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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 180085

Boxing skills are the only important skill in a street fight and anyone who thinks differently is stupid.
>watch street fight videos
>everyone is only throwing punches 99% of the time
>fights that go to the ground get broken up
>fights that aren’t broken up get stood up and don’t end until someone gets punched out
If your concerned about what works in a street fight there’s no reason to train literally anything else.

Anonymous No. 180088

I like Judo because grabbing people and throwing them seems really good in a fight.

Anonymous No. 180091

>Street fights meta
Agreed. Boxing+Judo is the best combo for RBSD. The only thing I would consider adding is some Arnis/Kali/Eskrima because they're the only semi-realistic weapon arts relative to what you may experience in real life that won't lie to you about walking away unscathed. Assuming you find good schools that is.
>Inb4: Nu-uh BJJ is teh le ebin moosy efective
BJJ exists in 1v1 ruled/honorable fights, no where else.

Anonymous No. 180103

Muay Thai is in fact the greatest street fighting martial art on planet Earth.

Anonymous No. 180106

Nah, still favor boxing over muay thai. I like the strict focus on avoidance. Let's be honest here, Muay Thai teaches you to close the gap & tank a bunch of shit in preference of better footwork for kicking. The risks from kicks putting you off balance isn't worth it to me. Wanna keep your legs as safe as possible so running is always an option and I was never a fan of elbows. The risk of self injury is much higher compared to anything else you can use, same thing goes for knees.

Anonymous No. 180110

I saw kickboxerfags pwn boxerfags in street fights so no.

Anonymous No. 180112

Yeah, naw, so no.

Anonymous No. 180114

On 2nd thought, yeah, I guess the meta would be
And if we're going ALLL the way street fights & RBSD
>M.T.+Judo+Eskrima+point shooting

Anonymous No. 180121

No you didnt

Anonymous No. 180122

I seent it too. Don't know what these other anons are talking about

Anonymous No. 180125

>One writes like a nigger speaks
>The other has been here so long that they can not keep from attaching fag to everything.
I think I know why so many leave this shithole of a site for X

Anonymous No. 180135

If no one uses kick then it might be a good idea to learn to kick as well don't you think? Also knees are very practical when fighting someone who's just throwing themselves at you.

Anonymous No. 180138

I will fight any boxer without gloves
Watch them all cower away from the challenge

Anonymous No. 180149

Depending on the ground surface, yeah dont throw kicks. You will look like you hit a banana peel if you’re on gravel or slippery concrete or wood. Knees from the clinch absolutely work though. Low kicks work too but wont be the final blow that takes someone out.
>I dont like elbows because i risk injuring myself
If you are already at that clinch range, elbows are deadly. An excellent follow up strike and good to have in your toolkit. I do think that boxing will however be the majority of strikes in an altercation

Anonymous No. 180166

I'd go, so what? I will switch to palms, change attitude to swarmer and hit you just as hard.

Anonymous No. 180185

So this >>180114
But, no kicking on loose/slippery surfaces and perhaps to err on the side of caution & mobility, no high kicks? I feel like we're approaching the meta for RBSD with none of the cringey bs.

Anonymous No. 180188

I've always considered the advice of no kicks in a street fight comes from kicklets
like if your hams are tight and can't lift your leg without the momentum of the kick to throw it up there then maybe that's good advice since you're at the whim of the movement. But if you have properly trained dexterity in your legs you wont be off balanced at all even with high kicks. andy hug is the greatest example, he just blasted those things in there like jabs and didn't need to compromise his footing or posture at all to do it

Anonymous No. 180192

That's nice anon
>low sweeps you
>stomps on your face

Anonymous No. 180193

Never plan to knee or elbow an opponent in a street fight, it means you've put yourself in stabbing distance. If you have to fight, kick them into submission, almost nobody is capable of defending against a powerful low/mid kick especially in a high intensity situation like a street fight. Just make sure you do hit them, if you miss that first kick you may as well put your pajamas on because you're about to go to sleep

Anonymous No. 180194

NEVER clinch a random, many a time has a practitioner set up a clinch only to find a knife suddenly poking through their gut

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Anonymous No. 180197

>I'll just grapple hi-ACK

Anonymous No. 180203

>Perfectly flat surface with predetermined boundaries
>Predictable responses if knocked down
>Uses kickboxer who doesn't even have to deal with resulting grappling or ground & pound because it was against the rules.
You're kinda retarded.
Yeah never initiate the clinch, never give up space, but if you already lost ground and aint been stabbed yet, elbows & knees can help make space. Plus since some scraps might take place in really tight quarters, they can be a powerful tool when you dont have room for use of your full reach.

