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Kongnapa's b....webm

🧵 /thaig/ - Muay Thai General

Anonymous No. 178915

resurrecting the thread for muay thai. ask questions and talk about muay thai and muay thai related stuff

>Understanding traditional scoring

>Live shows
>Siam Fight News
>ONE Championship
>Thai Fight
Also check the thread there's often links posted during events

>Older fights and highlights

>Cool magazine about muay Thai (translated from French)
>Descriptions of golden age fighters and their fights (ch.1)
>Can Thais box? The champions of muay thai + western boxing in Thailand

previous threads:

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Kompayak Sitkru-O....webm

Anonymous No. 178916

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Buakaw kick slip ....webm

Anonymous No. 178917

Anonymous No. 178927

Asumming this went to a decision, those are good things right? Is the ref stepping in cause that was a foul?

Anonymous No. 179101

sweeps are legal. refs just stopping them because no fighting if someone is on the floor

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Ennahachi switch ....webm

Anonymous No. 179281

Anonymous No. 179286

why do so many faggots in MMA pretend they do muay thai?

Anonymous No. 179293

Because saying kickboxing makes people think of 14yr olds doing tkd. And they don't like the way that makes them feel about themselves.

Anonymous No. 179299

But it's a lie
Muay Thai is a thing, if you don't do it then you don't do it

Anonymous No. 179308

exactly what >>179293 said

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Poot Lorlek recov....webm

Anonymous No. 179378

Anonymous No. 179444

Any advice on how to build a guard? Or do I just need to simply take more punches and let it form itself

Anonymous No. 179452

seed the fucking liam harrison torrent @ nigger not seeding

Anonymous No. 179536

I have never heard of anyone talk about building a guard lmao

Anonymous No. 179759

I’m very new to Muay Thai (<2 months) and I’m still getting my ass kicked due to poor movement. I’m so used to standing in front of a bag and ripping combos, I’ve only sparred maybe 6 times since joining. Any drills or advice that’s not “move when hitting a heavy bag”?

Anonymous No. 179797

Work on shadowboxing. Get used to moving after each strike in front of the heavy bag. Practice defense only drills with a partner. Less than two months is pretty soon, so don't be discouraged

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Jean-Charles Skar....webm

Anonymous No. 180000

Anonymous No. 180015

Less than two months? Just stick with it and keep showing up, listening to your coaches.

Anonymous No. 180058

I have a herniated disc (L-5) that a few days ago was inflammed or some shit because I was helping move a lot of heavy things. It's still extremely painful to touch my toes, however I can shuffle around and shadow box. When it's not inflammed, I can skateboard down stair sets and ride motorbikes and all kinds of high intense activity with no issue except stiffness afterwards

Was thinking of going to my first Muay Thai class tonight, good idea or no? My thought is the activity would actually help the pain subside

Anonymous No. 180647

idk, dude. fuck. I'm not a doctor. Just try it out when it's not inflamed. I don't think it'll treat your pain tho. Just a matter of how much you can take.

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Suablack vs Craig....webm

Anonymous No. 180774

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Thananchai with t....webm

Anonymous No. 180776

Anonymous No. 180945

Can I make friends doing Muay Thai? If I'm being honest I'm mainly just wanting to do martial arts to be apart of a community and make friends

Anonymous No. 180962

Yes but a hobby with a discussion component would be better for that lol

Anonymous No. 181078

This. I talk way more at my krav maga classes than thai because the moves are more complex.

Anonymous No. 181114

Like talking shit or what?
There was Krav Maga people subletting space in our judo club on Saturdays and they're off in the corner snickering at the bjj class "see that would never really work"
Which was overheard by the instructor, so he called them out on it and welcomed them to come prove him wrong but none of them did

Anonymous No. 181138

Talking about the moves' execution. Krav has a lot of situational shit so it's harder to know everything.

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Anonymous No. 181230

I won a fight

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 181288

does anyone pay for the muay thai library patreon? i often watch the cut versions of the lessons on youtube and wonder how useful it actually is, especially in K1 kickboxing what i do, most of their concepts and techniques are very specific to the classic 80s-90s muay thai era

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 181289

Anonymous No. 181611

Can I learn thai shadow boxing form youtube?
The guys is a 12x champ and says so, but every about it feels wrong?
I just want to be okay at it.

Anonymous No. 181618

Gabriel Varga is legit. Beginner section looks clean and correct. I'm this guy >>181230 , I just pick things up from his channel, he's like the aggregator of kickboxing and some what muay thai techniques

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Anonymous No. 181666

Okay thanks, and good shit on winning your fight.

Anonymous No. 181718

I don't know of its a herniated disc or not but I have had horrible lower back pain on and off from deadlifting accident for the better part of a year now. Like literally randomly started screaming walking up stairs bad / initially hurt taking corners while driving lol. No sciatica though so I cannot know for sure if it is a disc problem. Anyway long story short I stopped weight lifting and started martial arts again and it definitely helped me. Literally made it to away but then it flared up again during Christmas break from inactivity and went away once training again so gotta keep it moving. They say for some back injuries they won't fully heal but your bodies neurotransmitters will eventually learn to ignore the painful location because for your survival in evolutionary terms you had to keep moving even if you had an injury.

Anonymous No. 181719

Oh yeah and I forgot to mention some yoga type stuff like cat cow pose really helped me too. It makes the painful area crack lol.

