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Anonymous No. 181569

How accurate is this?

Anonymous No. 181573

How are you going to fight them if you have no proper technique? It's like giving somebody who's never used a hammer before a wooden board and nails and telling them to hammer nails into the board.

>Fuck martial arts

Martial arts are just fighting styles with cool names, it's not different from just fighting. He's going to use martial arts or fighting styles regardless.

Anonymous No. 181621

>How are you going to fight them if you have no proper technique? It's like giving somebody who's never used a hammer before a wooden board and nails and telling them to hammer nails into the board.
I figured how to do it when I was 4 and found both things in my grandpa's workshop. Fighting just makes sense, as well.

Anonymous No. 181622

>How accurate is this?
You may kill a couple of hobos but then you will be seriously hurt or killed when one pull out a knife or they gang up on you. Some can even defeat the best street fighters just by insanity alone. The crackhead variation of the compton homo basketballis, for example, are usually as strong as they are flexible, and feel little to no pain when they are tweaking.

Anonymous No. 181631

Not being able to recognize sarcasm is a sign of autism, OP.

Anonymous No. 181793

Tl;dr, sounds retarded tho

Anonymous No. 181797

Pick 1

Anonymous No. 181803

This would be true only of you had a wolverine healing factor or some shit. Just constantly fighting the injuries will easily outpace the increase in skill level.

Anonymous No. 181807

What he's describing is predatory behavior. You would presumably get better at ambushing people, but that's not the same thing as being good at mutual combat, nor does it necessarily translate into having good anti-counter-ambush skills.

Like the other anon said, you'd probably beat up a couple hapless chumps and then meet one with semi-decent situational awareness and a weapon and bleed out. There's a reason why animal predators select the weakest prey, you'd never see a lion go from hunting a springbok to a buffalo "for the challenge".

These are opposing objectives. Do you want to get good at fighting? Then engage in mutual combat with a willing participant, ideally in systematic, progressive manner under controlled circumstances. Oh wait, that would be called training a martial art. Or do you want to murder people and get away with it? In which case use weapons and select your victims carefully. Weird hobby but OK.

What he's describing would be like trying to teach yourself to be a paramedic by running up to the scene of every car crash you see and attempting to render aid.

Anonymous No. 181816

enjoy your arthritis niggy

Anonymous No. 182930

t. Sikorsky

Anonymous No. 182939

I would recommend starting at the nursing home before fighting the homeless. They can be wildcards. Catch an old timer when he’s sunsetting and antagonize him. He will stumble towards you with balled fists but you should be able to best him.

Anonymous No. 182966

The correct way is to enter secret underground no holds barred fighting rings.

Anonymous No. 182967

Why only 1?

Anonymous No. 183009

>martial arts don't work
>anyway you need to train yourself before you're good enough to beat martial artists