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Anonymous No. 180206

Are you retarded? Every time a competent grappler, or even anyone marginally athletic initiates a grappling sequence, he wins via slam. Via death. What hits harder than a boxer? A wrestler who hits you with the planet. Normies have a striker's chance vs a boxer, but they wouldn't be able to walk or generate any sort of power after a good LOW kick, or instantly die when a grappler gets ahold of them. There's no grappler's chance for a reason.

>but you'll be tied up and kicked on the ground!
Check picrel, typical grappler sequence

Boxing is great for fights, but it's definitely nowhere near the end all be all, disregarding everything else is low IQ

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Anonymous No. 180207

Sheeit cuh why ya gotta be all up in my grill wi dat bullshit

Anonymous No. 180208

And before anyone says, the amount of videos where someone gets stabbed for wrestling pales in comparison from an instant KO/kill via a slam. And if you have your own knife, you still have the advantage. It's like saying fighting at all is useless when people can have guns. What's the chances they'll pull guns on you unless it's Texas? And even then, if they can carry a gun then you can too.

Anonymous No. 180209

>What's the chances they'll pull guns on you
Any place with niggers

Anonymous No. 180211

I'm from new york, I've had weapons pulled on me over insignificant things multiple times, in fact nearly every time someone started shit with me they had a weapon

Anonymous No. 180218

What works in a street fight:

1 mile sprint (no ego)

Being much stronger and heavier than the other person

Hitting first

Strong 1-2

Everything else is cope (and 80% chance you will be fighting multiple people so grappling is useless)

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Anonymous No. 180219


Anonymous No. 180225

What works in a streetfight:
-Having a deterrent (knife or gun)

Anonymous No. 180246

Why do you not read the thread and keeo the conversation moving instead of ignoring so much procession to say the same thing that has already been said? We've moved on from the statement in OP, Judo good, throws & slams good, bjj bad.
>tl;dr: Keep it moving retard.
No shit, running was a given, it's assumed that everything we're talking about is when you're forced to fight
>inb4: blah how could you be forced, just dont be in shitty places blah any other hypothetical shit for me to sound like an internet tuffboi
No fucking shit retards. You think you're witty or something but you're honestly just being little bitches when you say this. You so desperately want the rush from sort of 'checkmate/i got you/you activated my trap card' moment & its fucking pathetic that you do it with something so fucking obvious.
>tl:dr; just go to /k/

Anonymous No. 180253

Bold of you to assume you're faster than the 6'1" black man trying to harm you

Anonymous No. 180330

I would like to see someone try that in real life and not get their balls stomped to dust.

Anonymous No. 180436

You could just train some grappling for the hell of it in addition to MT or boxing

Anonymous No. 180540

Hockey and knife fighting meta. Everything else is nigger culture and doesn't work when confronted by the above.

Anonymous No. 180564

What are leg kicks
What are takedowns

>fights that go to the ground get broken up
If that doesn't happen you will wake up in heaven

Anonymous No. 181110

The Muay Thai clinch and knee fits in perfectly with street brawl meta.
Did it successfully myself once. If people aren’t ready for it, the shock of being repeatedly kneed into the ribs and stomach freak people out. Some will even panic and try to duck out of the clinch resulting a clean knee to the face/ jaw, which can easily ko, rock, or break a nose upon impact

Anonymous No. 181112

Plenty of fights go to ground irl.
Being able to punch better is great but it’s not the thing that really defines the street brawling meta is this:

Weapons or not (obviously) especially bats and knives.
Numbers (typically feature uneven and unfair fights)

For one on one let me tell you the major thing which to me is suspiciously missing from a lot of threads, which tell me that most ppl here may practice, have some sparring experience, maybe even a few matches, but no real long term fight experience.

Fighting is to a certain degree tradecraft. Someone who has practiced boxing or something similar but never really fought, has a slim chance versus somebody who has fought consistently on the streets since they were kids.

