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๐Ÿงต An 18yo male seeking to play MMA/BJJ but...

Anonymous No. 184531

I'm 18 yo male, livin in 3rd world country, I wanna play mma or bjj so hard... it's like addiction for me.

I left my senpai and im livin alone now, I've small online business, working all the day literally trying to expand my business... It's enough to put food on the table tho.

I remember some situations when i was a kid like 12-14 yo, I was doing triangle choke to my elder bros without knowing that im doing it haha, even my bro was telling me WTFF R U DOIN U WAS ABT TO BREAK MY NECK... DO NOT DO THAT AGAIN..

Also when i was in the third year in primary school, first week someone was annoying me then we get into a fight suddunely, he started the fight with a try to do leg kick but I caught his leg and did foot sweep from single leg, It was just a reaction...

I feel like I'm talented but I didn't notice that when I was a kid even I was telling my dad when I was 15 or 16 I WANNA PLAY KICK BOXING but he convinced me that all trainers are bullshit in my city and scammers, my dad is athelete tho... he made my elder bros to play karate and they got many medals but they quit cuz my dad was forcing them to play it.

I'm in another city now, there're some real trainers but expensive for me to pay for training...

For now I'm doing almost 200-250 push-ups in many sets everyday.

Literally idk what to do, what do u think guys?

Anonymous No. 184532

>I left my F-amily

Anonymous No. 184569

hey could you rewrite this post in English i don't speak hindi

Anonymous No. 184571

You sound like a huge fucking faggot. This shit should not be this important to you. Get a life, retard.

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Anonymous No. 184589

>Literally idk what to do, what do u think guys?
Get a job. Stop being a faggot ledditor with your homosexual spacing. This is not your pedophile network. Your story seems fake like most shit from Cuckddit.
>"I wanna play mma or bjj so hard"
Shoulda stop here. Nobody gives a fuck that you're legal age for faggots to fuck that it's no longer statutory rape.
>Muh beating up my bro
>Muh ultra instinct
You're making it too obvious that you read mango and watch animu too much, queer. To answer this fag question of yours. Just keep looking for a good gym, good trainers, good mates, and stop being a cuntish nigger and be nice to your mates and fucking make up with your family, you nigger. They're the only life line you have. If you keep acting like this is some homosexual catamite anime someone, somewhere will just stab you, rape you, then shoot your dumb troglodyte face.
>B-but muh skillz
3rd world country