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Anonymous No. 181467

How does one defend against such a powerful technique?

Anonymous No. 181468


Anonymous No. 181472

Okay but what's the objective? It's all skin deep right? Why not grab a hold of something and slam it around instead of just causing tissue damage? Sure that may stop them or maybe they'll just do the same thing.

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Anonymous No. 181475

Well since this guy doesn't even understand what a single leg is he's in no position to be teaching how to defend one

Remember, all the cheap dirty stuff you want to do, I'm going to do back to you but from a superior position

Anonymous No. 181536

The objective is to completely overwhelm the opponent. Just look at the demonstration, he has no time to do anything as the attacks come on the half beat, too fast to respond to.
If dimitri didn’t know what he was doing why hasn’t anyone ever taken him down?

Anonymous No. 181544

Heh... you'd better hope you never try this on me, or I'd have to reveal my secret ultimate technique. The one my sensei warned me never to use. Be careful when you get into a fight, because you never know if someone like me is actually a shinobi (that's Japanese for ninja, by the way).

Anonymous No. 181548

>why hasn’t anyone ever taken him down
Because he's asking seminar attendees to try to take him down. People who paid to see him, are interested in what he has to say, and want him to succeed. People who have a vested personal interest in seeing him win, not themselves. Let him come to an open mat and ask to be taken down.

Anonymous No. 181550

Shinobis were unwanted, despised hobos with expensive shivs, you cunt.

Anonymous No. 181551

I could take him down, I know this because I take fully resisting people down every day, people that understand countermeasures to prevent their take downing but still down they are taken

The only unanswered question is how hard he goes down
If he behaves it will be controlled and safe, if he touches my face in any way I deem offensive I'll put my back into it

Although part of me would be tempted to just imanari roll at his legs and have a heel hook bite before he even hits the ground and my intrusive thoughts might win

Anonymous No. 181552

I'll let you off this time, kiddo. I know you're trying to look big and tough to your little internet friends. You'd change your tune if I unleashed my hidden jutsu, but I am a peaceful warrior and was trained to show mercy to innocents.

Anonymous No. 181557

What happens if I just grab his arm?

Anonymous No. 181559

Bingo. Arm drag the shit out of him.

Anonymous No. 181623

Threads like this make it hard to tell how many retards I share the board with. I can tell some of you are posting ironically, but I'm sure it's not one hundred percent

Anonymous No. 181710

Seems effective if you can get there, but I doubt an experienced guy would let you get in that range easily.
I'm impressed though, that would be tough to deal with in all honesty.
For me if I can get my hand on his face though I could just as easy throw him on his head.