Anonymous No. 181753

Kys kike

Anonymous No. 181912

>Kick couch out of boredom
>Hurts a bit but I continue
>2 weeks later
>Still cant kick the heavybag without feeling like my shin is about to snap
Im fucking retarded

Anonymous No. 181914

Did the same with my hand

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Anonymous No. 181920

Anonymous No. 181939

When was the last time MT invent new move?

Anonymous No. 181940

why does this keep happening to vegans?

Anonymous No. 181950

Would you say 2 days is enough to become decent? Sometimes it's all I can do with my job and everything, but I always try to do 3 days if I can, just kinda feel bad when it isn't 3 days

Anonymous No. 182116


Anonymous No. 182181

Bone conditioning does not increase bone durability. In fact it may cause your bones to shrink, and even if it does it will deform them into a less structurally sound shape

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tawanchai vs supe....webm

Anonymous No. 182535

Sure, it'll just take longer than someone going more often.

Anonymous No. 182539

I think what's pretty interesting is that under oneFC rules muay thai just becomes karate
Everything unique about it completely evaporates with MMA gloves and 3 rounds

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Lerdsila kick sli....webm

Anonymous No. 182653

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Anonymous No. 182654

Anonymous No. 182690

How do you mean? I like karate but compare them to say early days Machida I don't see the similarity.

Anonymous No. 182740

It's not tight with in the pocket exchanges, it's way more loose and blitzey
Take some pot shots and get out of dodge
More movement based defense, less parrying, less clinching

These are considerations that need to be made when you don't have the gloves
It's sort of like how judo turns into Greco-Roman when you take the jackets away

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Anonymous No. 183067

Do bones get stronger with kicking over time? My lower tibua bone hurts after doing heavy bag work, so I think its either shin splints or a stress fracture.
Do I just let it heal and repeat until the bone grows denser or is that not how it works

Anonymous No. 183088

It's not how it always works. Bones have a harder drawn line of fucking up than muscles, though it's usually further out. And diet and rest play an even more important part in any potential healing adaptations than they do in muscular or cardio development. And not everyone heals the same even with optimal rest and intake. That said, hurt /= bad. Every surface that is new to striking is virgin, and you'll have to figure out what's a good pressure for yourself, no matter how much help you get.

Anonymous No. 183103

bones heal by pulling minerals away from other areas of the bone
continuing to bang on it will only weaken you over time

everyone should be wearing shin guards just like they wear gloves when doing bag work, there's no reason to damage your body unnecessarily
remember, Thailand is a 3rd world country thats so poor it's a valid career choice to start cross dressing and eat tourists asses for $18 a pop
don't look to them for valid scientific training methods

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Anonymous No. 183168

Hey just watched this movie and now I think I will give mt a try
What do I need to know beforehand?
All I have is some everlast gloves(18oz?)and wraps.
Also I haven people wrap there hands differently does it matter?

Anonymous No. 183177

before you do that you need to watch the protector starring tony jaa, it's the definitive muay thai movie

Anonymous No. 183181


Anonymous No. 183224

Let me know what you think after :)

Anonymous No. 183524

>guy in my class always tries to correct what I'm doing when we drill together
>He is always wrong and gets contradicted by the coach, tells me what I am doing (footwork, order of strikes, type of strike and technique) is wrong but I'm always actually right once the coach observes us drilling

I try to be respectful to everyone in my gym but this guy is really bothering me

Anonymous No. 183528

Which boxing style would complement with muay thai stance?

Anonymous No. 184144

Replying to myself, the answer was to just simply take more punches. Did light sparring with a guy who competes and told me my defense was getting good

Anonymous No. 184146

Eh, boxing stances don't usually work because it plants your feet to eat up the full extent of low kicks.

The Dutch stance which is the middle ground between Queensbury-rules boxing and Muay Thai is your best option to have rapid-fire combos while being able to kick/knee as well as defend.

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Khunsuknoi with a....webm

Anonymous No. 184737

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Sanklai Sitkru-Ot....webm

Anonymous No. 184830

Anonymous No. 184832

I never see the "climb" techniques of muay boran in any fight, Why?

Anonymous No. 185008

"Its too lethal to be use" but fr I mean 12-6 elbows are illegal in mma after all

Anonymous No. 185383

Pretty embarrassing post and you guys can make fun of me buuuut uh I cried after my first real sparring match, we do this routine where we form a circle in the last 10-5 minutes of class and we spar pretty much all out, and a couple days ago it was my turn and I got absolutely picked apart, got kicked in the nuts by accident after trying to kick high, I sort of just froze up and just defended myself the only good thing I did was keep my head up and not flinch away but besides that my offense was pretty dead.

It was just kind of embarrassing a little, people were trying to shout stuff for me to do but it was just kind of a blur and I didn't think about what they were saying until after. Also sucks that there's this other guy who showed up around when i did and he held his own way better against one of our teachers who's an amateur fighter

Idk if it's injured pride or a realization of how a fight with me would go down (me losing, heh) but I sort of just wanted to vent a little, I've only been going for a month and I shouldn't sweat it but yeah.

Anonymous No. 185411

That's not too abnormal. An all out fight is a very different experience to just running drills and if you're in panic mode (which you clearly were) you're going to kind of just shut down. That's why you spar, to get used to it and stop panicking.
All you can do is get back on the horse and practice more. The more you do, the calmer you will be and the more everything will be smooth and reflexive.
My suggestion would be to think or even talk through what you could have done better, pick something simple and concrete and focus on trying to achieve that next time you get called up. A mindset of "I should be doing this" will put you in a better headspace than "oh god this guy is destroying me, what do I do" even if you don't completely achieve what you set out to do.

