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🧵 e-sports belong here

Anonymous No. 182368

I never see e-sports threads on this board and this puzzles me. As an immortal ranked Valorant athlete and semi-pro Valorant coach, e-sports are arguably one of THE most extreme sports. Imagine keeping laser focus, all your senses primed, for 40-80 minutes STRAIGHT. Chad thinks he’s the superior athlete because he has bigger muscles, but I know I have 100x the focus, coordination, reflexes, and endurance by virtue of my training. I literally need to eat 3000+ calories a day just to support my brain energy.

>inb4 just post to /vg/

/vg/ is full of casuals. Is it too much to ask that my sport get the respect it deserves on this board? By that logic, martial “artists” should post to /fit/ instead. Brawling like an ape does not make you an athlete, Chad McNeurotrauma.

Sage No. 182381

B8, OP is fag and video games are not sports. Nobody else reply to this thread.

Anonymous No. 182439

Besides the antagonistic tone the other big flag of it being bait is that any serious e-sports athlete these days does do actual physical training afk and needs training calories for more than just "brain energy."

Anonymous No. 182449

epic b8 bro

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Anonymous No. 182466

>They need calories
>They're bulking for brain power
LMFAO that's the funniest cope I've heard for someone being a fat fuck. They bulk because they're anti-social celebates who have nothing better to do with their time. You know how I know this? How else could someone even figure out that they're good at video-games if it weren't for the MASSIVE amount of free time they had due to having no social life. People who excel at sports do so because they have the opportunity to win prestige in school. Gamers are a joke. Delete this thread

Anonymous No. 182469

You need calories to fuel physical training while maintaining mass; the fact that your mind went straight to bulking and being fat suggests you're a fatty who doesn't train anything and doesn't belong on /xs/. The majority of professional e-sports competitors are physically active and non-obese:
>How else could someone even figure out that they're good at video-games if it weren't for the MASSIVE amount of free time they had due to having no social life.
Kids socialize online these days. The physical third place is dead.

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Anonymous No. 182481

>You need calories to fuel physical training while maintaining mass
>Thinks moving buttons fast is "physical training"
>unironically cites research on a bait thread
>projects bmi onto me

I love this website.

Anonymous No. 182487

Gaming is “actual physical training”. Just because I don’t bench 100 pounds every day doesn’t mean I don’t exercise.

Anonymous No. 182488

COPE and SEETHE, imbecile. 1v1 me on Ascent, you can talk all the shit you want if you win (you won’t).

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Anonymous No. 182490

I don't play games. I lift. I train. I bulk. You want me to seethe? Fool. I already do. Every morning when I wake up and have yet to fulfill my potential for the day, I seethe. It's what makes me push through my hardest days and my lowest moments. I can do better. I have somewhere to be in the distant future. So yes anon. I will seethe. I will breathe and seethe and conquer. I will conquer. I do not forgive. I do not forget.

Anonymous No. 182491

YWNBASP (you will never be a shonen protagonist)

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Anonymous No. 182492


Anonymous No. 182598

anon that was a bit harsh don't you think

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Anonymous No. 182618


Sage No. 182750

>As an immortal ranked Valorant athlete and semi-pro Valorant coach
your fucking garbage, my left nut can hit immortal in that shit game, because it did. if hitting immortal in the easiest game ever makes someone a semi pro coach, that should give you an idea of how much a joke the current gaming "esports" landscape is (thanks kovaak [trash faggot] for making retards think they are intelligent for aiming in bullshit scenarios). yes i fell for bait, because these people are real sadly.

Anonymous No. 182769

if you havent played with yay in your ranked games you aint goodJPYV

TOUCH GRASS No. 182774

maybe you are just not physically fit to do any actual sprots and u just play video games all day

Anonymous No. 182776

You're a fag & Valorant sucks.

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Anonymous No. 183229

>e-sports belong here

Anonymous No. 183260

When you're heavily into a competitive game its all you care about. You can't even focus on other things in life and it feels like it's all that matters

When you fall out of love with the game after a few years you barely remember it exists and your achievements feel empty. Yeah I have good memories but I wish I invested my time/youth in something more rewarding (exercise, combat sports)

The golden age of gaming is over anyway. 2003-2008 you could justify playing counter strike all day because it was actually awesome
Now everything is pozzed

Anonymous No. 183282

Extreme sport athletes are bringing themselves actively in dangerous situations. A small mistake and they might loose their life. In Valo the only thing you loose, that matters is lifetime.

Anonymous No. 183413

While I agree that the competitive nature of gaming could be called a sport but you also have to qualify it with “e-“ before “sports” which we don’t have to do with skating, or boarding, mma, climbing, etc. I think esports belongs better in /sp/ or in a general on /v/, and you’ll have better conversations there compared to here. If you have to make a whole thread to soapbox for your hobbies place here, chances are it doesn’t belong here

Anonymous No. 183480

It's a disgrace that faggots like you have the gall to attach the word 'sport' to their spergfest virgin games where they larp as someone who's not a toal degenerate waste of space.

E-Sports. What a fuckin joke.

Anonymous No. 184177

>inb4 just post to /vg/

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Anonymous No. 185303


Anonymous No. 185304

Right, because surfing and skating are so “dangerous”. Give me a break. It’s extreme because it takes a great amount of physical and mental discipline. The mere fact that it simulates violence should qualify it.

Anonymous No. 185520

no, the real life danger is what makes it extreme, the physical part is what makes it a sport. Otherwise it is just competitive gaming.

video games where the consequence for messing up is potential for injury, definitely extreme, still not a sport.

running down a walking path, definitely a sport, not extreme.

Running on the edge of a cliff where if you mess up there is a potential for injury or death.
extreme sport.

I would say that most often what seperates extreme sports from regular sports is the risk of serious injury or death, or the frequency of injury.

there are also different levels of extreme. wingsuiting is probably at the top and skiing/rockclimbing/mountain biking are more towards the lower end, because while there is still risk it is largely mitigated and you probably won't die doing it.

Anonymous No. 185524

this is a bot thread that gets posted every week

Anonymous No. 185555

Look at the OP date. This thread has been around for weeks.

Anonymous No. 185560

OP here. Kys.

Anonymous No. 185579

OP here. Ligma nuts.

Anonymous No. 187163

esports probably should be here, but fuck off because i dont like you
valorant is shit and has a cringe community of edaters and troons + cant say nigger without getting instabanned

Anonymous No. 187291

yeah I fucked up, I thought I was looking at /fit/ when I posted that
never played valorant but I have a one year chat mute on leeg for saying nigger in post game chat

Anonymous No. 187316

OP here I’m trans btw

Anonymous No. 188322

Valorant isn't an e sport game and takes no skill

Anonymous No. 189874

No, they don't. E-sports and gaming is a waste of your life.

Anonymous No. 193727

the worst time of my life i would stay up for hours drinking whiskey out the bottle and playing league of legends
i was hard stuck silver

Anonymous No. 193906

same but I got to plat at least
i fucking hate league