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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 185082

>proves bjj doesn't work in a 1v1 street fight

Nothing personal

Anonymous No. 185093

fighting on concrete and stuff is just too hardcore for me

Anonymous No. 185108

More like
>proves European thugs don't know bjj
At 6:25 and 8:25 he might win by rnc if he knew bjj
At 14:09 he might win by guillotine if he finished it, maybe he would finish it if the audience didn't discourage him to do it

Brazilian thugs know bjj and it worked in Rio heroes

Anonymous No. 185119

how the fuck is this allowed to be monetized?

Anonymous No. 185127

My question is, how the fuck did they manage to put that many Slavs in a room together and only one of them knew Sambo.

Anonymous No. 185136

Systema and similar faggotry ruined eastern European martial arts

Anonymous No. 185145

I don’t think many Slavs train Systema the same way there aren’t a ton of japs training ninjutsu. Mystic scams work best on quasi-atheist westerners

Anonymous No. 185147

Sambo is a Soviet sport so if you're from Poland or Czechia you have way smaller chance to train it than Russians and Ukrainians

Anonymous No. 185150

Both those countries were also Soviet nations and the one guy who pulled off a sweeping hip throw was a polack

Anonymous No. 185170

Kots is the most violent but not ruleless. Sometimes they have agreed upon no ground fighting and such

Anonymous No. 185192

So you're allowed to see legs breaking and people being knocked out in UFC
But when a smaller promotion does it, it's somehow disgusting and illegal and abominable

Mike Tyson bit someones ear off on live TV. Absolutely fine! When these guys do it, it's zomg teh horrific barbarians

The fact that even in these no rules anything goes 99% of fights have a gentleman's agreement, goes to show the almost angelic nature of these fighters

Anonymous No. 185195


Anonymous No. 185205

Pretty sure people were universally horrified and disgusted when Tyson bit Holyfield. Also there's a difference between well trained, thoroughly prepared professional athletes being compensated millions of dollars to accept risks in a sanctioned match with medical staff on standby, and two nameless nobodies wrecking themselves for somebody else's youtube clicks.

Anonymous No. 185206

UFC doesn't hold fights on concrete because that's inherently dangerous. Plus all these dudes are just fighting for a six pack of beer at the most. The UFC has professional athletes.
Pulling out all these shitty analogies and false equivalencies just shows me you're a mouthbreather who likes seeing people get KO'd, not someone who actually likes the sport of MMA. Why don't you just go watch WorldStar or something, casual?

Anonymous No. 185210

>guys who don't know bjj can't win fights with bjj
another genius thread, thanks OP!

Anonymous No. 185225

It's all just ego and animals puffing their chests out. In a way it's more disgusting that people need to harm themselves for money over pride. End of the day these guys do it for the purest reason. Status and adrenaline

All of fighting is inherently dangerous these guys just truly prove what works in the street which is why 99% of guys train. 99% of MMA fighters make peanuts at least these guys aren't delusional enough to try and be career fighters lmao

Anonymous No. 185232

>All of fighting is inherently dangerous
The degree of danger makes the difference;
You won't crack open your skull or break your spine on the mat. On concrete? You can and will, a single takedown can do that.
>these guys just truly prove what works in the street
They're not proving anything, there is no substantial difference from MMA under Unified rules aside from them not wearing gloves.
No one will eye gouge or stomp or try to rip the other's balls off because of an unspoken gentlemen's agreement, as no one wants the same done to them. So at most the only difference you'll see is kicking downed opponents and 12-6 elbows, both of which many argue should be allowed in MMA regardless.

Anonymous No. 185235

>only difference you'll see is kicking downed opponents and 12-6 elbows
And headbutts

Anonymous No. 185246

Excuse me then, they were puppet states that might as well have been a part of the Soviet Union. There’s still a ton of sambo in Poland and modern Czechoslovakian

Anonymous No. 185247

>Brazilian thugs know bjj and it worked in Rio heroes
I guarantee you those dirty rotten underfed favela trodding drunk sacks of shit don't know a thing about BJJ but will shoot you quicker than you can pull guard.

Anonymous No. 185251

>modern Czechoslovakian
I'm a Slovak, currently living in Czechia. That's just flat out incorrect. During commie regime it was Judo, recently BJJ/submission grappling is gaining popularity very rapidly. In my city there is several BJJ gyms, multiple judo schools for children, at least one for adults and exactly zero sambo ones

Anonymous No. 185730

Nobody with minimum skill would risk their health for this, competitions exists and early UFC mentality it's completely gone, only a caveman can join this kind of fights

Anonymous No. 185733

Pussy cope

Anonymous No. 185734

>risk your life for zero benefit or else you’re a pussy
Is this board exclusively populated by 14 year olds?

Anonymous No. 185738

>He puts money before pride


Anonymous No. 185742

Sambo is what russian judo fighters do when they aren't good enough for judo or wrestling.

