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🧵 Starting a Sumo Club

Anonymous No. 179948

How do I start a sumo club despite having no friends interested in sumo? (No memes)

Anonymous No. 179950

Start a solo club instead.

Anonymous No. 179954

Start attending judo classes and then invite a bunch of fat guys from your favorite gay bar to train at the dojo and at your house for "casual attire" private lessons.

Anonymous No. 179971

Build a dohyo in the local park and challenge every man that passes by to push you out of it.

Anonymous No. 179976

Just start pushing random people with your stomach outside until everyone is impressed with your mighty girth

Anonymous No. 179986

There's probably one in your country even if in another city.
Im from fucking argentina and there's a sumo club at a sports center 2 hours from my house.

Anonymous No. 180059

move to Japan and learn sumo wrestling from the best
then go home and open your own school

Anonymous No. 180066

This is the only post in the thread that would result in what you're after OP

Anonymous No. 180070

It's sort of funny to me how many people wouldn't even consider doing this now. Finding good training in so many different things used to require outright moving to a coach/teacher/traunee, if you'd even heard about them in the first place. Finding somewhere you could drive to and back from inside of a day was a stroke of luck.

Anonymous No. 180075

Nowadays no one is going to bother. Not for something so niche with practically zero chance of getting any fame/fortune out of it. Which, the times you're referring to person could do that and even if they didn't gain fame/fortune, assuming they were disciplined & committed, they could at the very least go form their own business/dojo. But now? Thats just not a thing. Schools are going under left & right. MMA, in its perversion of martial arts, has pulled so many away from other avenues of learning. What's sadder is, because of the mindset they teach, when a person washes out of MMA, they're more apt to abandon martial arts entirely. Because of 'le ebin master shit of effectiveness' attitudes in MMA, and the brainwashing they go through, people walk away from it like "Well I can't fight I guess, and all those arts are total wastes of time." This is why when I was a kid you could get all the training you wanted from legit Dojos with extensive lineages for half of what most places charge now.

Anonymous No. 180187

based vaudevillian anon

Anonymous No. 180495

I don’t think OP is intending to produce fetish porn

Anonymous No. 180527

You're ignoring the well known and firmly established axiom that OP is a faggot.

Anonymous No. 181704

Build a sumo ring decide when you wanna do practice and make a Facebook/Instagram for your club be honest you just starting and see what you can get maybe put up flyers at grocery stores and stuff