, it was an accidental submission

Anonymous No. 187555

My gym's morning class has finally died. I showed up and there's one 300lb+ guy who pinches me and goes full resistance when drilling. This is after I've told him to stop. I texted my coach and said I'm done going.

Anonymous No. 187558

My gym is dying too
It grew for 2 and a half years, really filled up
Now nobody shows anymore

Anonymous No. 187578

Why does this happen? Do people just gradually lose interest, get pushed away by shitty training partners, or accumulate injuries?
I train at a really small gym and every time there's a new fundamentals class being taught, I'm afraid that some asshole is going to join up and make me not want to go anymore.

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Drop Seoi Nage Ar....webm

Anonymous No. 187637

Reminder to work on your breakfalls. Way more important than doing shrimps and berimbolos every warmup.

Anonymous No. 187649

is it possible to earn a blue belt without ever attending any class lessons? just youtube and live rolls, CAN IT BE DONE!?

Anonymous No. 187824

wtf happened there

Anonymous No. 187825

did my first no-gi session last week and going again tomorrow, holy fuck it's so much better than gi. it sucks ass my gym only does nogi once a week otherwise i'd be ditching gi entirely.

Anonymous No. 187857

Hello buh jay jay general
I am back
second day at jew jitsu
They taught us how to do an armbar from a guard position, and how to flow into a triangle choke from it, and back to an armbar. The instructor said the last bit is just for visuals, and all we had to do was do armbar to triangle choke over and over.
I gotta say: *this* was tiring. I was practicing with a MASSIVE muscular dude, and pulling him in any direction was tough. Dude nearly made me hurl from the triangle chokes.
My trainer told us to practice more often, I asked how I could practice by myself, he responded "You can't. Meet up with a partner and practice." Welp.

Oh yeah my legs and ribs were cramping something fierce and moving around on the mat to adjust to the armbar and triangle choke is kind of hard to do. Any tips to help with these issues? Which youtbe videos/channels do you recommend for training?

Anonymous No. 187972

I have a theory
People quit for all different reasons but one consistent fact is people quit right after getting a new belt
And this is true of all belt levels by the way, not just the blue belt meme
And the way my place works now is they like to stockpile promotions and do them all at once instead of person by person as it comes up
And then so over 2 years people build up and then all get new belts at the same time and then drop off all at once

Anonymous No. 187973

He posted his arm to catch himself instead of rolling out

Anonymous No. 188024

I guess the reasoning behind this might be "I'm just not really enjoying this anymore, but I want to at least reach this milestone before I quit"

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Anonymous No. 188028

it's part of the cringe jiujitsu as a lifestyle combined with vetbro brands
it's too much of an ask that you need to be "about it". Jiujitsu is more like a bowling league or pickle ball for most people

Anonymous No. 188082

Less than 1 month in and I'm already sick of washing my gi after every session. Where do I get spares for a good price?

Anonymous No. 188085

just buy the sanabuls off amazon

Anonymous No. 188116

I just sent my gi back. I'm unsure about even starting bjj and think I might just go to a no gi session first

Anonymous No. 188317

Another comp another 0 wins.

Anonymous No. 188319


Anonymous No. 188371

you'll get 'em next time champ. what belt level?

Anonymous No. 188392


Anonymous No. 188669

After my first roll tonight I feel amazing. Got repeatedly, effortlessly demolished by the top belts, survived with one blue belt guy who was going easy, and then got to menace some kids lol. Got my first sub, a collar choke, against a skinny 20 something blue belt who then choked me. Finally I got paired with a 15yo for some reason, and I got him with a kimura and with an arm bar. I would have been happy just surviving the night, but I'm overjoyed I pulled off some moves, regardless of the huge physical mismatch. I have to say, I've never bullied or been bullied before, but I immediately see the appeal.

Anonymous No. 188677

you didn't use your full man strength against the child did you?

Anonymous No. 188711

I personally think that the old style of training where classes are ground game only is going away.
In my gym we have wrestling at least two times a week, one class with some mma/striking mixed-in and the occasional judo/sambo technique (one of the brown belts is a national combat sambo champion).
I thought that was the case everywhere but maybe it's due to my country having a wrestling/sambo tradition way before bjj was even heard of.

Anonymous No. 188715

A win is a win
It's not like I hurt him

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Anonymous No. 188721


Anonymous No. 189059

Any tips on reverse z guard?
>favorite sub
I think its front head lock

Anonymous No. 189665

I will know I have made it when I get ANY post-roll compliment other than
>nice frames

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Anonymous No. 189983

>be me
>white belt maybe 15 hour long lessons so far
>experience so far
>love it actually, doing gracie
>cardio is intense as fuck
>injuries: jammed pinky from rolling with other white belts, rash from mat
>bad experiences: getting choked against the wall by eager white belt douche, dudes balls in my face, dude dripping sweat on me without bothering to try to wipe it
>good experiences: Im 6'2", did yoga for years so learning triangle chokes, rear chokes seem to work good. Last lesson trained with black belt who taught me a lot and seemed much better to work with and less likely to act stupid. Learning mostly escapes and some submissions.
>opinion: obviously if u learn martial arts for self defense/mma u need to learn both grappling and strikes, end of discussion faggots. "But what if 3 friends come out of the bar" shut the fuck up. Yr fucked either way, best defense is to run away or avoid it before it happens. Or verbally deescalate.
>plan on continuing Gracie training and perhaps basic Muay Thai techniques, I enjoy it.
>yoga and weight lifting seem to be good for martial arts, 10 years experience with yoga, 3 or so more serious with weight lifting.

Anonymous No. 189984

Also: when I was rolling at 20% force with the black belt I could not pass his legs even though he was nice enough to tell me exactly what to do. Felt like a fly fighting a frog

Anonymous No. 190412

Back to rolling after 5 year hiatus, blue belt. nI can train twice a week.

I'm 31 now. Will my body be able to handle the knocks on my knees and shoulders?

Anonymous No. 190414

just remember you're not 26 and you aren't going to tough your way through things anymore without consequences
the injuries will come on faster and take longer to heel. The most important thing you can do is come to terms with that fact and not act like your joints don't have more mileage on them. Especially if you've been inactive

Anonymous No. 190424

does anyone else feel like no-gi is much less tiring than gi? i feel so worn out after gi trainings, but no-gi I feel like i can go forever. feels real weird.

Anonymous No. 190482

Another day, another shit session, another hour and a half of getting utterly demolished.
I've been training for over six months now, but it feels like I have not improved at all since the day I started.
Every roll is the exact same, every roll I get completely trashed.
Does it ever get better? It feels so incredibly demoralising.

Anonymous No. 190491

just remember the key principles
dont let anything inside the space between your armpits and knees
if your bottom leg is free you can stand up at any time
if your head is above your butt you can't be swept
it's basically a check list on if those things are happening to you or not

Anonymous No. 190971

Anyone know a good place to torrent instructionals from?
I'm trying to get my hands on Danaher's Kimura and my download has been stuck on 99.6% for the past several days because no one is seeding the damn thing, and that's with the one link with which I managed to download anything at all

Anonymous No. 191116

broke my foot today, had a partner push into me and all my weight and his bent my foot backwards. heard a loud ass pop. first day back too, lmao. oh well, what can you do

Anonymous No. 191134

look them up on

Anonymous No. 191145

That's where I found it

Anonymous No. 191152
