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๐Ÿงต Can a person teach himself to box using one of these and some YouTube videos?

Anonymous No. 182863

I'm too self conscious to bring myself to go a local boxing gym. Never thrown an actual punch at a human in my life apart from my piece of shit mother when I was 14 years old (the cunt wouldn't stop beating me and had to be taught a lesson). But I've been watching some Chris Eubank Senior videos recently and now I'm hooked. How does a person get started on a budget? Also I can't have any hanging bags, I rent so can't damage the walls or ceiling.

Anonymous No. 182865

no, you need the practice with an other person to actually develop your techniques and tactics, some stuff like counterpunches would be meaningless if you don't have an opponent

Anonymous No. 182878

>Can a person get a 3pl8 bench by using a 5lb dumbbell and watching a youtube video?
>Can I learn to be a practicing attorney by watching law school lectures on google?
>Can I become a fighter-pilot with enough hours spent in Battlefield 3 (without DLC)?
>Can I learn to become a pro-gamer with a nintendo 64 controller but no console?
>Can I learn to play guitar by playing every Guitar Hero II song on hard?
>Can I achieve my first pullup by pulling down on the air 1000 times until my back muscles are activated?
>Can I become an Navy Seals operative if I beat every level on COD without dying?
>Can I become a fireman if I can hold my breath when I burn my steak so I can practice avoiding smoke inhalation?
>Can I become a professional diver by holding my breath in the shower while progressively increasing the amount of time I can hold my breath?
>Can I become a sharp-shooter by using a nerf gun?
>Can I learn to drive a car by beating all the mario kart tracks world record speedruns?
>Can I solve a millennium problem if I watch enough khan academy videos?
>Can I code for google after doing enough tutorials?
OP, I fucking hate you.

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Anonymous No. 184160

You can ask your own mother to teach you though.

Anonymous No. 184223

get over it you faggot

Anonymous No. 188088

Me caveman and break springbag hit hard and bemd

Anonymous No. 189229

Go to the gym, ask for help. As long as you dont smell bad they will help you.

Anonymous No. 192200

> Can a person teach himself to box using one of these and some YouTube videos?

>I'm too self conscious to bring myself to go a local boxing gym
You wouldn't solve this by boxing alone at home

>apart from my piece of shit mother
This explains a lot. I had one of those too. Alas I still avoid solving the problems with no immediate pressure to be solved, I solved the problems she provoked on my social skills and worldviews by working on them and I learn to challenge them in a healthy, wholesome manner where I can actually become better instead of "that weird asshole over there" I have always been scared to become.

Don't forget it's a sport, not a self-defense tool or a self-esteem crutch. You do it because it's fun, it's smart and it's an workout, more complex than chess and you can sweat while doing it. Find a gym, pay a month, do what you're told and go home. Remember banter is a thing and people trying to banter with you means they're trying to befriend you, not diminish or humiliate you. If you don't know what to say, just answer, "I'm not used to banter, I'll find something out to answer later". You don't even need to find something to answer later, and if the banterer is that dumb not to pick you don't want to banter, that's his skill issue, not yours.

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Anonymous No. 192204

No, you need another person to hit you with mitts, make you guard between strikes, so do that, get one of the tough guys to do it for you for the price of some beers or whatever and get a helmet, pair of gloves and mitts

Couple tennis balls attached to a string would be a better reflex bag than these free standing ones.

Boxing is dead simple game of dodging punches and blocking them in order to get a shot of your own in.

Anonymous No. 192225

If you learn the basic mechanics of throwing a punch and some movement drills you can train by yourself later

Anonymous No. 192292

Yes but you won't be very good. What's your goal?

Anonymous No. 192975

Of course you can anon! You can even become an undefeated pro if you wanted to!

Anonymous No. 193586

Boxing gyms actually love new people because you're worse than everyone there, which makes everyone else feel better about themselves, and because you make them feel better about themselves, they in turn like you.
And by the time you don't suck dick at boxing, you've been there long enough that you all know each other by then anyway.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 194124

>can I learn to do x by doing y?
how fucking hard is it to understand? learning to box and gaining the ability to fight other people using boxing requires fighting other people using boxing

Anonymous No. 194996

I'm too shy. I'm 26 and I've put off my boxing dream because the thought of going to a gym is terrifying. Now I'm too old to ever start

Anonymous No. 195006

Cease thy faggotry immediately. Managing fear is a skill that's developed through practice, so you'd best start now. What, you're going to spend the rest of your life being too scared to do things you want to do anyway? My God man, what will you do when you have to do something you don't want to do?

Anonymous No. 195111

its not like I can get good at it at my age anon. if i cant make money doing it its hopeless.

Anonymous No. 195162

Is making money with boxing your only goal? How silly.
In that case you've already won, because you found other, better means of making money that don't involve getting punched in the head for the enjoyment of strangers.

>its not like I can get good
I guarantee you can become better than you are right now, you no-training faggot. Fucking bizarre, I don't understand you. Do you want to do boxing or not? It's perfectly valid to train as an amateur hobbyist, in fact the overwhelming majority of people training are amateur hobbyists. Only a small portion of people who train are competitors, and an even smaller fraction of those are paid professionals.
If you don't wanna train, fine, do something else. But don't let fear of embarrassment prevent you from doing something you want to do, and then pine away over misspent time.

Anonymous No. 195288

>you found other, better means of making money
No I really want to do it but I know Ill never be good and going to a gym is literal torture. Im fucking terrified of people

Anonymous No. 195291

Don't know what to tell ya, chief. I'm not a psychologist. "I'll never be good" is not a valid reason to not do something. "It's scary" is also not a valid reason not to do something. If you want to do something, then do it. If you want to do something, then do it.

Anonymous No. 195328

You just don't get it. Its too scary. And I want to be good. It's I can't be then there's no point

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Anonymous No. 195343

What do want him to say? Oh yeah mate you should just stay in your room and shadowbox you'll be "good". The questions been answered and clearly the problem is deeper than just logistics.

[spoiler]I'm rooting for you. I'm hoping you take this new interest as an opportunity to better yourself.[spoiler]