Anonymous No. 185489

I've been fighting japanese martial arts since 13
I am a black belt in taekwondo and I just started doing muay thai, it is so nice to use everythign I got there, it feels so much more free, it is awsome.

I hate to block kicks and defending instead of dodging tho. but besides that the fight is awsome

I just bought a 20mm PU shinguard, is it enough to protect me? I am from Brazil and didn't wanted to spend much money in it

Anonymous No. 186166

Just correct him back, especially using the coach as the authority.

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Kompatak Or.Atcha....webm

Anonymous No. 187035

Anonymous No. 187046

I've never done any martial arts, but i'd like to start. Muay thai and boxing interests me, but i think the first one may be too hard. Should I start with something else? Also, can i get permanently injured by combat sports?

Anonymous No. 187084

Take a trial class for both and see what you like

>Also, can i get permanently injured by combat sports?
Yes. Any sport that involves hard physical contact carries the risk. You can mitigate the risk with good training practices and partners, but sometimes accidents occur.

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Damien Alamos com....webm

Anonymous No. 187166

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Saksri anticipati....webm

Anonymous No. 187172

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genji umeno kickb....webm

Anonymous No. 187634

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Boonchai Sor. Boo....webm

Anonymous No. 187636

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very cool skeleton.jpg

Anonymous No. 187754

This is my second time hitting a heavy bag. Can you guys please let me know what can i do to kick better? Been training for about 3 months

What the fuck do i do with my arms? Should they stay up when i kick? Do i move them at all to get better momentum/hip rotation? fucking arms, how do they work

From what i gather
-more movement on the "non-kicking" foot
-my back should be straight
-more hip movement

appreciate your help. Thanks

Anonymous No. 188032

I was sparring today for the first time in years (did thaiboxing for 2 years then quit since then only wrestling). Need some feedback here:
>was getting tagged a lot, but only when I initiated my punching combos. Got countered in between a lot. I’m trying to develop my game into a dutch style but I find it hard to land longer combinations because of being countered. How do I improve this?
>2nd problem, I had a lot of difficulty finding the right angle and the right distance for punches. I easily landed my jabs and my rear roundhouse (my best strike desu), but hooks, uppercuts and combinations were very hard to find the correct angle and range for. How2improve this?

From what I can tell a lot of this is just ring rust but a lot of it is also not having any footwork. All I know is an L-step. But do muay thai guys really do footwork anyway?

Anonymous No. 188192

I’ve been training Muay Thai for about 3 months now, coach says I am progressing much faster than most. I want to fight eventually, I’m not expecting to be a big shot moving through the ranks but I like competition and really love training. I’m currently 24 and in alright shape, gotta lose some weight though; how long will it probably take me to get to the point I can start to think about fighting in a local promotion? I train 3 days 3 hours per day and do boxing twice a week, I can add weights and cardio if that will help me get there faster. I know I sound like a sperg typing this but it’s only because I want to do this before I’m too old to really milk it for what I can. Any advice welcomed, thanks.

Anonymous No. 188249

you need to be running every day to have the stamina for 5 full rounds. When I was in Thailand my first time in the ring was after 6 months or so training full time, although most gyms dont give a shit and will put anyone into the ring who wants to fight. can you clinch? can you connect any strike to any other strike while gaining ground? do you have a handful of takedowns that work for you? can you take hits without flinching and read incoming strikes? if so youre probably ready. If you still find yourself stepping away from your opponent at any time during sparring, you probably arent. good luck anon, kicking your opponents ribs after 1000 hours kicking the bag feels amazing

Anonymous No. 188312

I check a few of those boxes but not all, I’ll definitely work on them. My coach told me he won’t let me fight until he knows I’m ready, so I’m not too worried about getting in the ring and getting beat the fuck up. This all sounds like very sound advice, thanks anon. I think I’m gonna just fight MT until I get good at jiu jitsu then take a stab at MMA, but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there

Anonymous No. 188314

Also should add that I take some heavy blows in sparring and they don’t phase me all that much, footwork is probably my weakest link right now; any drills or resources to improve? Of course I’m gonna work on it with my coach but just stuff I can do on my own time

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Oley Muay Thai kn....webm

Anonymous No. 188383

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Anonymous No. 188403

Hey goys, need a bit of advice

>early 20's
>5'7 Serb
>Built like a blocky pile of concentrated sinew
>autistic schizophrenic adhd bipolar, you name it I have it
>Been interested in combat sports for a while
>Noticed its been a physical hyperfixation
>Want to be big boy mma guy but keep my mouth shut about it
>Live near kickbox gym
>Trainer is a fat guy that goes 60/mph and is only a trainer cause he killed a guy in the ring
>Already 1 hour of training clocked in learning my crosses and jabs and pain in the ass cardiomuscular warmups
>i fucking love it
Is it worth it bros?
Should I shoot my shot?