Sure technique can help, but experience, real bloody experience is key. That’s something older generations of boxers could’ve attested to. Man those guys had a lot of fights.

Anyways the ultimate brawler is an experienced no rules fighter, who may have some training with grappling, ground game and possibly some simple toe to toe stuff like boxing, Kick boxing, Muay Thai, Krav Maga or similar. He knows how to use a knife (which is to say rapid stabbing motions) and has good situational awareness. Fights like this are often group versus group so it’s about getting into a two v one situation (our fighter plus his friend versus one of the other dudes) and vice versa being able to kite/ move after hitting to change a 2v1 (against our dude) into a 1v1.

The point is that experience is king, technique is second. It becomes huge if you have already have experience. An experience fighter who also has a background or is an active amateur/ pro fighter in something like mma can ofc bring an edge to the table.

For your average anon though picking up boxing cannot really help you in a street brawl unless the due you’re fighting is as much of a rookie as you are.

Anonymous No. 181139

Inoki was a wrestler that wasn't allowed to wrestle, imo he came up with a damn good strategy against ali.

Anonymous No. 181142

lmao at a faggot giving advice about street fights and your only source is that you watched it on the internet. seriously kys lmaooo useless braindead autist

Anonymous No. 181143

>many words
>contributes nothing
No shit experience helps. Fucking armchair expert autism at it's finest.

Anonymous No. 181145

Explain what is logically wrong with that? We're humans, we're capable of second hand/observational learning. You're a retard implying there is nothing to be learned from observing real life altercations.

Anonymous No. 181148

If I watch someone working out, I'm not having the same physical stimulation.

Anonymous No. 181221

But you can watch an instructional video & learn what hazards to beware of & get new ideas to use in practice later. Same principle. Stop being contrarian for the sake of it. Learn from every source you can.

Anonymous No. 181440

>Boxing is the only important skill
>Breaks hands 1st punch you throw and instantly become useless
And before any of you niggers talk about how its all punching technique, Mike Tyson actually broke his hands in a street fight. If Mike Tyson himself doesn't have punching technique down I don't know who does but it certainly isn't any one of you faggots.

Anonymous No. 181444

This is why I tell people that outside a ring you switch to palms.

Anonymous No. 181446

We have had over 400 years if bare knuckle boxing in the West and it didn't magically make boxers' hand implode. Modern boxers break their hands for the very simple reason that they is that modern boxing technique is very different than what it was 150 years ago. Why? Because they all box with gloves and wraps. This applies all the more to Mike Tyson btw >>181440 put him in a bout before the Queensbury rules and he'd loose

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Anonymous No. 181448

karate wins again baby

Anonymous No. 181452

Mkay but, they could switch to palms, adopt a swarmer style, and otherwise change nothing. Convincing people of the value in that is a lot easier than trying to get them to pick up shit like this>>181448 any modern boxing strike can be done with a palm & you can still hit just as hard as you would gloved. Making that one change is easier than trying to basically untrain a shit ton of habits to adopt an entire more cautionary style.

Anonymous No. 181453

srs, you good.
why these anons bothered?

Anonymous No. 181454

post queensbury boxing is shit and the evidence speaks for itself

Anonymous No. 181456

What evidence?

Anonymous No. 181457

Even punching like a modern boxer I haven't broken my hands in street fights. Only reason Mike Tyson did is because he hits harder than the vast majority of people alive lol.

Anonymous No. 181470

>he thinks standard boxing practice is to teach how to throw bareknuckle
Its the same reason people say you can't hit a heavy bag bareknuckle. You can, they just suck at it

Anonymous No. 181512

To get some practice on the heavy bag with bareknuckle just hit at half speed to toughen up your fists every now and then.

Anonymous No. 181513

Not only that but because his musculature, weight and density is way too much for his own bones to bear upon impact, knuckles are very brittle bones.

Anonymous No. 181514

the fact that youtubers are beating professionals and champions are losing to people that have never done it before

Anonymous No. 181516

Rather than a proof of boxing being shit, it's just coaches and the system being taught like shit as per usual.

