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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 178460

Has boxing become a meme art in the same vain as aikido and Krav maga?

Anonymous No. 178462

Boxing, like Fencing, is a sport.

Anonymous No. 178469

it's highly unrealistic
no it's not. punching is, not boxing
all the postures and foot work in boxing are completely wrong

Anonymous No. 178475

Boxing once held the singular status as a pressure tested striking ruleset trained world wide. It is no longer that, and seems to be suffering greatly for it.

Anonymous No. 178491

This is only because Myau Thai and Kickboxing proved to be supreme every single time, add a kick to your arsenal and a boxer goes bye bye.

Anonymous No. 178509

Aikido is legit though, just pretty much useless in an actual fight on it's own.

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Anonymous No. 178519

Always has been.

Anonymous No. 178533

It would be enough in most fights

Anonymous No. 178543

This... With grappling included, having that angled 45° posture does not help at all and opens you up to shit like this >>178460 is why MMA fighters have a more square head on stance like wrestlers. Got to be ready to sprawl.

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Anonymous No. 178545


Anonymous No. 178572

Props to that dude for backing off right away when he saw that he was out, most people would continue the beatdown. More dudes need to be like that mf.

Anonymous No. 178575

Agreed. I also like that he stopped when he realized the other guy was hurt.
On the other hand I still think that was a bit of overkill considering the clear size difference.
Oh well. Boxer had decent strikes but he should have been backing off instead of staying close.
In anything, the person admistering the violence and who they are up against are always significant factors in combat. Boxing is still a perfectly viable striking solution in many circumstances and there are countless videos of a punch knocking someone out to back that assertion up.
But boxing and striking are only some aspects of combat. There is ranged combat, like guns or bows and arrows; there is weapon combat like single stick, baseball bat, knife, staff, baton, etc.; striking which has the most popular systems from boxing, muay thai, karate, kickboxing, etc.; grappling like wrestling, jiu jitsu, judo, etc. Nearly everything I listed off are sports however so it's worth experimenting with something like Krav Maga or ninjitsu simply to get the dirtier aspects of fighting down.
If there was one, solid answer to how to win at fighting it's all we would teach at a martial arts school, and it's all anyone would do to one another. Eventually while we like to say we're MMA fighters you go all in on some aspect you like the best. And there are times you'll be the winner, and times that you will not.

Anonymous No. 178624

welcome to /xs/, where the only positive quality that a martial art can possibly have is how good it's going to be in a real fight, and every other aspect of it is at best dismissed and at worst made fun of. get ready to enjoy meaningful discussions full of nuance

Anonymous No. 178625

Doesn't matter, no one here trains. So jusy enjoy some really zealous larping. Eventually it will devolve into people throwing out ranks in green text and taking pictures of the uniforms they got when they paid for an introductory class years ago/belts bought online.

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Anonymous No. 178628


... what? What? WHAT?!?!!?!!

Holy shit 4chan is supposed to be the place of based honesty, not the place of FUCKING mental retardation.

Oh I'm sorry, boxers stand too much at an angle? You think people from boxing backgrounds don't know how to, I don't know, JUST SIMPLY STAND A LITTLE STRAIGHTER???

And what kind of faggot view is "the footwork of boxing is completely wrong." How actually gay do you have to be to believe that. Boxing footwork is INCREDIBLY useful for MMA, it just needs MINOR adjustments.

Boxing is not FUNDAMENTAL to MMA, but it's an IMPORTANT MINORITY ASPECT of it, just like ground and pound or wall wrestling. When you're at a striking range where kicks get jammed, you're in a position where a boxing firefight becomes highly likely. It's in times like these that good boxing will save your goddamn life.

Jesus, the goddamn couch-expert fags on this thread need to kill themselves.

Anonymous No. 178632

No refunds on that class BTW

Anonymous No. 178634

welcome to /xs/

Anonymous No. 178635

>Boxing footwork is INCREDIBLY useful for MMA
Maybe on planet retard.