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Anonymous No. 188434

Yes, you're kicking with the leg rather than with the hip. You can see when you hit the bag your body is facing the bag, it should be completely turned and facing to the side like pic related. That means that instead of the leg coming up pretty much linear at a 45 degree angle, it comes up and then curves so that your shin hits completely horizontal. This requires rotating your torso, and pivoting your back foot (as the leg comes up) until it is pointing directly away from the bag. Think about it like swinging your leg over a really tall bike

Anonymous No. 188520

bone damage only when you're doing something really wrong. It hurts mostly in the nerves in the skin, pain goes away when you get used to it

Anonymous No. 188887

thank you i will try it out next time i do bag work

Anonymous No. 188888

i don't get it. Are zoomers this retarded? just train, it will be worth it

ulihe No. 188899

Based and ladyboi pilled

bilujin No. 188900


Anonymous No. 188915

So, correct me if I'm wrong, in Muay Thai there is less focus on head punches due to the scoring system, but still good boxing nevertheless, the stance is squared, kicks are a few but very effective and they hit with the shin. The style includes Knees, elbows and clinch work. In comparison however "Standard" Kickboxing, like K1 ruleset Kickboxing for example, has more emphasis on punches to the head and boxing, I see from the matches that it's more fast paced, the stance is bladed, no clinch, no elbows. I think their low kicks hit with the shin but they have other Van Damme esque high kicks that hit with the instep. All things considered, which one of these different approach is considered "better" overall for fighting and self defense? I hope I explained myself well. I got to decide between training Kickboxing K1 or Muay Thai but I'm confused. Thanks!

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Anonymous No. 188993

Checkd and thx famalam, already a few classes in now, I can do pretty decent crosses and leg kicks now.

Anonymous No. 189025

Muay Thai also high kick with parts of instep

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Sanklai Sitkru-Ot....webm

Anonymous No. 189152

>which one of these different approach is considered "better" overall for fighting
What's considered better for fighting depends on the ruleset they're competing under.

>self defense
They both work for self defense. People vastly overestimate how low the bar is for self defense.

Anonymous No. 189161

fucking love that clip.
Check out a site called its full of striking technique. The founder of the site is my coach and he is a fucking g. There is so much technique available on there, from the striking to clinching.
Very easy to transfer into k1

Anonymous No. 189352

Who is Boxeador Ruso? I saw his fight with Buakaw but it seems like he's not famous besides it.

Anonymous No. 189999

go back to the pub, kid. listen to The Pogues and keep on thinkin' you are the greatest.

Anonymous No. 190018

The stance in muay boran was much, much lower than it is in Muay Thai. In MT we often teach you to stand tall, which is to specifically prevent the climb technique from working. You would normally kinda jump off the knee of the standing leg of the opponent but that needs them to have a strong base, and bent angle, for you to have a base to jump off of.
But as the other guy said 12 to 6 elbows are illegal and that is the particular instance they should remain illegal. I think it could be attempted in MMA to go for a knee to the face though. It'd look pretty cool but with the front kick to the knee being made popular by Jon Jones now the current meta would also make it difficult to even try.

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Sweep into Knee h....webm

Anonymous No. 190020

Anonymous No. 190083

yeah i am not paying to see some videos let's be real here (unless he does jelly feet videos)

Anonymous No. 190147

I don't but been considering it
probably worth to ask mates from the club if they wanna share an account

Anonymous No. 190576

There is plenty to talk about in MT, recent/upcoming fights, cool moves, tactics and strategies for sparring and competing. If you're willing to get nerdy, there is alot to talk about in strategies, stance dynamics, and such.

Anonymous No. 190580

Man i love Nong-O

Anonymous No. 190704

Had my first class today and one middle-aged dude that seems experienced decided to go apeshit on me during sparring, even thou I was trying to go as light as I could, and would even return his hard blows with light ones to see if he got a clue.

Ended my round with him with my nose bleeding, a black eye (that couldn't see for a second after one punch) and a pulsating head ache that's still hurting even a few hours later.

Other seniors and guys that look like actual fighters were all very gentle and coached me through my rounds of touch sparring with them, so I don't feel it's necessarily a gym issue. That guy is probably just an asshole out to prove something. Is it culturally acceptable for me to just refuse to train with him going forward? It's not like I'm out for revenge or some shit like that, but I don't want anything to do with him again. It's barbaric, counterproductive and needlessly dangerous behavior. I'll try to just avoid him going forward, but how well do guys like that usually take a straight "no, I won't spar with you"? I'm putting myself first either way, but would prefer not to ruffle any feathers.

>inb4 git gud
Literally started today

>inb4 just soldier through
No, fuck you. I'm not getting hurt as a hobby.

Anonymous No. 190787

Yeah, just refuse to spar with him. He shouldn't have gone so hard on you. I had the same thing happen with a dude when I first started, and I just avoided him for a couple of months. Then I realised he was a shit fighter and I was already better, so I sparred him, started light to see if he'd throw bombs like last last time (he did) and then I smashed him. Fucker doesn't make eye contact with me anymore.

Anonymous No. 190789

What upcoming fights are you looking forward to?

Anonymous No. 190811

There's unfortunately almost always one of those guys at the gym. Fighting just tends to attract weirdos with baggage and frustrations. As a beginner i had a guy crack my rib in drills from him just going 100% on the same punch in the same spot to prove how hard-core he was. I'm sure most guys hate him too, anon. Nothing wrong with refusing to spar with him, if there's no other partner available just tell the trainer that guy refuses to not go full power and shadow box a round instead
>in Thailand
>one of the adopted fighters is a skinny Thai kid with a horrible attitude
>in drills likes to suddenly sneak in full power haymakers
>giant Danish heavyweight gigachad paired with him one day
>middle of practice "nope, I'm not gonna train with him anymore. He's passing me off and if I hit him back with power he might die"
>trainer just nods knowingly
>kinda wish he had punched that kid in the face

Anonymous No. 190813

As if it's all that fucking complicated.
>oh look I hold my hands higher
>muh elbows'n'knees
>looky at me I blocky wit shins
Stop fucking acting like it's some super complex shit. That's literally all it fucking is.