Anonymous No. 185748

Winning the highest levels of competition is something to have pride in. Beating a bunch of nobodies at the risk of busting your skull on pavement for no reason is for retards and skids. Literally no one is impressed or cares aside from teenagers (like you!) on the internet

Anonymous No. 185754

I care because it shows what to expect if you'll ever face an angry retard

Anonymous No. 185773

Its not really a gentlemen's agreement, more like an honor rule plus you miss out on any bonus. Imo they should have it more like a penalty that stacks on from your cash prize that would say start at $500 if you fight without dirty tactics,-$250 for each dirty tactic (gouging/biting/groin striking/spitting blood) employed.

Except there are fights that end just like that, with an attempted eye gouge and the other guy tapping out, I've seen a few matches in KotS end up with other guy biting the opponent's ear off, there's a couple matches where the opponent just stomps on top of the guy's face against concrete, you don't know shit. There are true sportsmen in KotS though that won't do such moves.

Anonymous No. 185774

A lot of Japanese still train Karate and Kendo and so on, its just recreation at this point for them and a way to stay active.

Anonymous No. 185780

If you’re concerned about self defense getting your shit crippled in a worthless concrete floor promotion is not a good way to be prepared for that

Anonymous No. 185781

Karate and kendo aren’t fake martial arts. Systema and ninjutsu are literally made up.

Anonymous No. 185803

People forget how much bullshido is baked in the cake with karate. Gichin Funokoshis books are full of fantastical tall tales including how his old master could tear through bamboo stalks with his fingertips. Then you have Oyama and the bill fighting stories. All the stuff about single knuckle punches or lethal finger strikes and so on.

Anonymous No. 185819

These guys are pioneers like early UFC where everyone thought it was zomg teh brutal and cruel

They are proving what works in a street fight. They risk their health for the highest most noble cause; truth

Of course a little point sparring pussy won't understand that

Anonymous No. 185820

>Karate is le fake
Try taking a punch to the chest from someone who's spent their life conditioning their fist to a rock hard state and doing the same punch 10million times

Go try it lmao. You will cry and go to hospital. I've been punched by a karate hobbyist and it's no joke

Anonymous No. 185825

>fighting on concrete is innovative
Being retarded is not innovative and there’s nothing being proven here except that concrete is harder than human skulls.
>muh point fighting
>ur a pussy
Don’t you have school today? You’re not on kots either so I don’t know why you’re trying to act tough lol.

Anonymous No. 185827

LMAO, no one knows Systema and people who hear about it know it's some cringe rubbish. It is something like Kadochnikov's System tier cringe
t. russian
this >>185742

Anonymous No. 185831

I know one of the guys fighting there. Talked to him when i was still in a gym full of thugs (that nearly destroyed my knee bc they didnt give a fuck about long term health, something you should look up instead of playing keyboard warrior). Let me tell you, these guys are unhinged and are looking for an outlet. The guy im talking about is doing 7 years rn. Just do martial arts in a gym with sane people that have a job and dont want to play Baki in real life. 90% people running on the "streets" cant fight for shit anyway

Anonymous No. 185835

>Cries that fighting is violent and dangerous
Do you even know what fighting is? My point is bjj (something every neckbeard claims is very useful irl, doesn't work in real situation)

>Fighting for brain damage in ring good!
>Fighting for brain damage outside of ring bad!

Anonymous No. 185836

>fighting is dangerous therefore you should throw away all semblance of long term self preservation
You are already retarded so I can see why you don’t care about brain damage
>bjj doesn’t work
You know you can just look up “bjj street fight” and find hundreds of exampes proving you wrong, right?

Anonymous No. 185839

Fighting is a game of loss all around (unless you get very very lucky and dont get any major long lasting injuries and earn good cash which wont happen for the big majority of figthers on this planet). The problem with KOTS is that it has the least safety measures possible and is dropping every ounce of safety for specatacle. Everyone has to decide for themselves if that risk is worth it. My biggest gripe i have is the demographic of Kots.
If you think the people fighting are in a way adjusted besides their fighting spirit, i would recommend spending some time with them, changes your view quickly unless you are born for that mentality yourself.

Anonymous No. 185841

Yet none of those kots fighters died or suffered a broken limb


Also none of them will do this for 5 years but they can risk their health for the ultimate proof of what works in a real situation with no rules. That's something in itself. I have had a few fights on concrete and no one died or hit their head on the floor. So many people do martial arts and train for confidence to defend themselves but when you have a promotion thats full of fighters (unhinged they may be) instead of appreciating they prove what works and what doesn't you cry like a soccer mom seeing her first moral panic and come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful cope.

I'm not denying that most of them are violent unhinged hooligans with a lot of anger and self loathing in them. If you don't think that doesn't put them above a hell of a lot of "trained but mild mannered and unwilling to hurt someone, martial arts is about peace and control bro" people then more fool you.