Anonymous No. 178639

>blasts you in the legs with kicks
>blasts you in the knees with shots
>foot sweeps you
>elbows you inside clinches
>easily penetrates all your shell defenses because you don't have 20oz of padding wrapped around your hands like a giant lobster claw
>puts kicks behind punches so you slip right into them
>kicks you in right in the fucking mouth when you try to roll away from punches
Boxing sucks and is gay

I will fight any boxer in MMA rules, I don't care what level of professional or weight class he is
If he even manages to land one clean shot I'll be amazed

Anonymous No. 178654

Yes, another style like kickboxing or BJJ is a better base for MMA than boxing. But boxing is still really great, way better than fucking aikideo or some shit.

>boxing is useless because of leg kicks and clinch
adding on checking kicks and clinchwork on a boxing base is infinitely better than on an Aikido or grappling base
>boxing stance isn't useful
just narrow it and be ready for kicks and takedowns. Again, it's a million times easier to teach a boxer to do that than someone from a truly bullshido style.

Rest assured OP, boxing is no meme. You cherry picked footage of boxing losing to weight difference + wrestling (which is normal). There is an endlessly greater amount of footage of boxing working in street fights.

Anonymous No. 178655

>Jesus, the goddamn couch-expert fags on this thread need to kill themselves
Thats some strong projection faggot. Boxers themselves will say the exact same thing. The footwork is completely different when you're anticipating takedowns. Do you even watch fights? It's obvious as hell. You sitting here insisting you're right with zero argument & sperg screeching isn't an argument.

Anonymous No. 178656

Why do you keep brining up Aikido. You're point is retarded & gay just like you. You're one of those faggots that can't stand not having the last word but you have no atgument at all just keep insisting you're right. And now YOU are the one.comparing it to aikido when no one else did.

Anonymous No. 178660

For example take all the combat sports, and yes I'm including karate in there too
Boxing wins 0% of those match ups
It just has no path to victory against anything
Inside the range boxing works it will get clinched and outside it will get kicked

Anonymous No. 178687

>and yes I'm including karate in there too
>all martial arts
Lmao even

Anonymous No. 178700

No because boxing is an actually useful skill regardless of limitations. Tae Kwon do is also not at that super low meme level either and boxing is much better than TKD.

Anonymous No. 178703

>This totally isn't cherry picked bait.
A 15 year old video filmed in a fucking YMCA and the 'karateka' is the worst cherry picked case you could find. And boxing versus a Hollywood-Fu. Pretty sure this faggot is just trolling.

Anonymous No. 178705

Nah, it isn't, not in comparison it's the least trained striking style in MMA, the footwork isn't compatible with hybrid competitions. This thread is mad cope.

Anonymous No. 178764


I literally make an argument and then get accused of not having arguments. And I bring up Aikido because OP brought it up you actual retard.

And Jesus, why is this thread even still up. Is /xs/ really just a dead board?

Anonymous No. 178765

did you seriously just post a USSR propaganda video as evidence?

Anonymous No. 178772

>USSR propaganda
Not him but this is not USSR propaganda it recorded in early 90's in Russia

Anonymous No. 178773

Hot take but personally think TKD is better than boxing; kicks and the footwork/flexibility that enable them are much harder to learn than how to throw a punch BUT they offer a high skill ceiling. Anyone can throw a punch and get lucky, not just anyone can enter past kicking range, catch a kick or even throw one.

It's kind of like how grapplers can make an untrained person feel like a fish out of water. If there is something you can do that the other person can't then playing into that is stronger than simply trying to do better at the thing you can both do.

Anonymous No. 178774

Also guys in white kimonos have "TAEKWON DO" on them

Anonymous No. 178829

The vast majority of strip mall karate dojos actively make people worse at fighting whereas all boxers learn how to scrap. Cope about it if you like.
>but muh wider variety of techniques
Useless if you can’t actually apply them while getting punched in the face

Anonymous No. 178830

Lmao, tae kwon do black belts regularly get their shit rocked by regular ass people on the streets. Hell, joe Rohan was a two time state champion and when he started kickboxing regular club level kickboxers were beating his ass.