Anonymous No. 181519

But when you look at how it always plays out
Go to the boxer and say let's fight and he's going to put a bunch of stipulations on it
Ay yo no kicking that's some bitch shit and no grabbing me neither

And if you go to some karate fag and say let's fight he'll say, K sounds good

The boxer just isn't down to party unless the party is at his house

Anonymous No. 181589

You're a fucking retard. Everyone of those are fixed, bunch of past their prime turds getting massive pay offs to take dives that in no way impact their record. Ffs, kys.

Anonymous No. 181590

Is all you got faggy anecdotal bullshit? Guess what dipshit, your experience isn't universal. I know more boxers ready to throw down any time any where, no rules. Versus the hordes of karate & other martial arts faggots that just preach about how "fighting is bad mmkay" and try to yoda miyagi word salad their way out of any confrontation. Stfu. You ain't never come up against someone really hungry.

Anonymous No. 181593

Ngannou beat fury simple as
Fury was given a 20 count to recover

Anonymous No. 181599

Why does BJJ get such a bad reputation?
It's been proven to work at the highest level, and there nothing you can do about it

Anonymous No. 181604

It's basic judo moves pretending to be more than it is
It brought nothing new to the table, it didn't modify anything, it didn't refine anything, it just repackaged what already was and claimed to be something new
The only thing Brazilians did was start naming moves after people who didn't even invent them
Its a house of cards

Anonymous No. 181626

>gets stabbed
>gets kicked in the head by new player
>opponent just stands up
Stfu dude BJJ is so done here. Its a faggot sport ONLY good for 1v1 with rules. Enough already.

Anonymous No. 181628

You are still being fucking retarded. So what if Ngannou is from MMA, he used boxing against fury dumbass. Do you even think before posting?

Anonymous No. 181649

bandwagon hate by people who have never done the sport or don't understand grappling

Anonymous No. 181650

>gets stabbed
applicable to any other martial art and street fight situation. "what if he just brings a gun?" yeah usually when we talk about martial art effectiveness, we exclude those types of outside variables dumbass
>gets kicked in the head by new player
I assume this means a 2v1, which again is applicable with any other martial art as no martial art defends you against 2v1s.
>opponent just stands up
people without any grappling experience don't just "stand up" against people even with a moderate amount of grappling experience. this has been shown countless times and is a non-argument. even if I granted this to you, this is still applicable to something like boxing. "just don't get into striking distance and striking is useless!"

Anonymous No. 181652

It's because a wrestler will never lose a wrestling match against a non wrestler, and an MMA fighter will never lose an MMA match against a non MMA fighter, a judo guy will never lose a judo match against a non-judo guy
But boxers are routinely losing boxing matches against non-boxers
Which just expose as boxing as not being particularly good when amateurs that have never done it before can practice it for a short time and compete against people that have dedicated their lives to it on equal footing

Anonymous No. 181660

Nah, the only discourse about jiujitsu at the highest level is talking about how it's shit and doesn't work
The only people impressed by it are noobs

Anonymous No. 181693

>more bullshit anecdotal dumbassery
There are so many cross over fighters that suck ass in boxing. McGregor, one of the best strikers ever to grace MMA couldn't do fuck all against Mayweather. Dude, you're so obviously a faggot fucking larper who doesn't even watch fights.

Anonymous No. 181696

>usually when we talk about martial art effectiveness, we exclude those types of outside variables dumbass
Not in this thread you fucking retard, try reading more than just your own shitty posts and knock it off with your faggy defeatist bullshit. You don't initiate a clinch in a real fight unless you're really fucking secure & aware.
>people without any grappling experience don't just "stand up" against people even with a moderate amount of grappling experience
Except they fucking do all the time. Even Gordon Ryan has admitted this shit. I am specifically speaking about BJJ so dont even try your faggot pivot to grappling in general bitch. The thread has already established that grappling has its time/place/distance. But trying to use submission techniques in an unsure environment is one of the dumbest fucking things you can do.
>inb4 well all martial arts are equally useless and we only talk about 1v1 blah blah blah
Shut the fuck up and go back to one of the combat sports threads if you're just going to be a whiny defeatist little bitch. Fuck i hate privileged prissy pussies like you. So fucking obvious you've never defended your life. Just "oop oh well this would be useless, just get a gun" like you're always going to be able to depend on that or that it's reasonable to immediately resort to that time. Fucking kys.