Imagine some nerd training bee jay jay for 10 years, feeling confident, then one of these savages mops the floor with him. That's what we're trying to get down to the bottom of here. It's clear these guys have training, in fact you even see judo and Greco moves pulled of. To call them untrained is pure cope. We have seen no bjj skills saving anyone when rules are off the table.

Anonymous No. 185844

>We have seen no bjj skills saving anyone when rules are off the table
Conveniently ignoring this anon >>185836
>You know you can just look up “bjj street fight” and find hundreds of exampes proving you wrong, right?

Is this some sort of mental illness or autistic thing? Too much anime? Genuinely don't understand this stubborn retarded opinion (that no one who actually trains or fights would agree with)

Anonymous No. 185851

>Yet none of those kots fighters died or suffered a broken limb
Who are you, tony face charlie kirk? What point are you even trying to make?
>Also none of them will do this for 5 years but they can risk their health for the ultimate proof of what works in a real situation with no rules
Most people with functioning brain cells can extrapolate what does and doesn’t work on duh streetz based on the thousands of hours of street fight footage that’s available (or just common fucking sense) without voluntarily putting themselves in that position. If you feel you have something to prove, be my guest and fly to Europe. I’m sure they’re always looking for more cans.
> many people do martial arts and train for confidence to defend themselves but when you have a promotion thats full of fighters (unhinged they may be) instead of appreciating they prove what works and what doesn't you cry like a soccer mom seeing her first moral panic and come up with all sorts of weird and wonderful cope.
Invalid retard that you are, you fail to realize no one’s crying about this or even remotely cares if felons beat the shit out of each other for no reason. Felony fights was doing that years ago. We just think it’s retarded.

The contention here is you using guys who don’t train bjj, not using bjj, as proof that bjj doesn’t work.

Here, I’ll do the googling for you. Does this count that bjj works on da streetz? They’re in a street fight, and BJJ worked.

Anonymous No. 185852

Yet they're delusional enough to get their brains beat in on concrete floors. And they get fucking nothing for it. KWAB
Pride won't keep a roof over your head or food in your belly. Enjoy your pride while you're starving in a crackhouse

Anonymous No. 185853

Armchair expert. Probably thinks he's just like his cool Chinese cartoons

Anonymous No. 185858

Wait for him to start crying that it's staged or something

Anonymous No. 185860

why do all these white and blue belts defend bjj so hard, like lmao you've been doing it for 6 months and have attached your entire personality to it

only a novice with minimal to no exposure to any other martial arts thinks it's something special
you can tell someone isn't advanced at it because the more advanced you are the more critical of it you become, and realize it isn't what's being sold to people and it has way more shortcomings than the people selling it will ever admit

nobody goes to a jiujitsu class to become a better wrestler
the opposite happens every day
bjj is just as shitty and limiting and incomplete as taekwondo

Anonymous No. 185861

>start an argument
>people show up to argue
>woah what a bunch of weirdos arguing in a dispute I started
Start a thread on how Muay Thai doesn’t actually work in a real fight and then act surprised when Muay Thai fighters show up to make fun of you.

Anonymous No. 185862

>bjj street fight” and find hundreds of exampes proving you wrong, right?

You literally can't lmao. The only things you can find are some news stories where a bjj black belt gets some junkie in a RNC from behind which any idiot can do. Ive done that before doing any training.

Anonymous No. 185864

Why are you getting so absolutely buttflustered and enraged? Because a hooligan who "just sees red bro" will absolutely kick the ever living shit out of you on concrete?

Hilarious, I'm having a genuine debate about submission grappling in the context of fighting and you're seething HARD. Why is that?

Anonymous No. 185865

99% of MMA fighters and martial artists etc get no monetary gain for their troubles, mostly health issues the longer you do it. Does that make everyone idiots? No some people just enjoy the adrenaline rush of combat and this is modern day combat at its purest.

Anonymous No. 185866

Look for more than 3 seconds

Anonymous No. 185867

>it isn't what's being sold to people
Don't care about the marketing at gyms I don't train at.
>nobody goes to a jiujitsu class to become a better wrestler
I do. My gym is full of D1 wrestlers, judokas and ADCC medalists. Not everyone wears a gi and trains with 50 year olds

Anonymous No. 185868

>I'm having a genuine debate about submission grappling in the context of fighting and you're seething HARD. Why is that?
You're not having a genuine debate, you just keep repeating nonsense despite decades of submission grappling success in MMA and hundreds of videos of it working in street fights.
It's some sort of mental illness.

