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๐Ÿงต The Ultimate Self-Defense Championships Season 2

Anonymous No. 180470

For those unfamiliar:
Last year "The Lithuanian Steven Seagal" Rokas Leo held an "Ultimate Self-Defense Championship" event where he shipped out several martial artists with prominent social media personalities including Ramsey "Monologuing Mormon" Dewey, Icy "Angry Manlet" Mike, Sensei "IcyMike's Sancho Panza" Seth, and Jeff "Why am I doing this? I have a career!" Chan to engage in a multi-round series of self-defense challenges at an Australian center specifically built around these scenarios.

It was incredibly amateurish and awkward, the scoring system was nonsense causing two of the most """"experienced"""" floundering, and nearly killed Ramsey Dewey because some retard jumped off of a ceiling directly onto his head. But it was fun to see these people with many claims be put to the test in variably strange scenarios, initially starting with all of them beating the shit out of each other in a round-robin "tournament" inside a moving bus before a crowd of bogans rushed in to assault them all.

The newest season has been fully filmed and just released a trailer

The new contestants are:
>Jesse Enkamp
Swedish self-professed "Karate Nerd," karate historian, and gi merchant. Flips between looking like an actual Chad and a balding buck-toothed goober.
>Natan Levy
Israeli UFC lightweight fighter. Been getting social media buzz for various reasons.
>Jeff Chan
Winner of previous USDC. r/aznmasculinity's idol, actually decent guy with a small pedigree.
>Jordan Preisinger
BJJ practitioner with a small YouTube channel but decades of experience in pajama-cuddling.
French-German "Chinese" video game reviewer who stayed at a Shaolin Temple for two years after a racial identity crisis. Massive shitposter.
>Craig Hunter
Some Australian guy that got hired last minute to replace a basketball player. Literally just a regular, physically fit bogan with a wife and kids.

It comes out this April but these threads can survive months.

Anonymous No. 180918

Season 1 was fun, but it was pretty rough. I'll be watching the new season for sure. Their challenges seem like fun.

Anonymous No. 181384

>Ramsey "Monologuing Mormon" Dewey
>Icy "Angry Manlet" Mike
laughed out loud.
Sensei Seth is the realest coolest regular dude out of all of them. Jesse Enkamp is basically a real life sage. Rokas is just soft spoken and nice, and trying to make money via videotoobs but I don't fault him. One time he went down a superhero self-help path, commissioned a custom superhero outfit, and even renamed his channel. He was very lost and seemed very desperate during that time, it was embarrassing.

Anonymous No. 181386

>One time he went down a superhero self-help path, commissioned a custom superhero outfit, and even renamed his channel. He was very lost and seemed very desperate during that time, it was embarrassing.
Rokas is fucking desperate to have an actual image and brand as a big content creator. He even recently renamed his channel because the contestants for the current season convinced him "Martial Arts Journey with Rokas" sounds better. There was also a period of time where he was doing reactshit complete with the incredibly retarded soiface thumbnails. The man is very much not right in the head, but he's using his Lithuanian scam artist money to make martial arts e-celebs embarrass themselves so I fully condone it.

Anonymous No. 181387

More like Icy "Rodney Shortking" Mike

Anonymous No. 181388

Oh and to add onto this, he's also been in multiple cults. People always talk about the aikido one but he was also in a yoga cult for a decade, he has an entire second YouTube channel where he's spoken about his experience with it and for a while was making videos discussing and debunking many cult claims.

Anonymous No. 181389

Jordan already confirmed he doesnt win, his hands are taped up because he fell on day 1 and his knee got hurt so he couldn't finish the last 2 days

Anonymous No. 181406

It's either Jeff Chan again or Natan takes it. It was pretty clearly proven last season that a guy with actual experience in actual fights, even sport ones, who trains constantly is gonna have the advantage over more "trained" martial artists who only spar to pressure-test.

Anonymous No. 181419

Said this in the other thread but I betcha this season comes down to Natan and Jeff having a duck measuring contest.
Jesse and Ranton will be competing for Miss Congeniality.
Jordan is filling in Ramsey's role as "old salt who gets injured".

Anonymous No. 181427

Natans an emotional punk
Imagine being so unhinged you actually meet up irl to fight a redditer that was talking shit online
I bet you he takes this way too seriously

Anonymous No. 181439

>Jesse and Ranton will be competing for Miss Congeniality.
It won't happen because Rokas fucked up and forgot one of the most valuable parts of these collabs with very opinionated subject-e-celebs is seeing them debate and discuss shit. These videos would do better if Jesse and Ranton arguing about whether Japanese shit is better than Chinese shit before Jesse whips out more Chinese knowledge than Ranton knew purely to iterate on his points and embarrass him. I bet you something like that happened just because Ranton refuses to talk about the event at all.