Anonymous No. 191310

>way too many people for the training area and staff to handle
>bare bones technical instructions and a figure it out yourself attitude
>no attempt to pair up noobies with experienced people so you can actually learn instead of internalizing mistakes
>unsupervised sparring from day 1
I enrolled in a shitty gym, didn't I? They actually bothered to try teaching me when I went for a trial class, but that evaporated when I actual startes paying. They told me to go at a specific time for the trial class and I guess that was to make sure I'd get one where they can actually manage the amount of students, because on regula post wageslaving hours that place feels impossible to train in.

Anonymous No. 191312

What’s up with anons saying they’re getting their asses kicked “in sparring” on the first day?

I’ve been going for 6 months and still don’t do the advanced sessions which is sparring, but they go 40-60% at most.

The routine and skill level I’m on we do some “timing” or technical sparring which you’ll just make contact but not put beyond 20% power behind it.

These anons might just be going to shitty gyms kek hope they work it out

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Buakaw vs Minoru ....webm

Anonymous No. 191615

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PTT Petchrungruan....webm

Anonymous No. 191635

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saenchai thaifigh....webm

Anonymous No. 191636

Anonymous No. 192794

switch the gym bro, it's not worth it

Anonymous No. 192795

hey i've been doing MT for 5 months and just now we're beginning to spar a little bit, sparing at 1st day is retarded i agree lmao

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Khunsueklek Muay ....webm

Anonymous No. 193149

Anonymous No. 193160

>place opens up a location near me
>check it out
>people lining up and bowing and doing calisthenics
yup that's gonna be a pass for me. So basically it's karate class for grownups?

let me give it to you straight. If I'm paying you for lessons I'm paying for instruction, I want the entire hour to be instructive. I'm not paying someone to have me do sit ups and jump ropes and shit
you're there to show me moves and give drills to improve them, not to fix my fucking squat
I wouldn't be going to a brown ladyboy midget if I needed exercise tips

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Thongchai sweet c....webm

Anonymous No. 193500

Anonymous No. 194467

Saenchai is a bad mother fucker!

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Muay Thai combo h....webm

Anonymous No. 194886

Anonymous No. 195112

I have the fastest hands in my gym, praise me

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Suakim vs Deniz D....webm

Anonymous No. 195509

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Focus vs Comeback....webm

Anonymous No. 195510

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Muangthai vs Neun....webm

Anonymous No. 195746

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Sanklai uses a de....webm

Anonymous No. 196158

Anonymous No. 196238

Am I the only one here who practices muy thai for the social and fitness aspect, as well as self defense without having any desire to compete? I still do spar

Anonymous No. 196417

I have L5 herniation too. I don't do MT but I do other stuff and it's fine. Yeah sometimes it gets flared up, but it's just a flare. You're not going to make it physically any more bulged or herniated than it already is; it ain't gymnastics.
For the times when it doesn't flare up, it actually flares down.
I'd try going on a light jog and if you can do that then you'll be fine at class

Anonymous No. 196418

Strength training does however substantially increase bone density

Anonymous No. 196421

Sparring isn't a theatrical production; it's part of your training. You spar to get better at fighting. Spar more often and get used to it so you don't freeze up. That's what it's for.

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Dara Aek selling ....webm

Anonymous No. 196858

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Lamnammoonlek Mua....webm

Anonymous No. 197560

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muay thai muay kh....webm

Anonymous No. 197976

Anonymous No. 198971

What would happen if I kicked a 110lbs attack dog as hard as I could in the head or ribs?

Anonymous No. 199057

Im one year and 2 months training Muay Thai 6X a week and still getting my ass kicked in sparring, but now at least i understand whats going on a little bit better, so Thats my advice, keep training, sometimes 2X a day

Anonymous No. 199058

I knew 4 of my best friends in Muay Thai, its cool to evolve alongside friends and spar with your bros and make fun of each other after is just great

Anonymous No. 199059

Bro in love with Thai culture after seeing that tranny the protagonist scored

Anonymous No. 199077

In our group classes we throw and catch combos with a partner, you end up getting used to keeping your eyes open while punches are coming and get used to having your guard hit.

Anonymous No. 199081

Anyone in Thailand training rn? Gonna go in July, starting on soi tai ed since it's pretty touristy then figure it out from there. Been training for about a year and a half now, saved up a bit of cash and don't have to work for a while.

Anonymous No. 199194

I can't get the combo movement down to get close enough to do a strong elbow strike during drills.
Am I retarded? How do I fix this?

Anonymous No. 199195

If you can't do the warm-up you're not gonna absorb the instruction because your fatass couldn't last through the session.

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muay thai venom s....webm

Anonymous No. 199455

Anonymous No. 199539

Today i learned to throw a punch, i am kind of a strong guy you know, got into some fight but i have always won by just grappling faggots you know. Today i was fucking around with my brother and holy shit, punching at somebody's face is a thing to feel man, i fucking styled on the nigga like straight boom weave boom right hook and i was like WUOA, DID I JUST DO THAT
I dont really want brain damage though, you guys stay killing yourselves slowly, i will keep doing my own thing.

Anonymous No. 199556

Anyone know tips on fighting tricky opponets. He feints shots a lot, moves in and out, goes to kick then teeps etc. I keep getting overloaded and every time I go for a kick he seems to read it with a catch or Check every before I throw it.

Anonymous No. 199559

Slow down. You're probably telegraphic as shit, and you won't fix that at speed. Since you're already getting tagged, it won't make a difference if you get tagged for being too slow.