Do you think UFC champions, with millions of dollars on the line, would waste their time on anything less than effective? Why do they all have grappling coaches? You need help

Anonymous No. 185869

>”bjj doesn’t work, here’s some unrelated retards fighting on concrete”
>actually it does, here’s proof also fighting on concrete is for retards
Whatever helps you sleep at night

Anonymous No. 185870

I'm going to tell you again, ZERO people in the history of all time have gone to a bjj class to get better at wrestling

Anonymous No. 185871

now you're moving the goal posts and using words like grappling instead of bjj

Anonymous No. 185872

I’ve gone to BJJ classes to improve my judo newaza though so what’s your point?

Anonymous No. 185873

If you only exist to work, you might as well be already in the grave. People need excitement and fighting is the ultimate in excitiment

Anonymous No. 185874

I've competed in striking sports, done a bit of grappling (enough to know it's a cope when people can strike) and I've had a few fights on the street which was very chaotic and I struggle to believe bjj would have helped me in those. Being heavier and more powerful would have helped that's about it

Anonymous No. 185875

>people need excitement too, so let’s do things in the most dangerously stupid way possible and get permanently crippled instead of doing what everyone else does fighting on canvas”
Enjoy those sweet NEETbux when you’re on disability I guess.

Anonymous No. 185876

Look out guys, this anon here threw a couple drunken haymakers at another fat drunk retard one time for 30 seconds. He really knows his shit.

Anonymous No. 185878

press x to doubt because there isn't really anything bjj could provide judo that you can't get in judo
but aside from that
you don't HAVE to go to bjj classes for judo
you HAVE to go to judo classes for bjj
no amount of mental gymnastics will ever overcome the fact that for a supposed "ground fighting art" bjj lacks any reliable mechanism to 1 put the fight on the ground, 2 keep the fight on the ground

that's literally why bjj competitions have to make rules to ensure the people go to the ground, because they can't actually take it there without the referee making them do it

Anonymous No. 185879

Thanks, op here and I think this is the hard truth of what I'm trying to get at. I'm just realistic and feel bad that people think very contrived ruleset on mats translates well to true self defence.

There are so many weak beta looking people in the bjj class. The guys doing wrestling and boxing look alpha as fuck. This is because that shit is hard and works in all settings. It's proven. It's proven in KOTS. It's proven in MMA.

Anonymous No. 185880

Where do they go? Adult wrestling class? Stupid faggot.
>bit of grappling
>few fights which was very chaotic
>very chaotic
Your extensive career and precise training didn't help?

Anonymous No. 185881

Apart from the fact nearly every KOTS fighter uses muay Thai consistently

Try again

Anonymous No. 185882

This isn't what happened. Capitalising words and making buffoonish imitations doesn't make your argument plausible. Try again without shitting your pants this time.

Anonymous No. 185883

>ground fighting art focuses on ground fighting
>autistic anon is surprised and throwing a tantrum
Stop checking out the men in the gym and train
>proven in MMA
This is where you lose any credibility. Decades of submission victories tells enough to anyone with a brain. So does the fact that nearly every serious fighter extensively trains BJJ and/or has a grappling coach.

BJJ arguments aside, I'm genuinely curious where this mindset comes from. Is this like a zoomer meme or something? Did a youtuber make an anti-BJJ video? Does no one train?

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Basically Just Judo.jpg

Anonymous No. 185884

>Where do they go? Adult wrestling class?
more and more that's becoming the case because nobody gives a shit about bjj anymore, the meme is dead

and now that people have gotten rid of the gi and every day more schools don't even use them, and they practice wrestling skills, banned techniques like leglocks
there's nothing bjj about it but since you've attached your identity to it you're still going to say LOOK BJJ IS AS POPULAR AS EVER

Anonymous No. 185885

I don't know why you're arguing fighting is dangerous and can cripple you. Ironically there have been no deaths or broken limbs in kots but people die snowboarding etc yearly. Cope and seethe more , respect the people that educate you on combat. Don't hate mindlessly because you fear savage hooligans. If they can go to their (probably physical) jobs and still fight like this, that's a true warrior. Now go along and do your office WFH woman's job and play cuddle with 50 year olds

Anonymous No. 185886

>press x to doubt because there isn't really anything bjj could provide judo that you can't get in judo
They focus on the ground more and are in some way more apt to teach that part of the fight. This isn’t rocket science many judoka cross train bjj and vice Versa.
>you don't HAVE to go to bjj classes for judo
>you HAVE to go to judo classes for bjj
False, why would you assume this?
>no amount of mental gymnastics will ever overcome the fact that for a supposed "ground fighting art" bjj lacks any reliable mechanism to 1 put the fight on the ground,
This is the same kind of retarded thinking that comes from people who say judo doesn’t train groundwork. Of course they train standing, just not as much, and most bjj guys who have been training long enough can at least manage a sloppy single or blast double.
>2 keep the fight on the ground
This is just plain retarded and it’s almost not even worth addressing
>nah bro I don’t need to train escapes, I’d just stand up while you have me in full mount
Just nonsense
>that's literally why bjj competitions have to make rules to ensure the people go to the ground, because they can't actually take it there without the referee making them do it
I can’t think of a single combat sport where you’re not penalized for passivity

Anonymous No. 185888

I'm not Fedor but at least I have some experience and know how things happen inside a full contact sports fight and against aggresive thugs irl. What do you know?
Nothing. So be humble. youre not better because you're more domesticated.