Anonymous No. 181755

Untrained drunken retards mainly do this so you should do this

Most armies in the world don't use next Gen air fighters like the US does, but in a conventional war, you would rather have next Gen fighters than current gen

Anonymous No. 181758

Buying the bone microfactures myth

Anonymous No. 181771

Agh! No! Help!!!
But my superior footworACK!

Anonymous No. 181794

Made the mistake of taking a Krav Maga. It was 1 hour of ballkicking and breaking a standing rape choke. It was as bad as the meme.

I feel ripped off, and it was free.

Anonymous No. 181796

Well its technically not a myth, wolfs law has been confirmed, the alleged benefits are the myth.
>Bones are meant to be pliable
>Better to bend than break

Anonymous No. 181928

You remind me of a nigger

Anonymous No. 181944

Funny, because seeing as how the main race that uses that word, are them, I assume you are one.

Anonymous No. 182126

>fights that go to the ground get broken up

So I get to stop fighting without getting hurt? sounds like like a self defense win

Anonymous No. 182132


I also heard this advice a lot and the only street fight I had ended with me blasting a read head kick and snuffing the lights out of the poor sandniqq. I had also smoked a couple of joints and drank but I mean, if you can’t do it when drunk you aren’t really proefficent

Anonymous No. 182159

>>fights that go to the ground get broken up
>he doesn't know black people exist

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Anonymous No. 183839

Anonymous No. 183877

Cause it’s the most popular grappling art in the US, Has a cult fan base, and does things like pull guard that looks off putting to people who don’t grapple.

Anonymous No. 183951

we aren't going to fudge the numbers here and say every white belt that has ever tried bjj and quit in 2 weeks counts as a "practitioner" like /they/ want us to, they want to cook the books for marketing that way and say fastest growing sport! when participation without factoring attrition doesn't really equate to growth

globally there are 2,659,000 white belts, and only 265,900 blue belts
it's biased to say the millions of white belts that quit before blue belt count as part of the aggregate of participants
highschool wrestlers in the USA alone make up 305,593 which is more than the entire global blue belt population
if you want to include all the white belts that quit you'll need to include all the wrestlers that retired

by the numbers bjj has a long way to go to overtake something that's built into the school system

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Anonymous No. 183990

Every streetfight video Ive seen where a guy gets picked up then smacked in the ground ends with the guy who got smacked into the ground losing. Getting tossed on concrete hurts.

Anonymous No. 183996

Read thread, it's been established that outside the ring, Judo is king of grappling.
>best at maintaining distance, easy quick finishers, can handle multiple opponents unlike BJJ
wish people would read the thread instead of just replying to OP. This convo is done.
>Muay Thai + Judo + carry a gun/knife
Thats the street fight meta

Anonymous No. 184140

Nobody should ever do a street fight because nobody fights fair. If you have no choice and can't run away, this is what ideally you should utilize:

Good boxing skills. Not just throwing a punch (though never to the head because that's a broken hand), but footwork, head defense, and other required attributes. Open palm blows to the head if you have no choice.

Low kicks to the thigh via the shin ala Muay Thai, Japanese knockdown karate (Kyokushin and others), Dutch Kickboxing. Low kicks can stop a fight quickly against someone without knowing how to check them.

Savate-style toe kicks since you'll be wearing shoes/boots and that shit HURTS.

Elbows and knees though no clinching. You don't want to engage that close because they might bite you in the neck and other dirty tactics.

Some form of stand-up grappling obviously for their trips and takedowns, but I wouldn't do single/double legs obviously.

Anonymous No. 184147

Let's just settle this in a single response.


If you opt to get in a fight not knowing if the other person is carrying, you're opting out of the gene pool as well. I'm a BJJ blue belt and it's purely a sport to me at this point. Fighting is too high of a risk no matter the skill.

Anonymous No. 184148

And then the other guy pulls out a weapon too or his buddies take one out.

Fighting in the street should be treated like warfare; avoid upmost if you can, but if you can't retreat, it's better to be judged by 12 then be carried out by 6.

Anonymous No. 184156

It wouldnt hurt to he good on the ground

Anonymous No. 184168

Realistically, the best thing is to make six figures and live in an affluent majority white community. Good luck finding a fight in a place like that.

