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Anonymous No. 184429

>learn boxing for self defence bro!
>*Gets brain damage*

Anonymous No. 184430

When people say learn striking to compliment grappling do they mean just learn how to throw hard punches/combos on a heavy bag? Or do they mean actually spar regularly (which causes CTE)

Feels ironic learning how to defend yourself will give you more damage then if you never bothered. Besides street fights 101 is hit hard and fast and resort to grappling if they clinch. What's the point sparring moderately and just getting your brain knocked around

I competed in boxing (one fight) and in the year leading up to it, every time I "sparred" I felt like it was a cope. I felt like I could just smash the guy through his guard and unironically "just see red dude lmao" instead of pulling punches at 70% and just getting hit around the head repeatedly. When irl fight I would just unleash constant offence aiming to KO them instantly (which is what I did and won)

TL:Dr is sparring brain damaging cope? Do you need it to be considered to have "striking skills"?

Anonymous No. 184432

>learn nothing for self defence bro!
>*Gets punched once, falls and dies on concrete*

Anonymous No. 184437

You’re not going to get CTE from light sparring lol, calm down

Anonymous No. 184442

What's the point of it though. There's no point. What does light sparring teach you when it comes to a real full force fight?


Anonymous No. 184450

>sparring doesn’t teach you anything
Light sparring is how you prepare for full force competitive fighting are you retarded?

Anonymous No. 184470

It doesn't prepare you for that. Someone knocking your head off at 100% is way different than 70%

Anonymous No. 184478

How would you even know? Evidently you don’t do any striking anyways because you’re terrified of CTE. Also
>every pro sparring light is actually a retard and doesn’t know how to train you only learn through going 100% all the time like a cunt

Anonymous No. 184499

Refer to second post itt. I boxed, sparred and competed for a year. The sparring just felt like a restrained playfight which still gives you a headache, when in reality I can finish it in one power punch

Anonymous No. 184501

>bro one real punch and I’d have totally won
>I’m definitely not just a coping noob who’s mad I get my ass handed to me by experienced fighters

Anonymous No. 184504

If you could actually finish it in one punch, no one would let you spar at 70%
You’d have to go 20 or 30% max
Reality is your 100% would get blocked the exact same way your 70% did

Anonymous No. 184509

I did win when I actually fought and threw all the cope "nice long jabs" advice my trainers gave me out the window

I literally punched through the guys guard and knocked him to the floor

Anonymous No. 184510

Sure you did

Anonymous No. 184524

Skinny twink detected

Anonymous No. 184535


When you learn boxing you should also have a proeficency adequate enough to spar without getting brain damage, that’s it you have a decent sparring etiquette and prioritize defensive responsibility over anything else. This is the best tool you have to prepare for the real deal, where CTE happens (matches)

Anonymous No. 184557

You don't get CTE from sparring and most competitors even ones who get knocked out don't get cte

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Anonymous No. 184564


Anonymous No. 184565

getting hit at 100% doesn't make you better at getting hit at 100%, it just means you're going to get knocked out by less and less over time

Anonymous No. 184574


Even pros are going lighter with sparring, some are cutting it out completely. Lot of new evidence is saying brain damage is accumulated over your lifetime. There is no such thing as a safe amount of brain damage. Even though the short term symptoms of mild concussions go away after 24 hrs, doesn't mean the damage has, it just means your brain has adjusted to it.

Anonymous No. 185554

it teaches muscle memory to your body and makes you feel familiar and comfortable with fighting