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Anonymous No. 178678

The reason that Greco-Roman wrestlers have a straight posture (whereas Freestyle and Folkstyle wrestlers bend) is because holds below the waist are banned. This includes:
>Foot Sweep
>Inside Leg Trip
>Outside Leg Trip
>Ankle Pick
>Knee Pick
>Single Leg Takedown
>Double Leg Takedown
>Fireman's Carry
It would be interesting to create a new sport, like GRW, but place an exception in the rules for certain moves, such as Ankle Pick and Knee Pick, or Fireman's Carry, to see if you could maintain the same posture, while slightly expanding the list of possible moves.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 178679

Judoka also have straight posture and they're open to all sorts of leg-on-leg attacks. It's safe to say that Greco posture would change little by adding only some of Judo's repetoire.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 178748


Anonymous No. 178768


Anonymous No. 178844

Soooo... old school judo? Plus the leg trips.

Anonymous No. 178848

God wrestling is fucking gay

Anonymous No. 178880

we really need no-gi judo to gain popularity

Anonymous No. 178883

Bravo was looking into it at some point not too long ago. I get the sense that no one but the guys at the very top see why it would really be useful to specifically do that, instead of just drilling throws and takedowns. And then getting guys who would be considered good enough to make it it's own thing are gonna be few and far between since they're either doing gi Judo or Greco.

Anonymous No. 178890

If wrestling is so gay why do I, a straight man, become aroused by it?

Anonymous No. 178893

Old school judo allowed all leg attacks. I hope that rules gets changed sometime soon. People think it’s over but probably don’t realize the rule has only been in place for less than 20 years, where as the sport itself has existed since the 1800s.
It would be interesting but I don’t think it ever will simply because Judo is an Olympic sport and also the national sport of Japan, both those facts give judoka a vested interest in maintaining their traditions in order to keep that status. I think you’d be better off trying to create a new grappling sport with a heavy emphasis on throwing without having it attached to judo. Real talk you might have a better chance of talking bjj fags into that than the IJF.
>I get the sense that no one but the guys at the very top see why it would really be useful to specifically do that
I don’t know why you get that impression. Plenty of my club mates enjoy no gi grappling too.

Anonymous No. 178894

I think that genie is out of the bottle for good, I don't expect they'll ever let leg stuff back in
Local tournaments even try it too, they'll have freestyle and newaza divisions and nobody ever shows up for it
People are only interested in doing Olympic style because that's the "official" one

Anonymous No. 178896

The geriatrics at the ijf will soon die off. Like all boomers they are clinging to power until their deathbed for inexplicable reasons instead of passing the torch to the next generation. When they pass, change will likely come.

As for what you’re describing in local tournaments, I have never seen that in my area. All tournaments fight under the official rules of judo so that might be a geographic thing.

Anonymous No. 178913

Wouldn't that effectively become freestyle wrestling?

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Anonymous No. 178920

Shuai Jiao is basically what you want, just with a jacket and no matwork.

Freestyle doesn't have submissions.

Anonymous No. 178944

no because you cant grab the legs unless youre on the ground. so its sorta an inbetween of freestyle and greco roman

Anonymous No. 178949

Turkish and Mongolian wrestling are the most masculine forms of grappling. followed by japanese wrestling (sumo) and then pro-wrestling

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Anonymous No. 179183

>both those facts give judoka a vested interest

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Anonymous No. 179185

Are you ESL?

Anonymous No. 179223

If you think you could legalize a firemans carry in greco and not affect the posture ur a grade A retard, firemans are already hard to sprawl on

Anonymous No. 179699

>The geriatrics at the ijf will soon die off.

I swear this is a universal thing in all sports, old cunts who will ruin their sport because they cant accept things change with time.

Anonymous No. 179703

No leg grabs prohibits me from enjoying judo
I just want to go out there and play using skills I already have, I don't want to spend months learning this whole new thing just to play the sport
No leg grabs is the biggest act of gate keeping I've ever seen, it's straight up saying if you do some other kind of grappling you aren't welcome here

Anonymous No. 179704

Anon you probably don’t know this but before the leg grab ban all the throws that are still super popular now we’re super popular back then too (uchi mata, harai goshi, seoi nage, etc.). The only major difference is the use of te guruma as a counter throw. The fact that you have a gi on discourages a lot of the shooting leg grabs you see in wrestling because when someone is bent over in a gi you can yank their ass face down to the ground. I honestly don’t know why bjj fags don’t do this more often considering they all stand with their ass out and head past their knees.

Anonymous No. 179706

Removal of the level change element isn't beneficial for anybody
And you only need 3 throws for jiujitsu, sumi gaeshi, yoko wakare, tani otoshi
Everyone's always going oh wow you're so good at judo! Because I bomb people every night with that stuff and I really don't know the first thing about judo with gripping and kuzushi or any of that.
It's just that these retards literally just walk right into them every time, and I have no idea really how to set these moves up but I do know the positions where they are done from. it's like a mouse trap, they're completely naive to the danger they're putting themselves in and just walk into it, all I do is fall back and snap the trap shut on them

Anonymous No. 179707

I didn’t mean to imply that the leg grab ban was a good thing only that it didn’t change judo as much as some people make it out to have. If you come from a wrestling background you’re still going to have to learn judo proper to compete in the sport even if the leg grab ban is removed tomorrow.

That’s said yeah your experience with bjj guys is extremely similar to mine. They just walk into shit with no regard for their own safety.