Anonymous No. 185889

>the point
>your illiterate head

Anonymous No. 185890

It’s just the nature of 4chan for retarded autists to take contrarion stances

Anonymous No. 185891

>Stop checking out the men in the gym and train
>Just bury your head in the sand and pretend things work when they don't


Anonymous No. 185893

Every punch I've thrown after my boxing training had resulted in a KO within 3 punches. U mad?

Anonymous No. 185894

I genuinely hope you're trolling because if anything this retarded breeds, humanity is doomed

Wrestlers don't crosstrain in Jiu Jitsu because choking or heel-hooking your opponent is illegal, and thus useless, in wrestling ruleset

Jiu Jitsu guys crosstrain in Wrestling because throwing your opponent is legal, and thus useful, in Jiu Jitsu ruleset

Anonymous No. 185895

there's no such thing as a "jiujitsu ruleset" every competition has different rules

Anonymous No. 185896

>i don't know why you're arguing fighting is dangerous and can cripple you
Because it is and it can? Are you like, actually retarded? You can get crippled or killed being thrown on mats
> respect the people that educate you on combat
Let me tell you what would happen if I told any of my coaches or any other competent coach that I wanted to compete on concrete. They’d say
>don’t do that, that’s the dumbest fucking thing you’ve ever said in your life
>Don't hate mindlessly because you fear savage hooligans
>Invalid retard that you are, you fail to realize no one’s crying about this or even remotely cares if felons beat the shit out of each other for no reason. Felony fights was doing that years ago. We just think it’s retarded.

Anonymous No. 185897

Nobody cares or thinks that’s impressive

Anonymous No. 185898

You think you're making fun of me but you're actually just another bjj beta boy in denial

Anonymous No. 185899

>I'm genuinely curious where this mindset comes from
Nonsensical contrarian takes guarantee (you)s and to socially retarded basement dwellers that counts as human interaction, however vitriolic it may be

Anonymous No. 185900

You ignored everything else said because you are just being stubborn and contrarian lol
What does that have to do with anything?

The only people I know IRL that act like BJJ doesn't work are retarded rednecks that don't train. I've never met anyone (MMA fighters, boxers who don't crosstrain, cops, military guys) who sincerely believed it wasn't effective. This seems to only exist in the autistic minds on the zoomers on this board

Anonymous No. 185901

Yeah you mad

Anonymous No. 185902

You realize having a couple scraps in your life isn’t actually uncommon, right? You’re bragging about doing something I’d be willing to be at least 75% of men on this board have also done

Anonymous No. 185903

>Nonsensical contrarian takes guarantee (you)s and to socially retarded basement dwellers that counts as human interaction, however vitriolic it may be
A beautiful, poetic summary of 4chan threads

Anonymous No. 185904

>I can’t think of a single combat sport where you’re not penalized for passivity
we are standing, you decide to sit down on the ground and lay on your back
which of us is being passive?

bjj is the only "combat" (lol lmao) sport that allows participants to take a strictly defensive posture and penalizes the other person for it
if you pulled that shit in any other sport at a minimum you're getting a warning, in so far as they might even stop the fight if you keep doing it

Anonymous No. 185905

Nonsensical contrarian training in irrelevant martial arts that dont work gives nerds a sense of accomplishment even though this is counterproductive to their self-defense training

Anonymous No. 185906

I assure you. I am making fun of you. You should greentext some of your street fight stories so we can know how badass you are

Anonymous No. 185907

And I'm sure they will just be dying to tell me how Brazilian jiu jitsu has helped them in these scraps

... Oh it didn't

Anonymous No. 185908

The only differences are time limits on rounds and banned techniques. Since the differences are so minimal, it makes more sense to classify it as single ruleset than otherwise

Anonymous No. 185909

This isn't Reddit we don't pander to the mainstream socially pushed agendas like bjj

Back you go

Anonymous No. 185910

You keep insisting that JJ doesn't work, despite multiple fights being posted in this very thread, a thousand more being literally at your fingertips and an extensive history of it being used in MMA to great success

That you're deliberately ignoring this just proves that I'm correct. Call your dad, he misses you

Anonymous No. 185911

After you

Oh wait you're too intelligent to fight. You may break your nail and your wfh coding job will suffer. Your poor finger will hurt when you press the keyboard kek. Not worth fighting amirite. It's for stupid brutes! Bjj cuddle much better :)

Anonymous No. 185912

you're having a tantrum over a single rule that incentives action on the ground (where the majority of BJJ occurs)

