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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 179859

Terrified of heights but I'm going to force myself to go skydiving next year. Convince me I won't die.

Anonymous No. 179875

Have done it a few hundred times from airplanes as well as Base jumping. You'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 179878

Statistically it's extremely unlikely that you're going to die by skydiving; I don't know what else to tell you. The beginning will be terrifying and really tough on you mentally but if skydiving is something you really want to do, you'll get through it. The fear will go away surprisingly quickly. Took about a dozen jumps for me. After that it's pure bliss.

Anonymous No. 179879

It's not the fall that kills you, its the sudden stop at the bottom :^)

Anonymous No. 179960

I've only been skydiving once. What nobody tells you is that the scary part is just GOING UP. The plane engine is loud as fuck, and then it gets super cold for no god damned reason. I was wearing nothing but a t shirt and started shivering. Also you can't hear shit, which sucks because I yelled out a stupid meme to my friend as I jumped out and he never heard me.

Actually seeing the ground below just feels unreal. The world looks like a hologram, so I wasn't really that scared jumping out of the plane itself because it just didn't look like a threat. I felt somewhat calm. Then I jump out and bc of the unfortunate angle, look DIRECTLY at the sun and get temporarily blinded. I rub my eyes and seconds later I get out of my disorientation and am like, "WHAT THE FUCK" and realize I'm actually falling. What a way to spawn back into consciousness lol.

Another thing they don't tell you (this doesn't happen to everyone) is that it's hard as fuck to breathe going down. Have you ever had difficulty taking a breath when wind blows in your face? It's like that. So I had to constantly look to my side like I was swimming to take a breath in. Otherwise it felt like I was suffocating.

All in all, a 7/10 experience. Would do again, preferably in a warmer climate (not that it would matter much since the jumping altitude will be cold as fuck anyways)

Anonymous No. 180291

There are so many failsafes to skydiving these days. Training and equipment has made it so that fewer than 1 in 20 who die, die because of the parachute failing. They are now dying of heart attacks, swooping accidents (you won't be swooping, don't worry), suicides, and low turns because they are fucking morons.

In 2021 I think, everyone who died skydiving died under a fully inflated, properly functioning parachute - they simply made insanely bad choices flying them

Anonymous No. 180331

Why would I ruin the thrill for you by convincing you you wonโ€™t die?

Anonymous No. 180416

>see thousands of people do the same thing without a problem
>but I'm not like them, I'll surely die!
I never understood phobias, are they just stupidity in a different coat?

Anonymous No. 180417

>The plane engine is loud as fuck, and then it gets super cold for no god damned reason
That's normal. Conventional engines are very loud, and the further you go up the cold it is.

Anonymous No. 180477

>get closer to the sun
>it gets colder
You cannot convince me we aren't in a simulation

Anonymous No. 180671

I'm afraid of butterflies but that's probably due to some gay childhood trauma and OCD

Anonymous No. 180735

>fewer than 1 in 20 who die
Where are you getting this stat? A 5% death rate of divers is still pretty high imo.

It's not stupidity. It's just that fear doesn't care about rationalism. Skydiving, or falling from heights in general, activate a very old caveman like fear. Biological remnants of our early evolutionary history. Kind of like shark attacks during surfing. You're probably more likely to die from drowning while surfing than a shark. But the idea of a large man eating predator lurking in the depths unbeknownst to you actives paranoid monkey brain like nothing else.

Anonymous No. 181586

I got towed behind a helicopter on my first jump out of jump school in the military. Best piece of advice I can give you: Never worry about airing out that reserve chute. When it doubt, air it out.
Also, you'll have a fucking blast.

Anonymous No. 183056

You pulled the reserve while you were being towed?

Anonymous No. 183100

>Terrified of heights
It's so high up that you don't even get that feeling
t. terrified of heights but jumped 4 times

Anonymous No. 186141

reread again zoomie - less than 5% of those who die, die because of failing equipment.

Anonymous No. 186145

I've only gone once so I'm not as experienced as other anons, but when I did it I felt separated from the fact that I was falling towards the ground from several thousand feet up. Since it was my first time I was going tandem with an instructor, and I was mainly concerned with the motions they told me to do, rather than the fact that I was falling. Most likely you'll be going tandem with an instructor, so just focus on what they tell you to do and enjoy the view. You won't feel any roller coaster type of acceleration, in fact you really won't feel anything once you're out of the plane other than the wind. Wear something over your face to combat the wind, and put faith in your instructor and the parachute packing, and enjoy it.

Anonymous No. 186534

Take solace in the fact that PD (biggest manufacturer of parachutes) said they had their riggers and engineers intentionally try to pack malfunctions so they could use high speed cameras to see how they developed on opening, and 70% of the time they didn't even open wrong. As long as you check continuity, get the slider up, and double stow, you will be fine 99% of the time, and then again 75% of the time you can fix whatever malfunction comes up. I didn't have a cutaway until like my 1400th jump

Anonymous No. 187165

>convince me i wont die
statistics, my fren

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Anonymous No. 188148

Has ANYONE in any sport been BTFO worse than this fag who ate it?

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Anonymous No. 190677

no and by his size, he ATE A LOT OF IT!

Anonymous No. 191780

Lane just nearly fucking died so theres that

Anonymous No. 191834

What's swooping? Is that birds flying into you? Do skydivers ever die from birdstrikes?

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Anonymous No. 191835

Whatever tickles your pickle, ya meathead.

Anonymous No. 191912

swooping is basically initiating a turn low to the ground to gain as much speed as possible before pulling up. If you do it right you can go 40-105mph across the ground

If you do it wrong you can do 40-95mph into the ground

video here:

Anonymous No. 192145

Any fun jumpers in here? Any good boogies coming up?

Anonymous No. 193145

lmao the dude who crashed the hot air balloon high as fuck on ketamine