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Anonymous No. 183820

Why isn’t jousting a major televised sport?
Imagine getting shitfaced with the bros and making bets, watching dudes ride horses trying to fuck each other up.
Dana White should get on this. It has massive potential. You do it like hockey and mix it with fighting, let the knights get off their horses and beat the shit out of each other.

Anonymous No. 183821

Jousting is a bit boring as a sport. It's a more expensive version of slap competitions.

Anonymous No. 183823


Anonymous No. 183831

It had a high risk of death and injury when people did it for real. Nowadays any joust you see is just a show like wwe.

Anonymous No. 183863

Mostly this. They would wear armor twice as heavy as they wore on the battlefield, and injuries and deaths still happened. There is no way to make it safe, and even if there was the cost of a horse and the equipment would make it insanely expensive.

Anonymous No. 183885

Just use a dirt bike with a left handed throttle

Anonymous No. 183890

Nobodies stopping you from reenacting jackass if you really want to.

Anonymous No. 186263

There was reality show trying to make it a thing like a decade ago.

It's honestly just boring without the threat of actual death.

Anonymous No. 186697

Does wearing super heavy armor in some combat training ,make you ripped\muscular like in muh animu?
Or does it just destroy all your joints because gravity?

Anonymous No. 186705

You're not wearing it for much longer than it takes to put on, get on the horse, joust, and if you're alive after take it off. Probably get more joint damage hiking with an overnight pack.

Anonymous No. 188435

I remember that show.
I remember some guy punched a horse, got kicked off the show for it, what a faggot.
That was the only time I ever watched.

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Anonymous No. 188436

Something in the middle. But really, you will BARELY gain any muscle.
Just look at fat people, they're wearing hundreds of pounds of excess weight yet how much more muscular do they become? They can get very muscular calves, legs that are a bit muscular, but since the weight is evenly distributed, it mostly just contributes to their legs, which are already carrying all of your bodyweight.

Now if you got in armor and did wheelchair sprints, or stood on your legs, things could be different.
>destroy all your joints
Shitty high-carb diet and high-inflammatory diet.

Anonymous No. 188437

stood on your arms*

Anonymous No. 188506

There was a French knight who described his combat exercise routine. He did all of his exercises in armor so that he would be prepared to do any action he needed to in combat. He allegedly even swam in his full kit.

The point of this is that he didn’t just wear his armor and sit around. The armor added extra resistance, but he still had to exercise. If you want to larp as a knight and get swole do what these guys do