Anonymous No. 184202

Why does every sheltered autist on this board act like every scrap is a life or death affair?
>bro but what if you hit your head and die
How often does that actually happen? I’d wager it’s far less likely to happen then you getting hit by a car tomorrow just walking down the road.

Anonymous No. 184205

but bro what if he has 10 friends with knives and guns hiding behind the lamp post?

Anonymous No. 184206

Don’t forget that the ground is littered with aids needles and lava golems

Anonymous No. 184222

flawed logic because if you're not leveraging against the worst possible scenario then you could make the arguments that things like wing chun are a good idea

Anonymous No. 184228

>if you're not leveraging against the worst possible scenario
Then you better not leave the home without a level iv plate carrier, ar-15 and drive a car with bullet resistant glance. Otherwise you’re not prepared for the “worst case scenario.” Maybe bring a magic sword also just in case there’s a dragon.

Fucking retard.

Anonymous No. 184230

of course I would if I could but that's just impractical
what is practical however is learning how to fight properly
it takes just as much effort to learn how to fight badly as it does to learn right
sometimes more in fact

Anonymous No. 184232

>I would if could
You literally can. You just don’t because You are subconsciously aware that you’re being a melodramatic fag on the internet and not actually at risk of a firefight with the taliban every time you step outside your home.
>it’s just not practical
Yes, be practical, which means not assuming your about to be murdered by 75 gangsters with knives, bats and chains if you get into a scrap. Did you even read the posts I was responding to?

Anonymous No. 184281

Ask me how I know you're a white guy from an upper middle class neighborhood with little to no crime?

To you the idea of getting jumped or attacked with a knife is as foreign to you as war overseas with terrorists
To people that did not grow up insulated by their parents money it's a daily consideration every time you leave the house

Anonymous No. 184295

>Why does every sheltered autist on this board act like every scrap is a life or death affair?
Honestly sounds like you're the sheltered one. There is zero reason to ever get into a fight if it's not life or death unless you're a complete fucking moron.

Anonymous No. 184299

Being afraid of 20 guys with knives behind every corner isn't normal. It's paranoia. Maybe even schizophrenia.

And using it as an argument against martial arts is retardation.

Anonymous No. 184301

If you weren’t a social retard you’d be able to read the room and tell the difference between a fight and attempted murder. This is a symptom of your autism
>there’s zero reason to ever get into a fight if it’s not life or death
You’re out with your girlfriend/wife and leave to take a piss. You come back and some guy is aggressively hitting on her groping her ass. You tell him to fuck off and he says no and slaps you in the face. What’s your next course of action? Do you be the bigger person and walk away or do you just blow his brains out then and there? In your fucking retarded view of reality there’s nothing you can do other than nothing or homicide

Anonymous No. 184310

You have autism if you think him sexually assaulting her isn't enough to knock him out there and then

Anonymous No. 184324

That’s what I’m saying you illiterate retard. I’m saying there’s reasons to fight people that don’t necessarily give you reason to fucking murder them. Not everything is or should be a matter of life and death. Some people just need their jaw clocked. The autists I’m arguing with would have you believe if you get into any kind of confrontation you should either run away or empty a machine gun into someone with no reason to do anything inbetween.

Anonymous No. 184326

And because you know men have a history of going to bars by themselves and not having any friends around
And the kind of guy that would sexually assault a woman in public I doubt thats the type of person that would have a hidden weapon somewhere

Same cope energy as the gi boys saying "herupmf well if the person is wearing clothes you can blah blah blah"
How oftens a nigga in a suit and tie pressing you bro?

There is no in between, you're doing it or you're not
You got half way and you're the one not walking out of there

Anonymous No. 184327

You’re retarded and you don’t go outside, nor have you ever been in a fight. Seek medical treatment for your terminal autism.

