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Anonymous No. 181391

Choke hold or a knockout punch?

Which do you try to go for?

Anonymous No. 181392

the choke hold is safer but has worse optics and will get you an attempted murder charge even though you were deliberately trying to not do that
the knock out is more dangerous but looks better to a jury so you might actually kill a guy but then get acquitted later with the "I was in fear for my life" defense

Anonymous No. 181411

Choke hold all day!!!! I have great love of getting a RNC on my friends, GF or just a fag in a bar.

I knew about the optics, but never fought about the two together and when you do it is really funny.

Anonymous No. 181889

Kidney shot

Anonymous No. 181905

I'm behind the target: chokehold.
I'm in front of the target: punch.

Anonymous No. 181906

With optics in mind I'd be aiming for a kimura because it's easier to argue that the intent was to restrain the opponent by getting their arm behind their back instead of breaking it. Probably the best position would be a dorsal kimura because it gives you a controlling top position and allows you to keep an eye on what's around. And if you end up deciding to choke the guy out the triangle is right there under you.

Anonymous No. 181916

If that's the play then what you can do is what they teach cops in the Academy where you yell stop resisting even when the person isn't fighting back, but as long as you keep yelling stop resisting you can pop their arm and do whatever you want
You basically gaslight everybody watching and to thinking the guy is fighting you somehow