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Anonymous No. 180426

The only thing that matters in a fight is SPEED

Anonymous No. 180427

It's actually POWER was the answer we were looking for.

The force x velocity. I can throw a tiny rubber ball at your head 100 times and it probably wouldn't do anything but if I threw a basketball at your head 100 times with the same speed it would probably do a lot more in terms of damage.

Anonymous No. 180437

You say that until you eat 10,000x chain punch combo to the chest, nerd

Anonymous No. 180439

It's easier to learn to punch faster than to increase the mass of your fist. Just throw the tiny rubber ball faster. You don't see riot cops tossing basketballs instead of rubber bullets.

Also considered equal, faster punches are more likely to land

Anonymous No. 180458

Stupid. You can punch with more force behind it without 'increasing the mass of your fist' you put more of your body behind it. You two are being faggots arguing like that wing chink bullshit hasn't been BTFO 10k times over. Not shitting on all kung fu, but that is some Hollywood crap.

Anonymous No. 180461

>You don't see riot cops tossing basketballs instead of rubber bullets

No because the force of the object is higher than that of their arm.

Anonymous No. 180471

>durrrr what is kinetic linking
kys wingchunfag

Anonymous No. 180494

This guy gets it, someone else with kinesiology wisdom. The more of the kinetic chain you can link behind a strike, the stronger it will be. All those flippant kung fu strikes where the link stops at the shoulder are weak as fuck. Might be okay for a sucker punch opener but thats it. The only way I see something like this>>180426 is if a totally shredded dude did it, not some scrawny twigboi