No one would argue that this relates to real fighting in any way. Every ruleset (including striking, including judo, including wrestling) has limitations that do not mimic fights. Only for BJJ do people have meltdowns about it. If it bothers you so much, go compete and celebrate the fact that you were given top position for free

Anonymous No. 185913

That guy choked him out then punched him at least 8 times in the face. the guy then stood up and wanted to carry on fighting and the bjj guy didn't know what to do. That's a loss for bjj

Anonymous No. 185914

That """"assailant""" I could beat up with one arm behind my back. If you need a black belt in bjj to finish him...lmao at your life

Another L for bjj

Anonymous No. 185915

>get put to sleep and have your face destroyed
>clear victory!
Since you're all about "no holds barred REAL fights", do you know that the BJJ guy could've held that choke even after the other guy passed out? Do you know what would happen then?

Anonymous No. 185916

Yeah but then your facing a murder charge whereas ko just puts them/multiple people to sleep in a second then you run

Anonymous No. 185917

I’m not even a jiujitsu guy, I’m a judoka. I’ve cross trained jiujitsu that’s why I brought it up earlier in the thread. Of the three fights I’ve been in since I left high school (all from ages 19-21) one was ended with a throw, another with strikes from mount, and the last with a chokehold. None of them are interesting enough to justify a full greentext. BJJ would help you do all three of these things except maybe throwing a motherfucker hard enough with harai goshi to knock the wind out of them. I haven’t seen many bjj guys do that.

Anonymous No. 185918


Anonymous No. 185920

>Yeah but then your facing a murder charge
Whereas stomping, soccer kicking or eye-gouging a downed opponent, all of which you mentioned higher in the thread as examples of "real street fighting", is legal and not liable to land you behind bars?

Anonymous No. 185921

All my fights have been strikes either one punch to the jaw or hockey style grab and punch. I guess you were fighting very weak people who didn't want to fight if you could judo throw them

Anonymous No. 185922

Stop moving goal posts. Two people engaged in no rules mutual combat and bjj has proven not to work. That's the reality. Not two losers who don't really want to fight

Anonymous No. 185924

People who are over enthusiastic and get way too close trying to strike are the easiest to clinch what the fuck are you even talking about? People who don’t want to fight run away and and are hard to clinch.

Anonymous No. 185926

Why don’t you address any of the street fighting videos in the thread showing it does?

Anonymous No. 185927

>x doesn't work
it does
>ok but it's illegal
so is y, and you've mentioned that as being ok
>nooooooooo stop moving goalposts

Anonymous No. 185930

I did

Anonymous No. 185932

>watch a guy win
>say it doesn’t count because he didn’t die
Address the other one then. Or how about this one

Do these not count either?

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Anonymous No. 185935

Very nice, textbook hadaka jime
Let me know when he does bjj though

Anonymous No. 185936

Its the style that won the first UFC

Anonymous No. 185937

>this doesn’t count as bjj because that move exists in judo
is this where we’re at now? None of BJJ’s core techniques work in a street fight because they exist in other martial arts?

You are severely autistic

Anonymous No. 185939

It doesn't "exist in judo", it is judo
You keep using this term Brazilian jiujitsu, show me some Brazilian techniques then?

Or admit that BJJ doesn't actually bring anything to the table and is just n imitation of things that have been around for a long time and available to learn basically for free, then rebranded and marketed to suckers as some kind of new boutique martial art that they'll pay thousands of dollars a year to learn

And then the lies start where ohh you see grand Master helio realized its impossible to throw someone if you're too small and weak so he invented leverage to defeat a bigger opponent
Meanwhile jigoro kano at all of 5'2" with a hat on had no problem throwing men double his size
It takes a real shitter of a martial artist to say a technique doesn't work just because he can't do it

And that's what happened, the Brazilians simply could not do judo in its complete form so they ignored the difficult part of it and pretended it was something new

It's a complete farce, you've been sold a lie

Anonymous No. 185941

Cringe. Stop shitting up every thread with your autism. This is like going on every /mu/ rock thread and sperging out about how it came from blues. Embarrassing. Did not read your paragraphs btw, fag

Anonymous No. 185942

>look son! Now he’s having an autistic meltdown!
I was starting to think you might just be baiting but the fact that you actually wrote all this out is proof to me that you’re a genuine sperg. Congrats.

Anonymous No. 185943

That tracks, you want to stay ignorant and when confronted with the truth you plug your ears

Anonymous No. 185944

>forming a fist was probably first discovered by some homo erectus in subsaharan africa, clearly that must mean that boxing is a fake martial art because boxers didn't invent anything themselves, just rebranded existing techniques

Anonymous No. 185946

>confronted with the truth
You started this thread to say bjj doesn’t work. Then you got shown that it does. Instead of just admitting you’re wrong and suck cocks you instead move the goal posts (a thing you keep complaining about other people doing) to say
You’re just wrong. Get over it.