Anonymous No. 199574

probably training in brazil or romania or some shit
I think in north america you don't spar until you're already quite experienced

Anonymous No. 199575

I agree with you but I have yet to see a gym that doesn't start with some kind of calisthenics routine as a precursor to the drills
I guess the warm up is to prevent injury

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sing muay thai kn....webm

Anonymous No. 199823

Anonymous No. 199973

Im literally training in Brazil, im only one year in and only hard sparred like 3 times, i took a rough beating doe

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lopsang muay thai....webm

Anonymous No. 200258

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Samson Issan land....webm

Anonymous No. 200260

Anonymous No. 200281

Yesterday my legs were extra heavy in sparring and ended up with a bunch of accidental nut kicks and now I feel so much shame it's unreal.
Just had to get this off my chest thank you /blog

Anonymous No. 200914

Well that's just how Brazil works, in civilized countries we tend to ease people into it.

Anonymous No. 201136

I thought my shins were quite conditioned training kickboxing for almost 2 years and all. Nope it's just that all my fights were with kickboxing shin guards.
Last week I fought MMA with MMA style shinguards (the sleeves kind). I blasted a shit ton of leg kicks (only got checked once, after that I kicked under the checking leg and took down the standing leg), yet my leg still hurts one week later.
My tibialis anterior has a spot that if pressed makes the whole ankle weak. There's another spot on the impact zone of the shin I don't know if it's a hairline fracture or just nerves hurting me.

Anonymous No. 201304

Fuck. I thought the pain died down and went back to training, kicked hard once and I'm in excruciating pain again, just like right after the fight last week.
Googled around and I thought i might have bone bruise and my right leg could be out of commission for at least 6 months

Anonymous No. 201615


The amateur fights I go to I notice that people kick extraordinarily less when not using shin guards.

Personally been out for 2-3 months cause I kicked an elbow during a drill and broke a bone in my foot.

Hope your shin heals quickly anon

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Anonymous No. 201617

Take the Valeri geri pill.

Anonymous No. 201925

Push your hips out when you kick, that will give more power.

As far as hands, it depends. Putting your hands a certain way when you kick can further set up for interaction. Let's say you kick with your hands up (not stationary, mind you), that may mean less power, and possibly less stability, but it means more defense. Or if your hands are down, it may (may being the keyword) mean more power, but less defense. It's just another thing to play by feel

Anonymous No. 201952

it's my chance to work on southpaw switch and switch left kick.
I always want to fight like Chinga.
lol i do that in the clinch people hate it

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Anonymous No. 201963

Hi guys hopefully you can shed some light on this without me having to create a new thread

Is throwing low kicks to the calf for example a good way to sweep someone coming towards you in a self defence situation, or would I be better off doing a front teep to the knee/stomach

I'm a relatively heavy and whenever I low kick the standing bag(heavy) it moves, so I imagine kicking someone like that would send them flying

If I'm kicking a heavy bag without issue, does this translate to kicking a humans legs safely? If not can you light spar safely without shin pads and practice leg kicks?

Anonymous No. 201964

you'd fuck it up
dogs are extremely submissive when they realize they are inferior physically
they are easy to deal with when you know how
I've encountered guard dogs/attack dogs several times and it's so predictable
you wait for them to jump at you, which they always do, trying to bite for face
then you side step and throw them to the ground and then pin them with your chest on their ribs and drive your forearm into the side of their neck while shouting at them to submit

Anonymous No. 201965

If they do that deep fake boxing stance that "youths" like, yeah it's fine. You'll probably pull the leg out from under them, or crumple it and achieve the same thing. Other circumstances, depends. If it's actually light and not two idiots pretending they aren't hurt, you can work a lot of otherwise very damaging attacks in sparring. You just won't be getting much of the follow up work in after since even the most seasoned guys don't really react the way they would if the kick had power. Know that you're just working setups to the initial, and you're fine.

Anonymous No. 201971


Nah I’m the same. No intention to compete. I think that’s like 90% of people who practice it and that’s fine. It’s a fun sport, you don’t need to fight.

Anonymous No. 202044

Not muay thai but there isn't a kickboxing thread (anymore, must've been a year since) so I declare this thread a home for kickboxing too.

Allazov has got way too big since his K1 rule days. Look at him in the weigh in vs Petrosyan (who was definitely on the horsemeat as well) vs his weigh in vs Sitthichai, then even bigger vs Superbon.

Personally I think almost everyone in ONE is on PEDs. Even Petchtanong got busted (I'm still salty Akimoto didn't get the title shot vs haggerty and his last fight was arguable robbery, but admittedly the guy is also likely on the sauce as well, he looked way more shredded in his title winning fight than in his previous fights).
Marat is probably on it as well. Maybe only the 60kg class and lower are relatively clean.

Anonymous No. 202297

Muay Thai reinvented kickboxing to be like itself due to constant pressure testing

Anonymous No. 202399

Hi guys. Want to start training muay thai, when I was a kid I trained kyokushin a little bit. But now I'm afraid of getting low kicks to my knees and damaging them. How often that happens? How can I avoid this?

Anonymous No. 202458

Extremely late but nice quads my negroes

Anonymous No. 202721

Doing muay thai for 6months now and it is simply idiotic the idea of defending with the shin wtf, why do people do it and didn't come with somehting smarter to deal with it?

bro, it is impossible to fight a serious match without shinpads and even like this it is impossible to guard a full kick against a guy stronger than you... this goes against the idea of fighting smart

Anonymous No. 202722

Despite what the internet claims, shin conditioning is actually a requirement for most people.

