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Anonymous No. 179265

>Can't do MMA anymore because of Vaxxies
>Can't go to the Gym anymore because of Vaxxies
>Can't marry 95% of women because they're vaxxed

how do i cope niggas?

Anonymous No. 179266

You can cope by going to /pol/

Anonymous No. 179273

You're already coping. Coping for being a no-pussy-getting layabout.

Anonymous No. 179287

>the gym
What gym still requires a vaccination in 2023? Or are you afraid of even being near people who got one more vaccine than you did?
It's wild how so many anti-vax goobers insist that they're so much better than the vaxxed sheeple while simultaneously letting their fears of it literally ruin their lives

Anonymous No. 179294

probably just kill yourself desu. Dont know how you purebloods even tolerate this existence

Anonymous No. 179300

The thing is both the vaxmaxxers and antivaxxers are equally low iq retards buying into an astroturfed culture war to keep people tapping about nonsense cultural policies with no real meaning while the people with real power rape the economy and loot the middle class. Take this however you will, I’m objectively right.

Anonymous No. 179301

Still waiting myself to find out how shedding is a huge problem. Anti-vax retards accuse others of living in fear and the likes of op posts unironic shit like this.
Just let it go. We get you think you’re special.

Anonymous No. 179303

It's kind of pathetic how you call people anti-vaxxers because of one instance where they didn't want to be the test pigs for a government mandated jab using new technology with no long term studies about the side effects
Which by the way its now been proven the companies explicitly lied about the effectiveness and there was an organized censorship campaign lead by big tech in conjunction with big pharma to suppress any reporting about side effects and injuries caused by the vaccine

How quickly we forget it was just a short time ago when it was OK to say on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook etc "go to your local injection site and get vaccinated by a stranger in a parking lot"
But if you said "consult your doctor to see if the vaccine is right for you" you got banned for spreading misinformation by imply the vaccine isn't 100% safe and effective

Anonymous No. 179311

>blah blah blah
You’re worried about the wrong issues. Go to /pol/

Anonymous No. 179319


Anonymous No. 179321

Go rage on /pol/, surely that will solve the REAL issues