Anonymous No. 184332

I don't get pain from hitting the heavy bag. Its just deadening the nerves in your hands, aka conditioning
>I'm a BJJ blue belt and it's purely a sport to me at this point. Fighting is too high of a risk no matter the skill.
Because you didn't train anything that's encompasses the entirety of a street fight. You only trained the half where you grab ahold of a guy, most likely not his wrists, opening you up to him reaching in his pocket and shanking you, thus making your training fairly useless. If you think someone is carrying, you automatically go for wrist control step 1, fuck taking him down. This is common sense

Anonymous No. 184333

>And because you know men have a history of going to bars by themselves and not having any friends around
There are literally millions of men who do this
>And the kind of guy that would sexually assault a woman in public I doubt thats the type of person that would have a hidden weapon somewhere
Alcohol makes fools of us all at some point

Anonymous No. 184341

>engaging in a no rules fight with someone who might be carrying a weapon
>common sense
Pick one retard

Also, I've been training grip fighting at least half the practices I've done in the last month. Getting dominant grips to do whatever the fuck I want to do. Have you ever trained BJJ? Literally the first battle to win is grips (or feet if your opponent is on their back), Gi and NoGi. It's not too different than Judo, we're just not as good at it.

Again, no matter my skill, any chance of getting stabbed or shot is too high. I'm not playing a game of "what if" when I can either avoid the confrontation or use a firearm.

Anonymous No. 184344

In your theoretical? Yeah it would feel great escalate the violence. But the real answer is someone just assaulted you. We live in a system that has rules for that. If we didn't have those rules protecting me from him, than they probably don't protect him from me. If we lived in THAT theoretical world, then yes, I feel justified in putting several holes in him. Unfortunately we live in a semi-civilized world.

Anonymous No. 184359

I never said you should start the fight, sometimes some 3rd world manlet with an ego won't let it go and you just have to.
>Have you ever trained BJJ?
No, because when I fight someone I want to put him in the hospital with a broken face, not deescalate the situation.
>Literally the first battle to win is grips
Against people who are also doing BJJ going for grips. You need to train the speed and the precision of striking to keep range and parry or deflect anything they might do. They might already have the knife out, who knows. But if you don't have the speed to stay out of range, or close the range to grab a wrist that doesn't want to be grabbed, you're dead. I've trained with the guys that mostly do BJJ at my former gym, and man they are fucking slow

Anonymous No. 184379

Idk your rules around stand your ground or self defence. If someone hits you in public what's the threshold for using your firearm?
Whats the point even carrying if people are still allowed to hit you lmao

Anonymous No. 184381

You shouldn’t be trying to satisfy the minimum legal threshold possible for a legal self defense claim just so you have an opportunity to shot someone when you don’t have to. Most people who carry don’t get off on the idea of killing someone. The people looking to do that join the police force

Anonymous No. 184383

it's not a matter of getting off on it, it's just the fact that why the hell should I value the life of a stranger that's trying to hurt me? they're just a dangerous animal that needs to be put down like a coyote in the hen house

Anonymous No. 184434

>Most people who carry don’t get off on the idea of killing someone.
If you carry a hammer around all day long, you start thinking of using it an awful lot. Maybe don't carry weapons around unless you want to murder people or stop lying to yourself.

Anonymous No. 184435

Get therapy
>needs to be put down
Someone who slaps you is not a deadly threat

Anonymous No. 184440

>A man has sexually assaulted my girlfriend and is now physically hurting me

>No. This isnt the time to use force. He has to stab me and stick his cock in her mouth and ass first!


Anonymous No. 184441

Placid beta male

Anonymous No. 184453

You realize that self defense has to be proportional right? If you are at risk of getting punched you have the right to punch back. If you are at the risk of being killed you have the right to kill them back. Green text one you hit them. Green text two you shoot them.
>if you don’t jerk off thinking about killing people all day you’re a beta
you’re a teenager

Anonymous No. 184454

>not a deadly threat
The legal standard for deadly force is great bodily harm
Now I'd like to hear your mental gymnastics about why a concussion doesn't count as that
Because my Jewish lawyer isn't going to have any problem demonstrating how dangerous slapping someone is

You hit me you catch a 9, simple as

Anonymous No. 184457

you’re inviting a huge legal risk into your life doing that but if that’s what you want then fine, you can talk to God about whether it was moral.

And if you think it’s as simple as “I’ll just get off” then look at the rittenhouse trial. That guy had multiple people all shouting that they were going to kill him and attacking him with deadly weapons yet he still went to trial and had his entire life ruined and hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees as a result.