Anonymous No. 178862

Strickland very recently showed the utility of having better boxing against one of the best kick boxers in UFC's history. He straight up used the Philly shell lol.

Anonymous No. 178904

Yeah the difference between only knowing kicks vs knowing punches is actually equivalent to the grappler vs striker steamroll. Literally as soon as the boxer crosses the sidekick range the TKD guy cannot do anything. But still the kicks in TKD are a legit skill to have so even that I wouldn't say is aikido tier and boxing definitely is not.

Anonymous No. 178906


Yeah, having shitty hip mobility and fai makes me respect the kicking skills of Taekwondokas. But relying too much on just legs is not a recipe for success.

Anonymous No. 178907

You’re the schizo in multiple threads for sure
Every mma fighter trains boxing, how can it be the least trained style bozo
Most mma stances are closer to boxing stances than any kick/thai super straight super high stances

Anonymous No. 178908

> TKD guy can't do anything.
> Spinning back kick to ribs.
> Breaks your ribs.


Anonymous No. 178909

Philly Shell is what's used in Kyokushin karate mostly because you just need to protect your body and try and dodge those high kicks, don't see an issue with that stance when implemented in such a manner.

Anonymous No. 178931

Nah, just cause the training has similarities don't make it boxing.

Anonymous No. 178969

You're never going to make enough space to get the boxer off you if you cannot punch at least a little competently. Also it's not the topic of the thread but sadly TKD isn't even the best martial art for kicks because of no low kicks. It will lose to Muay Thai and knockdown karate in a kicking competition because of that lol.

Anonymous No. 179028

I’m not arguing that tae kwon do kicks can’t be a legit skill but the nature of the sport itself is not conducive to preparing people for a real fight. At best point sparring is a useful drill. At worst it fucks up your sense of close range distance and preparation for the realities of fighting. Again, TKD black belts regularly get fucked up by people who have no formal training.

You can ignore the rest of this compilation but watch the first video.

Anonymous No. 179075

you see the problem here is the lack of clinching gives a false positive to the efficacy of punches

Anonymous No. 179076

Boxing is just weak right now, with all these homoerotic pansies ducking each other to keep statpadded 0s and being worried about cte
Midget kid is an idiot for getting close

Anonymous No. 179143

have you ever seen an mma in your life ?
It's mostly punches and leg kicks

Anonymous No. 179516

Boxing is a sport, a ruleset, not some kind of fighting art. There are dozens of different schools and techniques. What does useless even mean? You can't really know how to fight without knowing how to throw a jab and move, and that's what you'll learn in a boxing gym. All these people saying "in a real street fight" are wrong because street fights are unpredictable. Yeah, you can grapple that guy to the ground and then he pulls a shank and starts cutting into you or gouging your eyes out. Try executing a high kick on a guy with gun. Anyone whose been in one knows street fights are unpredictable and you should avoid them at all cost. Your fancy MMA skills won't save you from five dudes kicking your teeth in. The only meme here is the guy that thinks training a few techniques is gonna make him invincible in a "real fight."

Basic boxing skills and picking your fight location (open area) tend to be better in street fights if its necessary to get involved in one. Why? Because ideally you want to stay on the outside and jab the guy. You don't know if he has a knife and if you try and grapple him, his friends might jump in and kick the shit out of you while your on the ground. If you can't avoid a street fight and can't run away, you want to be fleet footed and keep your distance and never get within close range unless you know he has a gun (in which case your basically fucked anyway). If you throw a kick your risking putting yourself off balance, its easier to go back into your regular stance from a jab than a kick. if you try grappling, he might he just sink his teeth into you, gouge your eyes, or get his buddies to bail him out.

All you need in a street fight are some basic boxing skills (footwork, jab, 1-2 combo, basic defense) and some judo and learn some knife fighting and how to shoot a gun. Just don't be an idiot and avoid street fights. No. 1 cause of death among boxers is getting shot/stabbed in street fights.

Anonymous No. 179517

This guy gets it. And while this is very anecdotal. Every time I have seen a sucessful defense in a street fight against multiple attackers, it was with either with boxing or judo.

