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๐Ÿงต dirty fighting

Anonymous No. 178945

What are some strategies for dirtiest fighting ie; a non-sports situation where you need to handicap the opponent?
Of course I mean this ON TOP of doing regular training\sparring, not as a replacement.
I can think of:
>practicing jabs that target the eyes, use a boxing bag and practice eye-pokes
>soccer kick against the shin
>Shouting with full force on opponent's ear during a grapple. might stun him for a few seconds
> Lift strong with the grip so be able to cause tears in opponent's ear lobes or lower lip
>"monkey grabs the peach" . be skillful enough to insert your hand into opponent's pants and try to damage his crotch\benos
>use a dummy or makiwara to practice head-butts, grabbing hair and punching, even scratches if youre fingernails are sturdy

Anonymous No. 178975

Bring a knife

Anonymous No. 178981

Look up Champ Thomas' book "How to be an Ass Whooping Boxer".

He was a carnie boxer. He wasn't fighting the best competition, but had to fight multiple times a night against young drunk guys. He had all sorts of strategies of dirty fighting so he could stay safe while making a living, like throwing an overhand in a way that'd wrap around and hit someone in the back of the hand, making a ko much more likely.

Anonymous No. 178989

Look up Bas Ruttens self defense part 1 and 2 on youtube.

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Anonymous No. 179136

Walking about in full harness is a surefire way to ward off any pugnacious rapscallions.

Anonymous No. 179192

I'm curious if building your grappling strategy around grabbing hair, fat etc. would be possible

Anonymous No. 179229

Yes it would be.

Inserting your fingers into his eardrums, slamming throws, arm breaks, leg sweeps, nut kicks, side kicks to the knees, thumb into eye socket jabs, choking him whilst punching in mouth, stomping his feet so that his toes break and so on.

Anonymous No. 179230

>implying OP should ever do dis

Anonymous No. 179231

Just what if, I would just shove you and you couldn't get up?

Anonymous No. 179232

Impossible. My imposing frame and firmly planted stance ensures that I would never so much as budge in the face of rabble such as yourself. Even so, if by some miracle of god you managed to knock me over, I would simply have my squire fetch the crane.