Anonymous No. 202769

ive partnered with guys like this. honestly just avoid partnering with them again. If you can't avoid it then just verbally disagree, whats the worst that could happen?

Anonymous No. 202878

learn to check better. seriously.
You don't just raise your leg to check kicks. Turn the shin outwards, directly facing the impact, make contact right below the knee

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Saenson Erawon br....webm

Anonymous No. 203245

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Crafty &amp; brut....webm

Anonymous No. 203247

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muay thai caught ....webm

Anonymous No. 203352

Anonymous No. 203432

I'm leaving for Thailand in a week. You just gonna be on Phuket? I'm going Chiang Mai -> Pattaya -> Bangkok

Anonymous No. 203603

Skip all that and see if they have room for you at Legacy Gym in Ubon province

Anonymous No. 203639

how much should i expect to get injured while training/ sparring? i'm starting soon with 3 times per week but people around me are too worried i'll get seriously injured

Anonymous No. 203640

Serious injuries coming first is rare. Ignoring or being unaware of multiple small injuries is common, and makes it way more likely you'll walk into a major injury. Fatigue is cumulative, and you likely won't appreciate it's onset until it's already on you. If those 3 days have a day in-between each, you'll recover better or get a better idea of how beat up you really are.

Anonymous No. 203654

makes sense thanks, i was already planning to have at least a day in between. I also am not planning to do competitions in the near future so i feel like that should reduce any risk enough

Anonymous No. 203779

Nah I'll probably check out Bangkok and Chiang Mai at some point too. I'll spend the first bit in Phuket to adjust in a touristy environment.

Anonymous No. 203831

>fat shit as a child
>wrestled for like a month when I was 13
>quit and stayed a fat ass for years
>started getting /fit/ at 19
>been lifting for years now
>have wanted to get into a combat sport for a while
>thinking about taking a month in thailand to learn muay thai
Is this too ambitious? Also, is a month long enough to learn a decent amount or would it be better to stretch it 3 months?

Anonymous No. 203834

Unless you're quite wealthy and don't care about throwing it away, there's no point being an adult beginner in the land of 20yr olds who've been fighting a decade plus. Everywhere that will take the nobody first timer is literally a tourist trap. Going for a week or two to watch fights after a few months somewhere local to you would probably be a much better time.

Anonymous No. 203835

*a few months training

Anonymous No. 203836

that sounds like a really gay mindset

Anonymous No. 203856

I did a very similar arc when I was around your age and became a fighter so not too ambitious, no. Around 6 months training full time to get a good handle on fundamentals and about a year total to really develope your kicks and punches.

Anonymous No. 203863

You should try doing muay thai first to see if you even like doing it before dedicating months of your life to it. There's plenty of other martial arts and countries you can travel to if you want to do the whole wandering ronin thing.

Anonymous No. 203883

I've seen other people talk about doing it in thailand with no experience but it was all r*dditors and I know they're a little retarded so I'm hesitant to fully trust their posts
I have enough saved up that I probably could stretch a full 6 month stay honestly

my plan was just to go month-by-month basically
if I ended up not liking it then I would just skip it, enjoy the remainder of my month in thailand, and fuck off desu
I've been into the idea of muay thai for a good 5 years now and never really felt drawn to any other martial arts

Anonymous No. 204030

>I've seen other people talk about doing it in thailand with no experience but it was all r*dditors and I know they're a little retarded so I'm hesitant to fully trust their posts
When I was training we had all sorts of tourists and phony martial artists show up at the gym and wash out after a week or less and I'm sure they all have stories about their epic experience online: you shouldn't let those kind of people make your decisions though. If you have heart and it's something you want to do it's within your grasp. And you'll also find a lot of people their to encourage and support you if you put in the effort. Good luck

Anonymous No. 204126

Went to sparring yesterday and had to spar two heavyweights, fuck that, how do I get hyuge while also training MT 4-5 times a week? I don't even care about competition, there's just no way I'm walking around 175 when people 235+ can fuck me so hard.

Anonymous No. 204329

I'm considering spending one month in Bangkok to train muay Thai and mma. I'm a beginner. I can't go to phuket for some reasons.
Which camp would you guys recommend? I'll go in September or October.
Any misstep I should avoid?

Anonymous No. 204419

i just posted this in another thread but:
what would you say the average person is like in the standard MT gym or hybrid gym that does MT sometimes, and would you say there is enough discussion and camaraderie in the gym to make potential friends there, or is it more just like an individualistic competitive environment and you dont end up getting to know the others very well?

I just want to choose a marital art / combat thingy where I can not only have fun, that actually incentivizes getting and staying strong, and where i can be part of a tightly knit community where i ought to be able to make friends and acquaintances decently easily.

Anonymous No. 204422

My gym is very tight, it's mainly a BJJ gym but I only do MT and there's a rotating cast of ~20 people that I've gotten tight with. When you're trusting people to not give you brain damage you get close.

Anonymous No. 204423

Not every style/class/time is gonna have the same vibe. You might see that the noon time MT class has 3 people but none of them want to talk, where the 7am cardio class has 10 chatty people. Dividing it just by gym isn't necessarily the only metric.

Anonymous No. 204427

hm, good info. thanks

Anonymous No. 204435

is it normal for these places to have zero google reviews, zero social media posts, no website, and maybe one or two photos taken 7 years ago on an instagram page as the only way to gain info about them? i dont even want to drive to this one place im considering, its in what looks like a small warehouse in an industrial district and there is no sign or anything. I actually did drive there once already but they werent having a class. no windows either. come on, at least take one photo of the interior.