Anonymous No. 185948

Wow are you BJJ nerds going to circle jerk forever over one video that has appeared in the past 30 years of a judo technique actually working for once against a very intoxicated homeless man wow and the manlet that had to train EVERY SINGLE DAY BRO for that moment

Another L for bjj pahaha

Anonymous No. 185949

I didn't start this thread
Maybe you're not a much of a majority as you think

Anonymous No. 185950

I started this thread and that post wasn't me don't just assume because not everyone is involved in your circle jerk it's all just one person

Anonymous No. 185951

I can just keep posting these all day. They take zero effort to find.

Anonymous No. 185953

Come on now lol

Anonymous No. 185957

Cope. That's not bjj. That's wrestling into gnp. Also if the crowds got involved look how injured they would both get what a terrible martial art

Anonymous No. 185958


Anonymous No. 185962

How do you see that as a win? The cops bjj completely failed every step of the way and he had to resort to ground n pounding like an animal and using a stun gun

Anonymous No. 185963

>when “wrestlers” ground n pound it’s awesome
>when bjjers ground and pound it’s bullshit

Anonymous No. 185964

The wrestler is not under some kind of illusion that he's an elegant technician that can subdue people without hurting them

His decision to say fuck it and just start being a dog is what won
You don't need to go to BJJ class to learn that tackling someone at the legs and punching him in the face we'll win the fight, everybody already does that by default
It completely proved the point that basic untrained instincts are better when it actually matters
He was winning when he was just tackling the guy I, he was losing when he tried to do the choke and got rolled over by a completely untrained hobo, and he started winning again when he said fuck it and just started fighting like a normal man again

Anonymous No. 185966

>The wrestler is not under some kind of illusion that he's an elegant technician that can subdue people without hurting them
Bro even had time and ability to turn his camera on for evidence lol

Anonymous No. 185968

I guarantee you that cop has zero bjj training

Anonymous No. 185969

Notice the armbar cop almost getting ko by a head kick before his partner comes and saves him LMAO

Anonymous No. 185970

This is what I'm getting at with referencing KOTS as a golden example for pure irl martial arts. Bjj isn't reality. MMA isn't reality (closer than bjj though)

Instinct, savageness, athletic and explosive ability will beat any bjj training on the street

Anonymous No. 185971

>Omg you need 10 years of bjj black belt experience to push over a half stoned alcoholic and sit on him!!

Is this what bjj idiots truly believe?

Anonymous No. 185973

It’s very clear when police have grappling training and when they don’t
>he was totally going to get head kick KOed
No he wasn’t retard that kick had no power

Anonymous No. 185974

>Instinct, savageness, athletic and explosive ability will beat any bjj training on the street
>I just see red bro
You're a meme and don't even see it kek

Anonymous No. 185975

>bjj doesn’t work in a street fight
>well actually it does but it stole all its moves
>also that doesn’t count because it’s definitely not bjj even though it is
>also none of this counts unless a bjj guy wins without hurting someone
>ok yes he did that but that but that also doesn’t count because the guy was drunk (as most “street fighters” usually are)
How much more cope do you have left in you?

Anonymous No. 185976

the bjj gym is the only place you'll go where they say STOP USING STRENGTH STOP GOING SO FAST
ah! help!! the athletic 16 year old is beating me up, b-b-but m-my purple belt!!! this cant beeeee!!!!
better tell him he's not allowed to use his athleticism against people in the gym. Then if he doesn't I'll go complain to chewjitsu about the "spazzy white belt" at my gym because I'm not able to control him and he keeps hurting me

Anonymous No. 185977

Are you arguing the greatest of GOATS of MMA and boxing didn't have exactly those qualities + training?

Apart from that training actually translated into combat. The typical bjj nerd has useless training + no fight instinct

People claiming "I just see red bro" doesnt work is a meme in itself. I've met a lot of half wit people with zero to lose who will fight like their life depends on it. And it put my money on them Vs some tame grappling "expert"

Anonymous No. 185978

>gets dumped on his head trying an armbar
>bluffs his way out of the fight with an american jiujitsu move

Anonymous No. 185979

That's not a street fight that's a disagreement between two friends on the basketball court. He then let him go because of course he doesn't have the legal right to break his leg as it doesn't meet proportional force. the other guy then got up and knocked him out

Another L for bjj

Anonymous No. 185980

Brock Lesnar the number one heavyweight MMA champion was only a blue belt in jujitsu ....shows the world everything you need

Anonymous No. 185981

>that doesn’t count because it’s American jiujitsu (?????)
>it also doesn’t count because he didn’t win imediately
>it doesn’t count because actually they’re friends
Yes that black guy seemed really friendly trying to clock him in the head.

