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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 184598

Could a mouthguard have saved him?

Anonymous No. 184719

It probably wouldn't have made it worse

that's a wild freak accident - maybe I'll start wearing a mouthguard when I skate lol

Anonymous No. 184720

when I was 10 I was trying to do kickflips and the board went up my asshole and I never tried again

Anonymous No. 184723

Well, it would have at least helped somewhat. Also the other anon is right, that's just a bizarre accident. If he would have kicked his board away just a bit this wouldn't have happened. Looked like he was going too slow as well.

Anonymous No. 184733

It's really not & you tards are high on wishful thinking. Ask literally any E.R. doctor or nurse. See shit like this from skaters & bmx all the fucking time. Maybe getting busted by the board in the face exactly like this is rare, but getting your jaw rearranged by concrete or a rail is all too common. Skaters & BMX lose teeth almost as much as hockey players & pro-fighters.

Anonymous No. 184736

>Maybe getting busted by the board in the face exactly like this is rare

right, which is what we're talking about you dumbfuck

Anonymous No. 184777

>Maybe getting busted by the board in the face exactly like this is rare,
That's exactly what we just said here and in the other thread.

Anonymous No. 185280

He's wrong, it's not, and you're both faggots who probably only cruise & this isn't even a risk for you. So, idk, maybe just stfu.

Anonymous No. 185351

i get it, your face got busted from skateboarding and you're triggered. maybe wear a mouthguard next time kiddo :^)