Anonymous No. 204436

If it's actually run by Thais and mostly serving Thais, that's not too far out from possible. But for the rest of the world, that's more what you'd expect 30 years ago.

Anonymous No. 204442

No not really, probably closed down during covid and nothing got updated.

Anonymous No. 204612


Anonymous No. 204690

why Legacy?

Anonymous No. 204862

Bangkok is a cesspool and a tourist trap. I'm recommending you a good gym out in the country

Anonymous No. 204939

Any anons on fitness street right now? I touch down on the 1st.

Anonymous No. 205060

Got absolutely heemed by a sweep today

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Anonymous No. 205325

You're applying a strikers mentality to a wrestling weight situation, you have to get the fucker to move his center off balance off whack on one leg and aim for the weakest leg, the lower you strike the better if your intention is purely sweeping someone to knock em over, that being said a kick closer to the center of the leg will not knock someone over but it will make them crumple in pain if you correctly apply your capabilities.

Anonymous No. 206229

how possible is it to train MT 3x a week while also doing a laborous job (ironworker)?
I am so tired in the evenings but I want to train

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Anonymous No. 206305

I made a table comparison of major martial arts.

Anonymous No. 206365

Bros help, i can't breathe through my nose when I'm sparring with a mouth guard in. Nose strips work perfectly but I sweat them off during my warm up, are there athletic nose strips that anyone can recommend?

Anonymous No. 206366

There are throws and fighting out of the clench in MT but much less than the other grappling sports tho

Anonymous No. 206789

Capoeria should have at least 1 gay checkmark

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Somrak Khamsing M....webm

Anonymous No. 207249

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Anonymous No. 207274

I've been enjoying the fights of Nabil Anane. There aren't that many tall fighters in muay thai, maybe he can be the new dieselnoi if he keeps improving.

Anonymous No. 207375

been training for a couple of months now, maybe like 3-4? it's all well and good but i'm somehow always landing a kick with my toes at least once every session. need advice on how to mitigate it, how to manage the pain and how to heal it. the pain isn't there the next day unless I bend my toes down somewhat far, I've been icing but the efficacy isn't really noticeable since I don't feel the pain throughout the day anyway.

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Elbow KO heem by ....webm

Anonymous No. 208052

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Anonymous No. 208447

How the fuck did this guy generate so much power in his elbow strike? What would I have to do to replicate it?

Anonymous No. 208855

Migrating to MT after a few years in boxing and about 10 amateur fights, having trouble kicking while sparring, i usually hit people with my knees when trying to kick. Any tips?

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Anonymous No. 209305

Bumping with some webms, plz forgive kickboxing not thai

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Anonymous No. 209306

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Anonymous No. 209307

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Anonymous No. 209308

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Anonymous No. 209309

Anonymous No. 209310

Probably standing too bladed? Stopping you from getting your hips round, which shortens the kick and means you kick across yourself, and, uh, okay I dunno why you're landing with your knees honestly
But you probably are standing too bladed, and this probably does make it harder to kick
Trick to an open stance is to point your dick at your opponent. It's much easier to kick, from both sides, if you stand that open. Of course it's personal preference, but try it and maybe it'll help

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Superbon vs Grigo....webm

Anonymous No. 209323

Anonymous No. 209330

wrestlers aren't very good at submissions outside of sambo wrestling. American wrestling is just grappling not much submissions. sambo grapplers are good wrestlers AND submission artists

Anonymous No. 209331

he's bigger than the other guy but most of it is because the other guy didn't see it coming and was caught off guard.

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Anonymous No. 209358

Is it beneficial to do light bag work? I have a similar bag at home but it moves if I kick it too hard

Tl;Dr punching/kicking at 50% good or no

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Superlek vs Hagge....webm

Anonymous No. 210166

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spinning back elb....webm

Anonymous No. 211088

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Dany Bill Muay Thai.webm

Anonymous No. 211516

Anonymous No. 212636

what the fuck is that thai word that they call white fighters that roughly translates to like pigeon shit or something

Anonymous No. 212787

The point of those bags is accuracy and positioning, not power.
It essentially gives you better ways of controlling your kicks on the fly, its a really useful thing if you want to slap people with your kicks instead of cutting through.

Anonymous No. 212789

farang kee nok means bird shit white boy

I just trained for a month in Thailand. Had a crazy time. Trained at Luktpufah on the outskirts of Bangkok. Was the only one there most mornings and so I got one on one instructions with the krus. One is a current bareknuckle fighter, one is a champion of something (idk what, one of the kru just call him a champion), and one kru is this little dude who's super cool. Very little english spoken. Some of the people there can translate for you. It's a very close knit gym. Two Turkish fighters are there and they're beasts. I see them working hard all day long. Very encouraging people. Always on top of you for a mistake--same with all the krus. Very detail oriented.

Practices were 10 minute skip rope, stretching, shadowboxing, bagwork, then padwork or drilling. Conditioning often at the end class, especially afternoons. We'd spar like 2 or 3 times a week. There weren't a whole ton of people at a class. The gym is very far away from everything, but people came prepping for fights. Usually a tourist or two. So you end up sparring some pretty high quality dudes. I didn't spar with any of the pro fighters though, just the krus. Very fun. And very fun energy to the gym. Would def recommend.

Anonymous No. 212824


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Oley Kiatoneway M....webm

Anonymous No. 212931

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Proper Use of Force.webm

Anonymous No. 213367

What's the most useful move from Muay Thai?