Anonymous No. 184459

they were trying to make him a political martyr, it's not because he shot people it's because he shot BLM rioters

Anonymous No. 184461

I’m well aware my point is that an activist DA may try to make an example out of you too, it’s best to avoid that if possible and that may mean taking action without a gun, even if you may potentially be able to make a Jewish lawyer argument that it was self defense.

Anonymous No. 184462

where I live a nigger could literally throw gasoline on a group of children and spark a lighter up and I'd be the one that gets arrested for stopping him
that's how it works in places like this, the criminal class is allowed to commit crimes as much as they please and the rest of us get hung up for stopping them
so it is what it is

Anonymous No. 184472

You're fucked either way. Use your zhiuzhitsu skills to sleep a nig like Daniel Penny on the subway, and you're catching murder charges. Your "one weird trick" won't work, when everyone from the judge to the jury understands that the point is that you don't touch a pwecious hair on a black dude as he tries to throw you onto train tracks. The only thing that saved Rittenhouse was that he shot white people.

Anonymous No. 184505

Can the mods delete these kinds of threads? They're filled to the brim with autism and armchair warriors. It could go on like this forever with the hypotheticals.

Anonymous No. 184507

Where do you think you are?

Anonymous No. 184522

Good point.

Anonymous No. 184651

boxing is the most important skill for the first 5 seconds of a street fight
after that it is gunfu and runjutsu
**in america
jew jitsu is the best for shoving dildos up your ass and arguing online about street fights

Anonymous No. 186142

>>fights that go to the ground get broken up
Not the case in a lot of fights I've seen. That's actually usually where the other guy gets permanent brain damage from some fat fuck sitting on his chest pounding his face into pulp. Grappling is useless though of course

Anonymous No. 188115

Top kek. Try your boxing skills with me on a street fight and you're dead, son.

Anonymous No. 188254

deym ok xfag fag

Anonymous No. 188255

Boxing suddenly stops working when you get pulled up and thrown to the ground

Anonymous No. 188257

>I don't NEED to learn the technique now watch me DESTROY MY FUCKING BACK
ugh, fucking BASED...

Anonymous No. 188261

Just read the rest of the thread, oh well, my point is to supplement boxing to counter clinches and grabs like it was already suggested

Anonymous No. 190121

videos of people getting shot for pulling a knife pale in comparison
videos of people getting blown up for carrying guns and or cameras ale in comparison

Your point? Talk of the thread is a "street fight" not a "street stabbing", faggot, go back to your hole.

Anonymous No. 190122

it's a good option for manlets as it kills off a lanklet's reach advantage
boxing+wrestling or (striking)+(grappling) with some good training is probably optimal
for me tho, it's gunkata

Anonymous No. 190136

>Nah, still favor boxing over muay thai.
You're a fool then.
Muay thai has sweeps and clinch work which is EXTREMELY important for street fighting on top of striking skills. Boxing is great and will most likely be all you need but if I were to practice the "best" martial art purely for self-defense? It would be muay thai.
t. a boxer.

Anonymous No. 190240

the better fighter always wins.

Anonymous No. 190315

There is no way to tell the difference between a "fight" and attempted murder. Whether you have autism or not: reading minds is impossible, seeing through clothing to scan for hidden weapons is impossible.
I have the right to defend my life with a weapon as soon as I get physically attacked. It's very simple. Don't attack people if you don't want to get shot.

Anonymous No. 190362

>There is no way to tell the difference between a "fight" and attempted murder
this fucking board lol. People love to just put themselves as having never been in an actual fight.
>I have the right to defend my life with a weapon as soon as I get physically attacked. It's very simple. Don't attack people if you don't want to get shot
>be anon
>get “physically attacked” by a woman open hand slapping you
>shoot her dead on the spot
>spend life in prison

Anonymous No. 190489

you don't need to know how to fight to beat a woman

Anonymous No. 190615

There is an estatistic showing that 96% of the fights are just throwing punches to the head

this means that you can defend yourself with just punches

it is extremely unlikely that you will fight with a grappler in the streets, people that actualy practice martial arts hardly ever enter in fights

Anonymous No. 190616

the face is what personifies you and that is where 96% of people will aim for because they hold a grudge, they want to hurt you witch means for them your face/head.

unless of course you're talking about weapons and guns but for that you would most likely deal with a diferent strategy than punching and grabing