It’s clear at this point you’re both (assuming you’re not samefagging which you almost certainly are) are complete fucking autistic retards with no idea what you’re talking about and massive amounts of crying cope. I could post more videos of bjj fags objectively winning street fights but you’ll continue to make up reasons why it doesn’t count. I’m sure the nonretards in the thread can see reality. Enjoy your copium lol.

Anonymous No. 185982

Just kidding, one more because I just found it and I’d like to see what insane cope you come up for on this one

Anonymous No. 185983

>Bjj nerd wrong about samefagging just as he's wrong about everything else


Anonymous No. 185985

heel hooks have been explicitly banned in all brazilian jiujitsu competitions until 2021
and while the move itself has been documented going back to ancient greece, it was systematized by americans in submission grappling competitions but studying old japanese literature
how on earth you can lay the claim at the feet of brazilians for something they had no part of. At literally no point in the process did they ever touch it, and in fact actively worked against it. They still work against it and have it banned from most of their competitions

Anonymous No. 185987

That was 95% kickboxing and wrestling, at the very end he rear naked choked him. so are you telling me you need kickboxing and wrestling in order to get a basic choke that even an untrained person could employ on instinct since if you've watched more than 10 MMA fights and have any common sense you can replicate this move.

Once again your example betrays you. Where was the bjj wizardry in that video? Nowhere

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Anonymous No. 185989

look at this exceptional use of BJJ technique
I really admire the way he controls the back before deploying the strangle and finishing his opponent

Anonymous No. 186000

Blue belt Vs civilian

Anonymous No. 186077

It does make some of them idiots if they do not advance in their MMA career and just become jobbers taking fights for 500$ and a six pack. If you don't get to a higher level of competition and the money is shit, doing it as a full time career is stupid.
Of course doing it as a hobby on the side while making ends meet is fine

Anonymous No. 186078

Never said that. But go ahead and hold your pride instead of getting paid. After all it's fighting and you should have pride in it just like you said.
Get your honor tested for 25$ by getting heemed on a concrete floor. Explains why you jumped the gun to assumptions, you'd been brained too many times

Anonymous No. 186082

99% of them have side jobs

Anonymous No. 186083

These guys have a couple of fights on concrete for their excitement and pride. and at least they can say they have tested the limits of no rules reality Hand to hand combat. they even managed to prove stuff like BJJ doesn't work which is very important when we are seeking to find truth you can even think of them as noble test dummies

meanwhile hobbyist grapplers and strikers end up with completely fuckes up joints and head trauma from practicing for years and sparring with barely any benefit and never tested skill in a real situation or know the limits of it. Continuous moduate blows to the brain and sometimes even crippling injuries through accidents

Personally I find the second one even stupider if you really think about it. But I guess youre a simple guy and will just cry about ">muh concrete" yet strangely there hasn't been any KOs from concrete meeting head and there's only like a handful of incidents over the years where people die from that Vs the thousands of fights that happen yearly. Curious.

Anonymous No. 186086

Hey, >>185839 anon here. I personally think the reason these guys are not fighting in pro leauges is their skill level, plain and simple. Most of them are bruisers that dont want to think about the technique. They will probably be much better in any match setting then some more mild hearted hobbyist but you are overestmating their skill level by multiple degrees. Kots fighters are 90% bruiser types that dont drill technique like pro. Dunno why you are ranting on about BJJ, makes this thread looks just as retarded as all the other bait threads here, so to cut to the chase why these people dont train BJJ:
They think its gay. Thats literally it. Im not kidding. The guy i spoken too could never do it bc "its fucking gay" to stay in these sex positions with another man". Judo gets a pass bc it has more frontal throws but yeah, the mindset is retarded. Like i said earlier, there is a reason i stay far away from these people and how they train.

Anonymous No. 186088

You know these guys are fucking themselves up in the gym, on the field (the hooligan stuff) and the streets? Kots just the cherry on top. The bodys of these guys break down at 40 latest. I dunno why you are so hellbent to display them as some sort of based warrior type that doesnt exist in todays society but hey, if you think thats the coolest shit ever, more power to you. For me its just a retarded way of challenging some form of trauma or complex.

Anonymous No. 186089

I didn't say its cool and I don't have the energy to fight in those conditions. I do respect that they teach us what works on concrete. They are trained

Anonymous No. 186140


Anonymous No. 186160

Why? Hes spot on

Anonymous No. 186307

Anonymous No. 186326

Bjj internet defence force!

Anonymous No. 186328

pathetic really, none of them could even beat a highschooler wrestling in the USA

Anonymous No. 186331

Total non sequitur you can learn how to punch and also have a bunch of stupid bullshit included as well. On top of that boxing will teach how to punch better.

Anonymous No. 186335

>they’re still seething, crying, pissing themselves and sticking fingers in their ears

Anonymous No. 186339

Most guys in kots are even less talented