Anonymous No. 179518

Just learn grappling too and boxing works fine

Anonymous No. 179519

Nta. It's the strong comfort with an upright stance. I used to bounce with a guy who washed out of Greco oly trials. He could clinch and use that guy as a wedge to split through a crowd, sort of like a shield. Very useful for obvious and sometimes subtle reasons.

Anonymous No. 179523

Just being comfortable with standing and fighting and projecting that strength outwardly is a huge advantage when multiple people are involved. Whether or not people admit it, when the adrenaline starts pumping most people are still operating on animal psychology and do not want to fight a fair fight, rather they look to clock you with your back turned or distracted. If you can project that you’re down to scrap with whoever approaches and keep yourself from getting tunnel visioned on one guy you can keep yourself from getting jumped even when logically you could easily be overwhelmed?

Ever seen those videos where a goose stands it’s ground against a bunch of bulls and the bulls end up backing off? Human conflict is not so different and combat sports that give you experience fighting standing up gives you a huge advantage in that regard.

Anonymous No. 179524

I didn’t mean to end “overwhelmed” with a question mark. Please don’t bully me for being a retard. I’ve taken a lot of blows to the head.

Anonymous No. 179528

Thus was a great fight, made me a fan of Inoki

Anonymous No. 179529

As a serious martial autist, I typed what I meant, it's an art for sure. It's only strictly a sport if it can't exist outside a rule set. Like BJJ for example. Boxing, it's principles, and I mean just the style obviously not everything that constitutes the institution of 'boxing' can exist on its own without the expectation of rules or honorable behavior from everyone present.

Anonymous No. 179530

>inb4 some RBSD faggot reeeeea about gloves
Just switch to palm strikes with a swarmer approach to make up the lost reach, will fuck shit up.

Anonymous No. 179542

>Holy shit 4chan is supposed to be the place of based honesty, not the place of FUCKING mental retardation.
It's both.
>Is /xs/ really just a dead board?
Old /asp/ was a little bit better back in the day before the /pw/ fags shat it up and drove everyone else away. In the time since /asp/ was split into /xs/ and /pw/ the old /asp/ crowd hasn't really gotten fully reestablished here on /xs/.

Anonymous No. 179548

Is the kid bleeding from his head? What's the aftermath of this?

Anonymous No. 179551

Bitching about couch experts while being a total fucking retard & missing the point. Boxing good, boxing footwork bad. Footwork specifically designed for fights with no kicking, no grappling, thats bad. Ballet footwork dont work too good in salsa. Soccer footwork don't work too good in football. Etc, etc. This is not a personal attack on boxing, its the truth, and getting all mad & ranty like that lil bitch is pure seething denial.
>old /asp/ crowd hasn't really gotten fully reestablished here on /xs/
The martial arts threads are exactly the same as they were on /asp/ no one should be surprised by any of the crap on here.

Anonymous No. 179556

Hard disagree, far less kung fu fags to dunk on and far more <6 month faggots who don’t know what they’re talking about speaking as authorities

The contrarionism is still here though. It’s just that instead of hating RBSD daggots these retards are unironically shitting on boxing. Ultimate proof that 4channers just hate whatever’s popular instead of what’s actually bad

Anonymous No. 179567

>old /asp/ crowd hasn't really gotten fully reestablished here
I'll let you know that I was a prolific character on that board but I've dropped the act. I won't tell you which one.

Anonymous No. 179571

Boxing died 20 years ago nigga.

Anonymous No. 179602

>I won’t tell you which one
Can I just start naming some names and tell me if I’m right?

Seido fag

Anonymous No. 179605

>boxing is dead
>he actually believes this

Anonymous No. 179614

Proof that size > technique

🗑️ Anonymous No. 179719

Tbh I'd be amazed if even half of you trained in anything at all.

Anonymous No. 179721

/xs/ is a shitshow 90% of the time
Goju tard?

Anonymous No. 179726

>BJJ doesn’t work, you couldn’t do that in a real f-ACK!