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🧵 Ultimate Self Defense Championship Season 2

Anonymous No. 180413

The meme is back. Thoughts on the line-up?

Anonymous No. 180415

I think that one guy is hiding ninja stars

Anonymous No. 180418

It's retarded, they all do different brands of MMA. The wildest outlier is the chink & all he does is shit on everything except sanda, chinese mma. I don't like it because it's a poorly sold bullshit premise to advertise the channels of literal whos?. I would rather watch hard style TMAs go at it in some kind open tourney or kumite than this jewtube promotional marketing scheme.

Anonymous No. 180422

I’m interested to see if the king fu need can actually fight or if he just gets beat up the whole time which would be funny. I thought they were supposed to have an outlier this season where some athelete with no real fight training was supposed to participate. What happened to that? I want to see a total mismatch character.

Anonymous No. 180430

No Judo?

Anonymous No. 180432

Too unfair for everybody else

Anonymous No. 180441

Pretty good. Some of the challenges last season were straight up bs but it was still entertaining. I love this type of content though.

Anonymous No. 180445

faggot youtubers commercializing everything

Anonymous No. 180448

one of these things is not like the others

Anonymous No. 180450

This looks like a lot of fun. It'll be cool to see how a pure BJJ practitioner like Jordan fares against the others, I've been binging his videos.

Anonymous No. 180454

he's known for BJJ and that's his specialization but he's fully MMA trained too, he just opened an MMA gym last month
so it's 3 MMA guys, karate, kung fu, and jewjitsu

season 2 and they already ran out of youtubers with unique styles

Anonymous No. 180457

Notice how he has his knee taped and is the only one without gear on
I bet he got medically tapped early on

Anonymous No. 180575

It sucks some idiot injured Ramsey Dewey in the first one. I wish Rokas was in it still.

Anonymous No. 180619

I feel like this is going to devolve into the two full-time professional fighters (Jeff and Natan) having a dick measuring contest, and Jesse and Ranton competing for the "nicest guy" award.

Anonymous No. 180620

Yeah I hated that. Ramsey was pretty salty about it and I don't blame him at all. The auzzie guy running the event is kind of a dick. It was just flat-out stupid to be pushing the guys so hard when they were sleep deprived.

Anonymous No. 180621

Wasn’t the injury caused by a guy literally jumping on top of him from the ceiling during the zombie event? It was a completely dumb fucking thing to have someone do in the first place and I’d be fucking pissed if that took me out of a tournament too.

Anonymous No. 180624

Yep exactly. Utter horseshit. I think he's still rehabbing the knee.

Anonymous No. 180625

Imagine sacrificing your body for this stupid bullshit. All of these faggots are epitomes of what is wrong with martial arts today. Bunch of egotistical bullshit.

Anonymous No. 180627

I think they got suckered. Watching some of the behind the scenes videos, it sounds to me like they came to Aus thinking they'd be doing some chill collab videos and running some scenario drills, and instead they literally stepped off the plane, jetlagged to shit, and got yanked into hard sparring day after day. They were severely sleep deprived the whole time. It's a miracle there weren't a lot more injuries.

That Jeff Phillips guy's response was some macho bullshit about "hurr durr gotta always be ready". Fuck you, I'm gonna break into your house at night and shoot you while you're sleeping and call it "training".

Anonymous No. 180631

> season 2 and they already ran out of youtubers with unique styles

The fucked up part is there's definitely youtubers they can use buts it's a popularity contest

Anonymous No. 180635

That or a lot of people saw how much of a shitshow the first season was and don’t want to get themselves injured by sky diving zombies

Anonymous No. 180642

The fact he's Australian makes it even more laughable as though he had any idea about the reality of violence, dude couldn't be armchair expecting any harder

I'm not trying to say I'm the biggest badass around but he'd get absolutely mogged going through my old neighborhood. Guarantee he'd be shutting himself the moment a hostile black approached him and have no idea what to do

Anonymous No. 180736

Ramsey got fucked up bad for no reason at all. You would think someone running a self-defense program would know that type of shit is stupid and dangerous. I was enjoying the show just for entertainment + seeing martial arts youtubers hanging out but some of the stupid decisions, rules, and rulings definitely tarnished that a bit.
Some of the challenges felt like they never even did a trial run.

Anonymous No. 180763

You mean the third guy from the left? He's looking constipated.

Anonymous No. 183209

Dewey is declaring Total Australian Death

Anonymous No. 183238

>Dewey is declaring Total Australian Death
> (When Poo-Man & Lady Boss Attack (Ultimate Self-Defense Championship Ep5 Review))
Know I understand why it called poo-man, if not for your post I wouldn't have watched it